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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Hmm. Maybe so. Seems they had a bit more fun without us though, so they could be resting."Evelynn replied, scratching her chin in thought and nodding towards the new damage around the area done by the hydra. After a moment she simply shrugged. "Standing out here isn't going to do a lot of good either way." Pushing the door open, she stepped inside."Hello~" She called out, dragging the 'O' out. Receiving no response, she turned back to Mason and gave a second shrug. "We can search them out after breakfast. It's still pretty early, so they're probably still asleep. I'm gonna jump on Helena's bed." With a chuckle at Helena's probable reaction, she continued on into the mansion, towards the kitchen's direction.
"Alright... Let me know if you find them. I have to check on something."He replied. He walked beside her when they hit the kitchen, he took the hallway leading into the garage. His sign was still on the floor.'Figures, no one ever takes my feelings into consideration. Pfft.'Mason lifted his sign and was about to place it on the door when it slowly opened slightly and he heard someone inside. He put the sign on the adjacent wall and peered inside. There was a man huddled over the terminal where Mason used to transfer files, items, and schematics of his designs. Mason asked out softly,"Um, hey. Are you Alec's dad? I'm sorry I kinda tinkered with your photography equipment. I kinda have a knack for building things."Mason walked inside his workshop and smiled when he saw his beautiful display he had under his feet. The light reminded him of his room back in Wakulla. He got closer to the man but Mason wasn't sure he heard him."Sir?" Mason asked as he reached out to tap him on the shoulder.
"Oh, yes, yes. I'm sorry. I was caught up in how exquisite the work was . . . In fact, it's almost as good as this!" As Mason reached out to tap him, he turned sharply and thrust his hand out to hit Mason's chest. A beeping sound emanated from the point of contact as the device that was previously in his hand spring to life and spiked wicked hooks into Mason's body before filling it with electric currents. "How do you like that, hm? Little device I made for when things get too close. And you, you dumb little demigod walked right into it." He laughed. "Oh, not Alec's dad." The words came with a sneer of contempt as he tapped a few buttons. "Got one in the garage. Looks like the Hephaestus kid. May need some back up, just in case. The other one should be alone for ya'll." Looking back at Mason, he spoke again. "I wander which of you will get to see the other hung up first, you, or your little girlfriend." He rubbed his hands together in excitement and observed Mason as the device performed its function.

"Roger that." Came a male voice through the head set. "All right, hot head. Let's have some fun." Though he said this he remained casually standing in the same location with a somewhat bored expression. "Come now, don't tell me that's all you've got, boy-o."


Evelynn gave a nod to Mason as he split from her and left down the hallway. The kitchen was in good enough shape. It seemed the maids focused on keeping it in proper order compared to the rest of the house, and that was perfectly fine with her. She metaphorically rolled up her sleeves and got to work, setting out the necessary utensils and ingredients so they would easily be on hand when she required them. The massive waffle iron they had would surely come in handy when it came to feeding Mason. After such an adventure as the volcano, she felt the need to make a truly great meal and decided just one waffle type would not be suitable. A whole smorgasbord of waffles was required. She retrieved even more ingredients, thankful for the luxuries of the rich, and began mixing them together.

The succulent juices of a large strawberry gushed into her mouth as she chomped down on some of the spare ingredients when a voice behind her made her jump. "Still obsessed with fruit I see."

Slowly turning around she somewhat hoped she hallucinated the voice. During her life, she heard the voice only handful of times. Never a face or a name, just the voice over the phone that always seemed colder the next time she heard it. That was no exception this time either. "You couldn't just write, like you did for the past three years?" She said as she wiped the pink liquid from her lips and tried to sound pissed, intimidating, angry, but only succeeded in making the woman who stood before her chuckle.

Standing before her, Evelynn had to question whether she was indeed the one who spoke a moment ago. Her face seemed much too young and soft for such harshness. She was a mix of imposing and nonthreatening. A fact that disturbed Evelynn more than if she turned out to be ten feet tall and could bench press a few hundred pounds. The loose ebony hair that framed her face seemed ruffled from removing the helmet she held under her arm. However, it was her eyes that made Evelynn the most uneasy. Her gaze made the girl feel completely inadequate, as if everything she ever did and anything she will ever do, meant absolutely nothing. "Oh, but I did write, Dear." There was an emphasis on the last word, and the Evelynn gasped as the back of her neck felt like it was being branded. The strawberry fell to the floor.

"I'll be taking you home now." The woman announced. It finally clicked within Evelynn's mind. Memories she tried hard to avoid, cover up, forget each day rushed to the surface. The woman was Zairah. Zairah Knight, former lover of Ares, god of war, and mother of one Evelynn Knight. Her hand found it's way into her armory as Zairah donned her helmet and shook her head. "I'm disappointed in you, Evelynn. I did think you would do better."

