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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason grinned mischeviously, "So thats where strippers came from, wel my uncle thanks you." He ducked down making his shield pop open and cover him. "Sorry, just... couldn't help it." He poked his head over his shield facing her. "Wait if I'm seaweed brain what are you?"

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Max looked to the kid in the stone cage. He raised his hand a slowly waved it. He thinned the air in the Cage so the kid would slowly pass out. "That should make him pass out" he said to Jack

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"Well, one base down and a who-know-how-many more left,"she sighed before giving a small smile. "Shocker, you're sleepy,"she joked, waving her hand,"Go on and nap away. I guess it's time for me to meet everyone else."
Current day:

Anthony had heated milk to 180° and started the rest of the cheese making process. "We put in some lime juice and stir and bam farmers cheese."
Ashlynn rolled her eyes kicking the shield. "Oh shut up Jason, and I'm the girl who is too good for any nickname you have in mind." She replied with a wicked grin.
Gade groggily woke up an rolled off the couch. He dropped onto the floor, stretched, and gave a small yawn, not noticing how different it sounded. He absently noted something tickling his back but ignored it. 'Hmm...' He though sleepily. 'A shower...good.' He walked into the bathroom and passed a mirror, absently waving to the girl in his reflection. 'Pretty...' He thought as he slowly removed his clothing and...wait...did he just feel something...bounce? He looked down and screamed before running in front of the mirror to look at her reflection. "W-W-What the f-"
Jason smirked "Alright then Princess, since your so good that shall be your nickname." He stuck out his tongue and made a face, before retreating his shield. "You know we should spar more often, your pretty cool." He fiddled with his fingers not meant g to but gathering water around his hands and making it weave through his fingers. It was an odd thing that his mother implanted in him for him to understand how things "Flow" but with water it seemed more relaxing.

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Anthony sat in the room and pulled out and answers a phone call from a scientist's stolen phone. "Everything is on schedule." The voice on the other end said while he gave a simple nod. "Keep up the good work and i'll call you next time." Anthony responded before hanging up and throwing the phone out of the window and into a pond.
Ryan waited for Violet to kick, "Wait Violet are you still there?"

Cupid looked at Ace, "Somewhere North of the globe...I'm getting closer and closer to the location!"

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Cupid replied, "Yes please! Help me find an "S", "W", or "E"". He handed Max a few papers.

Ryan, unaware if Violet was there or not, failed to make a clicking noise and detect her kick. He got hit on his right arm, "Ah!...okay that was actually okay". He paused for a moment then said, "Taekwondo. Yep that's it. While you were throwing punches and a kick at me, I was deciding what martial art I can help you focus on. Taekwondo is a martial art which focuses on mainly on kicks and has some upper body combat involved. I think you'll do great at it! And I think I heard that you got a pocket knife as a weapon? Perfect for this style....even if it by any chance evolves into a bigger weapon".

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Gade covered herself up in a towel and took a deep breath. "This is a dream, it has to be." She said in her new voice. "When I open my eyes, everything will be back to normal..." She opened her eyes. "F***." She mumbled. She put on her clothes, noting that they fit her perfectly. "...Now what?" She asked herself. She fished around her pockets for a Drachma and pulled it out. She then went to the backyard, grabbed a water hose, turned it on, put her finger on the opening and sprayed, creating a rainbow and inescapably getting wet. She tossed her drachma into the rainbow "Ryan, wherever the hell they are." She said
Ash crinkled up her nose at the nickname. "Princess, seriously?" She whined wringing out her shirt. "And sure, we can spar more often as long as you don't attack me with your water clones all the time." Ash replied sticking her tongue out at him childishly.
Anthony had made his way up to the roof. "I beg to differ since she is smaller than most fighters anything like brazilian jujitsu would be great too. She's probably pretty fast. Then again you're the one teaching not me." He said looking at Violet but he turned away and turned his bow into a pocket watch. "Great it's 2 o'clock now." He said absently before tapping the button on the top twice in a very rapid motion. He swung the gladius his watch had turned into. He admired the feel of a roman sword in his hands after so long. Anthony started practicing alone on his form away from the others on the roof his weapon shimmering every so often.
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"Who me? Yeah I think you'd be able to move fast enough to use it. Also it will let you throw people who are bigger than you like ragdolls." Anthony said not even turning his head as he perfected his form. He was moving fast but the tip of his sword dipped a little whenever it was still. "My father taught me a lot of martial arts but only two really stuck with me. Brazilian jujitsu and jeet kune do. I would suggest jeet kune do for you but with how scrawny you are it would break a few of your bones just to practice."
"Oh... I guess not that for me then. I'd rather not break any bones anytime soon." Violet said. "So, who would teach me? You? I don't even know you."
Ryan got confused by the interruption, "Taekwondo is fine for you...trust me. With that other thing he is talking about you can only take down one person at a time. TKD is better for you. By the way who was just talking?"

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Ryan responded, "Yes I will, and I meant the guys voice. Who was just talking? You sound familiar from the camp though".

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"The disgusting Roman waste of space. Though you can call me Tony." Anthony said putting the sword away with a loud click. "We are supposed to be a team so she shouldn't have to fight more than one opponent." Anthony sat on the edge of the roof with his armor still on.
Ryan smiled a little, "Oh hey Tony. How've you been? By the way, Violet one kick please again".

Cupid looked at Tony, "Hey Tony...you remember that kid Ryan? You know his face got changed?"

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Ryan said, "Since the scientists learned how to teleport, who knows if they will learn to duplicate themselves. Better to be safe than sorry. Plus for a "scrawny" body with potential, TKD does it". As he spoke he was able to catch the soundwaves and grab Violet's leg. Ryan said, "Try avoiding being grabbed as much as possible. If this does happen to you....try and move your other leg off the ground to kick the person's head".

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