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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"I wouldn't worry about that Pepper" Max said looking up. "We took a plane here so Zeus is…" Max paused thinking of a nice way to put it "Coping" Max smiled thinking how annoyed his dad must be seeing a bunch of Demigods flying throughout his airspace. "Anyways" max said looking back at the girl who had just gotten the hell hound off of her. "I Didn't seem to catch your name?" Max said completely turning around and crossing his arms. "So Who are you, Who's you godly parent, you know all the usual stuff."
Sitting on the couch, leaning on the side of it, she was dozing off from the lack of sleep she's had. Her head bobbed down and shot right back up and looked around to see the other son of Zeus staring at her. Karan tilted her head and forgot that she pressurized the air around her to kill the noise vibrations. She depressurized the space around her and stared the Zeus' kid. He had his arms crossed and she thought he was on the defensive. Karan had her face passive and stared at him with her blue eyes. She leaned back and sat in the couch with her eyes still staring at him.
"I guess I'm gonna ask again." Max said as the girl stared at him "Who are you and who is your godly parent?" Max didn't like it when he was ignored. Max stared at her his feeling about the girl moving more to dislike "Great we're getting another Helena…. Sigh" Max raised his eyebrow. "So are you gonna tell me?"
A scottish accent sailed out of her lips with her words, "Karan. Father is Aeolus. You are Max, Son of Zeus." She sat back and looked at him as she played with her hair some more. She didn't smile for him. She didn't know who he was and wanted to learn more. She wanted to see if he had power to him.
"Good to know" Max said after Karan introduced herself "You look like you rather be left alone at the moment, so I'll let you do whatever you were doing before I interrupted it." Max turned around and back to the group. Karan seemed as if she was disappointed with them or just plain angry. Max sighed and tried to fit back into the conversation the others were having "So you're like a useful AquaMan? Cool. I'll pass on the whole riding sea creatures. I prefer flying over a sea beast." Max smiled "At least if Zeus decides that we shouldn't fly through the sky, we will have a backup mode of transportation.
Pepper laughed slightly. "I suppose you could say that. But i'm not a guy and i'm not as cool as him, how about AquaMan's lacky? Anyways I wouldn't mind leading a hand in case something were to happen. I'm not sure how i feel about flying... but i'm sure we are in good hands, yes?" she asked softly as she looked at him.
"Trust me my piloting skills are top notch." Max smiled "I flew us here with my mother in her plane, so we should be ok." Max looked at the new girl "I'll get us there as fast and as safely as I can." Max said to her "so don't worry, and you could always Shadow Travel to Greenland with Helena." Max pointed towards the girl sitting with the Hellhound "She doesn't like flying"
Pepper looks over at her and then back at him. "I'm guessing she's the daughter of Hades then? I can understand why she wouldn't like flying, her father is the lord of the underworld and is more earth based... So I trust you won't get us killed on the way to Greenland." she said and smiled a bit.
"No." Max smiled "Considering last time I decided to try some stunts I was nearly murdered by all my 'friends' when we landed last time." Max crossed his arms "Don't worry I'm a qualified Pilot, and I already promised I wouldn't do anymore stunts." Max smiled "You'll be fine."
Pepper smiled and laughed a bit into her hand. "Well that's good to know. Glad to know I'm in capable hands." she said softly before stretching a bit and relaxing slightly since she had been very tense since arriving here.
Jason heard a little crack about Helena and stood up, "I'll be back." He walked up behind Max and held his hand up, he made a second hand of water in front of it and smacked him upside the head with both. "Easy with the slander, she just calmed down."

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"What was that for!?" Max said as he was suddenly doused "what do you mean slander? I was stating a fact." Max looked at Jason "I know Helena hates flying and I was giving the new girl a second option if she doesn't want to fly in the plane"
"Yeah I can't shadow travel to Greenland, so I'm stuck. In a plane full of demigods. With claustrophobia and anxiety and a lack of anti-anxiety pills." Helena, walking with a Slurpee in hand and drinking from it every so often, then patted Jason on the head, "Awww, you're defending me, that's so cuuuute," she said playfully.
Jason grinned, "Took it like a man though." he drew the water off of Max and played with it a bit, before returning to his seat by Helena. "What should I do with this?" he rapidly grew and shrunk the orb of water going from a mace to a sword to a mini" spear and then shield.

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"There's always sedation!" Max joked as Helena patted him on his head "I'll try a keep it steady for you and your two dogs" Max laughed seeing Helena pat Jason like he was a tiny puppy. "Wait. When did you leave and get that?" He said pointing at the Slurpee .
Pepper smiled a bit as she watched her half brother and the dark girl interact, she was glad that her brother had someone that made him happy in her life. "She probably shadow traveled and came back before we noticed." she said softly.
(disregard last post plz, it won't let me delete it.)

Jason turned his head to Helena , and with a sharp upward flick of his wrist he froze Max's mouth shut. "I let you talk too long. My bad."

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Max gave Jason an evil look as he began to warm up his hands to melt the ice. He warmed the ice and removed it from his mouth. "Real mature Jay." Max rolled his eyes at his friend "Helena where is there even a place to buy that? Oh nevermind." Max went back to thinking about the fastest way to Greenland.
Jason chuckled, "Love you bro." He look at Pepper then pointed to Max's mouth were the ice used to be, "Please tell me you can do that too. he then collected the melted water and put it in a potted plant behind some red-haired girl who seemed and looked bored.

