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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Anthony held his breath and focused hard and poof. He walked past the area where guards would have been before hiding in a tree. He started breathing again. "Get guards to look then if you found footprints. Go now!" Anthony held his breathe again knowing full well the magic he was using was risky and stupid but effective. He looked at the destroyed dining area and realized a table had survived. He saw a large very muscular guy eating at the table and saw that he was using a camp plate. Anthony heard his stomach growl and so had the man he looked around but didn't see anything. Anthony started creeping towards the table and used his magic to make a bump far away from it. He grabbed the plate and by accident a note that was under it making both objects invisible with him. He then held the plate over where the fire for hades had been and it lit as food of all kinds fell from it. The guy freaked out and fired at the fire but missed Anthony who had felt stiff but stated moving out of the firing range. He got back into the trees and sighed before focusing on the plane. Anthony appeared much to his dismay in the air near pepper and landed with a small shout and a loud thump.
Pepper wakes up in surprise and covers her mouth from screaming out in surprise. "Oh my gods! Anthony! What the heck?" She said softly but swiftly as she rubbed her eye tiredly, still quite tired from what happened back in Brazil. "Sheesh... Karan is going to talk my ear off if she finds out you woke me..." She said softly and curled up against the window.
"Ouch sorry was a little in a hurry and accidentally thought of the plane and poof here I am just wasn't on the floor." Anthony said finding this new ability both scary and awsome. He stood up looking rather worried but then his face brightened a little. He held the plate out to pepper and smiled a sparkle in his eyes. "I snuck into camp and look what I found a enchanted plate the ones that make your favorite food just appear." He said looking at it as macaroni and cheese and banana bread appeared and his face few happier before he looked at her holding the plate out further.
The cafe was a medium size for a busy airport like the JFK, however, Karan wanted that yummy tea that reminded her of home, and her mother. Karan was in the middle of ordering a large milk tea to go, but a tapping on her shoulder caused her to immediately drop her attention and spin to the source. Her vibrant red hair landed over her shoulder as she stopped and with her face glaring at the asian man standing in front of her. A face in shock mixed with anger and torment, she was losing her fragile hold of her cold self. She struggled to hold onto it and was keeping a hold, shakily at best. Her lips parted and a breath crept in filling her lungs with life. She had not finished inhaling as the terrible child donkey came crashing in and held Karan in her arms, intentionally. Her body went into shock and her breaths became erratic. The breeze she carried in with her grew wild and ragged, blowing nearby objects that were loose away. Her hold onto her gentle self left as the memories of her time spent with Pepper in the outpost flooded through her head. She held onto her face as her hair went along with the wind's rampage.

"Noooo.... don't.... don't.... ---" she began in a low rasps ---DON'T TOUCH ME!" Karan erupted into a scream.

Vanessa, Courtney, Asian man, and the Cafe Barista were in the radius of her wind's raging blast that threw them back away from her, applying fine cuts to the area of their bodies closest to Karan. The Barista landed on top of the counter where his assortment of machines that held scalding hot water and coffee, spilled and covered his body. Steaming off his body and the screams were drowned in the howls of the draft Karan had around her. The Barista fell to the floor and fine lines of blood seeping through the stained uniform and the ribbons left by the wind blades. Karan was in tears again with a malicious frown and ran out the gate, tossing civilians and friends away from her path. She compressed the air under her feet and launched herself away before she broke her promise to Pepper.

'Why... Just....don't... I don't... no.....' Karan muttered as a smile broke on her face with the wind blowing her tears against her crimson hair. "They won't touch me again!"

Courtney coughed, lying on the ground now. Bane was gone at this point, leaving his two charges alone with the others. Erebus' child stood up. "What's wrong with you? It was just a hug. I don't like them either but I don't blow people up for it." Her head started to hurt. Black vapor surrounded her, but it wasn't her doing anything. "No! Leave them alone!" She barked at the shadows. "It was an accident!" To anyone else, it would probably look like Courtney had lost her mind. "Silence!" A male's voice commanded her. Courtney was immediately silent. The shadows disappeared. Vanessa had sliced through them with her own weapon. "Shame. Erebus has to stay in Tarturus." She shrugged as she replaced her bracelet on her arm. "Some gods, eh?" She joked. When Courtney didn't answer, Vanessa went in search of Karan. "Karan! Karan, are you alright?!" Her belt was gone. Four hooves replaced her two legs. She now stood six feet tall.
Anthony didn't make another noise but just left the plate on the seat next to pepper and sat across the aisle his face passed against the glass. "Well I screwed that up. Again." Anthony mumbled with a sigh as he started off into space thinking of ways it could have been worse. It was a long list mostly of monster involved things though but it was a l ust none the less.

