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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Violet smiled. "Yeah, you did. It still sucks though... I can feel spasms of... pain, or something where my arm used to be." She said. "It feels really weird. But the robot arm sounds cool."
Helena stabbed out the last few basilisks and kicked at the piles of dust. Then she sighed and stretched, her sword turning back into a bracelet automatically, before she clipped it to her wrist. "Daaaaaaamn, you guys got your asses handed to you." She said, walking over to Max and Jason, with a hand on her hip. "What the hell happened?"

Right at that moment, Alec jumped out of the hotel doors, with his knife in hand and mid battle-cry, but stopped the moment he saw all the dust and lack of basilisks. ".... DAMNIT!"

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"Woah" Max said his feet settled back on solid ground. Then he heard Helena. "I got my Ass handed to me?! I took out at least 50 of those stupid lizards!" He walked towards helena using his glaive to steady his balance. "Im exhausted from having to dispatch Twenty of those beast at a single time. Twice!" He stop walking and regained his balance. "I don't know actually. I just heard from Cupid that there were monsters around and i came to fight." Then he looked at her "Or if you're talking about us "getting our asses handed to us" then you're wrong cause it didn't happen." He said shrinking his staff back down into Chess piece form. He clipped it back onto his necklace. "Anyways what took you so long to drop down and join the fight?! I mean I asked if you were gonna help right before i came down here!"
Ryan said, "There's a reason for everything Violet. Even if we can't see what the reason is at the moment....literally CAN'T SEE!" He furrowed his brows a bit then resumed, "Anyway that's good that I changed your outlook". Cupid turned around to view the fight, "They're done". Suddenly, Ace bursted into the hotel room, "WHO'S READY TO EAT?" Cupid looked at Ace, "Where...the hell...have YOU been?" Ryan thought to himself "Some people just love to play hide and seek. Where's Joakim? Where's Jack? Where's blah blah blah? Oh you know, just somewhere around here".
Jason glared at Helena activating his hield only to draw his second sword and retract the shield. "Mind saying that again." His grip on his swords tightened and he grit his teeth. "That's alot of talk for someone that did relatively NOTHING! Compared to what most everyone else here did you just swatted some flies!" he growled. Jerika took a step back ignoring the looks guys gave her as they passed reminded her that she was in her bikini and she yanked Jason's oversized hoodie off of him and wrapped it around herself. "I'm sensing a sparring match between some testy big three kids."

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"I was arguing with Alec about taking the elevator."

"It's a thing CIVILIZED PEOPLE do!"

"And YOU missed the fight!" She said, turning to look at him, then her shoulder's slumped. The son of Aphrodite had swiftly turned and walked away, grumbling to himself. "God, I'm a f***ing idiot." She said, more to herself then anyone else. She couldn't believe she'd just yelled at her best friend like that.
"Jay calm down." He said "Let's not start a fight." He sat down on the ground and sighed "Ugh" Max flopped backwards and laid on his back looking up at the sky. "My F****** Gods in tired. Too much power usage, and what the hell happened to me during the fight… It was like I became a different person."Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath "I felt like i was devoid of emotion and that i would kill anything that challenged me." He sighed again. He opened his eyes to look at everyone and his stomach grumbled. "Um… Is anyone else hungry? Cause i am." He sat up and realized he couldn't move his legs very well. "Umm…. Can i get a hand?"
Ace yelled, "To the elata- CUPID HAS WINGS?!" Cupid walked around the room, "I thought you would never notice Hulk". Cupid let his wings merge into his back, "Why don't we get some Brazilian food since WE ARE IN BRAZIL". Ryan started to walk to the door, "Sounds good to me! I didn't even have any lunch today". Ace turned to Ryan, "Oh yeah...because you decided to play a video game and switch your real life avatar". Cupid walked out of the door and got confused, "Ace that does not even make any sense".
"Yaaa, I think I'm good for food for a while. I just drained two things in a row. Sorry but I might just stay in the room for a while. I am a bit full... on life essence. So ya, I'm taking a nap. Just leave a note of what place your going so I'll catch up later." Raiko said catching his breath. He laid down on the bed and started to sleep.
Anthony gave a huff as a large kurpoi swung at him and he stepped out of the way. He superman punched it with the lip of his shield and it nearly fell but came back with a strong punch. Anthony fell onto his back but rolled through following his instincts. " Man that hurt a bit." Anthony thought before charging his opponent with no regard for safety. Anthony ducked under a swing and grabbed a handful of dirt he threw it up at the monster's eyes. Damian rolled and kicked the now blind monster on the gut making it stumble. Damian got on his and and knees. " Just like Alaska." Anthony jumped off his back and landed on the kurpoi's chest knocked it over. He delivered three strong rights then a left. Anthony then finished it off by decapitation with his shield. Damian gave a laugh as he walked up. "Dude with a beating like that you should have been telling like Thor." Anthony and Damian both laughed a little as Anthony lifted the kurpoi's head as his trophy. "How dare he strike the son of hecate!" Anthony yelled causing the last two kurpoi to run away. The two started walking to the hotel again laughing their a**es off.
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Jason huffed then at Max's request he grabbed his forearm and pulled him up. "Sorry still...edgy from the fight and nearly bleeding out. Food does sound good though after a day like ours we really should refuel, wanna see if the others are ready to go?"

