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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Hey cue ball you look like you need some motivation." Anthony said with a grin. He snapped his fingers and Spike stood at attention watching his hand. "Spike go lick Cupid's face off please." Upon hearing the word lick and seeing Anthony pointing at Cupid the wolf started running big tongue hanging out like the puppy it was. "Careful cue ball he's only a year old."
Cupid screamed, "HOLY SH*T F***ING SH*T CRAP DA** IT!!! I SOUND LIKE F***ING HELENA! SH*T!!!" Cupid started running and he aimed the bow still at Violet.
"Err, well I can bring things to life - not like bodies or anything, but like chairs or statues." She left out her other power, not finding it necessary to share that. Adriana jumped a bit as she heard screaming, turning her head to see a girl being chased by a guy with a bow being chased by a wolf.
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"See Ryan I can train people too I just use their fears mainly his because Spike literally won't bite anything not even his toys." Anthony said giving a slight whistle and Spike changed targets and started after Violet. "Don't worry if he catches you he'll just lick your heels."
"VIOLET HURRY OR I'LL F***ING SHOOT!!" Cupid yelled still running away. He stopped running then looked around "Nevermind".

Ace looked at the wolf then at Cupid. He laughed a bit and just kept watching Violet run.
"Sounds interesting." Max said as he heard Cupid Scream. "Cupid I think Helena can hit a note that high!" He shouted to the demigod.

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Cupid asked, "You're okay with being licked on the heels by the wolf right?"

Ace walked over to the scientists papers and pick them up, "Summit Camp, Greenland huh? Sounds familiar".
Spike caught up and started licking at her legs with a loud thump noise. "Told you not to worry cue ball." Anthony said looking at Cupid while Spike was trying to get to lick violets face.
"Yeah his real name is Romeo, but Cupid fits him better." Max pointed to the bow "Those arrows cause whoever they hit to fall madly In love with whoever the victim sees first." Max looked at the girl. "And when I say madly I mean like crazy in love, like they won't take no for an answer."

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Cupid looked at the girl who said his name, "Romeo "Cupid" Lovett, that's me. How long have you been at the camp?" He sat down and leaned back to try and relax himself from the hell he had just experienced.
"Romeo you better get up and get moving before I begin phase two of your training with furry animals." Anthony said before getting ready to whistle.
Helena laughed at Cupid's misfortune, but was cut when her hellhound went running off in that direction as well. He smells another canine, must investigate. The hellhound went running, straight at the wolf and owner of the wolf, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he ran, and skidded to a stop next to Cupid and the new wolf, Spike.
Adriana's eyebrows raised,"Wait, so he's the real Cupid? Like baby-with-wings Cupid?" She was about to say something else but the God of Love - obviously not a flying infant - was coming their way. "A bit more than a year, I think,"she answered him, shrugging.
Cupid yelled, "I won't shoot! Everyone stop! GAH! Animals no more please! Alec...please help me and you shall be rewarded!" He fell to the ground out of exhaustion. Ace just laughed at Cupid and set the scientist papers down.
"No he's not a god." Max said waving his hands. "I would hate having him be a god. It's just a nickname. He just got lucky and that was on of his powers."

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Adriana blushed, feeling completely out of the loop,"Oh, I see." Idiot, the voices in her head whispered as well as a number of other insults. She rubbed her temple in an attempt to drown them out,"He's really lucky to get that for a power. Pretty powerful stuff for a demigod if you can make someone fall in love."

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