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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Anthony rolled onto one knee and caught the shield and started blocking with it. "That's a nice trick clairvoyance." Anthony said before before running at her. He jumped and called himself up behind the shield to try and land on her.
"It's only because i'm playing nice." Anthony said while looking at her. He clicked his tongue once and Spike started running at her from behind. Meanwhile Anthony threw his shield to the right of her and did a baseball slide towards her left ready to grab her leg i'd she tried to move forward and kick it if she moved left.
Harry got up and held Adriana, and started to flap his wings , just barely hovering above the edge of the roof. "No promises" He said with a smirk as He swooped down over the building and started to fly east. Seeing the world from this perspective was very humbling, All the mortals below him going on with their lives like they really mattered. It was nice to just be alone wit someone he could trust.
Adriana gave the group a small wave before Harry grabbed onto her. She felt her feet no longer touch the ground, just air. She kicked her feet a bit, the feeling surreal. With his reply, she looked over her shoulder and playfully scowled at Harry, but grabbed onto his wrists - just in case. Then they dived a bit and Adri emitted a small yelp as they suddenly picked up speed. She sighed once they leveled out and flew at a calm pace, but she could feel her heart thudding in her chest.

Like anyone would, she looked down. It was a sight to behold. The town below them reminded her of Lego cities and the people, as the phrase goes, were as small as ants. The water was beautiful, the sun reflecting off its waves and boats sailing past. But then she grew dizzy and looked forward, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. Rarely did she ever fly without a plane to allow her two. When she opened them, she asked over the wind: "So, where are we going?"
"You're really good at using your powers." Anthony said getting up. He pulled his watch out of his pocket. It had reappeared after the shield fell off the roof. Spike tried to jump on Violet to lick her face.
Ryan stayed seated on the couch. He heard a few stories being told around him regarding having a family and punching a bully's face. Ryan furrowed his brows and smiled a little as he listened to the different stories. Suddenly, the same sharp pain as earlier shot through his head again, "Ah!" He leaned back on the couch low enough to have his head be supported by the couch's backrest.
"Thanks. I've had a lot of practice." Violet said. Spike then managed to jump on her, and the wolf licked her face. "Down boy, down!" Violet said.
"Spike get off her before she throws you off. Obviously you need to practice foreseeing dog lickings." Anthony joked as Spike got down and started to bounce around playfully like a overgrown puppy. Anthony however started praying to his mother. "Mom........mom.......momma..... Hi." Anthony started laughing since he loved jokes like that. "Alright now seriously can I get some nectar or ambrosia down here please."
"Hecate the goddess of magic. And not that stuff they do in vegas that's just a load of c**p." Anthony said as he kept his eyes closed. " Come on mom something, anything, I need your help here and that doesn't happen often." Anthony was on his knees and could feel the gravel digging into his flesh while the breeze blew across the roof messing up his black hair. Spike gave a shake and his armor and dog tag blinked against each other.

Damian could smell the crisp small of acid in the wind. Something was coming and he could smell it but he wasn't sure what it was yet. " Let's hope it's only a Basilisk I can handle those but a hydra. Damian felt a sudden chill run up his spine and shuddered at it. "Those things give the the creeps especially after Alaska."
"Magic? Cool." Violet said. It seemed everyone else got the show-offy powers, and all she could do was see things a couple seconds before they happen. "What exactly can you do? Magic seems like a pretty non-specific area of expertise."
"And it is very non specific. I specialize in summoning animals and minor protection." Anthony said with a sigh while waiting for Hecate to respond. "She always tries to take her sweet time like this aren't her children important enough to save?" Anthony thought as he kept his eyes shut hoping for a answer to his prayers. He could smell something fowl in the air and knew what it was. A basilisk or maybe multiple. The poison on them was putting off a strong acidic smell. They had to be far off but they wouldn't be wandering around. "Monsters never wander they have places they love to nest in and they always find their way home." Anthony thought he got up and ran to the elevator. "Violet let's get going we got company on the way. Highly violent poisonous fire spitting company. We need to tell the others."

