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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Anthony felt the hit and winced as there was a small crack and he dropped the sword. "Ow hey I said gently my gods."
"You were aiming for a weak point on the body how couldn't that hurt? Damn I think you actually broke something. Is it because you wanted a break? You could have just asked." Anthony said utting to joke around even though his left arm was broken. Good thing he wasn't left handed.
"You did what I told you except without the gentle part." Anthony said keeping his left arm perfectly still. He kicked the sword up into his other hand before spinning it. "The gently part was the most important."
"Well obviously it doesn't matter what you think. Now come on I need to go get some medical attention." Anthony said walking to the elevator his sword turned into the watch again as he tried to get the elevator up again.
He got into the elevator and then his expression darkened. "D**M you I can't play my guitar with just one hand." Anthony said since the realization had just dawned on him. He pulled out his money he had made from playing but put it away and stared at a picture of him and a girl singing by a campfire the picture was being held very delicately. "That was the only thing I had going for me. Still is the only thing going for me."
"Now I have to actually focus on killing monsters. Until my arm heals." He said putting the photo away.
As Ryan got out of the elevator. The girl stepped out of one of there rooms. She brushed her blond out of her face revealing her ice blue eyes. She clicked a device on the collar of her shirt and made her way to Ryan. She tapped on the Shoulder "Excuse Me" she said perfectly mimicking a Brazilian accent "But do you know my cousin Max?" She looked at Ryan "I'm a demigod like him" She hoped that Ryan would fall for her plee, seeing as she used her siren powers to fill her voice with Sincerity. A devilish smile cracked onto Sam's face.

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Ryan faced toward the voice. He thought it would be easier for the girl to understand him if he replied in her native language, "Primo Max? Eu o conheço. Oh que é legal. Eu não sabia que Max tinha uma prima no Brasil. Por que pergunta?" He ran a hand through his hair unsure if he pronounced a word incorrectly.
"Excuse me?" She asked "oh I'm sorry it's the accent isn't it." She cursed her informer in her head for making her try that. "I was originally from here, but for most of my life I've lived in Ohio." He laughed a bit "I haven't spoken Portuguese that since I was five." She bowed "I'm sorry for the trouble, but I did understand a bit of it." She was glad she could understand all languages, but hated that she couldn't speak it. "Yes I'm his cousin Cierra. I'm a daughter of Apollo. His mother told me I could find you around here, and I'm scared. I live a little ways from here, and I'm not a good fighter... I was wondering if I could join your group. I don't wanna be a burden, but I would like to be safe."

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"I'm sorry for assuming" Ryan looked down, "Um..I don't really have a say about the group thing right now because I can't see anything and you should probably ask Max since he is your cousin. Don't worry he'll put in a good word for you" He smiled a little. Ryan noticed different soundwaves reflecting toward him, "Are we in the lobby?"
"Actually we're on a floor above the lobby why?" She then remembered her mission "How Many people are in you group?" She asked making him want to answer the question for her. "And are there any people with interesting powers?" She touched his arm and sent more of her Siren Love magic into Ryan "I just want to know who to look out for if i do join the group."
Ryan rubbed the back of his neck, "Oh I thought I was in the lobby...must have gotten out at the wrong floor then." He paused then responded, "I'm not really sure since I never really counted. Actually, everyone's powers are interesting and really fit them".
"Like what?" She asked him "And if you like i can take you to the Lobby." She was put a lot of he power into her voice. She needed to get this information.
"Knowing what your next move is, making you fall in love with people, and flying. That would be nice if you could do that" Ryan responded. "So daughter of Apollo, what can you do?" He asked.
"Oh I can sing to fight." She said stepping into an open elevator with Ryan "Like i can Sing to put people to sleep or to incapacitate others… but i don't like to use it… Last time i killed one of my friends." She quickly made up everything on the spot. "But forget about that. Its in the past" She pushed the button to go to the lobby. "Any Other powers?"
"A lot more" Ryan laughed, "You're excited huh? Can't seem to just see for yourself?" He waited for the elevator to arrive at the lobby, "So who did you come here with? Or how did you get here?"
"Well I was captured by some scientists back in Ohio and they were moving us to a new base. When we landed at the Airport I ran, and Max's mother found and hid me. She told me about the group, and said you were going to some fancy hotel. And that's how I found this place." As she was talking she placed a chip onto her pinky finger that was the same skin tone as Ryan. She put her hand on his shoulder and gently pressed down so the device would stick. She the put her powers back into use to make sure he didn't notice the device. "We're here." She said as the elevator bell dinged. She stepped out into the lobby holding Ryan's hand. "Do you need anymore help, or are you good?"

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"I'm fine thank you" Ryan said as he took his hand away from hers. He moved his arms around and found the couch. The child of Zeus took a seat on the couch just as a sudden pain shot through Ryan's head and his hand flew up to hold it.

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