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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

[[ It's fine ^^ ]]

Adriana's face flushed, feeling wanted making her feel embarrassed and flattered. Her eyes began to burn with tears but she dared not cry, so she forced them back. She didn't know how much of an effect - in the positive sense - she had on Harry. They were close when the camp was up and running ever since the "incident". She had forced him to keep it as a secret and did her best to stay away, but he was persistent in becoming friends. But even as friends, she had this nagging feeling that he was simply babysitting her and she made him liable whenever she would snap. But to know that he didn't want to ditch her and run when things got messy, it was a comforting thought.

"I promise,"she said genuinely, looking over her shoulder and giving him a small smile.

When she turned her head back, her eyes widened in awe. Water: the sound, the smell, the sight. The dim pounding as it splashed into each other and over rocks; the aroma of fresh, moving water; and the view. The sun was setting [?] now and the red-orange glow it gave off made the atmosphere calm and warm. The landscape was like a valley: there was an island covered in trees in the center which was surrounded by water and, in turn, surrounded by waterfalls. "Woah,"she finally breathed.

Then things took a sudden turn and they began to descend, but at a quicker speed than their recent pace. He yelled for her to hold on and Adri turned her head to look at him as if he was a psychopath. "HARRY!"she cried out, squeezing her eyes shut for the impact. But it never came. She could feel that they returned to their normal pace and her shoes were grew wet as water seeped into them. She pried one eye open at a time and saw that they were now gliding over the water. "Jerk,"she said, elbowing him,"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Her face then broke into a grin and she began to laugh.
The twins sat in their hotel room arguing; like they typically did when they were alone. Most of the stuff they argued about had no relevance or had to do with something that happened a long time ago. "Ash, our birthday isn't for another two weeks, so please explain to me why you have this?"

Raylene held up a brand spanking new dagger with an dark opal colored blade -that if you looked closely there seemed to be flowing water inside it- an intricately carved handle made from ivory, and a tip so sharp that even the tiniest bit of pressure from that would pierce your skin. There was no doubt in Raylene's mind that it was a scrying mirror, and way to expensive for her sister to have thrown in with her stuff.

"It's an early birthday present from mom?" Raylene rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of her sister's excuse. "Oh really, Which mom? Our goddess mother who hasn't contacted us since we were 7 years old, or our stepmother who doesn't know where in the Hades we are?" Ashlynn sighed leaning her head back against the headboard of her bed. "Neither...." "Then please do explain where could you possibly get money for this from?" Raylene gave her a stern looking crossing her arms.

If Ashlynn wasn't in such a sticky situation at the moment, she probably would have laughed at how the two girls' roles had been reversed. But she was in a stick situation, and this most definitely was not the time to be laughing.

"What's the easiest way I can put this..." -Ash trailed off, thinking of a way to explain her situation to her sister that wouldn't have her skinned alive and hung from the balcony- "I made a deal with the devil?"
Jason looked at Ryan and Cupid as they approached and then at Damien and Anthony shaking his head at the offer of gumbo, "No thanks, I want to try the local food stuffs, but save some for me just in case. kay?" Jason smiled still annoyed at Damien but cool with Anthony
Anthony gave Jason a thumbs up then looked at Helena with a frown. "I'm Anthony Garcia son of Hecate the goddess of magic." Anthony said and then put his hand out for a handshake. "I really hope she's more talkative later in the quest. Can't be friends if she wont be nice." Anthony thought but of course Damian stepped in front of him. "I'm Damian Borrows son of Mars." Damian was about as stupid as the tales of how that kid Leo distracted the river naiads and Narcissus in lake Tahoe. "Come on don't be too hard on me I'm just trying because I'm lonely." Damian thought with the look in his eyes clearly telegraphing the message while his face had a really good fake smile. Anthony laughed at Damian with a smile when his phone vibrated and then he went into the elevator and started going up. He pulled his phone out for a look at what had happened.

Is it done?
Not yet I'll let them have it in the plane
Good that's very good. get it done.
Alright now stop contacting me while they can see me.

