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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan yelled once more as a response, "AAAAHH!" Jethro said I was only going to be temporarily blind, not dying of a horrible head and eye ache! He flung his hand up and hit the wall next to the bed, "OW!" Ryan rapidly brought his arm back, causing him to roll off the bed then make a thud on the ground, "Ah can this get any worse?"
Raiko bursted through the door and saw Ryan on the floor. Raiko raised his hands towards a plant on the other side of the room and on to Ryan. He drained the plants. Life to try and make Ryan feel better.
Ryan's pain started to subside. He felt relieved that he wasn't going to die at that moment. Ryan made a clicking noise then noticed a unique sound wave return to him, "Is someone in here? Who are you?" Oh no....I AM GOING TO DIE! NO HADES NOT YET! NO! Or am I dead already? Is that why I feel no more pain? Ryan moved his hands around and felt his surroundings. Nah still in the room.
"No I am a friend. Not a foe. I mean no threat. It's me, Raiko." Raiko said trying to comfort him. He needed to take a break after draining a living thing. He sat down next to Ryan. He raised his hand to shake them noticed Ryan had his eyes closed.
"Raiko?...Raiko! Did you do one of those life stealing moves of yours again?" Ryan asked. He thought to himself, "Hm...must have been in the same group as the others". Ryan said, "By the way it's Ryan and I'm blind". The son of Zeus looked down then opened his eyes. He sighed, "Are you okay? I know you usually feel kind of weak after your whole draining thing".

Cupid glanced back at Violet, "What if we....Hang on! We're going in!" He yelled as he dipped down then flew between Max and the monster that starts with a "b".
"Ya" Raiko said catching his breath. "Ryan?! Is that really you? Man I remember you looking different! So what happened?" Raiko asked. He started to polish his gun with a rag from his right pocket after he touched it before he entered the room.
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Ryan relaxed a bit, "Yes it is me. Oh just the usual....evil half- brother turns out to be the head scientist's son. My brother changed my face to the way it was supposed to be if we had not been burnt years ago. He also took away my powers and probably changed his face to its original form as well. So yeah..this face is actually my real face. The other face you've seen was just a random face I guess". A breeze blew into the room from the area where the window was supposed to be if Cupid had not broken it. Ryan paused, "....um is the window open?"
"Do what we are doing now. We are in front of the monster....any moves yet?" Cupid looked at Violet. He kept flapping his wings to allow them to stay about a foot above the ground so that they would be able to fly just in case the creature tried to attack them. Cupid shot an arrow that flew through the air toward a basilisk's head, "Hm...I'm unsure if my arrow is even strong enough to penetrate such a hard head".
"The window isn't open... Wait your real face?" Raiko said while getting his guns out. He pointed them towards the window ready to shoot some monsters. "Umm, I am going to check what is out there ok?" Raiko stood up and was ready to go towards the window. "Well I guess this is a solo mission for me. Just stay behind me just in case." Raiko looked out of the window ready to shoot. He saw nothing. Then turned around and saw a monster. "What is that?" He asked Ryan. Raiko stopped asking and shot the monster on the eyes trying to blind it. The monster lost one eye and started to run towards Raiko. He attempted to jump over it and the monster scratched his leg. He walked in pain away from it and started to drain its life. When he finally drained its life his leg was healed. "Got it" he said as he sat down. He was gasping for air.
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"How did that thing....th-there's no window here huh? Someone or something broke it?" Ryan asked. He slowly stood up and held the wall, "I was burnt when I was younger. This guy operated my face and I got the face you saw me with before. My brother was able to use his genius brain and create a machine to give me my real face...the face I should have had right now if I was not burned years ago. He obviously succeeded". Ryan noticed that it was a bit more quiet than usual, "Where is everyone?" 
Cupid said, "So would you rather that I leave you in one spot and allow those things to attack you, but stop them before they actually do, or fly you back up to the room?"
"Well, having me just stand there getting attacked would be pointless. I'd probably end up losing my other arm." Violet sighs. "I guess I'll just go back to the room"
Max's Glaive flew through a Basilisk that was jumping towards Cupid. "Watch your back Cupid!" Max said as he re-readied his glaive. "These freaking things are everywhere!" Max's breathing hastens and he begins to breath deeply. "Hey Cupid… I don't got much more fight in me." He slashed another Basilisk in half and wobbled a bit. "So get her out of here! Then your A** back down here and help us out!
A dark blur fell from the rooftop, and the gleam of a blade was Helena's entrance to the battle, stabbed her sword into one basilisk, then looked at the snake on her sword. "Huh. Basilisks. These little f***ers." She pulled it off of her dark blade and examined it, then with a growl she threw it the limp body down, watching it fade to sickly yellow dust. Then slowly, skeletal hands crawled from the ground, surrounding the daughter of Hades, the fingers each grabbing a single basilisk and plunging it back into the ground, as Helena held her blade in front of her, then began an onslaught on the monsters. She danced amongst the venomous snakes with grace, stabbing and slashing mercilessly.
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"Harsh brother. I never had a brother so I don't really understand how it feels but I've seen enough movies." Raiko put his hand on Ryan's shoulder to comfort him and balance him. "By the way sorry that I was quiet for a bit. I drained the monster. What was that monster anyway? And when he scratched me it really stung. More than a usual scratch."
Violet watched Helena's display of coolness with an expression of awe. "Holy shit..." She muttered to herself. She wished that someday she'd be able to fight like that. She doubted she would with only one arm.
Cupid quickly flew up and brought Violet back into the room, "Ryan you're awake! Well update...we are fighting basilisks and Violet's left forearm was disintegrated. Also, I HAVE WINGS NOW! WOO! I even have real unlimited arrows PEACE!" He yelled peace as he hopped out of the room and flew back to the fighting area.

