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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Ace you ruin my fun." Max said as he pulled Cupid away from the edge of the roof. "Violet it's not the arrows that you should worry about. It's the effect they have on you."

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"A lot act-" But Max gave up. If she wanted to fight Cupid then she could. "Enjoy the Love." Max said as he walked over to the elevators and sat down.

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Adriana waved good-bye to Harry as she turned back towards the elevator. She pressed the arrow pointing up and entered the elevator once its doors opened. Adri rocked back and forth on her heels as she went up, the higher she went adding suspense. Finally, the doors pulled open and she was met with sunshine and chatter. She stepped out, the doors closing behind her.

Someone seemed to be approaching her but he (Max) sat down. 'Might as well,'she thought, moving away from the elevator and towards him. "Hi,"she said, giving a small smile.
"Hello." Max said turn on to see where the voice came from. He saw the girl who had gotten out of the elevator. "You a demigod?"

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"Yup. So I'm guessing you are one, too?"she replied. Adriana looked around at the others,"Harry had said people from the camp were up here, so I decided to come join."
Adrianna's face broke into a grin as he brought up Harry's choice in clothing,"Yeah, that's him." Her eyebrows raised as he mentioned who his godly parent was,"Zeus? A kid of the big three, huh?" Knowing she would have to share her own heritage - it was only fair - she grew sheepish,"Well, I'm Adriana, daughter of, um, Eris."
Adriana gave a small laugh. Not wanting the conversation to grow awkwardly silent, she grabbed for a topic. "So, being the son of Zeus, what powers do you got? Like anything lightning related?"
"Who spike here? Well he's my pal that's why." Anthony said scratching the wolf's chin which made it's leg kick. "Why cue ball want him to lick you to death? Because he will he is the worst attack dog ever."
"No. No lightning isn't my forte. " he said "I'm all about air." He pulled out some metal balls from his infinite pockets on his cargo pants. "Here watch." He tossed them up in the air and moved them around in an circular pattern.

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Ryan said, "Nothing's wrong with "a bit of love". But Cupid's arrows make people go all extreme and have more than just that bit of love. In fact your sister Adelina would love to agree...when she comes back from wherever she is".
Her gaze followed the metal balls as Max tossed them into the air, expecting them to fall as gravity permits. Instead , the wind picked up and the balls stayed in the air, moving in a circle. "Cool,"she admired,"Anything else?"
Cupid said, "My arrows NEVER miss. They HAVE to hit someone. They're impossible to take back. They're like missiles loaded for that target and that target only. By the way, my arrows will never affect me. They can't make me fall in love and they can't make anyone fall in love with me".
"Thats unforunate!" Alec shouted from the distance. Helena could be heard laughing.

The pair were sitting near the edge of the rooftop, in such stark contrast with each other, Helena's dark hair and clothing contrasting so much with Alec's blondness. The two friends were watching contently, Helena messing with her bracelet as if she were trying to decid whether or not to jump in.
"No, no, controlling air is all fine and dandy,"she explained,"I was just curious. And see, flying is another cool power to have. I'm pretty much stuck on the ground, for the most part."
"I volunteer to jog backwards in front of her while she does run from them." Anthony said with a small laugh.

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