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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason looked at the boy, not amused by the new kid's joke. "Keep it up if you like being a popsicle." He waited for the doors to open and stepped out hands at his sides and at the ready. "If those basilisks get in here there'll be trouble, let's avoid that." He went towards the front doors passing through them and immediately activating his wePonry not caring who saw. He was feeli g angry and sickened that adults people that kids were supposed to trust were now killing them like insects having the audacity to say that they couldn't have these powers and yet they are happy to take them for themselves. "Gods of Olympus, if you give even the tiniest shred of a f*** get yourselves together and help us!" He could smell the beasties now but still couldn't see them. "Where are you little snakes."

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Adriana pouted at Harry's reply, the fact that he was keeping their destination a secret making her even more curious and tad bit apprehensive. "What? Brazilian beauties?"she joked.

Where could they be going? The only major tourist spots she could think of was that statue in Rio - she was at loss with the name - and the Amazon rain forest. She couldn't help but imagine how cool it would be to bring the statue to life, the cultural landmark freed from its pose and capable of movement, its stone mind under her control. Adri blinked, having put in too much thought and shook her head, pushing away the idea. Now the thought of the rain forest was more innocent, seeing as everything there was already alive.

Speaking of which, the cityscape had turned into a more botanic scene. She bothered to look down once more, her view a sea of green. The sea opened at points to allow a glimpse of blue snaking through. Here and there, she could spot black specks escape from its depths, the sun shining on some to show their rainbow feathers. To imagine what else what else could be down there made Adriana grow impatient. Wherever Harry was taking her must be worth the flight.
"Gods D*****!" Max cursed as he watched Ryan collapse against a wall. He looked back at the elevator and shook his head. He quickly jogged over as the doors closed up and the machine began to do its job. He knelt down next to Ryan "Hey Bro you ok? You need any help?" He asked his half brothers he rested against the wall. Max studied Ryan's motions "He's breathing heavy and he looks like he's in pain." Max put a hand on Ryan's shoulder and shook him "Hey You in there Ryan?"
Violet didn't know what to do. She had no idea where the other demigod's rooms were. She pressed the button for the elevator, then stood and waited. What were Basilisks, anyway? And why were they so dangerous? And how did Anthony know they were coming? She was still getting used to all this magical stuff. She made a mental note to herself to ask Anthony about this stuff later.
"Oh I'm sorry was that a threat because if so it sucks." Damian said running forwards he threw a few items from a small bag. "Go my hunting party." He yelled but some grass shifted and threw the dragon teeth back. "C**p figures the baskilisk are hiding in kurpoi." He ran forward and suddenly a sea of grass charged him. He moved through it like a hot knife through butter and started stabbing and slicing at everything.

Anthony jumped in front of Jason and blocked a burst of fire from a baskilisk with his shield. "I got your back man." He said even though the shield in his hands was beginning to get way too hot. He used his straight out splinted arm to make a barrier. The next blast of fire flew right back and lut one baskilisk on fire. "D**n snake lady to the left." Anthony said the breeze cooling his flesh as sweat formed on his body.
The elevator reached Violet's floor. Finally. She walked in as the doors opened. She pressed the button for the lobby. While waiting in the elevator, she looked at her sword, and used her power to find out stuff about it. It was made of a mixture of steel and something called 'Celestial Bronze'. Celestial Bronze? The hell was that? If only her power could actually explain that, instead of just saying it was made of it. Moving on, she found out she was the first one to ever use it. Thus, it had no name. She guessed she would have to make one up.
Ryan heard his brother and felt a bit relieved. "Yes I'm i-" His thoughts were cut off by his own words, "No". He turned his head toward the direction of Max's voice and continued, "I mean, just lead me to my room please". Ryan crawled to a door then pulled himself up by grabbing onto the doorknob, "Where are the others? Are they still on the roof? Did Cupid find the next HQ?"