Damian had finally recognized the smile and he himself grinned. "Axios!" Damian yelled grabbing his weapons. He ran down the hall his heart pumping and his nerves were excited. "Time to show them how Roman's fight monsters." Damian thought to himself banging on the doors that the demigods were in on his way outside. "We got little crowns coming from the west they don't seem to know we're here so let's give em hell!" He yelled trying to update everybody he could so he would have a audience.
"You mean monsters?" Violet asked. She couldn't fight monsters! Especially not with just a pocketknife. Why couldn't mom give me a better weapon? She wondered. 
Violet ran to the elevator with him. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! She thought. What am I supposed to do?! I don't know how to fight monsters!
Ryan felt the space around him and slowly stood up. Just a random pain shooting through my head every two minutes or something. Is this even considered a headache? I guess it's best to go to the room now then.... He walked around the couch and put his hand on the wall. Ryan used the wall to guide him to the elevator. A random man had already pressed the up button and opened the elevator door. The pain shot through Ryan's head again causing him to fall into the open elevator, "...ow". Ryan quickly stood up and leaned against the elevator wall after pushing a floor button.
Jason was thoroughly zoned out, his eyes glazed over but the odd film moved like crashing waves. His ears were full of the sounds of the ocean and his consciousness was being fed information from his father, the gods were outraged and he was being told why not believing it until he was given a vision of it, Evelynn and Mason were dead, killed by super elite hunters that had been at the mansion when they arrived. His father released him after giving him some words of advice, or that's what he claimed it sounded more like a riddle. He snapped back to attention as two new kids ran towards the elevator hurriedly. "That's gotta be bad news." He hopped up and ran after them waving his arm "Hold up!" He slid in just in time and looked at the two. "What's the situation, Oh I'm Jason by the way Poseidon's very confused son. Ever heard of the Ocean touching the skies?"
Max stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button to take him to floor where everyones room was. He felt strange like something wasn't right, but he shrugged it off. "Why does my body always give false alarms instead of actual warnings." He thought as he looked up. He noticed Gade wasn't in the elevator. "Huh, must've sent the elevator down to fast. Eh doesn't matter he can teleport." He heard the ding of the elevator and stepped out into the hallway. He pulled out the room key. "Okay which room was it again?" Max squinted at the key card "Room 96? Or…no… Damn Dyslexia." He found room 96 and slid the key card into the lock. The door opened up and he walked inside. He took off his bag that was strapped to his back and tossed it onto the bed. He sat down on the end and unclipped his chess piece from around his neck. He summoned his weapon, the monk staff gleaming from the sunlight coming through the window. "This is stupid… How do i fight with this?" He thought angry at how he could only bend air through it and not cut anything. "That's it!" Max set the staff down and walked to the door. He pulled the Do Not Disturb sign off of the table that it was set on, and opened the door. He looked out into the hallway looking both ways, before he stuck the sign on the door handle and closed the door. He walked back over to his bed and grabbed his bag. "I should still have that damn thing with me…. where is it." He said to himself as he dug through his bag looking for what he needed. "Ah here we go!" He pulled out a futuristic looking box and set it down on the bed. "Sam for once one of you "missions" paid off." He waved his hand over the top of the box and it opened up revealing an amazing amount of tools. "Man Mason would love this." He said as he picked up one of the tools. "Lets hope that they work on you. Man i wish i had my old staff." Max set the staff tip on the box and got to work.