"Die, you b****!" Came the infuriated shout from the daughter of Ares as she lunged forward, withdrawing a colossal great sword and swinging for the woman who's simple presence here enraged her so. The swing hit nothing and and Evelynn simply let the blade loose, unconcerned about stopping the momentum. It thudded into a wall where it remained lodged.
The electricity surged through Mason's body and stung quite nastily. Mason hit the floor and went into a fit as the voltage in the device spiked. The agony was unbearable and Mason's mind was racing. His bracers were pulsing to life and they pulled the electricity into the magnetic field it held. Mason had accessed it's components between the bursts and triggered its induction. With a brief delay from the device's function, Mason blasted the space between himself and the madman who zapped him. Mason slid across the hard glass floor as the force propelled him away and the man was launched into the wall. The electricity kept in the bracers were redirected with the expulsion he had created and arced onto every surface including the man's electronic equipment. The sizzling from the electronics in the room were their circuits fusing with each other and becoming worthless. Mason gasped for breath as the caving of his lungs were a result to the excess voltage into his body.'Thank God for Ohm's Law... or I'd be dead..'
With a thud and an "Oomph!" Ezekial crashed into the wall opposite of the direction Mason went. He was still for a moment and then stood up, staggering once before straightening out. Brushing himself off, he said, "Not bad, not bad. There for a minute I thought you were going to die just from that. Let's play some more . . . Wither!" He pointed his finger in Mason's direction and the area around him started to erode, rust, crumble, and otherwise break down, as if it was experiencing an extremely accelerated rate of aging. The floor became unstable while the ceiling dropped chunks downwards at Mason, even the air grew stale and thin. "Let's see how you deal with that. Oh, and this too." He pulled a small rubber case from his pocket and popped it open. Within were three purely circular balls with a button on top. Picking one up, he pressed the button and tossed it at Mason as green smoke began pouring from the sphere. It was a potent poison of his own creation and he was excited to see the combined effects of Geras and the deadly cocktail of gases. He cackled excitedly.
The smell of rot hit Mason's nostrils like a burning retching stench. His eyes watered and he rubbed away the tears and was too late to see the wood stud from the ceiling of the garage crumble down. It crashed onto his leg and splashed some air around the gases that enveloped him. He couldn't see from the stinging he felt from the gases affecting his eyes. His body felt worn and his mind groggy.'What... ughhh...'He thought to himself. He thought of the glass underneath him as the splintering became more resounding. The sudden crash dropped Mason through the space filled with embers that erupted the volatile gases and set the immediate area in flames. Mason shouted out as the glass had sliced parts of his arms and back before deteriorating to sand and dust.

Mason hit the bottom of the floor and stumbled towards the edge of the walls. He tried sensing out for heat but the flames were wild and rapidly enveloping the room. He had begun coughing as he tried inhaling. His throat felt a sensation he wasn't used to. It was scratchy and it gnawed on his flesh. Mason panicked and tried to reach for the walls and the exit. He used his bracers to propel himself up with expelling the pressure underneath him but that only succeeded to smashing him through the door and allowing the fresh air to create a backdraft. Flames engulfed the hallway with a screeching demonic wail. The sapphire swirls and clouds of the inferno peeled the paint from the walls and caught objects close to it in flames. Mason's clothes were on fire but he was too busy hacking up a lung on the floor with the blaze overhead.
"Oh. Shi-" Ezekial didn't manage to finish his word as the ignition of the gasses flooded the room with a fiery roar. He threw himself to the ground and away from the hole in the floor in an attempt to escape the fire's path. While he was saved from being barbecued the heat of flames on his back caused him to cry out in pain. Quickly rolling over to smother the flames of oxygen he surveyed the room, noting the rocketing Mason out the door. Getting there would be much more difficult for him however, considering the whole that was spitting out fire. A quick, though hardly perfect, solution came to mind and he rolled further away from the flames, towards the garage door. Upon reaching it, he reached out and delivered a focused blast of hyper enhanced aging to the space of the door in front of him. It rusted and crumbled to dust almost immediately, being much more effective on inanimate objects than demigods.

He crawled out coughing wildy even in the short time he was in there. The fire carried the poison into the smoke and made it even more deadly than it would usually be. He drug himself to the grass and flopped over onto his back once more, letting the squishy, wet ground sooth his burns slightly. "Damnable little . . ." He cursed the demigods aloud, though he was quite alone. He tried not to linger, forcing himself up, and headed towards the mobile base he used. There, he located a proper anti-toxin and chugged it, feeling marginally better than before. Next, he pulled out a spare com and tapped it into the wireless grid of their team. "Anivia, Bruce. Where the hell are you? The demigod should be all yours." He coughed a few more times. "Make the brat suffer." Climbing into the van fully, he sat with a sigh and pulled out a thick, viscous lotion. After pulling off his shirt, he began to liberally apply it to his charred back.


The owl's feathers were dappled with a smoky gray, but her face and the underside of her wings, visible as they were outstretched, were a gorgeous pure snow white. Her eyes were a golden color, holding a black pupil in the center. She soared through the sky, her wings cutting through the air as she circled above the beautiful, ornate building, looking upon it in disdain. They had arrived too late. But she had been thrilled when her vision, augmented with her transformation into the snowy owl, had caught the emerald green Corvette enter the driveway. It had been a welcome surprise for two of the demigods to be remaining. The device had tracked the half-bloods to be in route to Brazil. Though they had narrowly missed them, they remained stationed at the mansion to plan their next move. She noticed two, for one reason or another, were returning. It would be easier to capture a small group at a time than to conquer the entire team at once.

The sound of explosions blasted from inside, but Anivia maintained an impassive face. No expression would be shown, if anyone at all would be able to observe her while she was soaring hundreds of feet in the air. Who had been affected by whatever was occurring inside the building? Her own spec ops team or one of the demigods? She was eager to absorb more of the demigods' powers. The ability to shift into the form of a snowy owl was phenomenal. She cherished the breeze in her face as she sailed above the rest of the world, the sensation of superiority. It was a brilliant experience, to feel powerful. No longer would she have to be envious of the superhuman beings they had discovered. Her powers were now greater than theirs.