Cupid stepped out of the elevator and made his way to Ryan after he heard his name, "Summit Camp in Greenland. I can't remember if I told you already, but yeah...that place. What's going on here anyway?" Cupid shifted his gaze to Max, "By the way I think that there's some creature headed this way. I'M NOT SURE! Because I wasn't really paying attention when I was on the roof. Anyway, IF there is a creature on its way, then I suggest you go up to the roof while I stay with Ryan". Ryan moved one of his hands through his hair again and took out the key to his room, "Where is my room?" Cupid responded, "You're actually holding the doorknob of your room". Ryan quickly opened the door and walked to the bed. "So I think my plan here might work" Cupid faced Max then continued, "You go up since you know how to fight, while I stay here and try my best to...stay out of the fight".
The elevator reached the lobby. Violet stepped out as the doors opened. She ran out of the hotel, seeing the other demigods fighting the basilisks. She couldn't see the basilisks very clearly, but she knew they were probably terrifying looking. She hesitated, wondering if she should let the others take care of it, then thought "Oh fuck it" and charged forward towards the grass where she thought the basilisks were.
Max nodded and ran to the elevator and stepped into it as the doors were closing. He quickly hit the button to take him to the roof. "Why would they attack us on the roof?… Wait… WHY DID I TAKE THE ELEVATOR!" Max smacked his forehead "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You can fly dumba** why didn't you do that!" Cursing aside the doors opened up to the roof and Max sprinted out. "Where are They!" Then he looked around "Umm… Where are the monsters at?" He looked around and saw Helena an Alec. "Were there Monsters here or did i miss them?" He asked them feeling a little confused "And where did everyone go-" The he heard a clang come from below. He looked over the edge of the building to see three demigods. Two he'd seen and a new one who seemed to be on there side. He looked to Helena and Alec. "You coming" Was all he said before he let himself flop over the edge. As he fell he focused on slowing his fall, so he wouldn't pancake on the ground. While he fell he noticed something. The basilisks where hiding in grass it seemed and they were attacking from all angles. He watched as suddenly a part of the grass shifted behind one of the demigods. Max unclipped his Chess piece from around his neck and made it change into his newly created Glaive. He held it like a javelin and he prepared to throw it. " Alright factor in drop and wind resi- Why do i even!" He threw the pole weapon and it landed right in the back of the Basilisk that he had seen. He touched the ground and ran over to where his Glaive had landed, right by Violet. "I thought you could predict attacks?" He joked. He put his back to her. "Here ill cover your back if you cover mine." He said as another basilisk jumped up from the grass. He swung his glaive in an upward arc slicing the beast in half, splashing blood on him. " So do you want to work together?" He asked Violet, he attention focused on the grass around them.
"Sure," Violet said. "I don't think I'd do very well on my own." Violet said as she dodged away from one of the Basilisks. She slashed at it with her sword, decapitating it. One breathed fire at her, and she rolled away from the flames, dodging them entirely.
Jason nodded a thank you and leapt into action, bringing his kopis down on a basilisks' head splitting the crown before rolling away from a blast of fire. Remembering the Anthony's shield. He rolled back and popped up lockig his shield with his, "I got yours, though you shouldn't be fighting with that broken arm, reach into my side pocket should be enough nectar and ambrosia to heal it up quick." He looked in the direction of Damian and remembered his mockery of his abilities and decided to make a point. He swung his sword subconciousy channeling his power through it while conciously thinking of making a wall of ice. The ice formed quickly a thick wall and high wall freshly formed in frony of the kid blocking some flaes and freezing one of the reptiles solid. Jason smiled the satisfaction taking his mind of off the fatigue that was creeping into his awareness. He changed his sword into it's spear form and jabbed at the Basilisks' keeping them at a fair distance. "Hey Bishop, fall in we'll be more effective together!" He glanced in between jabs at Max and Violet keeping tabs on e Vermont until they gathered.