Ryan paused to take everything in, "...peace Cupid. Violet what happened to your arm? Did I hear that correctly?"
"Yeah, you did. It was bitten by one of those little snake things... Basilisks, right? Whatever they are, I got bit by one of them. It hurt like hell. And now my forearm is gone." SHe says, gesturing to her missing forearm, even though Ryan is blind.
"Raiko do us a favor and watch the window area just in case some creature comes" Ryan walked around the room then stopped, "Jack can invent stuff. He may be able to give you a new arm..." He thought for a moment then continued, "..with modifications. Sick modifications! We can ask him to make it a weapon too or something. You can be cyborg-ish! Guns, grappling hook gun, audio recorder, watch, message thing, thermometer, depth detector, hologram thingy, scanner, and other stuff!" Ryan grabbed the wall, "This might sound weird Violet, but I'm kind of excited about your new arm...if Jack accepts to make it".
"Ya sure I'm ok with watching the window while all of you have a fun time playing reunion. It's fine. I don't want to play anyways." Raiko said like a little child. He walked towards the window and looked outside. "Wings. I want wings." Raiko thought to himself. He pulled out his guns and aimed them down towards the ground ready to fire.
"I can? Awesome!" Violet said. A robotic arm? She could be a badass cyborg! "I'm excited too now! Maybe I should lose my other arm too!" She said, half joking, half serious.
Jason gave Max a pained smile remembering that luchtime conversation. He turned and wobbled towards the hotel's doors, only to be tackled through by Max stretching the wound as he fell. "Gaaah, dammit." He got up after Max had dispatched a multitude of the beasties. He hobbled through the lobby guests parting as they realized that a wounded kid was among them a few men ran off to get medical supplies and others tried to stop him only to back off when he brandished his kopis with a murderous look on his face. He turned the corner and continued down a hallway smelling the chlorine. Jason stumbled and nearly fell his face losing it's color quickly and blood smearing on the wall from his hand. He retracted his shield to relieve the little weight he could feel from it and picked up his pace pushing open the door and sighing in relieaf as he saw the water only five feet away. "Almost there." "Come on in the waters fine." A girls voice rang out over the other ten people that were in the area. He turned his head to see Jerika chilling in the pool a small swarm of boys around her who all turned and gave Jason mean looks. "The hell, we're fighting for our lives and your stringing along these poor b*******!? Come on Jerika." Jason's voice still managed to be disappionted. Jerika just rolled her eyes and pulled herself out of the pool much to the dismay of her fans. "Lay off I was just relaxing, now get in there before you bleed out." She kicked him hard in the rump knocking him into the water blood spreading from his wound for about five minutes before stopping. His wound healed and the water looking clearer around him his sword glowed under water and when he activated his shield out of curiosity it seemed to be repaired fully just as he was. "Nice" he said underwater. He got an idea that would end this fight quickly. He rose to the top standing on the water and officially freaking everyone there out Jerika excluded. "Come on we're going for a ride." He rose on a pillar of water using his favorite technique, surging forward he picked up Jerika and flew forward bursting through the doors, down the hallway, and out of the hotel grabbing up Max in a waterspout and sending high pressure water blasts at six basilisks that had been closest to him before he realized that his sword was swallowing the water and left him standing on dry ground, a flustered Jerika in his arms which he soon let go, and a Max standing behind him. "Well that was cool while it lasted, though I'm curious as to how I'm not exhausted." Maybe cus it's in my gear. His weapons shined and Jason himself looked fine except for his shirt which had a clawed hole over his now heald abs.

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"Nah you shouldn't. So Violet...did I change your outlook on losing your arm?" Ryan asked. He attempted to try and cheer her up. Losing an arm was a difficult event to experience so why not make the most of it. Ryan turned to the direction Raiko's voice came from, "You can go there...CUPID!" Cupid quickly flew back into the room gasping for breath, "Who called me?" Ryan nodded toward Raiko.

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