Damian wasn't ready to go upstairs just yet. He could feel the not forming in his stomach as he tried to seem kind to the girl in front of him. Anthony however just sighed at him and then went up in the elevator to cook his vegetarian gumbo.
"I hope that whatever this Ambrosia stuff is, it can't fix my missing arm." Violet said. "I really want a robot arm. Oh, it could have lasers, and a flamethrower, and maybe a blade that comes out like Ezio has, it's gonna be awesome!" She was really excited for this. She hoped she didn't seem like too much of a geek talking like this. Well, I guess I don't want them to get the wrong impression, She thought to herself. She chuckled at that. "Anyway, let's go eat!" She said excitedly, ready to try some Brazilian cuisine. She walked over to the elevator, and pressed the button for it to come up. It did, and the doors opened. She walked in, then motioned for the others to do so as well.
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Helena stared at Damian and Anthony, then stepped back when Damian butted in and stepped in front of her with that look on his face...

"Helena Imuuno," She looked AROUND Damian at Anthony, then glanced back at Damian, "Daughter of Hades." She stared Damian in the eyes then turned slowly and walked away, making her way towards the stairs to go up to her room. Ares or Mars, she didn't like either. Except for Evelynn, but... She rubbed her forehead with a sigh, as if she had a headache. This was not the time to even START to break down like she had two days earlier, in private of course. Being a child of Hades sucked...
Raylene crossed her arms waiting for her sister to explain further. "Well?" Ashlynn just shook her head playing with the dagger, twisting it back in forth in her hands. "Ash?" "I can't tell you." Ash mumbled staring intently at the dagger, not willing to meet her sister's eyes. "You can't tell me? Ash, we tell each other practically everything."

Ash sighed looking up at his sister's face briefly before looking away. She hated having her look at her like that; like some puzzle she thought she had figured out but then suddenly she realized she'd left out a piece and was back to base one. "I know, but this is just one of those few things that we don't tell eachoth- Can you please stop looking at me like that?" She pleaded not looking up. "I don't know, can I?" Raylene snapped feeling hurt by her sister's response.

"I'm sorry Ray, I would tell you, but they said I couldn't." "They?" Ray asked confused. "One person- Wait, how do you always do that?" Ash groaned standing up and rubbing her blade's watery surface. Raylene smiled slightly even though she was still upset that her sister wouldn't tell her. "It's a talent." Ash was about to reply back with a smart remark of her own when the surface of her blade began to clear out showing an image that confused her greatly.

"Well, I would love to continue this chat, but it's time to go." Ash said hurriedly pulling on her boots, slipping her dagger into it's holder and shoving it inside her shoe. Raylene copied her sister's actions in confusion and followed her out their door. "Hey, where's Erin?" Ash asked cryptically hopping into the elevator. "She said she was going to have a chat with one of the waiters from the restaurant we were at." Ashlynn nodded hopping off and jogging towards the group of demigods standing next to the other elevator. "Hey guys! So no else is seriously injured besides Violet right?"Ashlynn asked concernedly smiling awkwardly at her sister who was glaring suspiciously at her.
"Damn she shot you down faster than Rose did." Anthony said with a slight smile but Damian just got in the elevator and went to his room. " Always last always knocked to the back of the line. Just like Anthony but why does he seem to enjoy it so much?"

Damian was starting to debate this when he realized that Anthony probably hated being ignored and thrown out as much as he did. "Maybe we aren't so different after all." Damian thought out loud before taking off his armour and getting into regular clothes. He laid on his bed fingers running over his scars and reminding him of why he was so pathetic.

Anthony sat cooking and was praying to Hestia goddess of the hearth for aid. He had a magical fire in front of him that wouldn't burn anything and would cook the food perfectly. He started throwing in vegetables dreading the trip to greenland the next day.

Unknown time greenland.

"Damian if she gets hurt on your watch, i'll kill you." Anthony said pointing to a girl with a lightning bolt on her shield and a hammer in her hand. "Hey Anthony I feel like a female thor." The girl giggled at him.
Raiko woke up from his nap and went down the hall to find his friends. He blacked out. Unconsciously, he went up to his friends near the elevator and pointed his guns to every one of his friends. He started to chant, "DIE! DIE! DIE!" His eyes were glowing red.
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Jason watched the others looking bored jumping when some boy aimed his guns at them chanting Die. "Oh like that's supposed to do something. Jason started forward then stopped abruptly spinning on his toes and activating his shield he swung from right to left intending to knock the crazy kid off of his feet.

