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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Violet heard Cupid's voice faintly. "What... do you... think?" she asked. "My arm... It... hurts... so much..." The pain was immense. It felt like the sun was burning inside her arm. She looked at him. "Wings? When... did you... get... those?" she said, trying to get her mind off of the pain.
"Eh not too long ago" Cupid responded then added, "But it doesn't matter right now. I'm pretty sure Noah's medicine bag is in Ryan's room. Do you give me permission to bring you to his room?...I mean I already broke the window so it will be quick". The child of Aphrodite shot three consecutive arrows at another creature.
Cupid yelled, "AAAAAAHHHH SH*T OKAY!" He quickly scooped Violet up and started to fly, "Eh...still new to this flying thing". Cupid flew into the room avoiding the glass pieces scattered on the floor. The medicine bag was at the corner of the room and Ryan was still asleep. Cupid put Violet on the bed then quickly got the medicine bag. He dug his hand inside and found a bottle, "Balsislsks...however you say it. That's what bit you right Violet?"
"I... think... so..." Violet says, still in extreme agony. Wasn't that what Anthony had called them? She hoped so. "My... arm... gone..." She said. A large portion of her forearm was now gone.
"Drink this please" Cupid said as he held the bottle out to Violet. "It's for that creature thing. It should help kill the poisonous agents inside of you...I think. ANYWAY this is definitely for that" He gestured to the monsters. "Here ya go" Cupid shook the bottle in from of Violet.
"Okay..." She grabbed it with her good hand, her right one, and drank some. By now, her entire left forearm is gone. "Hopefully... It... works..."
Gade went to one side to vomit loudly at one of the monsters. She watched writh and struggle before going to attack her. She batted it away and threw a card and killed it.(sorry, couldn't think of anything else.).
Cupid responded, "Um go ahead and lie down on either Ryan or Ace's bed. Actually just go on Ryan's because Ace might get all hulky and stuff. Feel anything?" He sat down on the chair he was on before, "Need anything?" Cupid's wings went back into his back and his back turned back to normal, "Woah...ha that feels weird".
Violet stood up. Her arm had stopped disintegrating, but her entire left forearm was gone. "Um... My arm is kind of gone," she said as she layed down on Ryan's bed.
Cupid said, "I don't really know how to get that back. We might have to wait until after this attack to see if/how we can get it back. Maybe the others may have an idea". He glanced at Ryan still asleep, "He hasn't made any movement or sound has he?" Cupid started to get nervous so he got off the chair and made his way to them.
"So... should I just stay here for the rest of the fight?" Violet asked. She didn't like the idea of staying back while everyone else fought without her, regardless of her injuries.
"I'm sorry. How well can you fight with one arm oh wise child of Athena? If you want to try fighting like this, then you can. I'm not going to stop you. Just remember that the medicine can stop the poison, not regenerate your body parts" Cupid responded looking back at the fight. I wonder where the others are.
Cupid looked at Violet, "I mean...you can go if you want. Do you have a long range weapon? Oh maybe we can help them out! What if we fly and you tell the others what those creatures' next moves are while I shoot?" He glanced at the monsters that started with the letter "B".
Gade looked around. "Okay, I can probably get all of us out of here." She announced. "Firstly is everyone here and secondly where do you all wanna go." She looked around. "I know that some of you won't recognize me but for the sake of getting out of here, trust me."
"You!?, kick my a**!? Oh please our records 50/50 and I was referencing our army of two moments." He spun cutting more snakes and a kurpoi down he heard Violet scream but was blocked by more monsters "Dammit!" He hoped she wasn't dead and tried to fight his way to her, but found that Cupid had..flown down? He didi a double take as he noticed Cupid looking alot like, Cupid. He nearly got bit by five different basilisks but froze their mouths midair their fangs in ice and unable to bite. He backed up shield raised against a particularly fierce kurpoi. Then he heard Lady Gade speak asking about where they wanted to go. "Are you kidding me!? If we leave they'll go straight for the others, why don't you teleport them?" Jason started to feel fatigued the same kurpoi that attacked him with such ferocity now started throwing itself at his shield. He kneeled and searched for a pattern in the collisions, a moment passed and the monster landed on the shield lingering too long giving Jason his opening. "Max heads up!!" He pushed up from his crouch and jump pushing the demon off his shield and into the air. He turned just as another kurpoi attacked the basilisks thinning out and mostly concentrated on Anthony and Damian. Jason steeped back in surprised mentallh kicking himself for not followi mg through with a diagonal slash from hip to shoulder as his mother taught him. His lesson was reinforced as the demon plunged a clawed hand ito his abdomen making him cry out in pain. The kurpoi couldn't celebrate as the edge of Jason's shield connected with it's temple dusting it immediately. "Sonofab****!" Jason held his wound with his shield arm, keeping his sword mobile cutting down the few monsters that attacked him. "Gotta..get....to that pool..." He stumbled forward trying to work his way to the hotel door.

