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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Helena stared at him as his face undertook several different stages of "Whoooa she's hot" and did not understand where it came from, as was clearly displayed in her facial expression. Honestly, I look more like a pale stripper with prison tattoos then anything else. I have more scar tissue and tattoos then I have normal, untouched skin! she stared at Jason some more as he talked about how she looked, then once he was done she promptly wrapped her arms around her chest self consciously. "Gee. Thanks." She said, not sure how to take this. She didn't really get compliments like that.
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Jason chuckled at Helena's reaction, she was a lot like her tough on the outside but fragile in the middle

He made a mental note to try to get to know her better for more than one reason. He smiled as an idea popped into his head, "Hey want try something with me?" He formed a version of his board with a few modifications to the shape so that it would be easy to use indoors. "Wanna ride it with me?" He hopped on and jumped on it to show her it was secure he then adjusted his shirt and bag so flying would be easier.

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"Are you f***ing kidding." She said, staring at him with disbelief, "If I won't fly in a f***ing airplane without being tied up like a psycho in a straitjacket and dragged onto the plane, I sure as hell am not stepping onto a f***ing floating water discus and no matter how many times you jump on that thing it will not prove that I can stand on that thing. No sir, no. Good bye." With that, she turned and walked out of the hotel room, and walked off slowly.

Alec made his way up to the roof after seeing Max's note. He couldn't think of anywhere else Max would disappear to, and it certainly seemed like he was right. "How did I know you would disappear up to here?" He said, looking at Max with a raised eyebrow.
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Jason sighed and rolled his eyes, "You definitely need to work on being open-minded." He grinned and took off after her scooping her up in his arms as he passed and shifted so that he wouldn't hit her head or feet against the walls. He turned into the stair well hitting the push bar with the board and slowed down as he took them down. "It's not so bad right, sure we're in the air,but I'm not stupid so we won't crash." he stopped at the bottom of the stairs evaporation the board and putting Helena down. "We sadly have to walk through the lobby but give me the words and we can fly again." He grinned mischievously, before opening the door.

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Once set back down, Helena turned on Jason and growled, shoved him and shouted, "DON'T F***ING DO THAT!" She was shivering slightly, like that simple trip had terrified her enough to make her tremble, but she steeled herself and growled some more, before turning and trudging into the lobby and swiftly through, noticing several stares from other guys in the lobby, then wrapped her arms around herself and rushed to the pool area trying to avoid the stares and looks, her eyes clenched shut.
"You know you'd be wrong if i hadn't been chased off a roof in town by and old women with unreal boot throwing skills." Max said laying on th roof. After he had set down on a roof in town he had been chased off of the roof he was on by some crazy old woman, and he just decided he should get back to the hotel. "What do you want Alec?" Max said sitting up "If its about the pool party I'm not in the mood." Max shifted so his back was to Alec. "I have way to many thoughts running around in my head and its driving me mad!" Max pulled his legs up towards his body. "It's killing me, thinking about what could be happening while we're just sitting here F****** around." Max tightened his grip on his shorts. "We should be leaving for Greenland Now! Not wasting our time with a pool party. Especially with what is happening, and…" Max paused and calmed down "And… and what could be happening to our friends."
Jason frowned at the way Helena hid herself from the people around them, hating the way some of the boys snickered he put an arm around her then looked back sticking his tongue out at one who seemed especially surprised. "Helena hold your head high, you have nothing to be ashamed of and they should know it. Shrinking only makes you a target, believe me I know. Now come on we have a pool party to attend." He tried to smile as encouragingly as possible but she reminded him of how he once felt. He opened the door to the pool area and pushed her close to the water a devilish grin on his face, "Smile or we're going swimming I promise you won't die, the worst that'll happen is you'll have fun."

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Her first immediate action was to shrug his arm off her shoulder, "Don't touch me unless you want to die in the fires of Hell. And it will a slow, excruciating death, don't test me." She hissed, glaring and immediately making her way to a secluded corner of the pool area and sitting in one of the lounging chairs, hugging her legs against her and grumbled about water and the River Styx.

