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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"OK you know the typical rules! No permanent psychological damage and try not to kill eachother! Let's do this! " jack took a big jump back and focused on the rocks by the fountain and made a large amount of them fly towards his body surrounding him in an Armour of rocks. They started to take shape of standard issue Greek Armour. With his cylinder rocks he turned them into two short swords and got ready to attack joakim

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Ace looked around, "Alright let's watch Jack and Joakim and let you practice. How? Tell me their next attacks..if possible since they are both spontaneous at fighting".
Ace said, "Let me think for a bit then Violet.Hold up Jack and Joakim! Have you guys seen Max?...Has ANYONE seen Max? I think you two should spar with Max and Jason. Teams maybe? That would be cool! And plus we need to practice fighting with the group we're in". Cupid looked at Ace, "Aye you're thinking! I've never been so proud Ace". Ace glared at Cupid, "SHUT it".
Joakim had already lunged at Jack, dagger seeming to have been enveloped in a purple glow. Slashing downwards, he concentrated on mentally making Jack feel as if he was being tickled.
Ryan and Paolo made their way back to Paolo's car. Ryan put the hood up and gently hit the front and sides of the hood to listen for anything that sounded off. He tampered with a few gears and changed the oil, "Done!" Paolo looked at Ryan, "You sure you're blind?" Ryan responded, "Yes and I have no idea until when, so as you were narrating how Spain made the goal, I was forming a plan on how I could fix this car up. Well it's fixed ready to drop me off?" Paolo got in the car and started the engine, "Let's go!" Ryan got into the car and the car drove toward the hotel.
Anthony had never really fit in not to mention he always loved playing music. So he figured he'd stay near the lobby as a lookout but of course the opportunity to play music on the stage in the hotel bar was irresistible. "This next song i'm gonna play for you guys is a little lesson you men should all learn." I said smiling before doing a blues riff since I was singing it's cheaper to keep her.
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Joakims dagger made an indent in jacks Armour , but he started to feel a prickly type of feeling all over his body and started to loose focus on his power. Hearing ace Jack took his short swords and turned them back to cylinder . Jack quickly backed away from Joakims sighing he hoped Joakims wouldn't continue to fight. "Fine but he better be quick". Jack was looking forward to sparring with Joakim to get a real idea of what his friend could do.

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Max sat in the corner of the Hotel Lobby by the door pretending to read a newspaper. He watched as everybody made their way to the roof, but he didn't follow them. He just sat there, waiting for the guy who ran away from the scientist base. "It has to be Ryan, it just has to be." He thought to himself watching the crowd in the lobby.

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Joakim halted the duel, nodding to what Jack said, but raising the power level of his mental tickling.
Ace stood up and looked around for Max, "Eh not here! Carry on then! Maybe next round? Sorry for my interruption. Please continue...though you have to admit my idea was not too shabby for my usual thoughts". Ace looked at Violet, "Want to look around for Max with me quickly? We can discuss fighting while we're at it?"
As the prickly feeling started to intensify he use it to rage his fighting noting that he wouldn't need this much armors he took the rocks around his body and trusted them all towards Joakim it must have been a barrage of at least 150 rocks. He called out "HEADS UP!" As he shifted his cylinder rocks back into one large broadsword.

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Joakim rolled, wondering how much tickling it would take to get Jack to erupt with laughter. Lying flat on the roof, he fumbled around in his pockets, pulling from them a deck of cards. Flinging them at Jack, he concentrated on every card, giving them special abilities. One had blades, one was on fire, one was encased in ice, etc.
Ryan arrived at the hotel, thanked, and waved bye to Paolo. Paolo drove off reminding Ryan to contact him again if he ever needed anything. Ryan made a clicking noise and used the echolocation skill to make his way to the door. He entered the hotel and made another clicking sound. "Well this is going to be fun" Ryan thought to himself.
Jack saw the cards being blasted toward him and he ran to hide behind a pipe on the roof laughing like a madman the whole way there. As he hid he was stuck by a flaming card in his thigh and had to Pat the fire out. He said "Cu... HAHAHAHA... Cue ..PSHHAAHAAHAHA... CUTE TRICK!" He turned back to Joakim and turned his rocks to a stone giant with a club and willed it to strike Joakim while he laid on the ground.

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Max got up when "Ryan" entered. He walked over and put his hand on "Ryan's" shoulder with an Iron grip. "Don't try to run." He said in a voice that only "Ryan" could hear. "We need to talk."

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Ace replied, "Alright let's go". He headed to the elevator and opened it. The child of Ares stepped in and waited for Violet.

Ryan responded, "I won't run unless you are one of my acquaintances who can turn huge and pummel me while I can't do anything special. Who are you?" Ryan carefully spoke and avoiding saying "hulk", "powers", or anything that sounded normal to the demigods because he was unsure if it was just a random civilian holding his shoulder or a demigod he knew.
"Argh!" Fingers crushed, Joakim groaned in pain. His mental hold over Jack faded, the tickling coming to an abrupt halt. The cards crashed to the roof. Noticing this, he conjured up one of his mother's hellfire torches, tossing it at the giant. The giant swiped at him one more, and he crumpled (On that note, I have to go, sorry!)
Ashlynn slowly walked onto the roof and stood on the sidelines watching the two guys fight. They were really good, and we're having a lot of fun as she could tell.
"I guess they f***** with more than just your face" Max said his hand still on Ryan Shoulder "I can't believe you don't recognize the voice of your demigod brother." Max looked around. He started making his way towards the pool dragging Ryan the whole way. "There out of sight." He said looking back the way they came. "Now question time. Why did you run Ryan?"

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Ace pressed the button and the elevator went down, "You know...I have an Ares sister Evelynn. She can't turn hulk sized like me or control some kind of element either, but that doesn't mean that she can't beat anyone. She has a massive armory only she has the keys to. This is different from her father's summoning of weapons as she actively has to pull them out of the armory via a portal linked to her person. She is constantly trying to add more to it and everything is fair game. She can also see what cannot normally be seen, such as information on weapons, emotions, chances of success, even life and status".
Gade stepped out of the kitchen, strawberry milkshake in one hand and a bowl of ice cream in the other. He plopped on the couch. He took a small sip and started to scan the channels hoping to find something good to watch. His eyes twitched as he saw that aside for some news show, the rest were either romance shows or about animal mating. He turned the tv off and threw away the remote, which once again, was instinctively teleported above Cupid where it dropped pon his head. He took a long sip off his milkshake and said. "Bah! Love is overrated anyway!" He then lied down on the couch. "It's so cheesy too! I mean who believes that these things happen i real life?" He mumbled as he felt something warm and fuzzy before falling asleep.

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