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Ace, Cupid, and Ryan made their way to the elevator. "There's a Brazilian restaurant across from here!" Ace responded. Cupid nodded then thought "Is that where all that good smelling...goodness comes from?" Ryan said, "We need to find the others first, and we must discuss Violet's new cyborg arm thing!"
"Thanks bro." Max said as he was hoisted to his feet. "We should let everyone know that all the Basilisks are gone." He looked over and saw Anthony and Damian start towards the hotel laughing. "I think that we should follow their example and he in." Max smiled and mistakenly tried to take a step. Max tripped and fell forward and crashed into Helena sending them both to the ground. "Owch." Max said before realizing who he had just landed on. "Oh s***! Uh sorry Helena I guess I'm not in the best shape to walk on my own." He said getting up off of her and scratching the back of his head.


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Ryan, Ace, and Cupid exited the elevator and found the others. Ace announced, "Hey guys! We're going to get some food at that Brazilian restaurant. Want to join us?"

Ace's stomach grumbled and he quickly made his way to the door. Cupid and Ryan approached the others.

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Helena didn't even notice Max walking in her direction. She was more worried about Alec, but when Max did run into her, she totally lost her balance and fell down with him, faceplanting on the ground. She stayed there for a moment, then sat up with a sigh, then hauled herself up once Max was off of her, and muttered, "It's alright. No harm done.." She got to her feet and readjusted her jacket, then sighed and walked into the hotel, "You guys get something to eat without me... Not like anybody cares anyway.."
"Hey there." Damian said in a particularly flirty voice to Helena before being punched in the shoulder by Anthony. "Sorry about him my cousin's a idiot." Anthony stated before putting a hand out for the girl to be friendly. "I'm going to be cooking later making gumbo want some?" He asked as they reached they walked. "Damian i'm pretty sure she is another child of mars." Anthony thought before taking a deep breath.
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Helena looked up at Damian, with a confused look, then looked at Anthony. "....No gumbo for me, thanks.... Who are you?" She said, not taking his hand. She didn't offer to take his hand, she was not feeling the friendly mood. Nor did she feel like humoring the Hulk over there, and she did not have any interest in finding a replacement for that certain someone... She stared, waiting for an answer.
Jack woke up slowly but surely in a puddle of his own sweat, unaware of the battle going on below him due to his headphones in blaring his favorite music. Jack walked down to his hotel room and took a shower, greased Mamore up, and put on a sleeveless shirt with cargo shorts and a five panel hat. As he walked out of his room and out of the hotel it was very clear what his friends had done with their time. His friends were all tattered , adorned in scratches, and standing In a pile of dust. "Hey , ummmm, you guys ok? "He asked scratching his head, as he felt guilty for not helping out.
Ryan looked at Jack, "Hello. Quick question....you think you can make our friend Violet here an arm? Like a cool arm so she can be cyborg-ish? It will help the group too". Ace started walking across the street to the Brazilian place, "I'm going to reserve seats!" Ryan looked at the people who fought with the basilisks. He moved his hands through his hair then said, "Hm so I'm guessing we'll catch an afternoon flight tomorrow so you guys can have a chance to rest and get all fixed up?...Or we can stay another day, but then Jethro might come back with his scientists then who knows what happens next?"
savagePEST said:
Adriana scoffed at the notion, shaking her head gently. They flew in silence, the only sounds being Harry's wings and the wind. After a while, she opened her mouth; perhaps she could pry out a hint from Harry about where they were going. However, he beat her too the punch, asking if she believed it was a good idea to stay in such a large group of demigods. "I think it's pretty safe,"she answered, disagreeing with his opinion,"I mean, safety in numbers, ya'know? It seems that this group is pretty strong, seeing as they purposefully went to the scientist HQ and took it down without losing anyone. And honestly, at this point, I feel better surrounded by other half-bloods than being alone again, 'cause I had no one to back me up when they caught me."
Adri bit her lip as she remembered her capture. She had ran, just like everyone else, and had been in New York City, believing the hustle and bustle of the city would keep her hidden and inconspicuous. She was stuck over whether to stay or to try and make contact with the other demigods; she dared not return home. It was so close to the ambush that she was afraid to use IM, so she waited it out. But, ultimately, she should have just left the state entirely. Going under a different name, having stolen someone's ID and copied their features, she had rented an apartment above a shop she was working at, just for some extra cash in her pocket. Looking back now, it was still a stupid move to make when the real Kerry Welch can report a stolen ID and the fact that she wasn't renting an apartment in the city.