Alec stared down at Max, extremely disappointed and downright sad that Max didn't want to go to his pool party... He looked hurt. "You know, Helena is going to be there by herself... Along with me. Thanks Max." He said, trying to not let how hurt he was show, then turned and walked off again, crossing his arms and sighing.
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Jason twitched anger building up, "I'm only trying to help you, you could at least say thanks." his voice was more of an irritated growled and he raised his fist a large orb of water raising out of the pool. "I don't care if your dad is the guardian of the dead that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk too leave that to him!" he punched forward and the orb split into five large streams that rushed towards Helena splashing her repeatedly until it was all draining back into the pool.

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The young girl paid no mind to the water pummeling her, she took it all without flinching. Sure, now she was soaking wet, but who cares, it's water.

"Go ahead, beat on me some more... I'm used to being abused.." She said quietly, darkly, not looking up from the floor, before laying down on the chair and curling up in a ball, facing the wall.
"Well there goes my attempt at getting you to come out of your shell. Seems I've only driven you farther in, sorry." Jason walked over and sat next to Helena and glanced oper, "You know I'm your friend right I'm not going to try and hurt you. I'll kick you out of your comfort zone...if it's generally harmless but otherwise I won't make you do anything you don't want to. And another thing when you're being abused do NOT curl up and take it. Fight like hell to prevent it no one should make you feel weak especially yourself. GOT IT!" Jason sighed, "Look I don't know what you've been through but by your scars and demeanor it's was definitely hell, the closest I've come is just some bullying and even then I had Max to watch my back. So I'll make you a deal, if you ever need my help let me know and I'll kick as much a** as you need me too. I'm sure everyone else would do the same, Rcan isn't the only one we care about. Jason stood and dusted off his butt out of habit, "Oh and one last request, try to enjoy yourself more pain takes time and a whole lot of joy to heal and you need a bit more joy....Just a thought, if you want say the word and I'll poof if not I'll park it here again."

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When Helena looked at Jason, she looked like she had the weight of the sky on her shoulders, and she was struggling with it. Eventually she turned over to face him, but remained in her curled up position.

"You... You talk a lot. You know that?" She said, looking at with the smallest of smiles on her face, meaning her meant no harm in the statement. But then her expression returned to grim. "I look like I've been through hell... I used to be like you. Happy, friendly and full of energy with this glow to my skin like you and your pretty skin tone but- That's not the point!" She exclaimed sitting up, with her hands in hair, "I had that demeanor kicked out of me, literally and figuratively..." She looked up and into Jason's eyes, at all the people that weren't in the pool, then back at Jason, "I was abused and raped for three straight months when I was five by a foster father. Shit like that f***s up a kid. That same guy showed up later after I'd been adopted by the, nicest man I've ever met, and you know what? I had to f***ing bludgeon him to death with a f***ing butchers knife! You couldn't even recognize his face, it was mutilated!" She was progressively getting louder, pointing to each individual scar on her person then threw her hands up, "That man drove nails into wooden boards THROUGH MY HANDS!" slowly she let her hands sink down, then pulled her legs up against her chest and her hands returned to holding her head, as if she was trying to comfort herself, "After that day, I wasn't perky little Helena anymore. I had receded into a shell of who I was before. I shove out the tough girl badass look so people will think, "Jeez she's a bitch," or ,"Damn she could kick my ass," and LEAVE ME ALONE. Because I don't trust people! The only people that ever broke through my barriers are Alec who's just a straight nutball- no, gay nutball, sorry- Evelynn Monroe, my first f***ing crush who actually saw how sad and lonely I was and tried to fix it, no matter how f***ing sadistic and sarcastic and difficult and bitchy I was, and then I stumbled on Mason in the Forge because I needed some to fix my f***ing heater and... And...." At this point something rare and totally unseen was happening; Helena was breaking down. Trying not to show those tears that she'd held in for years and years, and she was just about ready to boil over now..
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Jason struggled to figure out what to say as her story became progressively worse, his tumultuous state reflected in the pool which had several whirlpools and One water-spout in the center. By the time she was finished he was stone faced, the pool still raged and then became still the roar of the water gave way to silence, Jason reached down and wiped Helena's tears before heading her up and pulling her into a hug. "You've needed a lot of compassion for a long time." he pulled away a bit and playfully karate chopped her forehead. "But yo stupid self won't let anyone in....I can understand why, though now you have another friend to talk to ok?"