15 minutes later Max was done He held the Bishop piece in his hand and took a deep breath. He focused and squeezed the chess piece. The piece expanded in his hand to reveal his new weapon. The monk staff had been remade. The length of the staff had been increased by half making it longer than he was tall. At the end of the pole where once sat a pointed tip with rings on a loop, now sat a large celestial bronze blade. Max smiled in delight at his new creation. "This is definitely better than my cross staff. That was child's play compared to this… Maybe Mason could help make improvements to it." He switched the staff to his other hand and sighed after looking at his right hand. "Like not having the thing slice my damn hand open every time i need to use it." Max shrunk his new Glaive back into chess piece form and re-clipped it onto his necklace. He walked into the bathroom with his bag in his other hand. He turned the faucet on and began to wash the blood from the cut. He frowned at the cut, it went deep into his hand and it hurt like a B****. "*sigh* I guess this is what i deserve for making changes to one of my fathers gifts." He began wrapping his hand up in bandages. He pulled out a small piece of ambrosia and quickly ate it. He went an sat back down on his bed. "I guess I should let Evelyn and Mason know where we're going…" He reached into his bag and cursed. "D*****! I left al my Drachma with my Mother… Maybe Ryan has some… I hope he's around." He got up and walked to the door. he grabbed the do not disturb sign off the door handle and tossed it into the room. He stepped into the hallway and closed the door.
Ashlynn, Raylene, and Erin walked out of the hallway completely drained but decided to follow the other demigods anyway. We can't just have one break from monsters? Ashlynn thought tiredly leaning her head back against the elevator wall.
"Some sort of monster is coming." Violet explained. "And this isn't the time. I don't care about the Ocean touching the skies. We have monsters to fight." Not that she was planning on actually fighting the monsters. She could hardly fight at all, and all she had was a pocketknife. Maybe she could borrow a weapon from one of the others... Nah, she wouldn't want to have one of them lack a weapon. They were more qualified to use them. She'd just keep her pocketknife. She wondered how well a pocketknife against a monster. Probably not very well. She pictured herself standing up to some fearsome beast with nothing but her pocketknife.
"Yes monsters basilisks to be exact. Don't worry about the whole death by eye contact thing it's a load of bulls**t." Anthony claimed as he started hitting the button for the elevator to go down. "Search that toothpick for a button or something. Some weapons can change shape with a button of some sort." He felt his heart pumping and he was excited that he got to be in the fray again. "Well basilisk we will meet again." Anthony thought as the elevator went to the floor their rooms were on. Damian squeezed into the elevator. "Lets go." He said as a fact. Anthony pushed Violet out of the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. "Go grab the others." Damian inhaled a few times then sniffed. "Dude it smells like salt water in here." Damian said with a smile.
"Okay." Violet said. She looked over her pocketknife for some sort of switch or something. She couldn't see any buttons or anything. Then it occurred to her that she hadn't even pulled out the actual knife of the pocketknife. She decided to try. She pulled it out, then jumped back as it suddenly transformed into a short sword. "Okay, that's really cool. Thanks mom." She then realized that she didn't know which rooms any of the other demigods were in. "Shit..."
As Max made his way to the elevator he began to wonder. "I wonder why Mason and Evelyn haven't gotten here yet, Maybe they are at the airport now?!" He thought "Regardless, if I can find Ryan then i could let them know to wait there. After all its not like we'll be here much longer." He Pulled his Necklace off and looked at it, and bit his lip. "Im gonna need something to protect my hand, or I'm just gonna constantly cut myself." Max knelt down and pulled his bag off his back. He began to dig through it looking for something. "*sigh* I need to reorganize this thing when i get the chance. Ah Here it is." Max pulled out a brown leather biker glove and slipped it on. "There we go! This won't be cut through by that stupid blade." He put his bag back on his back and pushed the button to call the elevator up. When the elevator arrived on the floor Max walked in and into Ryan who was in the elevator. "Owch! Oh sorry Ryan"
The elevator opened up and Ryan stepped out onto the floor where the demigods' rooms were on. Did someone say something? Ryan turned to the right and let his hand search for the room numbers next to the doors. He mumbled, "No..the numbers don't have that fancy pop up writing that other places do". Ryan walked down the hall not knowing where in the world he was going. Each step he took in that random direction prompted him to grow furious. Why did I even come back here? I can't do ANYTHING! I should have just rented one of Paolo's rooms. Maybe become a driver like him!...oh wait a minute BLIND PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE! The pain went through Ryan's head another time causing him to drop down to his knees, "Ah!" Ryan put his hands to his head then moved his hands to ground. He furrowed his brows, "JETHRO!" Ryan stood up and increased his walking pace. Next time I see that guy I'm going to rip him to shreds. Ryan clenched his fists then carried on with his thoughts, "and th-". The child of Zeus stopped walking then blinked a few times. "..forgot I have no powers. If the scientists can teleport then they probably have other cool power-ish gadgets too" Ryan said silently and sighed. WHY THE HELL CAN'T I JUST MEET UNCLE HADES NOW? WE MIGHT ALL DIE ANYWAY! Congrats Jethro...you have succeeded in making me suffer.

Ryan took a deep breath then moved his hands through his hair. Quit the madness. What the heck? You're not Ace...relax. You're not useless and Jethro did not succeed in making you suffer. "He never will succeed" Ryan mumbled. Find your way to your room. Ranting in your head and walking around with no idea as to where the heck you are going is useless. Go and relax in your room because your thoughts are flying all over the place, and your emotions are being influenced by them...you're not even thinking to yourself in first person anymore....SNAP OUT OF IT. Bakit ganito ang isip mo!...did you seriously just think to yourself in Tagalog? WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING IN MY HEAD?! Ryan suddenly started to feel weak and he involuntarily fell toward the wall on his left side. What did Jethro inject in me?
As they glided very quickly through the air Harry felt absolutely free and relaxed. All the worldly things that held Harry back on the ground were gone up here. All you could hear was the air going by your ear, none of the chatter and cars below. The only thing that mattered up here was Him and Adriana. "Its a secret, but Ill tell you its something I have always wanted to see!" He smiled just thinking about the nice surprise that Adriana was in for. As they started to fly farther and farther away from civilizations the scenery below them changed to a beautiful forest. Harry continued to pick up speed as he looked down at Adriana looking for her reaction to how pretty it looked from up here.

Jack was determined as he practiced, although feeling very drained from his practice. As he continued to beat the ever living shit out of a pillar of rock, ignoring the others who were leaving, he finally was content with his work and hit the pillar one last time with all of the energy he had left and crumbled the pillar to dust. Completely drained he fell on his face and slept, on the roof covered in a pool of his own sweat. He hadn't practiced in a while and needed an intense practice session like this one.

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