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Ryan lied down on his bed while Cupid sat on a chair. Cupid turned his seat to look outside the window and watch what was happening to the other demigods. His eyes slowly moved up to the sky "Why can't I fight like them? I mean love arrows are awesome, but not that awesome! Max's weapon is sick! Mine makes people love....LOVE! So boring sometimes...just sooooo boring! I could at least have real arrows! I have been a good boy. I haven't shot anyone in a while". Suddenly, Cupid felt his arrow holder appear on his back and his bow appear in his hands, "The heck? Why does it look different?.......NO WAY!" He quickly turned back to look at Ryan who had fallen asleep. Cupid whispered as he turned back to look at the window, "No way! Yes!" A strong wind that only Cupid felt blew in the room from the direction of the table. The child of Aphrodite made his way to the table where a message was written on a paper pad "Unlimited ammo". Cupid smiled and looked outside the window. He went back to his seat to resume the live match between some demigods and whatever those snake things were.
"Aight!" Max said to Jason hearing his comment. "Hey Vi! Regroup by the ice wa-" Max jumped backwards dodging three basilisks fire breath. "Hey I'd like to not be burned alive, yah Lizards!" He spun the glaive around his body. "Thank gods for moms fighting lessons. He slammed the blade down on one of the basilisks killing it on impact. "I'm sick and tired of these b***** hiding in the grass. Max began to spin the glaive generating a small whirlwind around him. He slide down onto one knee and swung the blade along the ground slicing the grass down. "T-try hiding now a*******!" Max stayed on his knees breathing deeply. "N-No Mac no fainting now you'll be eaten alive. Got-Gotta conserve energy." Max closed his eyes and raised the wind flow around the area. "There now I don't need to see." His eyes darted left behind his eyelids as another Basilisk jumped toward him spewing fire. With a quick uppercut the beast was dead. "D*****!" He said as he smelt something burning. He felt a heat source coming from his head. He quickly started slapping his hair as it kept burning. "Jason! Douse me PLEASE!" He shouted as his jacket caught flames. He felt a sudden pain in his hand as it also began to catch fire. "JASON WATER NOW PLEASE!!!!!"

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"Jason I got this." Anthony said as he put his hand on his splinted arm up to his mouth. "Et venerunt in turbine. Frigida in flamma mali!" He blew into his hand gently and a small cloud formed over Max and started spewing warm rain. He kept blowing until the flames went out. He then pointed at the baskilisks and got ready to start ready for another spell. "Neptune, Vulcanum ignem et aquam de pelle basiliscum." A few of the baskilisks burst into flames while two more where covered in a sphere of water choking them to death. He then grabbed a few squares of ambrosia and put it in his mouth. "Thanks Jason really needed that after teaching Violet."

Damian stepped back as the wall of ice formed. "D****t fish boy don't screw with me!" He yelled with a slight smile before he smacked a baskilisk in the head with his shield. "Get back you over grown earthworm." Damian then threw the spear at a kurpoi that was sneaking up on Violet. "You monsters are in some deep Schist!" He yelled before a the kurpoi hissed the word schist back at him and swarmed at him but this time the teeth were in the ground first and from the dragon teeth skeleton soldiers popped up. "Destroy these stupid weeds and then go choke a snake or two." Damian told them and of course being the son of Mars they listened and started attacking the kurpoi. "Oh man that's still way too awesome to do." He thought as a baskilisk bit his thigh but he threw the snake into the wall of the hotel.
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Gade was lost in the hotel and suddenly weird snake things were attacking. "What are these things!?" She yelled as she threw a few more cards and beheaded a couple more. 'Okay Grace, just find the others and stick with them'.' She though as she ran before momentarily freezing. 'I just referred to myself as a girl...' She shook herself and teleported up and right into the middle of a sh**storm between demigods and snakes. "Eep!" She squeked as she ducked and ran behind the demigods.
[After the the battle between both Evelynn and Mason and the Spec Ops team. Several hours prior to the Present.]