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"No, NO, NO, NO NO NO, NO!" Helena was not to be calmed. She vaulted to her feet and began to walk around the pool, waving her hands about in gestures while the ground rumbled and shook as her emotional state hit it's climax, "Look, I get that your trying to be comforting but it's NOT WORKING!" She shouted, skeletal hands began to claw their way out of the ground, but then Helena squealed and stomped her foot, and they receded like they'd been startled. "NOTHING can make me feel better, Jason! With what I know, nothing will be better! Why? Because MASON AND EVELYNN ARE DEAD, JASON!" She clenched teeth, tears pouring down her face with no sign of stopping , and she tried to hide it with her hand, "NO, let me be more specific, Evelynn is dead! I knew it the second she died, don't ask me how but I did! I can feel her soul moving through the Underworld... God I hope she achieved Elysium. She deserves that!" She looked down at the rumbling and shaking angrily, as if she was glaring at Hades himself, "AND MASON? GOD KNOWS WHERE HE IS! He's not dead, I can tell! But I don't know where he is! He could be f***ing laying face down in a ditch bleeding to death and I couldn't tell you where! AND THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO TO HELP HIM, BECAUSE I'M IN F***ING BRAZIL, SITTING WITH YOU AT A F***ING POOL PARTY NOBODY SHOWED UP TO!" She was screaming at no one in particular, but she just couldn't pull her voice down now that it was up there. But suddenly she got quiet, hugging herself, "If I had just stayed with them... If those stupid ass Cyclops hadn't been there, I could still be with them... I could have saved both of them... But no, I was dragged off to Brazil. And now I can't just go back and find him. I'm stuck in Brazil, with my only friend who doesn't seem to care about me anymore and the only two people I could care about are dead or... Missing..." She said, quietly, and when that finally word came out, she completely crumbled. She turned into a sniveling, sobbing, red eyed mess, wailing her heartbreak for practically anyone to hear, before snapping her attention to Jason, "You go tell Max what I've said. All of it. He was asking what happened to Mason and Evelynn. Tell him my lifes story too, while your at it. Maybe people will stop looking at me like a bitch and look at me like a kicked puppy." With that, she turned and charged away, her arms up over her face, out of the pool area, and disappearing up to her room, where she locked the door and remained alone, with only a hellhound for company.
As Alec walked away Max tightened his grip on his legs. "Thats not it Alec… You don't know what i know." Max mumbled before getting up and jogging into an open elevator and shut the door. He stood there inside the elevator for a moment and pushed the button to go to his floor. "Dammit Alec. We should be halfway to Greenland…" Max said to himself as the elevator began to go down. "I should probably go find Helena, so i can thinking myself to death. But first maybe i should lay down" Max watched as the Elevator stopped on his floor and Max stepped out. He was halfway to his room when he thought of something. "Wait, I should tell Ryan about his powers… I hope he isn't too hard to find." Max said as he turned around. Max hit the button for the elevator and waited. "Don't be to far away Ryan" He said as the Elevator door opened to Reveal Ryan and Cupid. "Huh Convenient. Hey Ryan I need to talk to you."

