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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Figures. Just my luck anyways. Doesn't matter though." Anthony said with a smile since he wasn't interested in that way anyways. "I'm just bad luck for girls anyways so flirting is selfish of me." He also pointed at Gade and gave a sharp short whistle and Spike was off like a shot tongue hanging like a flag in a glass case.
"Well only my friends get to know that something even happened but I wish even I didn't know what I meant by that." Anthony said his smile going from genuine to fake as false teeth.
Ash waved Adriana away. "It's no biggie, I'm actually more grateful when people don't know who my mother is." She replied honestly with a small smile on her face.
"Ah screw it. I'm coming over!" She shouted and teleported to where they were, landing gracefully on the floor. She dusted herself and fell over due to exhaustion. "Woo...I'm getting kinda dizzy."
"I could tell you or Spike's armor could." Anthony said before walking back to the ledge where he could see the engraving on the other side of Spike. Rosalinda Mendez

Born 1996

Died 2012

"A great friend. Friend of all Roman or Greek and loyal soldier. SPQR"
"Ha! You forget who's the dominating champ of the camp obstacle course- me! I've killed more monsters than you have!" She said, arching an eyebrow, "You did the majority of the work in the Hydra fight, yes, but can yoooou make a skeleton bear? Hmmmm?"

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"Don't worry about it. She wouldn't have." He said with a sigh. Then he heard somebody say something about a bear. "I can make a full sized living bear appear." Spike tried to tackle the new girl that appeared so he could lick her to death. Or at least try to.
Ryan felt the area around him and shrugged, "Okay break time I guess". He clapped a few times and took a few steps not knowing where in the world he was going. Ryan suddenly felt a wall then a couple of buttons, "Elevator buttons...okay then..helps I guess". He pressed the lower button and stepped into the elevator. As he moved his hands on the buttons Ryan found the Lobby in Braille and pushed the button.
"Well you just forced me to call you my friend. My overly assuming and verbally abusive lesbian friend." Anthony said before laughing half heartedly at how much he just picked on her in that one sentence.
"You mean like the one that almost killed Mason?" Max Crossed his arms "I wouldn't brag about something like that. And its an obstical coarse and if i recall I've been traveling the world and fighting Monsters I've even suffered through tor-" Max stopped realizing what he was about to say.
Cupid looked at Alec, "What do you mean have fun with the hellhound?....anyway too late now brother". Cupid swiped up the HQ papers and shoved them in his pockets, "Hey Max can we get a flight to Summit Camp, Greenland? Well not a straight flight to that location because that's where the next HQ is, but around that area?"
"Ah, alright,"she said, deciding not to pry despite being curious,"I wish the same could go for my mom, honestly." Beside them, Max and Helena were talking about previous events, from Max and fire - the "craaaaazy ass stuff" - to defeating a Hydra. But now the conversation seem to take a sudden turn. "Who's Mason?"she asked Ashlynn, not wanting to get in the middle of the others' conversation.
"Yeah Cupid we can fly there, but you have to ride in the cargo hold." He said laughingly to him "Anyways, he's a demigod who was injured when we were back in florida, but he's better now and he and another demigod in our group named Evelyn. They said they would meet up with us sometime soon."
Ashlynn nodded slowly clapping her hands together. "What he said."
Gade looked around. Where had she landed? She looked around and found herself in and elevator shaft on top of a moving elevator. "How the Hades did I get here?" She mumbled and got inside the elevator by removing a part of the top and slipping in.
Adriana nodded her head in understanding,"Oh, okay." Tired of standing, she decided to take a seat, not feeling the need to be completely on guard. "You guys seem to have been through a lot since the first attack - for obvious reasons. Oh! And nice job on the HQ attack," she gave them two thumbs-up.

Some Time Ago - After the Group Left for Brazil-

Evelynn drove down the road, keeping herself occupied with her thoughts and the various songs on the radio. She covered a few yawns, feeling the weariness sweep over her. By the time they reached the mansion she was more than glad to turn off the ignition and open the door. She stepped out and gave a stretch, reaching up towards the light of dawn. Resting her hands on top of her head, she realized she was still wearing the sunglasses and chuckled at her forgetfulness before replacing them in the car. Her ability allowed her to see fine regardless of lighting and weather conditions. Looking at the sleeping Mason, she debated waking him and after a moment gently shook his shoulder. H seemed to be close to waking on his own to her anyways."Come on, we're at the mansion. I'll make some waffles if you want."
Mason yawned and stretched in the seat of the Corvette. His arms reached the ceiling and as he finished his stretch, his goggles fell over his face. His eyes hidden behind the dark green shade, he replied." Mhmmmm. I would loooove that. Yummmmm waffles.... "he licked his lips as he savored the anticpation. He leapt out of the car and bumped Evelynn jokingly with his hip and laughed. He made it to the front door and noticed it was left ajar. He looked at the door and the slight opening before looking around for the SUV. He didn't see the SUV so he motioned Evelynn closer to him."I'm pretty sure they aren't home."he said softly. He closed his eyes and felt out with his senses. He detected 8 heat sources in the house that were most likely people and a few smaller sources from the boiler and the kitchen. He opened his eyes and looked over to Evelynn,"Hey, do you think a couple of them stayed behind?"

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