Although she was now a bird with gusts of wind stinging her face, she had yesterday crafted a headset that fit perfectly on her head while she was in this form. A tiny speaker was buried under her right ear tuft, currently transmitting Ezekial's voice. Exasperated, Anivia spiraled toward the ground and transformed into herself just before her talons touched the grass, landing into a roll. Rising from the ground promptly and brushing herself off, she responded to Ezekial's message. "Was just scouting. I can have him, you say?" This promise brought her an ample amount of delight. Her face bearing a sly smirk, she stalked toward the mobile base that she had seen the man drag himself into. Zero compassion.
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"Roger that."He replied, unclicking the transmitter around his throat. Bruce stretched out and felt his joints popping and his muscles straining and loosening up. The man took up the entire couch he was laying on as he was flipping through the television shows. He sat upright and glanced down to his finger-less gloved hands. Bruce opened them and closed them into fists for a few seconds before opening them again. He smirked as his hands faded into the background in a gradient from right to left. His eyes stayed on the floor where his hands used to be. The effect began to continue up his arms in a display of wisps and tendrils of smoke-like puffs. His gauntlets had vanished and his pauldrons disintegrated from view. He stood up and outstretched his back as he raised his arms up to the ceiling in the enormous mansion's living room. He walked forward slowly looking to his left where a small oval ornate mirror hung on the wall. He laughed ecstatically as he saw no trace of his musclebound body. He enjoyed this ability Ezekial implanted into him. 'To think, I almost snapped his neck on the way here. I should thank him... before tearing off his head.' He chuckled to himself and walked towards the foyer. Bruce looked over to the left and saw his chief handling the other one. He paid no attention to the conversation they held as he walked past them, snatching up the falling strawberry as it stood in zero gravity inches above the floor. He continued with his mouth munching on the sweet berry and softly humming to himself as time went back to normal. He heard a whizzing sound of metal and looked to his right watching a greatsword point entering his personal bubble. He nonchalantly moved a step and batted the blade with the back of his hand and stared down the young beautiful woman with lustrous strands of hazelnut colored hair. He saw the anger in her face and he smiled wolfishly,'Mmmm.... I wish chief would've let me play with her instead.'Bruce shrugged softly and finished swallowing his small morsel before a thud shook the wall.

Bruce's footsteps were silent as he strode down the tiled hallway. He loved the gift Anivia gave him, his lovely combat boots with soft soles as if floating on air. He smiled and scratched and itch on his beard before removing the thought from his mind. He reached the end of the corridor and looked down the remaining hallways. Windows to the right followed a rug that led to what he thought was the back of the house. The scorch marks and the dark glazed tiles to the left was probably where Ezekial was with the Hepatitis kid... Bruce softly chuckled at the thought.'Heh... Hepatitis kid... HA!' he snorted with a laugh. He walked down the left hallway and an explosion rocked the house. Bruce braced against the walls before a crash of a door came flying towards him. The cognition improvement of the implant in his head ran the entire scene in tens of thousands of a second slower than it was. A metal door was scorched and slagged with a point almost close to impaling Bruce. Bruce kicked the door into the wall and the slag covered his right boot, searing the hardened leather covering the metal encasing his foot. Time quickened a bit as he thought of Anivia's temper when she saw her gift was slightly destroyed. And he heard a roaring wail of what sounded like a thousand screams. He looked over and saw a fire ball headed his way. He couldn't quicken his movements fast enough as time returned to him and the force of the inferno catapulted him down the hallway with him skidding on the rug towards the back of the house.

He tumbled and crashed into the door, splintering the wooden door down the center and the glass above him crashing. He sat there and materialized fully as he shook off the effects of the shockwave. The flames ahead of him engulfed the hallway from the garage. Smoke poured into the house and the heat radiated from the garage. He heard the comms open up again,"Anivia, Bruce. Where the hell are you? The demigod should be all yours."Coughing interrupted the sentence. "Make the brat suffer."Bruce shook his head and the clarity was coming back as he saw the older kid hunched over the floor in flames. Bruce tried to regain his balance as he pulled himself out of the door.'Great.... A kid with fire... this was supposed to be a simple smash and grab... Hope Anivia gets here before he turns me to ash..'


Still hunched on the floor, Mason looked up and called out to Evelynn."Evelynn! It's a trap!" He began coughing again and crawled forward ignoring the pain he felt in his hip. He reached the corner and saw a man down the hallway pulling himself up and freaked out. His hand began to glow a deep red and turned a sharp blue. The flames grew out from his palm and he lobbed a streak of cerulean plasma along the arc. The hallways walls ignited in flames as the plasma licked out to the nearby surfaces. Mason didn't waste time in looking if his attack found it's mark. He rounded the corner and got off his knees to walk. He was picking up his pace before he heard a crash and felt a heavy body knock him through the adjacent wall. He tumbled and flew through the flat screen tv, landing on his back against the couch. He groaned in pain as his body was beginning to ache and protest against the abuse it's been enduring over the past twenty four hours.

Bruce had reacted well before becoming a smoldering heap of mess like the door he was at. He had pummeled through the wall and used his augmented speed to break through the following wall and take down the firestarter. Bruce cleared some rubble from the hole he threw the kid through and began to laugh."It's funny, you know. I could break you in two. And with the help of your friends abilities, I can break you in two MUCH faster."Bruce said as he burst acrossthe floor and lifted the kid and threw him across the room. The kid soared through the air and Bruce was already at the other side to intercept his body. He lifted his arms, closing both hand together, before hammering the kid out of the air to the floor.