Jason only watched as Helena went through rage and sadness then of course back to rage. He sighed and shook his head, he already knew about Evelyn and Mason his father had told him but of course she wouldn't know, of course he was upset, but the new that Mason may have survived eased him but gave him another thing to worry about. "Damn." He stood at the edge of the pool then reluctantly turned his back on it and walked away, "At this rate the mad scientists won't need to beat us we're giving ourselves a good a**-kicking." Jason would have used the elevator but it seemed to be busy so instead he flew up the stairs in his board stopping on Max's floor figuring he was either in his room or on the roof, but the room was closer so he would check there first. Booting open the door He looked down both ends of the hallway and saw Bishop at the end. He walked towards Max his darkening mood apparent. "Helena's answer to your question is yes and no, Evelyn is dead Mason isn't he's "Missing" Helena wanted me to tell you her life story but A: I'm in a piss poor mood and B: It's not my story to tell find her when you're done, then find me when we go to greenland so I can hit something already." With that, Jason walked back to the stairwell and up to the roof where he recreated his board and flew up another twenty feet above the roof, he sat down and plugged his ears with earbuds blasting "New Demons" by I See Stars.
Ryan recognized his half-brother's unique voice, "Hey what's up Max?" Cupid looked at Ryan then at Max, "Am I allowed to partake in this conversation?...or just listen? Or would you rather that I go to my room instead and stay there until we go to our next location?" The child of Aphrodite coughed a bit beginning to feel the lump in his throat again from the tracking device that was secretly inserted in his meal. Ryan faced Cupid's direction, "Maybe you should get some rest in your room Romeo". Cupid nodded, "Alright peace I'm out for now then". The teen went up to his room and fell onto his bed. Ryan faced Max's direction, "Anyway, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well I wanted to talk to you about Your power loss… It might be permanent." Max crossed his arms and looked at Ryan. "I had a little chat with dad, and he said that those scientist people are stealing Demigod powers and are giving them to there soldiers." Max put his hand on Ryan's shoulder "What I'm trying to say is that theres probably some soldier dude out there with your demigod powers." Max pulled Ryan out of the elevator. "Here ill help you to your room." Max said as he overheard Jason "S***!" Max Thought "And apparently Evelyn is dead…" Max quickly kicked the wall out of frustration. "Ok. Ryan. We should get everyone together… Is Ace still over at the restaurant? "





The alabaster marble room seemed to go for miles yet a darkness made it seem so small. As if a cell and holding a young man dressed in a white robe. His hair in it's entirety a blue to match the deepest oceans of Earth. His face a soft cream matching the marble he laid on. The robe couldn't hide a thin pink scar running diagnally along the center of his neck. The room was lit with an unnatural dim glow but couldn't pierce the looming darkness that lingered paces away.

Ba-dump... ba-dump... Ba-dump.........Ba-DUMP...

Mason gasped as his lungs sucked in air that felt like needles piercing his soft tissue inside. With long gasps, he swiveled his head left and right to orient himself. The last thing he remembered he was struggling towards Evelynn's body, broken and bloodied. And his vision dimmed and he felt the mud slap on his face and that was all he remembered. He was frantic and sat up looking around and shouted -or tried to- yet nothing came out. He was scared. He was alone and worried about Evelynn. He didn't know what happened and struggled to get up. As he turned over, he winced as he placed his hand on the floor to help him up, expecting pain from his blown out shoulder. Though, nothing happened. Mason moved the silk robe from his collar to expose his shoulder, seeing three thin pink segmented lines running along the front of where the bones connecting to his arm socket were. He pushed himself off the ground and readjusted the robe to look around and he was hesitant to walk out in any direction. 'It's not like I... got a choice...' he thought as he walked in a random direction hoping that he'd find something.

Walking for what seemed to be forever, Mason was still unable to call out. His voice was not there. He tried screaming out and still nothing. No sound escaped his lips and that haunted him. Even the darkness never left. Each step he took the darkness just stayed in it's place and followed with him, only allowing him sight of a few feet in all directions. That's when he stopped. A figure made it's way into view, exiting out of a door. The door faded away and the figure continued walking. Mason began to stumble as he followed it. Wanting to find out where he was.

The long auburn hair was what caught his attention first. The strands of orange mingling in chestnut hues that he remembered stained in red. 'Evy....' He reached out and shouted her name. Nothing came out again and Mason bit his lip and tried not to freak out but it was slipping away. She turned and her soft pale white face was passive and her green eyes pierced through him. Her mouth moved and he thought to himself, 'I... I'M DEAF!? OF ALL THE THINGS!?' They kept moving in a slow way and she turned as if for him to follow. He walked behind her and her voice began to whisper in his head as she kept walking in the lowly lit room that seemed endless with nothing but the alabaster marble floor.

"You watched as the world came crashing. You watched as I laid in my mother's arms dying. You watched and did nothing for me. You watched your friend fade away..." her voice softly echoed in his head. He looked down at the floor as the guilt rose up in him. 'I tried... I tried my best. I didn't want you to die... I wanted to save you... I wanted---' he paused and bit his lip as the guilt penetrated through his defenses and a tear flowed down and fell from his chin.