The rain was getting softer and he stared at the bodies on the floor. 'Great... ugh... I hate being the mule sometimes.' Bruce thought to himself as he lifted the kid's body and placed it over his shoulder. The body dangled as blood still flowed out. Bruce walked towards the commander's body and lifted both her and the one she was shielding. The girl was under his arm and the commander was over his other shoulder. 'I really hate being the mule...' he thought as his head sagged a bit and he walked towards where the mobile base was and hoped Ezekiel was readying the medbay.

The door opened and he met Anivia before he could climb the steps into the mobile command center."Anivia... Mind taking the commander? She's out cold. These two are dead. I'll put them down on the beds so we can keep their bodies somewhat available for DNA extraction." He said as he shifted his weight to let her grab the commander from his shoulder

Anivia lifted Zairah off of Bruce's shoulder and helped her onto a chair. Ezekiel had prepped the consoles and hooked her up mediately. "Damned woman can't seem to keep from getting emotional from seeing her daughter. Now look at her." he whined as he helped place a gelatinous compound on her burns. Bruce walked up and set the two onto the tables and went into the shelves above to begin administering the nutrients for stabilizing the bodies. He couldn't stop the kid from bleeding so he looked over to Anivia,"Hey, freeze the blood coming out. I'm gonna get this whole damned bus covered in it." Anivia smiled wickedly as she came over, "Well, you shouldn't have been so violent with the poor kid. I would have been more.... Gentle with him. Heh..." she said with a dangerous hint on her voice. Her hands hovered over his wounds and the gashes were covered in frost and sealed. "There. Now hook them up to the machine before their useless. I want to learn about their... powers..." she said lusting for what she desired most, power.

Bruce hooked the daughter of the commander up to the system and the monitors showed no signs of life for the young girl. Zairah woke a little after and she tried to take in her surroundings before casting a sorrowful glance over Evy. She took in a breath before accepting that she was gone. She saw the battered remains of her companion on the table beside hers and watched as Bruce connected him to the systems. The monitor became erratic and Ezekiel hurried over to them to find out what the problem was. Ezekial spoke out loud, "This kid... he's still beating... looks.... like the deterioration affected him.... strange... but it looks like he's going to crash."

Zairah tried to stand and lifted herself from the chair with her muscles screaming in agony. She walked over to oversee the situation. Bruce pulled out his blade, "I'll take care of this." He placed his blade over the kid's neck in preparation to behead him. Zairah grabbed his forearm, "Don't. Let's see where his strength takes him. If my daughter cared for him, then I'll give him a chance to prove his worth." Bruce retracted his arm and sheathed his blade. They watched as Mason struggled to keep the flame inside from dying out......

[To be continued...]
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Jason nodded as Anthony extinguished Max and carried on stabbing at basilisks. Moving himself into position to group up with the others.

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Harry smiled at Adrianna's question , Letting a chuckle out at what he might say back. "No but if you want we can find some of those later! ". He hesitated to shift the conversation to what he really wanted to talk to her about out here as his face shifted a serious expression. What if she thought he was crazy? What if she told the others? All these thoughts soared through Harry's head As they soared in silence. Finally he decided to speak up as he noticed they were nearing their destination because the river started to widen."Adri..... Do you really think it is the safest idea to stay with these other demigods? I mean if we are up against an organized group of scientists who is out there actively seeking out demigods, isn't it better to not be in a huge group of demigods ? If we were to just stay away from them and lay low for a while, we would probably be safer. dont you think?". Jacks heart was racing, what Adri said next may just be life or death. As his palms started sweating he tightened his grip on her careful not to drop her.
Adriana scoffed at the notion, shaking her head gently. They flew in silence, the only sounds being Harry's wings and the wind. After a while, she opened her mouth; perhaps she could pry out a hint from Harry about where they were going. However, he beat her too the punch, asking if she believed it was a good idea to stay in such a large group of demigods. "I think it's pretty safe,"she answered, disagreeing with his opinion,"I mean, safety in numbers, ya'know? It seems that this group is pretty strong, seeing as they purposefully went to the scientist HQ and took it down without losing anyone. And honestly, at this point, I feel better surrounded by other half-bloods than being alone again, 'cause I had no one to back me up when they caught me."

