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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Sea boy? C'mon I know you're better than that, now aren't ya joker." He pressed forward,swinging his sword up from hip towards her shoulder.

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"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Max said smiling. "I'm kidding you look fine." Max heard the elevator ding and the doors opened on to the roof. He stepped out with a hand on Ryan's shoulder. "We miss anything?" Max asked as he stopped with Ryan just outside the elevator.

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Anthony smiled as his guitar case was filled with more cash. "This is so much better than that one time I spent with those freaks in San Francisco." I said before looking at my arm knowing very well about the marking underneath the sleeve. "Those guys were creeps i'd rather have been with a minotaur then them."
"Hey, I'm making this stuff up as I go. It's not that simple. Do you want me to call you Seaweed Brain?" She laughed blocking the swipe with her shield then sword. "Are you trying to gut me like a fish?" She asked incredulously as Erin and Raylene came onto the roof walking over to where the others were. Ashlynn tried not to look over at the sounds of Max's voice as she did a down slice at the back of Jason's calf. She instantly slid away afterwards to avoid being striked. "Trying not to get fatally wounded." She replied to the Zeus boy without looking at him.
Jason laughed again, side stepping her blow deftly before lunging in to stab at her forming a small patch of ice behind her, just one more step and it would be over. He extended his stab bringing his rear foot up a few inches pushing forward again. "At least that's more creative." He smiled glancing up into her eyes.

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Violet walks over to the spot Ace was pointing to, then kneels down into a prayer position. "Er... Hi mom..." Violet had never been religious, so she didn't really know how to pray. "Could you... Give me a sign, or something? Or a weapon?" There was no response. "Dang it." Why wasn't her mother responding? Violet stood up, disappointed. Then suddenly she heard a voice in her head. Here is your weapon. She felt something appear in her pocket. It was a pocketknife. The hell? A pocketknife?! What kind of weapon was that?! Disappointed, she walked over to Ace.
Ace saw Max and Ryan and his eyes widened, "EXPLAIN!"

Cupid looked up from the papers and saw Max and Ryan, "Stranger, Civilian? Max what were you thinking?!" The distance Cupid was at between Ryan and Max earlier was quite distant so he was unable to recognize the Ryan's face from earlier.
Anthony felt the strongest urge to again look at the magically made burn mark on his arm. SPQR it plainly stated with three lines like somebody was keeping score of how many years it had been on his flesh. Suddenly the burning sensation returned and a fourth notch was burned in and completely healed.
Ashlynn always had good senses during battle and had gotten used to the sound of when Jason was using his ice powers, especially when he was using them on you. "Yeah? I heard the last guy who had the nickname Seaweed Brain did great things. I mean, Chiron tells storied about him at camp all the time while Mr. D's all Oh yes, Peter Johnson. He was a disgraceful little brat, I should have turned him into a dolphin when I met him do all Poesidon kids have a bad rep with Mr.D or something?" She asked using her powers to making an illusion of herself stepping back onto the ice and using he other powers to convince Jason that what he was seeing was real and that he couldn't see the real Ashlynn as she slipped to the side pulling one of her throwing daggers out of her boots.
"As I said back at the Base." Max said pushing Ryan downward wanting him to sit. "Your Pea-sized brain doesn't run all the options." Max crossed his arms, his bishop piece in his hand. "It's Ryan dumba**. The scientists did something to him."

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Ryan walked toward the direction he heard Ace's voice and told him what he told Max.

"Oh...well okay" Ace simply said then looked at Violet, "She might replace it as you gain experience. Nothing to be ashamed of".

Cupid said, "Woah so this really is you now?"

Ryan replied, "Yes Cupid it is".
Cupid looked at Ryan a bit longer trying to familiarize himself with the new and true Ryan. He then looked back at the papers and continued searching for clues or a precise location of the next HQ.
Jason laughed, "Down she goes." He stepped up offering his shield arm to help her stand. "That- wait a second that's not." He backed up quickly shield coming up and stance returning. "whoa that was close."1

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Ace said, "Oh by the way Violet meet Ryan" He gestured his hand toward Ryan and pulled him toward them.

Ryan said, "Hi Violet. Sorry I can't really see you right now. I hope you heard what I told Ace and Cupid so I don't have to re-explain stuff".

Ace replied, "Maybe it does have a cool power".
Erin looked at Ryan. "So you're the leader of this group? Zeus boy from camp?" She mused inspecting him. "You're a lot cuter than I remember." She hummed smirking at Ryan before turning back to watch Jason and Ashynn fight.

Ashlynn took her chance throwing three daggers expertly at Jason. They were mainly aimed for his arms and legs. She laughed out loud. "Over here Seaweed Brain." 
She quickly returned to her stance putting her shield back up. "At least I still have a strong hold over my powers."
Anthony gave a bow and picked up the near fourty brazilian real currency which meant $17.92 in US cash. It was the smallest amount he had ever made. He started to head upstairs when he realized something if they wanted him with them they would've asked. So Anthony Sat in the lobby and again opened the guitar case and started singing gaining a few bucks with every song.
Jason's shield arm flew up at the sound of Sam's voice he turned heard two satisfying links as the lives bounced off of his shield and yelped when the third hit his leg. "Ow son of a b****!!!" He pulled it out and tossed it aside. "That actually hurt!" Using his other foot, he pushed off and charged stepping lightly on his foot he made water clones all around them and blasted Ash wanting to get her back properly.

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Ryan replied, "Well I'm not really the leader-" He paused then rubbed the back of his neck, "Heh thanks?"

Ace looked at Ryan, "So the plan was to let you teach her how to fight. I CAN'T TEACH! You know that and plus fighting is your specialty. I might just "teach" her to become aggressive and stuff. I gave her a few talks though".

Ryan responded, "Alright Ace just hang with...Cupid I guess. You might be able to help him in some way". Ace said, "Oh please anything but teaching! See yah Violet!" Ace made his way over to Cupid and Cupid handed him a stack of papers.

Ryan asked, "So Violet..you may have been asked many times before, but what are your special abilities?"
Ashlynn shrieked as the water clones attacked. It's a hopeless battle no matter how many you slice through because they keep coming back. "Hey! Hey! Call them off! It's first strike wins! And I got the first strike!" Ash yelped as she was blasted from all angles with water. "Seaweed Brain call your little minions off!"
Joakim picked himself up, still dazed from the blow. There were others sparring, he noticed.

"Thanks for the help." He muttered, summoning his cards back to him and arranging them into a neat deck.
"I can see people's attacks coming right before they happen, and I can look at a weapon and know everything about it." Violet said, starting to get tired of explaining that.
He sighed, "fine." A wicked grin on his face. He walked over to her hands out, " Good fight." He smiled but it faded quickly when he distributed his weight wrong and agitated his wound. "ow, Jesus." He sat down, getting of his now bleeding leg.

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