The teardrop fell and once it touched the marble floor, a puddle formed and slowly began to spout up in the center. Low at first and then higher and higher, causing Mason to stagger back away from it. Crystal emerged from the center and the water continued to pour out of the tip and tiers emerged from the crystal and a base captured the puddle creating a fountain of dark violet crystal. The fountain separated Mason and Evelynn. Her mouth began moving again as she touched the crystal and the red seeped from the touch and filled the waters in blood.

"My blood filled that lake. My life fled from me. As it did with you. Your flame dies. Don't let it die like you did me, Mason." her voice sang in his head as she fell into the fountain and it shattered into pieces.

Shards scattered across the floor in front of him and Evelynn's body was not there. He stood there in pain watching her die a second time. He looked at his hands and a drop pelted one of them. Then another hit the other. And his tears fell knowing he should have done more for her. He cried silently for a few minutes before feeling his chest grow weak.His hand clenched his chest above his heart and felt it strain. 'Your flame dies. Don't let it die like you did me, Mason.' Evelynn's voice repeated itself in his mind. Mason closed his eyes and chewed the inside of his cheek. He felt his life's flame flickering far away. He began walking and his heart growing a bit stronger with resolve. 'I'll save my flame. I won't let you die again.' His guilt vanished and Mason hurried as quickly as his body allowed him.

The darkness didn't fade and the glow never changed, however, the marble floor began to turn into a red wood. He slowed at the sudden change and looked around to see if anything else appeared. Mason began to walk slowly and as he walked closer towards his flame, a door emerged from darkness. Wooden logs stacked on each other around it and had a look of a cabin that should have been in a creepy forest somewhere. The door was ajar and Mason slowly pushed it open. A form sat in a chair. He was giant and had the rough look to him. Mason grew angry as he saw the face of the attacker in the mansion. Bruce chuckled and waved his hands. His mouth moved but this time he could hear him. "Oh please don't burn me alive. I'm just an innocent man that helped... with that." he said moving his finger along his neck. "Well what do you know... now I wish I was deaf." he said before running his finger across his neck feeling the scar. Mason's blood boiled as Bruce continued to mock him. He looked down to his hands and nothing was happening. No glow, no flames, nothing.

"I told you. Don't bother trying. You'll just end up killing yourself, kid. But I should let you know, behind me is your flame. I thought it would be nice to be here to see you want to rekindle it. Since I am after all.... the one that put you here." he said with a wolfish grin.

Mason thought for a moment and couldn't piece it together. 'Was it him? I don't remember him... I must have... blacked out from blood loss... but how did I get this...' he thought as he felt his neck again. His heart was beating faster and he wanted this to end.

"Look, kid. I'll make this easy for you. You can walk past me and get your flame and live and blah blah blah good for you and living. Or you can stay here and die so you don't have to live with the guilt of watching your friend die and be that loner you always were." he said with a smug smile.

Mason didn't say a word. His face went heavy and his eyes remained fixed on the man's face. He would remember his face for as long as he lived. Mason walked towards the man and Bruce sat waiting for something. Nothing happened. Mason continued walking past him and the darkness swallowed Bruce and the chair and the cabin with it. There was a raucous laugh and the man shouted out, "Good! HAHA! Come find me when you're ready, kid! HAHAHA!"

The light grew brighter as he continued walking. The flame was in front of him, dispelling the darkness around him. He saw it's unstable condition and his chest spasmed again. It was the time to fix it before it was too late. He thought for a moment of Evelynn and of her words. He ran the man's words through his mind. 'Loner' stood out the most. But Evelynn wasn't the only one that he would leave if he stayed. There was the girl that helped him see the beauty in his chaos, Helena. ' And the one with the highlighter jacket, Mark... or Mike... or... something with an M....' Mason thought but gave up trying to remember. He sighed and decided that he wouldn't go back on his word to Evelynn. He reached out to the fading flame and grabbed the flickering ends that were split in the center. He closed his eyes and felt the heat growing inside him and used himself and the conduit to connect the tnds of the flames together and mend the break and bring his life's flame back to life. The flame surged and the force nearly blew Mason's arms off. He held on by his fingers and another surge pulsed through him. One final surge blew him away and he hit the marble floor. Mason rubbed his head and saw the fire weave itself together and swirl back into an enormous flame. His body began to become dizzy and the world seemed to be spinning in circles. He dropped to his shoulder and his eyes were growing heavier. His head slowly found it's rest on the marble floor before his eyes shut closed.