Adri bit her lip as she remembered her capture. She had ran, just like everyone else, but had decided against joining her initial group on their travels to Virginia. She stayed in New York City, believing the hustle and bustle would keep her hidden and inconspicuous. She was stuck over whether to to go home, regroup, or simply stay alone; she quickly eliminated the first option. It was so close to the ambush that she was afraid to use IM, so she waited it out. But, ultimately, she should have just left the state entirely. She had attacked a woman, manipulated her into cashing out her credit card. Then going under a different name, she had paid for a room in a cheap motel, like really cheap.

The next stupid choice she made was investigating what was left of the camp. She hid in the forest surrounding what was left of it, watching as the scientists tested the area and scavenged items. A soldier spotted her and began to question her, and, out of panic, she took his sanity before running away, leaving him questioning why he was there.

Later that day, there was a knock at the door and Adriana simply assumed it was the guy at the front desk. So when she opened the door and came face to face with two unfamiliar men, she panicked. It was a strain to always be on edge, to always look over your shoulder in fear; she was a nervous wreck. Not even allowing the men to create a fictitious story, she attacked them, slapping her palms on the nearest furniture and ordering them to attack. Then, she had snapped. Adri couldn't remember what happened, only the very end. Cold laughter bubbled from her throat and she willed to stay awake, but she only grew more tired and weak. Then she fell to the floor, her hair becoming wet and the sharp smell of metal reaching her nose. Her eyelids drooped, but before closing them` she came face to face with one of the men, a dead look on his face as blood pooled from his -

'Stop,'she ordered herself, noticing that she was shaking, refusing to pursue the memory. She looked at Harry from over her shoulder, taking care to notice his facial expression; disappointing him pained her. She didn't want to make it seem as if she wasn't comfortable to be alone with him and didn't trust him. "Until this group proves unsafe, I think it's better to stay."

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As Max was doused by Anthony he quickly took note of the damage from the fire. "My hair is charred, my hand is returned and… Those Motherf*****s!" Max stood up and looked around at where the basilisks where hiding in disgust. He began to slowly spin his glaive. "You can burn my hair…" The glaive spun faster "You can burn my body…" The spinning glaive channeled the wind around it making a giant disk of pure wind "But when you burn my favorite jacket… I will kill you." He jumped. Once he was in the air he threw the disk down. It flew parallel to the ground and each basilisk it touched was sliced in half. As the disk neared the street Max waved his hand an it dissipated. Max landed on the ground and rolled up the burned jacket sleeve. "I will not let anything happen to my treasures." Meanwhile another basilisk began to sneak up behind him. It sprung at him bearing its poison filled fangs, but before it could get close Max discharged the beast with a quick uppercut from his glaive. Max turned towards where the monster had come from, his eye white and pupil-less. "Who's next" He said in a monotone as more of the beasts came out of the grass to attack him. In a flurry of slashes the beasts were nothing but dust, ten beasts gone with a single motion, as Max began to look around for more. "Is this all you've got?" he asked in his monotone voice. as he spun his glaive so the blade was pointed to the sky. "I was hoping food more of a challenge." His voice had become cold as he spoke, like Max had vanished into himself being replaced by someone else. Another beast jumped at him, and with a quick flick of his wrist the beast was reduced to dust. His eyes flashes with color, and put his burned hand to his head regaining consciousness. "What the hell was that?!" He asked himself in his head before remembering that there were still monsters around that were attacking the group. He looked to his feet to see piles of dust sitting around him and his blade covered with blood. "Holy S***! What the hell just happened to me?!" He backed up remembering the Jason wanted everyone to regroup at the ice wall. when his back was at Jason's he took a deep breath. "You'll figure it out Max, just focus.." He slashed another Basilisk as it went to strike Jason. "I got your back." He said as he readied himself for the next attack from the basilisks.
Jason smirked, "Does this remind you of those schools fights too or am I just being nostalgic. How about that avatar state." He willed his spear to return to it's sword form and he struck two more basilisks down slicing along their jaw lines. He spun as his senses heightened his sword flying around in his hand his shield becoming another blade as he rolled, jumped and sound through the monster leaving twelve serpentine piles of dust around him and Max. "This must be a whole nest of them, do they even live in groups or is it because we are so close to the jungle that we attract this many." his words were directed at Max while he continued his deadly dance finding a pattern that worked excellently.