Mason had no time to do anything before receiving the devastating impact to his back. He smashed onto the floor and screamed out in pain when he bounced off the broken tiles. Blood had splattered across the floor and Mason's left shoulder was shattered and split open. Using instinct, his arms covered in the blue flame and reached out for the man. The man took a hit to the center of his body and the armor he wore caught aflame. Mason used the distraction to struggle and get away. His left arm was useless and he was losing immense amount of blood. He ran along the walls and hoped to find Evelynn and get out of there before they were too late.

In flames, Bruce had stripped the armor off of him as quickly as he could. That bolt of plasma had burned through the first 3 layers of initial impact then melted the area causing some burns from the molten metal he wore. Bruce hit the comms around his neck,"Anivia, sorry to tell ya dear... Your gift just got melted by that firestarter kid. He's wounded but careful."He paused as he peeled off another portion of the protective layer he wore,"He's got a wicked flame."Bruce closed the comms and went through the battle in his head. He underestimated the kid and should've used his abilities at key times. He was beginning to think the implant was effecting his judgement. He leaned against the pillar and watched his armor melt into a pool of silver goo.
There was a click of a tongue behind her and she felt hands on her shoulders. Her feet left the ground and then there was a sensation of flight as she was thrown through the wall, skidding on her back and rolling up inside the lounge. She took a quick glance around and placed both hands in her armory, waiting. The shadow in the dust from the wall gave away the presence of Zairah and Evelynn launched a speared chain with her right hand towards the opening in the wall. The shadow vanished, but she expected something like that this time. She shifted and twisted her body, withdrawing an Italian long sword with her left hand, and swung in a downward slash as she pivoted to face behind her.

With a crash, a hole opened up in the south wall of the lounge and a moment later, she was sent flying once more, her sword spinning in the air before clattering to the ground. Her body smashed into the bookcase, fully stacked with literature and trophies, and it came toppling down on top of her.

“You certainly took your time, Kreig.” The glare Zairah gave the new entrant was obvious, even under her helmet.

He waved a hand dismissively at her. “Yeah, yeah, Boss. I got here, didn’t I? Thought you could handle one little brat.”

There was a second crash as Kreig was sent crashing into the stone fireplace on the opposite side of the room. “Remember your place, cur.” Zairah pulled her first back, brushing the blood off on the nearby sofa. She stared at the bookshelf where Evelynn lay. “Get up, dear. I know you’ve got more fight in you than that!”

A near animalistic growl came from under the displaced books in response. The bookshelf came soaring at Zairah. With a smirk, she took a stance and punched the end, sending it flying over her. Her eyes widened as its departure revealed the real threat of Evelynn, crouched low, handle in hand. The object at the end of the handle was shortly revealed to her to be an impractically designed hammer. Rather than the flat head like any relatively normal hammer would have, it jutted violently out in four large spikes; it was a crude, violent weapon, that made her head swirl and her vision blacken as she was launched upwards onto the next floor of the mansion.

Evelynn was about to leap after her, but a noise from the room caught her attention. Kreig stood and dusted himself off, jerking his head back and forth with an audible crack. He shifted his jaw, popping it back into place as the shattered bone that protruded from his face sunk back into place and his wounds closed over. “Close your mouth, kid. Not polite to stare.” He chuckled and started walking towards her. “You know what this is, right? Right?” He chided her, continuing towards her at a languid pace.

A thousand possibilities ran through her head, but all she could do was dismiss each one. She searched for a feasible explanation as to how someone who should be human possessed such power. She wanted to chalk it up to the vast technology Zairah seemed to have, but this man, Kreig, the only thing of note he wore was a mask with obnoxious drawings and colors on it, now cracked to reveal a psychotic smile beneath. However much she wanted to, she couldn’t deny what her ability allowed her to see. Clearly labeled in his stats was the ability of regeneration, granted by Asclepius. “How- is that possible . . . You’re no demigod.” She growled at him shifting her weight in anticipation of his attack.

“Don’t be a daft little brat. You can already answer that, but hey, I’m a nice guy, so I’ll answer it for you . . . You remember when you first came to your fancy little camp? Chased by monsters, almost in pieces by the time you made it over the boundary. You remember the girl who cared for you? Nursed you back to health. The little Asclepius girl?” He stopped and looked at her with a half-sideways glare; the eyes beneath the mask were alight with insanity. “She was delicious!”

Something snapped within Evelynn. She shivered and trembled, unable to move. Paralyzed. Her hands clenched and unclenched, but the rest of her refused to operate. Her eyes stared at the disgusting creature before her, wide and filled with hate.

The surge of emotions kept her locked in place as he reached out and grabbed her throat, hoisting her skyward. “I think you’ll be even better. He laughed a shrill, spine tingling laugh and delivered a punch to her gut.

The blow sent a shock to her system. Above the pain, above the hate, above the sorrow, there was one thing: Revenge. “Eat this!” Her foot swung first backwards, and then forward. She poured every bit of strength she could manage in that kick and delivered it right between his legs. She dropped to the floor as he stumbled back, gasping incoherently, struggling to do anything but write in utter agony. He collapsed, kicking and holding his hands in a protective manner. She walked over to his flailing body and withdrew a large metal steak of cold steel. “Burn in a thousand hells you piece of shit.” Grasping both hands around the steak, she thrust it downwards with killing intent. It made its way through flesh, muscle, and bone, through his body towards his black, twisted heart.