(better? sorry thought we were still outside.)

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Max was still sitting on the ground when Raiko held up his guns. "is this kid serious?! I hope he knows what we are." Max thought to himself as he looked at Raiko. Max looked the boy over and noticed he was entranced by something. "Well then this will be interesting." Max noticed Jason as he tried to knock the kid off his feet. "Jay i can do you one better." Max thought as he smiled. Max quickly pulled his feet towards him and kicked off diagonally away from Raiko. He landed a few feet away and put his hand down at begun to spin in a break dance like fashion. He swung his legs down and sent a strong gust of air right towards Raikos legs and righted himself. Max watched Raiko intensely as the gust sailed towards the boy.
Raiko, still unconscious, punched the wave of air and the air dispersed. "Give me your souls or I will take them from you using this boy." A woman's voice came from Raiko. He shot and the ground in front of Max's feet. "NOW!" The woman yelled. He pointed the guns back towards his friends ready to fire.
"The F***!?" Max thought as Raiko deflected the gust with ease "I swear there isn't a single normal demigod alive…..No S*** Max, Why would there be." Max stared at the bullet in the ground and then at the gun. "9mm celestial Bronze… It'll hurt, but i can at least try out that old trick, Better not F*** this up." Max stood up. "You know if you hadn't shot at me maybe i would've given it to you free of charge, But… Sadly at the moment. I don't take orders from women." Max grabbed his bishop piece off his necklace and made it change. When the Chess piece had fully expanded into Max's Glaive he spun it around and readied it behind him and held out his right hand palm facing Raiko. "Now focus on me, and ill focus on you." He thought to himself as he created a small disk of wind in front of his hand.
Raiko, STILL unconscious, shot recklessly at the glaive and the boy. "Die. Die. DIE! A woman will steal all of you souls now!" The being that possessed Raiko was upset. "I will use this boy and shoot every one of you. I will shoot all of you exactly 300 times! And then I will eat your bodies!" Raiko was still shooting bullets.
Max focused quickly on all the bullets flying towards him. "Now or nev-" Max though before the first bullet hit his shoulder. "Dammit dammit dammit!" Max thought as he begun to move hit hand in front of each bullet. When the next bullet neared his hand it doubled over losing all momentum and floated there in front of his hand. Max winced, He could stop the bullet but not the force it held. He moved his hand constantly catching each bullet as it flew towards him, each one causing more pain in his hand. As then next bullet hit Max's hand he rolled away from the remaining bullets flying towards him and he raised a wind shield. He watched as the bullets were stopped inside the shield and held there. He looked around and noticed The reception Desk off to his right. He quickly rushed towards the tree and jumped behind it, but not before he felt a sharp pain spread through his side. He put his back to the desk and looked himself over. He had a giant blood stain on his right shoulder and another one under his right arm. "Dammit why did you have to have guns!" Max thought as he heard bullets pound into the Desk. He looked at his hand. In his hand he held twenty bullets which were covered in blood, He dumped the bullets into his other hand an looked at the damage in his hand. It was minor, but it would slow him down if he tried wielding his glaive in his right hand. "Twenty bullets, better make them count." Max picked up on of the bullets and quickly peeked up over the desk and put a bunch of air pressure behind the bullet and threw it back towards Raiko's leg at twice the speed he was shooting them. As the bullet left Max's hand he felt another bullet graze his ear. Max quickly ducked back down behind the desk. "Why is it that everyone isn't around when all hell breaks lose! What is this and Rp!" He thought to himself as he threw another bullet from the side of the desk.
"You forgot my shield." Jason said as he slammed it against the back of the....boy's head. He held his hand out and his sword activated he turned it into a spear, he swung low and focused on a water pipe below the sidewalk and burst it making gallons of water rise up and surround a possessed Raiko obscuring his view and splashing him at intervals. "Like it, it's for hurting my friend."

