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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Pfft mental torture is for wimps and it is way too complicated you have to know what buttons to press. Which for me there aren't any." Anthony said not even trying to stop or slow his brother's search. "Just keep rollin rollin rollin." He said actually trying to speed things up so this conversation would end faster.
Is it? Joakim seemed completely undaunted, beginning to muddle up his brother's memories, re-sorting them or just plain confusing them. As an afterthought, he gave Anthony the feeling as if his entire body was burning, although he took the actual effect out of it.

See, you don't need 'buttons' to press. All you need is a little magic and Lady Hecate's blessing.

He clenched the Shade in his fist, refraining from using it in place of his magic.

Other than that, it's not quite mental if you can leave physical damage. Adding a couple more bruises and an oddly shaped burn.
Anthony winced a little but he had been in full body casts before so unless there was actual physical affects he didn't care much. "That all the pain you can dish out cream puff? Well this talk is over you've wasted enough of my time with your parlor tricks." Anthony said before throwing a large amount of energy into forcing his brother out so he could seal his mind up tighter than a bank vault.
Nah. Joakim lounged around. He was the older sibling, and as it was tradition of the children of Hecate, had more power and higher magic reserves. Parlor tricks? An accurate description of what you do most of the time and what I do when I'm bored.

(Well. This turned violent. It also seems to have turned into a competition of who could godmod their character first)
"This is why I preferred Camp Jupiter nobody distrusted me or hated me until I helped a greek demigod and most of all nobody sits around my head like it's a damn living room." He practically yelled back before Remembering the papers cupid had taken with remarkable vividness. "Wait is that latin? Flight full of subjects and actually I don't think the next part is latin it looks ummm arabic. I didn't learn that but who knows maybe I will."
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At least you had people who trusted you in your life. Joakim scowled. He was starting to feel dizzy, his magic sapped to the lowest point he'd ever had it. Most likely, he'd over exerted himself.

Hah! The Shade giggled, a distorted gurgling sound.
Noting that the fight was over Jack let his golem turn back to a pile of rocks. After seeing some weird confrontation between Joakim and his brother he walked up to Joakim and put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Joakim it's best to leave him alone , we all need to be able to work together ok?" With a frown.

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Joakim didn't move. His gaze was unfocused, and the normal light brown of his irises had been glazed over by a purple.
Harry had decided to not go on the roof and spar because he was told by Jack that Adrian an old friend of his had made it to the hotel. Harry wanted to make sure she was OK . Harry first checked the pool where he was told she slept but not seeing her there he flew into the lobby , still in his footie pajamas, where he spotted her and flew up and said "Hey Adri I was looking for you!" , smiling glad to see her.


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"Dude, did you just hiss at me?!" Jack said stepping back and taking his hand off of Joakims shoulder. His brow furrowed.

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"Jack, r—" Joakim's voice faded.

"Jack…" His tone had adopted a gurgling sound, his malicious grin still not vanishing.
Anthony got out of the elevator and went to the room and laid on the floor. "This is where I belong I should take a job as a doormat."
Jack backed away a bit more, recognizing the voice as the shades Jack knew only bad things were about to happen. Jack turned to the pile of rocks where his golem used to be and willed the rocks to take form of a cage around Joakim. Jack wasn't about to take any risks with Joakim as he remembers what happened last time. "Joakim calm down man" wondering where Harry was when he would of been helpful now.

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Adriana was making her way to the elevator when her name was called behind her. Her body tensed up and she quickly turned around, only to relax. All her anxiety finally dissipated at the sight of her friend, probably her only friend, Harry. "Harry! I was afraid you didn't make it,"she smiled, her concern genuine. She would have hugged him but he was lifted from the ground, his wings out. "Nice outfit,"she teased once she got a look at him.
Max made his way to the new kids and tapped Jack on his shoulder. "What's wrong. I'm pretty sure your sparring match is over."

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Jack turned to max saying , "this has happened before , he's having an episode we just need to make sure he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else.

Harry landed and tucked his wings back into his pajamas. "Hey they might not look the best but I'll be damned if their not comfortable!" He said with a chuckle as he hugged her tightly. "How come you didn't come to see the action at the scientist hq?". Adri was one of the few people that was worth staying awake for.

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Ryan said again, "One kick?..." He moved his hands around him, "Violet are you there?"

Cupid looked at Joakim and stuffed the papers in his pockets, "So close to getting the location". Cupid ran behind Ace.

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Adriana gave a small laugh and returned the hug. However, her eyebrows knitted together at his last sentence. "'Action?'"she repeated, her eyes then widening as she understood,"You went back there? Why?" She had believed they would take any measure to stay away from their captors, not go after them.
Anthony gave a small sigh of relief. "At least the floor is never crowded." He said having a phobia of large groups since he was exiled.
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Taking a more serious tone Harry said ," Adri , the base here In Brazil is the reason we came here. We have to stop the scientists if we want to live freely" he paused for a second looking her in the eyes and he whispered " you don't just want to sit idly by and let the scientists prod at us like were freaks do you? We need freedom."

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Adriana opened her mouth to say something but grew sheepish, rubbing the back of her neck. She then spoke, but left out an opinion or two. "Of course I don't wanna be experimented on,"she muttered,"I just thought we would move on once we got out of there, away from the scientists. I mean, you know I'm not one for fighting." She sighed, dropping her hand to hug herself,"So, what happened? What was the 'action'?"

Two years ago in camp Jupiter.

"Yo Anthony your girlfriend and some greek kid are in deep water bro." This got his attention quickly and he and his cousin were off in a shot. They pushed into the center of a group and went back to back all four of them. "Rosalinda what is going on?" Anthony asked a spear in his hands. "They want to kill him just because he's greek." She responded as a line in the crowd parted as the two praetors walked up. "How did I know it would be the four of you causing problems." They both said at exactly the same time. "Anthony you and your cousin are to leave this camp immediately and do not return. Rosalinda is sentenced to death by greek fire for treason and you two will take this guy with you." That was the last he saw or heard of camp Jupiter and the twelfth legion fulminata. The group had closed in perfectly and it was all over in mere seconds.
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"Well we took a car to the base and when we got there everyone was gone because some of the others scared them all off . So then Ace chased away Ryan with a different face, Im not so sure why. Then we left and Jack and Jason brought the place to rubble." Harry let out a sigh and continued "I don't know about you, but i'm just about ready for a nap! The others are on the roof fighting though". Harry was Hesitant to tell her something else but since he was just now seeing her for the first time in a while he would let it wait.

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