“No!” She cried out as she was sent spiraling through the air once more. She twisted and flailed in an attempt to orient herself in the direction of his body. A quick glance was all she needed as his health drained in her sight. She had managed to score her hit anyways. With a thud, she hit the wall and righted herself, glaring at the approaching figure of Zairah. “One down, one to go. I will make sure you die as painfully as every demigod you’ve ever touched.”

“Bold words, my dear. I don’t think you can back them up, however. Why must you be so hostile to me?” Her soft voice carried hints of sincerity and regret and Evelynn felt herself falter for a moment. In that moment, Zairah’s hand glowed with a dark violet substance and she lashed a chain of magical energy towards the girl. In an attempt to dodge out of her flatfooted state, Evelynn jumped crooked and stumbled her landing, falling to the ground. She tried to scramble up, but a second chain lashed out and gouged painfully into her ankle as it pulled her backward. “I noticed how much you enjoyed tossing these chains around, so I figured I should give you a taste of your own medicine.”

“Bite me.” Evelynn replied scathingly. As the pulling slowed, she readied the muscles in her arms and forcing herself up. Her free foot arced around as she twisted in midair. She winced slightly as the heel of her foot connected hard with her opponent’s helmet, sending it flying off with broken glass. She landed upright and threw herself forward once more as Zairah was recovering from the first blow. Her knee found her mark, hitting Zairah’s stomach and doubling her over. “Not so tough now, are you?” She laughed and grabbed her by her shoulders. With a spin, she hurled the woman through the nearest window and out into the yard, the purple chain following her out. “Uh-oh . . .” Evelynn was thrown out the window after Zairah, aided by a harsh jerk on the chain.

She skidded painfully on her side across the rain slicked grass, coming to a stop some ten yards from the window. Zairah was equidistance from the window and Evelynn. Standing shakily, Evelynn grasped the large shard of glass jutting from her leg and pulled it free. Blood ran down her leg as she faced her enemy once more. “Enough of this chain BS.” With one swift motion, her arm moved through her armory to come out clad in a clawed gauntlet. She grabbed the chain and a hissing and popping sound came from the point of contact. A moment later the chain fell away from her grasp and vanished. “That’s MY move.”

It was Zairah’s turn to falter, though she kept her guard up, unlike Evelynn. “You kept them . . .” Her voice was surprised, and even almost happy it seemed. “Why have you been holding them back?”

“You were the one who taught me not to accept gifts or they’d be snatched away. You were the reason I didn’t have anything growing up. I had to fight for every piece of what I had. You were the reason I wound up working shady deals and contracts. Your last letter said it was to keep me ‘safe’. What a load of bull that was . . . After all, that was what led me to what you feared the most: the gods, daddy War and the camp at half-blood hill.” Evelynn ended her spiel, more angry than when she began.

They circled each other silently for a moment after that, simply watching what the other did. “I only-“ Done with conversing, Evelynn rushed forward with a war cry. Zairah’s expression returned to the steely cold it usually was as she observed the approaching demigod. She lifted her hand up parallel to her body and royal purple flames engulfed it, launching at the charging Evelynn when pointed her way. Evelynn was not dissuaded. The four magic shots arced towards her as she ran, homing in. The glass shard, still clutched in her hand, gained a purpose. Carefully judging the distance, velocity, wind, gravity, and a myriad of other factors she did her best to judge the proper way to throw the fragment and then let loose. A moment later only three shots continued at her, the glass having taken out the second closest. As the first neared, she vanished into her armory, causing Zairah to look around somewhat nervously. Evelynn emerged past the first shot which fizzled uselessly after another dozen yards. She was not alone, however, and the howl of the Corvette engine roared along with a battle cry of its own. The violet fire burst on the hood and roof of the Corvette, singing them with black streaks. Zairah was already in motion, but it was too late, the action having taken place too close to evade fully. In the middle of a dive for the side, Zairah’s body had no traction to resist the impact and she soared through the air, farther away from the mansion.

Zairah landed with a crunch on the concrete of the driveway and bounced, tumbling off into the grass on the other side. She remained motionless as Evelynn opened the door of the sports car and stepped out. With the disturbing images of movie villains springing back up, she proceeded towards the metal clad figure. She could tell she was still alive and she intended to fix that, as she did with Kreig.

Almost as if on cue, a cackling laugh burst into the air, filling her with dread. Stopping and turning, she gauged the approaching figure. Her dread solidified. He was fast and strong. More so then he had been when she left him for what she thought was dead. Things have taken a turn for the worst, yet again, she thought. While not completely healed, he was certainly better off than before, and continued to get better. She cursed his healing factor as hate erupted within her once more. She kept her right hand empty, intending to use her gauntlet to overcome his healing, and in her left, she withdrew a blood red spear, the faint embossing showing a jagged pattern of thorns and brambles. The head of the weapon branched slightly, forming a helix pattern before meeting again and tapering into a wicked point.

The wet squish of the ground signaled both her change in stance and Kreig’s approach. She took a slow breath and drew her spear up, eyes hard and waiting. What started as a simple thrust, shifted into horizontal swipe and again changed to a twirl around the back and coming in for a second, angled slash. Kreig hopped back, wiping the trickle of blood on his cheek and licking it off his thumb. “Pretty good with that spear, girly.” His words came partially slurred, in a rush to exit his fumbling mouth.

“You won’t believe what I’m capable.” Evelynn answered in a cold, level tone, keeping a mask of ice over the bubbling rage she felt within.