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Wet footsteps came down the stairs, slowly, until a very unhappy and very wet Helena stood at the bottom of the stairs, the only thing keeping her decent being a large towel wrapped around her. An inhuman growling could be heard, rumbling deep in the throat of the black haired girl, unleashing a rage yet unseen.

Her jaw just seemed to unhinge like a snake as she shrieked and charged straight past Jason and Max, whipping a washcloth (also wet) from her shoulder and wrapping it around one of the guns in Raiko's hands, the other grabbing the gun in Raiko's other hand, ripping them from his grip and tossing them in the air, then with as much urgency she used the same washcloth to hog-pie Raiko's hands together, knock him down, tie his feet together with an undone loofa, then proceed to knot both hands and feet together with another smaller towel that she had her hair wrapped in previously, frisked him for more weapons and taking them off him if there were any, and all in time to catch the two guns she'd flung in the air with both her hands and point them both down at the now properly tied up Raiko. Her breathing was ragged, but she did not take her eyes off of him.
Raiko getting shot in the leg and hit in the back if his head with a shield AND getting splashed by water AND the washcoth attacks, fell to the ground like a sack if potatoes. His eyes stopped glowing red. He lay there for a moment and then he woke up. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Raiko felt intense pain everywhere. "What the H*ll just happened. Everywhere hurts! Get me a plant!" Raiko was planning on draining the plants life for his own life. "GAAAHHH!!!" Raiko was rolling on the floor in intense pain. He continued screaming and rolling, tied up thanks to Helena.
Max popped his head over the desk and noticed Raiko was conscious again. "Umm… A Plant?" Max Said as he got up letting his arm fall limp by his side. "I think Medical attention would be better for You." Max then looked himself over realizing his nice white shirt was now a dark red he looked up at both of them and put his left hand on the table to steady himself. "Yeah, Medical attention would be lovely." He said as he felt blood running down his arm. "Hey next time can you give us a warning before you try to kill us?" He said to the kid. "And-" Max stopped as he became a little light headed. "huh Deja Vu" He said before promptly passing out on the floor, a small pool of blood forming on the right side of his body.
Raiko saw Max hit the floor and screamed, "2 plants! NOW!!" Raiko hoped they would hurry up and get the plants or this could be the end for Raiko and Max. He looked at Helena, noticed she was in a towel and looked at Jason. "Plants, NOW!" He couldn't wait any Longer. This was a matter of life and death.
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The daughter of Hades growled menacingly then kicked a plant over in front of Raiko, then grumbled, walking briskly past Jason and Max again, shoving the guns into Jason's hands and practically shouted, "COULD YOU TRY TO NOT GET KILLED WHILE I'M TAKING A SHOWER PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" before disappearing up the stairs then shouted, "F*** PUBLIC INDECENCY!"
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Jason stopped all movement when he saw Helena approaching including his breathing which made her quick handling of Raiko very favorable, he also had a sort of dumb look on his face from noticing her only in a towel. "Well...that's attractive." He turned and walked away to the edge of the sidewalk and pull two large plants from the ground and tossed them to Raiko. his breathing returning to normal yet a dumb loom remained on his face. He mosied over to Max and slipping an arm over his shoulder help him hobble to the noticed ruffian whispering in his ear as they moved. "I think I just instantly developed a crush." he glanced at Helena as they passed but then reverted his eyes setting Max down and sitting. "Am I going nuts Bishop?"

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Raiko used all of his strength to drain the 2 plants. He put his hands to Max first, drained one of the plants and healed Max completely. Then he drained another plant for himself. It took a little bit of time but he was able to heal Max and himself. He muttered, "Thanks." Then put his head down for a rest.
The elevator closed on Violet before anyone else went in. "Okay... Just leave me to go downstairs alone..." She said, pretty much to herself. The elevator reached the bottom floor just in time for Violet to see Helena, naked but for a towel, kick the ass of Raiko. She heard Jason say "Well... that's attractive." Violet laughed. She agreed, but didn't feel like getting her ass whipped by Helena, so she didn't say anything.

After Raiko and Max were healed, Violet walked up to them and asked "The hell was all that about?"

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