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Cupid grew out his wings again then he looked at Violet, "Um let's see..." He lied down on the ground, "Maybe you can just get on my back then? Don't worry, my wings won't hit you off. This way I would be able to shoot those things down at the same time. What do you think?"

Ryan turned a little on the bed and slowly started to wake up. As he turned, Ryan moved his hand to the nightstand to turn the clock toward him.
"Okay..." She climbed on his back. "Are you sure I'll be able to stay on with one arm?" She asked, trying not to imagine herself falling and dying in a horrifying fashion.
Cupid thought for a moment then let his arrow holder appear in front of him, "You can hold onto this strap". His wings merged back into his back and he wore his arrow holder backwards, "There....so you can hold this strap behind me while I get arrows from my torso area and shoot". He let his wings out then added, "You won't fall. Just hang on".
Max spun and sent a wind wave through the basilisk leaving it in two pieces. He saw Jason moving towards the Hotel. Max kicked backwards towards Jason. He saw the cut in his side and realized what Jason was trying to do. "Ill cover you while you get to the pool." Max watched as the grass around them started rustling. "S*** Well no time like the present." Max grabbed the glaive in two hands and twisted. The solid staff bended and became chain-like. The chain retracted into the handle leaving Max with a awkward looking knife with a giant blade on a tiny handle. He flipped the blade in his hands. "Go!" Three basilisks jumped out at the two of them and Max smiled. He swung the knife at the Basilisks who were a distance away. When the blade started into the arc the Chain that had previously retracted into the handle extended and flew at the beasts. The three basilisks became dust as the blade came back to Max. "Nice it works Perfectly!" He said as He held the Whip in his hands. He let the blade touch the ground and gave himself a bit of extra length. "Hey who do i remind you of?" He asked cheerfully as he cracked the whip against the ground. "Get going ill stay behind you and keep yah safe until you're all healed up." He spun the whip and sent it into another basilisk. Max watched as suddenly the grass around them sprung to life as twenty more Basilisks jumped out of the grass. Max tackled Jason into the doors of the Hotel as the beasts flew at him. "Please work!!" He shouted he began to swing the whip around him. The basilisks flew towards him and Max's whip vanished with only a humming sound to be heard. Max smiled as his plan started working. The basilisks all stopped and reared back. They all jumped up and towards him straight towards Max. Max smiled as they all turned to dust upon connecting to the whip which was flying around him at extremely fast speed. As the last Basilisk turned to dust, Max stopped the whip from spinning. Max wobbled trying to regain his balance and strength. He twisted the handle and the whip returned to being a glaive and he leaned on it. "Damn… Too… much…" Max knelt down and watched the grass. "You're… not… gonna… kill me…" He readied his glaive. "You keep coming at me and ill keep cutting you down!" Max stood up and returned to a battle stand. "You're not getting to my friend."
Cupid flapped his wings and flew out of the room over to the others, "Alright Violet any moves you can see?" He shot one of the creatures then encircled the area around them from the top.

Ryan turned the clock toward him and opened his eyes, "Oh yeah...blind yay. I forgot" The son of Zeus slowly sat up on the bed then felt a piercing pain through his head, "AAAAAAAHHHHH! This was worse than before..." He lied back down on the bed and closed his eyes, "GAAAH!" It felt as if something was repeatedly piercing his head. Ryan grabbed the blanket and clenched his fists, "What the AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He ripped the blanket as he screamed. The pain then increased its range by making Ryan's eyes ache as well. He bit his lip to prevent himself from screaming more, "Mmm...AAAAHHH!" Maybe I can just die right now? IT FEELS LIKE MY EYES ARE BURNING! My head....my head feels like it's being stabbed by a sword. This pain...where is it coming from?
Raiko stepped out of his room and heard a scream. He sprinted to where it came from. He knocked on the door violently. He had one hand in his back pocket ready to pull his pistol out and fight. "Is everything ok in there?" He asked through the door.
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