“Nor will YOU!” he dashed forward as she shifted the spear into his path. He paid it no mind as the red spear became wet with his blood. He only shifted enough to avoid major organs. Blood flowed out his back and down the shaft of the spear, dripping off the tip into the grass.

She dug the claws of her gauntlet into him, the grip on her spear weakening as she coughed up a spattering of blood. Crimson ichor dripped from her abdomen, a serrated blade sunk hilt deep within it. She staggered back, a flailing arm scratching several deep gashes into his face. “Sorry, toots. Healing. Too bad you don’t have that, huh?” He laughed psychotically as he casually pulled the spear from his body and tossed it to the side. Evelynn mumbled inaudibly, stumbling farther away from him.

He leaned forward, cupping his ear mockingly. “What was that? I couldn’t hear the little mouse.” He stalked forward, unaware his wounds weren’t closing up properly due to the madness currently possessing him.

“I ha-“

“You hate me?! Aww. I’m so touched!” Another laugh echoed in her ears. It was almost drowned out by the rushing of blood she heard. Her vision swirled and blurred, offering little help as to the details of the looming figure. Her mind screamed with danger, something that should have sent her sprawling on the ground even more. But one feeling pushed the others from her mind: the feeling of victory, the thought that despite how things looked, she could destroy this bastard.

She shifted her weight as she fumbled once again, and then threw it all forward, her shoulder connecting with the hole from her spear. The force carried them both off their feet and into Evelynn’s armory. Unlike usual, the portal remained, fluctuating and shifting with black tendrils that moved as if they wanted to devour everything around.

Within the armory, Evelynn and Kreig plummeted down towards the red field of lilies below. A swift kick from Evelynn separated them, her rage finally hitting its boiling point. “I hate you! Die. Die! DIE!” Chains launched from the sky, skewering Kreig in a multitude of ways and leaving him hanging in midair while Evelynn sailed down, clad in a wing suit. Her descent was shaky, but she was now in a much better position than Kreig and she found herself enjoying the sight. She looked away after a moment, feeling guilty and wrong and busied herself with staunching her wound.

The next item she held was a Barrett M82. Though she hated guns in combat, she was well versed in their operation, and, at the moment, she hated nothing more than that man. The simple image of the Asclepius girl, one of her few friends, cemented in her mind, she took aim. Her mind and sigh cleared with the determination to keep this monster away from everyone else she knew. A single shot rang out, then a second. She might have considered it overkill if he hadn’t survived what he had already.

She glanced up at the normally peaceful sky, now a blood red, and the chains jutting from it. Her vision was finally starting to match up. Her eyes fell to her castle, now dull and grey. She closed the distance. At the broken doors that led within stood the one person she didn’t want to deal with most of all: Zairah. Her face was scraped open by the harsh pavement and sanguine fluid covered her right arm thoroughly. A hole in her forearm suggested a compound fracture. “How did you get in here . . . You can’t.” She fell silent and looked down, readying her gauntleted hand as her only means of defense currently.

“Evelynn . . . You’re losing it. You’re killing yourself and you know it. Stop it and just give up.” Her voice registered to Evelynn as what could be considered worried, but whether it was worry for herself or the girl she spoke to was indiscernible.

Evelynn snarled in response. Her breathing was labored and her body shook and convulsed almost constantly, as if she was constantly about to fall over. “If I die . . . I will take all of you with me.” She finally growled.

“So be it . . .” Zairah’s left leg slid forward as she took a brawler’s stance. Evelynn’s weary body remained as it was, slack and unprepared. She leapt at Evelynn, intent on striking her down in one movement. Her opponent reacted with surprising speed for the state she was in, catching her bare wrist and arm.

Zairah blinked in confusion and Evelynn answered it. “This is my world. My home. I own everything in here. The air, the ground, even your armor.” As she spoke, the armor that previously adorned Zairah appeared on her. The subsystems activated, responding to her blood and the nanites within began to work on fixing her stomach. “. . . Even you.” She pulled her hand back, keeping the other firmly clasped around Zairah’s wrist and delivered a blow to her arm, snapping the bone. A yell of pain resounded loudly within the otherwise silent space. A second followed a moment later as Zairah activated the suits security functions with her own blood and pain coursed through Evelynn until she released her mother.

Both stayed silent and still, panting and wincing, shooting icy cold glares at one another. They lunged for one another in the same moment, grappling fiercely while the suit went haywire, sending bolts of pain through them both. Though Zairah was an arm down and started off severely losing, as the conflict continued, the suit seemed to recognize Evelynn was not the proper owner. It inflected more and more pain on her until Zairah overtook her, twisting her arm behind her back and jerking it upwards, close to the breaking point. However, her advantage did not remain long.

“Get out of my home!” The air around them swirled and distorted, showing glimpses of the air above the mansion. The ground of the field beneath them lurched and split, spilling stones from the ramparts of the castle. They both were ejected violently back into the real world. Evelynn caught herself on the edge of the rift created by her armory and pulled herself up. Zairah crashed to the ground, skidding and stumbling but managing to minimize the damage. “That’s it . . . I’ll kill all of you, once and for all. You may be strong, but you will never do to me, what you did to the others.”

Steeling her concentration, she thrust her hands out to the side as the air all around vibrated and began to tear open. Blood trickled down from her nose, staining lips that shook with exhaustion, pain, and effort. Her eyes were scrunched shut, her face twisted in agonizing concentration as she undid years of training and practice. The contents of her armory started to spill out of the tears. At first it was simply gusts of wind and chunks of rock, but it did not take long to escalate, expunging stuffed animals, food, weapons, art, and everything else under the sun. She could feel her consciousness fading, but she pushed on.