A wet sensation woke Mason and his body was sore all over. Mason's body was being covering in a fire suppressant and it was irritating him. He tried shaking the gunk off but ended up falling off the metal plate that was supposed to be a bunk. He hit the floor and felt pain shoot through his body. A P.A. rang in the background and a low alarm rang. A woman speaking in a gutterish language was speaking over the system. One person came in through the door, covered in a suit, that in Mason's mind. was supposed to be a safety precaution for him. The person began yelling worse in the gutterish language and Mason didn't understand him, so he shrugged with his back against the floor. The person, from the yelling sounded like a man, shouted one more time with that foul language that sounded as if he put some German and English words through a blender and slapped it together. Mason shrugged again, inciting some more gutterish sounds and a good kick to his side. Mason curled on the floor and the suppressant continued to pour over him as he groaned and felt like he should have just died back in that marble room. 'Ooohhhfff... yay for being alive...I guess...'
Ryan looked at the ground, "That guy's gonna die...". He growled under his breath. Anger arose from the depths of his mind was again bringing up his evil half-brother's image in his mind. Evy's dead, his powers might be permanently taken away, and blah. Ryan clenched his fists, "I think he is. Anyway, you're right we need to get everyone together and fast". He turned away mumbling, "I can't wait to kill him..". Ryan turned back to Max, "Should I go back to the lobby? I'll just stay there since I can't really find anyone at the moment". This was his attempt to remind his good half-brother of his temporary blindness.
Pepper walked in the hotel as she glanced around nervously, she had been told that this would be a safe place for demi-gods currently. After escaping the scientists hold with Karan, they decided to lay low and made there way towards the Raddisson hotel were they had learned that some other demi-gods were here and she wanted to know if it was true as she walked in the lobby she looked around for anyone that she figured would know something. She noticed a boy walking slowly from the elevators and noticed that something seemed off and slowly made her way over. "Hello...?" she said softly, being careful not to start anything.
Ryan waited for his brother's response. He thought that Max had run off not receiving any reply from him. As a result, Ryan got into the elevator again and went back down to the lobby. He exited the elevator and felt his way along the wall. Honestly, Ryan couldn't wait to go to Greenland. The teen had a feeling that he would be able to regain his sight there. Ryan walked slowly eventually coming into contact with a table that held some kind of plant. If Ryan remembered correctly, the plant was red-ish? Or were they sunflowers? A memory ran through his mind thus allowing him to recall that there were two tables with two different plants, one red-ish, the other sunflowers. He dismissed his thoughts that seemed irrelevant at the moment, and continued to feel around trying to get to the receptionist area so that he could get assistance to the doors.
Pepper slightly walked over to him as she noticed him feeling around and decided to go over to see if he needed help. "Uh hi... did you need or something?" she asked softly while looking at him, noticing how his eyes didn't seem to focus on anything as he felt around.
"Huh?" Ryan paused then faced the voice. "Hello...Do you know which direction the receptionist person is at?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. The child of Zeus had a new respect for blind people. What if he was talking to some evil scientist who had no disguise at all, but sounded like some innocent person? Maybe this wasn't the case, but with the scientists new abilities, who said that that scenario was entirely impossible? Ryan was unable to focus making his own way to the doors due to the number people in the now crowded lobby.
Pepper notices the slightly shift in his body but decided to remain calm. "Yeah. She's just over that way... Do you want me to help you over there or can you manage on your own?" she asked while lightly rubbing her bracelet as it rested against a scar on her wrist from when the scientists had her. "Or do you wanna get out of this crowded place to a more quiet place to talk.. Cuz I have a feeling we might have a similar enemy..." she said softly.

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