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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason didn't go up to the roof with the others even though it was his idea he had been trying to contact Nautilus mentally and checked in on him distracting him for a while and causing many pedestrians to question his sanity. He finally snapped out of it when he heard a familiar voice. "Ryan?" He thought following him in only to see Max practically pounce on him. "Well best not to interrupt....much." He walked past leaning towards them both as he passed them, "Whenever you're done demigods, we're on the roof sparring." He went to the elevator grabbing the two in there and pulling them i with him. "Give them space."

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"Oh hey Max! Because Ace was going after me with his hulk sized body. My bad! Apparently anyone's voice, appearance, or whatever can change! Hey how do I look?" Ryan responded to Max.
Ace quickly walked around, "No Max anywhere heh? I guess we should just go back up then. Well we can train you by letting them use their powers against you...and having you fight back with regular weapons. It's possible you know?" He went back into the elevator.
"Like Gene Simmons with makeup on." Max said jokingly "I'm kidding. You look different... But not in a bad way... It'll take a little while to get use to the change." Max thought he heard something, but he ignored it. "Anyways... Why did they do this?" He said gesturing at Ryan. "And why to you?"

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Ace pressed the roof button again and the elevator went up, "Do you have a weapon yet? If not, then since your power has something to do with weapons, have you thought of a nice one to have?"
Jason seeing that the others went up called Cautious and hopped on arriving at the roof before Violet and Ace. He hopped off of his pegasus as they touched down his gear immediately springing into place. "So, who's my partner?"

((Disregard earlier post))

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Ash nodded playing with her scythe while it was in its miniature form. "Sure, sounds like a challenge." Ashlynn grinned watching the others.
Jason grinned, "Normal rules?" He said this while getting into a stance where his shield was in front with his Louis resting on top his body lowered into a combat crouch. He began circling her, mimicking moves from the spartans.

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"I was seriously about to burn my face again when you said that...anyway thanks I guess. Jethro is..was the head of the Curitiba HQ. Jethro IS my brother from my mother. His father is Jay, the head of the whole scientist thing. Jethro and I got burnt by a demigod before...I was ten years old. So Jethro's face was ruined, but mine was destroyed. Jay knew I was a demigod and saw that my face was more messed up than his own son's, so he volunteered to do an operation on me. That's how I got the face you saw me with before...yeah it was just a random face. Anyway after my operation Jay left Jethro with a scarred face because it was minor..though Jethro doesn't find it to be minor because there was a huge scar on his face. So a few years ago he made a machine and tried it...it made his face worse. He made some adjustments and created a new machine. He put me in it first for me to test it out for him. He wasn't even sure if I would die or not. He said I would be temporarily blind..and lose my powers. That's why I ran from Ace and used a skill I picked up when I was younger. It's because I haven't been able to use any of my powers since I got out of that machine" Ryan responded with his head down.
Ashlynn raised an eyebrow innocently. "Oh, who me?" Ash asked getting into a fighting stance and jerking her scythe downwards making it grow longer to medium length. "Sure." She watched Jason's moves laughing internally. "You're not gonna yell THIS IS SPARTA at me are you?" She giggled moving around Jason making sure to keep a good distance from him. She copied his movements making faces.
Cupid handed some scientist papers to Ash, "Thanks here. We found these in the trunk of the SUV". He looked up to see Ash and Jason were having a conversation, "Eh nevermind then". Cupid took the papers back and kept reading.

Ace replied, "Maybe if you pray to your mother then she might pay you a visit and/or surprise you with the weapon?"
"So do you think you'll get your powers back?" Max asked Ryan "Also should we head to the roof? Everybody is up there, and I believe they're looking for us."

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Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "We'll have to see. I mean I didn't even get my sight back yet". He paused, "Yeah let's go to the roof. Guide me please bro?"
Jason laughed, "No but only because this isn't Sparse, and shouting "This Is Cirituba" just wouldn't work out." He dashed forward closing the distance as quickly as possible, he raised his sword arm up and quickly brought it down twisting his body but keeping his shield in a position where he could still defend himself.

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Ace exited the elevator and pointed to an empty spot on the roof, "Maybe you can pray now and see what happens? Just rejoin us when you're done?"

Cupid said, "Grr. This is endless...codes, codes, codes, to do list!, codes, codes, what are these codes even for! Frickin grocery list! Alright some FIFA stats..who the heck cares. Some flight schedules, blah, blah"
"Planning on it." Max said putting his hand on Ryan's shoulder. He reached the elevator and pushed the button to take the to the roof. Then he let go off Ryan "If Ace or the others attack I'll protect you. Don't worry."

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Ashlynn blocked the strike twisting their weapons around and slipping away from Jason. "Your good Sea Boy." She teased. Ashlynn prayed her mother for a shield and thanked her endlessly as one appeared before her. She picked it up and prepared for Jason's next strike. She was a Defense Girl, not Offense unless necessary.

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