Damian was outside watching the griffin flying around. "Sweet!" He said as it flew clearly happy but he finished stretching and gave one final whistle befor giving up and going back into the plane. "Well my life blows." Damian said as if stating a natural fact.
Shuhei was surprised by the girl's outburst and was thrown back by the wind, somehow the wind picked up shattered glass, assuming from the area they were in Shuhei figured it could have been anything from a coffee pot to a mug. That didnt matter all that mattered was the wherever it came from the glass had reached him leaving minor cuts on exposed skin. Shuhei got up as the wind died down the scratches rapidly filling in ending a a particularly deep cut on his cheek filled in, a look of annoyance in his odd amber eyes. He grabbed his things which had slid back a bit more than he did and proceeded towards the plane noting the other demigods about he kept walking to the jet's door.
Max arrived inside the airport just in time to watch Karan's outburst. He watched as a girl... Well a girl centaur. Started chasing after her. Max let go of Helena, whom he'd dragged with him, and rubbed his temples. "Why can't anyone just think reasonably!" Max mumbled as he kicked the wall making a small dent. He sat down in and empty seat, thanks to Karan scaring everyone away, and put his head in his hands. "Why does everything go to crap around me."


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"I don't know. I've always bad luck in general. That's why I normally don't volunteer for leader positions. Plus I scare everyone. Except that Damian kid who I can't get rid of." She replied to Max, then her eyes fell on Courtney, and she stared. That girl looked oddly familiar... "... Who's that?" She pointed at Courtney, looking confused.
[Here I come! *falls flat on face* Christ...]

Karryn, with her unruly hair, her brown skin, her thick goggles and oversized gloves entered the airport with the utmost normalcy. However as she was coming in, civilians were running out, "In the name of Hera, what the blazes is going on?...." She asked herself as she kept pushing forward. Ever since the destruction of Camp half-blood, everything just got stranger and stranger if not short of chaotic. Thinking this, Karryn could only inference that there were other demi-gods therein. Her inference was affirmed when she saw a red-headed girl launch herself into the air and a centaur go running after her. Karryn simply stood there, watching the fray with a gloved hand in her overcoat pocket and a free hand holding a leather bag full of her beakers and other things, "Well everyone certainly is lively..." She spoke loudly to herself, pulling her hand from her pocket only to adjust her goggles and mask
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Anthony gave a sigh as he looked out the window since he had heard Hecate earlier. They aren't on speaking terms now not since that day in december.

December 24th two years earlier.

Anthony was walking through the woods on a old path smacking and slicing plants out of the way as he went. He had blood on his shirt and his hair was stuck together as he marched quietly towards the building that held mount olympus. He finally stopped to examine what was in the cage he was carrying. "A polecat? My mother sent me to grab a polecat. That's what five people died over." Anthony mumbled looking at the cage as he walked. Suddenly he noticed a figure next to him with a look of concern on her face. "Good job Andrew you saved Gale." Anthony gave a frown at his mother and shoved the cage into the goddess his sadness burning into rage. "Five people died following me for your polecat and you can't even get my name right! What kind of mother are you!" Anthony yelled before storming off

The memory made Anthony shudder with a mixture of fear and disgust at how his mother could just throw demigods away like that.
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Vanessa finally made it within five feet of Karan. She was much faster than every demigod there anyway. She had to be, considering that she had double their amount of legs in this form. "Karan, please talk to me." Though she was faster, the cuts throughout her body started to sting. "I'll admit, you got me good. These things hurt like hell." She tried to laugh, but that only made things worse. "Well, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry and I'll be more careful next time." Vanessa limped away, digging inside her bag for some ambrosia. Dumping that past her teeth, she swallowed. Immediately, she felt better.

Courtney came out, pissed and cut all over. "What the hell is your problem?! Vanessa was just being nice and you cut her for it?!" Her concern surprised even her. "Why would you do that? Vanessa hugs everyone she meets, well, not everyone. Some people she has a problem with, but she hugged you and you blew the airport up!" Her dagger was out, she was ready for a fight. Vanessa stood between them, towering over both. "Stop."