There was a knock at the door and Adriana simply assumed it was the landlord. So when she opened the door and came face to face with two unfamiliar men, she panicked. Copying the same person so long was a challenge, where the constant barrage of memories - as well as the voices - that weren't her own causing random headaches; at some points, she actually believed she was Kerry Welch. Not even allowing the men to create a fictitious story, she attacked them, slapping her palms on the nearest furniture and ordering them to attack. Then, she had snapped. Adri couldn't remember what happened, only the very end. Cold laughter bubbled from her throat and she willed to stay awake, but she only grew more tired and weak. Then she fell to the floor, her hair becoming wet and the sharp smell of metal reaching her nose. Her eyelids drooped, but before closing them` she came face to face with one of the men, a dead look on his face as blood pooled from his -

'Stop,'she ordered herself, noticing that she was shaking, refusing to pursue the memory. She looked at Harry from over her shoulder, taking care to notice his facial expression; disappointing him pained her. She didn't want to make it seem as if she wasn't comfortable to be alone with him and didn't trust him. "Until this group proves unsafe, I think it's better to stay."
Jack's face flushed at the idea at first, but quickly he regained confidence. "I could make the most BADA** bionic arm that there has EVER BEEN!" . He paused for a second , Jack hoped he wouldn't sound to proud of his own abilities. "Although isn't A missing arm something a little ambrosia can fix?". Only being in camp for a little bit he hoped this wouldn't make them think he was an idiot. Secretly though he hoped that he was wrong.

Already schematics were going through his head, "Perhaps a laser on it?... no too impractical...... Maybe it could have a sword on it and shoot greek fire!" He thought .


Harry Listened to Adriana with care and thought over what he would say to her. Her answer pained him, But perhaps she was right. They both used to live by themselves. It had worked out for Harry just fine , but perhaps the same wasn't true for Adriana. Noticing Adri shaking he tightened his grip on her a bit, thinking she was scared of falling.Harry answered her after flying a bit in silence saying," Ok, well stay..... But promise me, if things ever go awry and the group can no longer defend from the scientists that you will leave with me... I want to make sure y... were safe. I don't know what I would do without you." Harry didn't know what he would do without Adriana, he hadn't know her long but she was the only one he trusted. She was the only one he had.

(This is the place he takes her)


Soon after Harry finished talking they arrived at the iguazu falls. "HOLD ON!" Harry yelled as he reached the edge of the falls and dove down into the mist below, accelerating quickly and turning up at the last second before hitting the water laughing the whole way. After correcting their flight he dragged their feet in the water . He was sure to grip Adri very tightly the whole way.

(sorry for taking for ever to post @savagePEST I didnt see your post the first time you posted it :) )

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