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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Oh, you wouldn't want me to break your other arm, would you?" Violet said, enjoying teasing him. She was glad she'd made a good friend in him. 
She walked over to the elevator with him.
"We can keep sparring after I get this splinted." Anthony said with a laugh as he hit the lobby button. "And after we find Ryan of course."
"Yeah." Anthony said before sticking my photo of me and Rosalinda into Violet's pocket. "Keep that for me."
"I want to know somebody else can keep my secrets." Anthony said before leaving the elevator. "Yo Ryan you in here!" He yelled into the lobby.
"Well then i'll just have to splint this myself and hope it works." Anthony said as he started got to the elevator. He gave a sigh and hit the button for the floor their rooms where on.
"No thanks I like my nurses cute and straight. Plus I don't want you touching my arm it is way to scarred." Anthony said exiting the elevator. He went to his room and started to make a splint with near expert skill. "Thank you abusive father. Now I can patch myself up and get back at those who hurt me in the first place."
"You're gonna get back at me?" Violet said. "You wouldn't even be able to touch me." She exited the elevator, and waited for Anthony to finish with the splint.
"Why would I do that if I ruined your looks nobody would want you." Anthony said with a evil grin as he came out of the room with his arm splinted correctly. "Because Zues knows your personality ain't winning anybody over.

"I feel bad for the girl you must have scared straight. Literally." Anthony said laughing his a** off as he hit the button for the roof.
Harry woke with a start, *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*. A previous guest had left the alarm set. Harry was dripping with sweat, he had a bad dream. He couldn't remember what it was about sadly, but it was definitely a bad omen. Whenever Harry had bad dreams something bad was about to happen , or something just as bad had already happened. Harry stretched and got out of bed and took a long warm shower, he didn't get to take showers like that often so it was a nice treat. While in the shower Harry thought about the situation he was in, He wondered if it was really for the best that he stayed with the others. He had been doing just fine on his own before he joined them and after all , It was only a matter of time until these misfit demigods got overrun by scientists and get killed. For now he would stay with the group, if not just to protect Adriana.

Harry got out of the shower and dried himself off, the towels were warm as they had just been dried witch was another nice treat. As Harry walked out of the shower he remembered he didn't own any other clothes than he had. So he wrapped his towel around his waist and looked through the peephole until a teenager about his age walked by outside dressed in a soft flannel and khakis. These clothes would have to do despite the fact that they were a little too uncomfortable for Harrys taste. He willed the teenager to fall asleep and he dragged him inside his hotel room. Harry proceeded to strip him down to his skivvies and put on the boys clothes. Once Harry was situated he gave the boy a towel and willed him to sleepwalk into a closet. Harry ripped a hole in the back of the shirt for his wings and flew off of his balcony up to the roof . He spotted Adriana sitting down on a bench and Jack so wet with sweat that it looked like Jason had a go with him. Harry swooped down to Adriana and sat next her asking,
"Hey, Adri it doesn't look like you've been doing much intense training!"

Jack had turned his cylinder rocks into gloves around his hands and was practicing Keysi on a rock dummy he had made , sweating ferociously as Marmore watched curiously.

@savagePEST )
The sound of wings flapping caught Adriana's attention and she looked away from the group to see Harry flying over. He landed near them and proceeded to sit down beside her. "Good afternoon, sleepyhead. Ditched the onesie I see,"she welcomed him. She rolled her eyes at what he said,"I told you: I'm not a fighter. Only for emergencies. Besides, we're all just hanging out now; I actually talked to people." She could be more comfortable and relaxed now that she actual knew someone in the group besides acquaintances.
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"Really? You probably have more friends than me!" He said smiling, "say Adri would you care to go for a little flight? Theres is something I want to see before we leave Brazil" Harry had Always loved seeing the world and This would give him a chance to really talk to Adri in private.
"I knew it." Anthony said laughing so hard his side hurt. "Well lets get back to practice." He stepped out of the elevator and watched his watch become a shield.
"Ok but you asked for it." Anthony said before turning around and throwing the shield at her. He then rolled and kicked at her legs hoping the shield would distract her so he could trip her.
Adriana grinned, the idea of actually making friends a pleasant thought. But of course her wary nature made her think of the possible risks, which she pushed away for now; good think the voices disappeared again or else they would fuel the the argument. When Harry asked if she would like to tag along she shrugged, "Sure, why not." She stood up, pointing at Harry,"Just don't drop me, alright?"
She saw both the shield and the kick coming a few seconds before they happened. She quickly calculated where she would have to go to avoid both. She dodged to the right of the shield, then moved to the left to avoid the kick to her legs.

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