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Pepper smiles a bit and pulls some water to her. "Maybe, should I try it out?" she asked while playing with the water in her hand, manipulating it into a lightning bolt, then a trident.
Dried off now, Mason sat on his cot and looked around at his small cell. There was a large window looking to a hallway on the all he decided was the front of the cell. The right and left walls were plain and the back only had a cot and a toilet. 'This must be like prison.... but the inmates aren't the ones you need to worry about...' he muttered to himself. He looked over to the walls ceiling and say the fire suppression system lining the corners of the walls. No valves inside the cell, only turrets and release triggers with a targeting to heat signatures. In his mind, Mason could see all the components that made it work and he saw some problems in it's wiring and the rust in some threads connecting the couplings in the pipe. Mason grinned, 'Poor craftsmanship...' Mason looked at the chain linking him to the bed around his ankle, with a ten foot length to get around. He didn't have his bracers and that made him feel naked, as if only a pair of shorts helped the situation. He laid his bare torso on the cot and sensed for the heat traces around him. His eyes closed, he could see forms around him moving and a few stagnant opposite of him. He counted four of those that they were probably the scientists monitoring his status and such through the camera linking to his cell. He opened his eyes and sighed still looking at the ceiling. 'A plan would be nice... maybe----'


Mason clenched his head in his hands and shut his eyes as the pain was intense. He opened his eyes and saw blasts of lights and strings and heard a humming that sounded like angry bees in his head. He screamed out again and rolled on his cot, smacking against the cement wall. His head was thrumming with force and he couldn't keep the hum out his head. He was seeing the lights change colors and they were to bright that they flooded his sight and he couldn't discern what this was. The pain surged through him and he shouted out, feeling his body start to get hot in response to the pain. His arms glowed a dark red then shifted to a violet then to a deep blue before lining his hands in a cerulean flame.

The P.A rang out again and a voice shouted over it. The suppression system targeted Mason again and unleashed the suppressant onto him encasing him in the gunk. The steam rose as the plasma raged with his pain and the suppressant battled against it. The turrets kept the onslaught of fire suppressant up and Mason's screams were beginning to become muffled under the thick concoction that covered him. He thrashed under it until he felt numb from the pain as his body went into shock. Mason couldn't hear over the loud vibrant buzzing sound in his head and even under the suppressant, the bright colored lights burned when he opened his eyes.


Mason's cell was being filled in the suppressant as the violent blue flames raged on, creating a hole in the suppressant around his hands holding his head. Guards ran in and hesitated when they saw how much of the suppressant had filled the room. It was pouring out in a river into the hallway. One of the larger guards began to wade in the thick suppressant and raised his arms trying to keep himself balanced. He moved farther slowly but gained ground with each step. He reached for his baton and saw the opening where Mason was screaming and thrashing around with his hands on his head. The guard struck down with full force and knocked Mason unconscious but caught himself on fire with the blue fire. The guard shouted in his gutteral language and rolled in the suppressant trying to put himself out.


After Max walked away, Karan didn't bother stopping him. She didn't know the boy, hardly saw him at camp and frankly didn't care. His time at camp was longer than the other brother but Karan kept away from both of them. Well, to be frank, everyone kept away from Karan for her dark cold moods. And her snippy attitudes. Karan didn't regret her attitude. Nor did she regret anything quite frankly. She only regretted not being able to see her mother... She missed her so much... Karan leaned back into the couch again and sighed.

Pulling her hand to her face, Karan examined her fingernails. She frowned slightly as she noticed the dirt under her nails. She blew some air creating a small stream to clean out her nails instead of using her teeth. Having garbage in her mouth was something she did NOT want. She finished quickly reexamined them and was satisfied at their cleanliness. She felt the disturbance of water passing through the air behind her and it made her react by shielding herself with a barrier of wind. She looked over quickly to see the dark boy, Jason, pouring the water into a pot behind her. With a sneer, she dissipated the barrier and glared at him for a second. She scoffed and whispered softly into the wind, "Are we playing house here, Pepper? Or will we be going soon?" she had the wind carry the soft words into Pepper's ear canals. She turned her body away from them and laid her head on the couch's arm.
"Dude there's a McDonalds down the street, what made you think I can't find a 7-11?" She said, gesturing at Max with the Slurpee then her eyes fell on Karan, who's sight made her gag inwardly. That girl was colder then one of Khione's ice men. Or worse, colder then Helena herself. She looked away and shook her head briefly. Then she continued to watch Jason and Pepper, then suddenly realized she hadn't introduced herself to Pepper.

....Oh well.
Pepper blinked slightly when she heard Karan and stopped what she was doing with the water to look over at her, "Karan. Do you honestly think we'll survive on our own and manage to stand under the radar, especially with your temper... we got into so many close calls because of you." she said while manipulating the water in her hand slightly while looking at the water in her hand.
Karan smirked as she heard all of what Pepper said. "Yet here we are, doll. Dunno why you're worried about it when your temper found it's way in a couple of those." Karan's words sailed across on a breeze to Pepper. She actually enjoyed Pepper. That time together didn't hurt so much. Karan crossed her feet over each other and began whistling softly a song from home she remembered. She felt peaceful when she listened to it. Reminded her of home by the sea with the wind in her hair and the smell of the changing of seasons. She laid there, whistling and reminiscing.
Pepper huffs slightly and turns away slightly. "I know... I guess I just.. missed the feeling of being around other demi-gods... not that i don't mind your company Karan... I just missed the ones that weren't groaning in pain and suffering..." she said softly and got up slightly, rubbing her arm.

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