“EVY!” The sharp voice rang out over everything else. Evelynn snapped out of her actions as the boundary of her armory snapped, vanishing in one final sound. Her eyes rolled back in her head as both she and the chunk of land, castle and lake and all, fell. A shockwave went out, shattering the windows on the mansion as the landmass collided with the earth, crushing the surrounding area underneath it. Zairah’s escape on wings of magic went unnoticed by the now unconscious Evelynn and she swept down from above, watching Evelynn’s descent into the waters of the lake. The crystal blue water began to darken as blood flowed from her body into the liquid. The suit did nothing, having taken too much of a beating to function properly anymore. She floated silently; face up towards the dawn sky.

Zairah swept down and slowly approached the motionless figure of her daughter. “Evy?” She asked in a hushed whisper.

Evelynn’s eyes flitted, slowly opening to stare at Zairah with a lost look in them. “You actually sound like you care . . .” She coughed, blood coming up and running down her cheek. “Damn it, Evelynn. I do care . . . I’ve told you that in every letter. Every point of co-“

“Emotionless lies. All you did was make me suffer.” An edge reentered Evelynn’s small voice, cutting Zairah off as she spoke.

Shaking her head, Zairah continued. “I did what I did to try and protect you. To keep you with me. When that failed, I tried to get you back. When that even failed, I tried to root for you, for demigods in general, but I couldn’t . . . I-“ She fell silent and dug something out of her pocket. Unfolding it the wet, dirty piece of paper was a letter with a picture stapled to the front. “I wanted to go back to this . . .” Evelynn read the beginning of the letter.

Dear Mommy,

Today I found a bug. I wanted to show you, but Jasper ate it . . . Silly dog.

Momma Monroe says I have to tell you I got in trouble at school . . .

The letter continued for the length of the page, saying very little. Evelynn remembered writing it in the first grade and as she got to the bottom she could feel a swirl of emotions churning within her, emotions she kept under the simple masks of happy and angry.

. . . Please come see me soon.

I miss you lots.

P.S. I savec you a chocolate.

The letter closed out with a series of ‘X’s and ‘O’s, helpfully labeled as ‘hugs and kisses’. The picture attached showed a young Evelynn messily sharing a banana split with a much kinder looking Zairah.

For the first time in a long time, Evelynn felt a rush of emotions, her façade falling as her lip quivered and fear filled her. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to leave everything behind. “M-mommy . . . I d-don’t wanna . . .”

Zairah placed a trembling finger to the girl’s lips and wiped away the beginning of Evelynn’s tears. “Don’t be spoiled, dear . . . You remember the song, don’t you?” Evelynn nodded weakly. “Come on, I’ll start.” Her voice faltered. She cleared, cradling Evelynn’s head in her arms. A tear cut its way through the dirt and mess on her face as she sung softly as the light in her daughter’s eyes faded.

“Promise me, when you see,

A white rose, you’ll think of me,

I love you so, never let go,

I will be . . . Your ghost of a rose . . .”

Blood smeared across the walls as Mason searched for Evelynn in the large mansion that Alec's Dad owned. His shattered shoulder brushing against the walls as support. Mason's labored breaths were becoming more shallow as he hurried to find Evelynn. He looked into the kitchen and didn't find her. He saw the giant sword in the wall and thought she had found another one of those people. He stopped to sense the heat sources around him. He felt 2 inside and 4 outside. He guessed that Evelynn was one of them. He shuffled over to the window to see Evelynn put two bullets into a mans body. As quickly as his body would let him, Mason pushed himself around the corner to the foyer. His working arm was beginning to glow red and then the hotter blue. The flames began wrapping themselves around his arm as he exited the door. A massive explosion happened up in the sky and the entire area was decimated.

When Mason came to, he saw a figure hovering over another. He rubbed his eyes and slowly the clarity came back to him. He saw a woman holding a girl's body in her arms.'Evelynn....' he mumbled."EVELYNN! GET AWAY FROM HER!" Mason shouted as his body protested to his rapid movements. He ran forward and thrust his arm out tossing a streak of flame outward. He didn't know what was going on but he was going to save his friend.
Zairah’s hand slowly swept across Evelynn’s face, wiping small streaks of blood from her forehead. Her mind was occupied with everything that happened in the last few moments to consider where she was or what was happening around her. She brushed aside the wet hairs that clung to the girl’s cheek. The fight she had with the head of Xenogen Biotech came to her mind. Originally, the plan was for another group of lower ranking, more numerous soldiers to raid the mansion, but she had already been alerted that it was Evelynn staying in the mansion by one of her spies posing as a maid of the household. After the information was acquired, she made sure her team was the one heading that way. I thought I could make a difference . . . I thought I could ensure THIS didn’t happen,she lamented, oblivious to the arc of fire searing towards her.

“Commander, watch it!” The sound of Ezekial’s voice rang out over the entire field.

Zairah drew out of her daze and became aware of the world once more. Her senses told her she was in for a very painful experience and her body urged her to get out of the way, to move, to dodge, to dosomething. On the other hand, her mind told her she had something much more important to worry about: Evelynn’s body. After just a moment longer, she did move. She turned her back towards the oncoming heat and readied herself, hanging over her daughter’s body in an attempt to protect it from the flames. She figured the water would slow her down too much anyways.