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"Avatar State?" Max asked as he sliced up another beast "oh that. I have no idea." Max blew at the group making three more beats jump out of the grass. He grinned and reduced the three basilisks to dust. "And by fights do you mean the ones where I beat you sorry a** or the ones when it was against the school a******?" Max wacked another beast with his glaive sending it back into another one of its kind. "This is taking forever. I'm gonna say multiple nests. Maybe the smelled our powers when we were sparring." He cut another beast in half. "Were gonna exhaust ourselves before we get rid off the all." Max closed his eyes and let the wind tell him where they were. "Jason! Switch now!" He said as he jumped up and backwards. He put his hand on Jason's head. "Take out the ones behind us!" He said as he vaulted off Jason's Head and into the air. He spun his glaive and held it in two hands. He swung sending a wave into the grass. As the wave hit, twenty of the monsters jumped up from the dust of the ones that didn't survive. Max landed and spun the blade of the glaive up behind him and held up a finger gun. The air in front of his fingers distorted, looking like a puddle on a rainy day. "Bang!" He made a shooting motion and the air came to life. Twenty wind spikes flew forward each meeting it's own target. Max leaned on his staff, exhausted from the attack. "D***** that was to much energy." He said trying to regain his balance as he felt more take the beasts places. He looked around and then up. He noticed Cupid sitting and watching them. "Hey Love God! Get Your Butt Down Here And Distract Them!!"


@Kai'zen Makaira

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Anthony and Damian stood back to back in the middle of the parking lot with a few monsters around them. "Just like Alaska isn't it cousin?" Damian asked with a grin as they stared down the enemy before running up over a car to lead their group of foes away from the others. Anthony agreed with Damian using a simple nod and they both ran as fast as they could aiming for a clearing through the trees. "This is actually a lot like Alaska and that's a little strange." Anthony thought as they burst into the clearing and again got back to back. "Well back to back with Anthony again. seems like the boys are back in town after all." Damian thought with a grin as the kurpoi and basilisks surrounded them. They gave a yell and charged different sides of the circle they were in and they hit the edge like a pair of explosions and they punched through into the outside of the circle. they then swarmed their pack of foes like a pair of savages causing the foe to panic in fear.
Violet slashed at another basilisk at it jumped at her. Damn, these things are annoying. She saw a vision of one come at her. Then another. Then another. There were so many about to attack her. She dodged one, and then another, and then another, but then she felt something bite into her arm. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She screamed. She swung her sword at it, cutting it in half. She fell to the ground, clutching at her arm. It hurt so much. Her vision started to darken.
Cupid's eyes widened and he shook his head at Max. As Cupid shook his head, he saw Violet get bitten and he ran out of the room. He turned back to look at Ryan on the bed. Eh you'll be fine righ-. The child of Aphrodite felt a tingling feeling behind him, "What's happening?" Suddenly, a surge of pain went through Cupid's back and he fell to the ground. He looked around, but no one else except for Ryan was near him. Cupid rampaged through the whole room looking for something sharp, "It's like something needs to get out! AAAHHH I hate this!" He decided to use a regular pen since he was unable find anything else. Before Cupid could reach the pen, he tripped and hit the ground. In an instant, wings popped out of Cupid's back and started flapping. He turned his head a bit to look behind him, "AAAAHHHH WHAT THE HECK!" His wings were moving by themselves and pushed him forward, thus making him crash through the window, "AAAAAAAHHH THE....wait". Cupid took out his new weapon and aimed it at one of the monster things, "Heh so I guess Cupid is the most accurate nickname ever". He fired an arrow at one of the creatures then flew down to Violet, "Are you okay?"
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