“Damnable woman!” Ezekial patched himself up to a tolerable degree as soon as he got within the mobile base. He sat on a small stool, rolling about within the confines of the base, switching this, pressing that and generally doing what he could to keep tabs on things. Upon seeing the fire starter emerge from the mansion he could immediately tell some intervention was necessary. He readied the shield projector and it hummed to life, slowly charging. “Damnable daughter too!” He shouted as the charge faltered, the destruction Evelynn wrought causing damage to the base’s systems. A swift quick to the base of the console and the charge booted back up. As soon as it was ready, he slammed the button and the projector fired a beam towards Zairah. An off blue bubble sprung to life around her.

Zairah tried to fight the pain back, but succumbed to the intense heat and cried out as the fire bit into her back, blackening her flesh. The tirade of pain was much shorter than she anticipated, cutting abruptly off. She opened her eyes and saw the green-blue glow surrounding her and silently praised the man who had ceased her suffering. Even with the assault on her back over, it burned and stung like little else, sapping what remaining energy she had left. Her vision blurred once, then twice, and then went black as she collapsed into unconsciousness, her body pushed past its limits.
The eruption was enough to shake him back into reality. Bruce's implant was beginning to mess with his consciousness. He looked around him and saw nothing left of his body armor. He shrugged and readjusted his belt and flexed his muscles. 'Time for firestarter to die.' He walked down the hallway and checked to see if his invisibility was recharged. his fingers disappeared and flickered a bit before reappearing. Bruce was going to have to do it the more inconvenient way. He didn't mind. It was going to be fun.

He made it to the foyer when he saw the kid nail the commander with a streak of flame. The commander fell after the bubble shrunk back in. The kid was hobbling over to them with his charred clothing and his mind set into overdrive. His mission was all that was coursed through his thoughts.

Recon the Mansion

Take the Demigods

Avoid Casualties

All of them were failing the objectives. Bruce wasn't going to allow the failure. He never failed. He never let the team down. He locked onto the kid and knew what he had to do. He walked forward and time went still. The raindrops fell painfully slow and none of the drops touched Bruce. He was zoned on the kid. The kid's shoulder was shattered. Blood around his body. He was surprised he was still able to unleash the flames and endure the pain. Bruce was going to end it for it. All the suffering. All the grief he was causing.

'I'll take you to where you belong, kid.'

Bruce walked by the kid and walked past a few yards, standing between the kid and his commander. Bruce readied his favored weapons, the ulaks. He fitted them and looked at each of the kid's vital organs. He played each movement in his head and stuck each artery and vital organ necessary to live. He would hit every point in the span of a tenth of a thousandth of a second. The kid wouldn't feel his death. He would just fall as his body surrendered itself to the afterlife. Bruce was happy with what he had planned. The kid was slightly closer as he was mentally prepping his death.

'Let's send you home, kid.'

His right arm swung close and struck his carotid artery on his neck. He brought back the ulak, stabbing it into the subclavian artery located in his shoulder. He released it and swung his left across his abdomen, severing the descending aorta. He walked around the firestarter and noticed he still didn't feel a thing and the responses of his body was still slow. So he pulled out his blade from the kids shoulder and sliced his femural artery simultaneously. He stood back and waited until the world finally reverted back to its speed.

The rain drops fell faster and his face was soaking. He watched as the kid fell to the floor unable to move. His face hit the floor and he didn't breathe. He laid in the mud and looked peaceful. He watched as the blood flowed out from his body and Bruce whispered a prayer for him. He looked away and was thankful for the rain. But then again, he wasn't sure why.

'Damn implant...'

The elevator close and moved down. As the elevator moved, Ryan thought about his blindness "Well at least it wasn't as severe of an injury as Mason experienced". His thoughts then moved to Evy and Mason "I wonder how they are...I really miss them. It would be so cool if Mason could just burn down HQs and Evy could continuously throw random weapons at the scientists!...if that's how her portal works. Yeah her portal really is a mystery. Maybe when we see them again we can have some waffles! And I could steal a scientist's teleportation device then give it to Evely-" Ryan sighed then resumed thinking "How could I defeat scientists without my abilities?" The elevator dinged and opened up at the floor where the demigods' rooms were on. Ryan was so deep into thought that he stepped out thinking he was in the lobby, while random people stepped into the elevator.
Gade waited until the elevator reached the top floor. She stepped out and walked to the stairs and climbed it to the rooftops. "I need help." She announced to everyone once she got there.
Upon hearing the new voice Max turned to see another random girl appear. "Umm... Do we know you? Or do you just need help in general?"

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"Look closer you dolt, it's me, Gade." She said while clenching her fist to hold back the inexplicable urge to punch someone just to let out some anger.
"Quite." Max said as he heard something from below. "Now get me out before who ever just poked my legs decides to start yanking."

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"What do you want me to do?!" Max said startled at Gade's request "Last I checked I have absolutely no knowledge on Gender Swaps."

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"I don't know!" She shouted. "I don''t know what to do! This is a very confusing moment in my life and I don't know what caused this!"
"You're not that rude your just kinda sassy which I usually like but not when it's off limits. Damn you." Anthony said becoming sarcastic after the word sassy. He got up and pulled his sword out and pointed it at her. "Come on get up you need to practice." He said giving a slight sigh.
"Put that toothpick away i'm going to teach you to disarm somebody." Anthony said with a smile as he pulled the blade above his back like he was going to swing but stopped when it was as far back as it would go. "See now would be a perfect time to punch the guy in the kidney if he has no armor but if he does roll under and kick his knee cap where you can then choke him out. Ok now you try."

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