Courtney looked up and waved to the others that she hadn't greeted yet. "Hi, guys! Surprised to see you all still alive, that's for sure. I saw camp blown up and thought only a few of you guys survived."
Some serious stuff was obviously happening, Viola realised as she wandered around. That girl, who's name definitely began with K- Kayleigh? Kaitlin? Keren? Viola didn't know and she didn't care- was causing havoc. Well, Viola was not going to get caught up in some argument with a bunch of people she didn't know. So, she walked back over to the plane at a leisurely pace and clambered back into it, returning to her seat. She felt much better for stretching her legs actually; she felt much more awake and alert than she did before. Everyone else seemed to have gone walkabout, pretty much. Except... She could see Cupid sitting a few seats away. Obviously, there were other people around but he was the one that attracted her gaze. Ornithophobia, she thought, smirking at the back of Cupid's head. It was satisfying to know that it would take something so little to scare him. One day, she was going to lock him in a room with a flock of birds and scare the heck out of him.
Chad feeling ignored by the young one, followed her out to the plane. So she was one of the kids from the plane. That's cool. He thought to himself. He wandered around outside for a little bit and sneakily went in the plane seeing a bunch of other kids. He exclaimed to all of them, "Hi guys! What are you doing flying a plane?" He smiled at them. He noticed that one of them had wings. "Um. Pretty boy! You know you have wings right?" He said to Cupid.
"Who?" Max said he looked up he saw a girl waving at them from over by where Karan "exploded" in rage. "I don't know... But I know what you mean she does look famil-" then Max's gaze drifted over to a new person on the scene. "Helena. Two O'clock. Scientist standing near the elevators." He said quietly so that only Helena could hear. Max wondered why a scientist would be standing in plain sight in her lab gear. Whatever the girl scientist was doing it meant trouble.


@The Meticulous Liar

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"Oh come on don't pick on him." Anthony said with a smile as he pointed at Cupid. "His name is alway Romeo and people call him cupid so obviously he's already dealing with eternal punishment for being a child of Aphrodite." Anthony said jokingly as he started to get up and walk over to the new kid. Anthony stopped for a second sending something odd befor realizing it. He was at a crossroads of sorts a social one but a crossroads none the less. "I'm Anthony son of Hecate the goddess of Magic, the mist, trivial knowledge, and Necromancy. That's Damian son of Mars god of kill, kill, kill." Damian gave a wave of his spear before he gave a sigh then hurled a rubik's cube across the plane. "Stupid cube can't be worth jack in combat."
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Chad laughed t Anthony's remark. "Chad. Son of Lupa. Wow. I didn't really think there were many others like me. Well not being a son of Lupa, a, a demigod." He held out his hand for Anthony to shake. "Nice to meet ya. "
Viola frowned as a boy entered the plane. He was... Yes! He was the boy that had tried to speak to her earlier but she'd ignored him because he was beneath her concern. And now, he was making fun of Cupid. Making fun of people was Viola's job! She stood up but before she could say anything, another boy started talking. Oh gods! She walked forward, crossing her arms.

"My, my, it seems we have a stalker upon us." Viola said, coldly, "I suggest you leave before the madness claiming everyone around here gets you too. In other words, leave. Now." She glared at him, "You are not wanted here. Begone son of wolf." She only added the last bit after she heard who his parent was because why not? Comparing people to their parents was the easiest way to insult most demigods.
Pepper yawns slightly as she slowly wakes and rubs her eye. Slowly taking in her surroundings as she noticed a new face and gave a slight nod to Viola. "Hey Viola... Hey new person." She said softly and smiled a bit.
Karryn supposed that at some key point, she should walk over there and interact with them. After all, after the camp got wrecked and everyone scattered, she tried every which way she could to catch up to the group. This was the moment she was waiting for. But yet, Karryn found this scene to be almost too comical to even consider moving. She went into a crouch, not taking her eyes off the commotion for one moment and began taking mental notes, 'That one must be a daughter of Aer....Aereo..... Drat what was that god's name?' She thought to herself, tilting her head to the side. 'She's certainly...something...' Keeping her head tilted, she kept her eye out for the others. It didn't help that her goggles were fogging up, so it was hard to really see
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Chad didnt give Anthony enough time to shake his hand before he took it away. He turned to the little one. "Hmm. What do we have here? A ten year old insulting me? Okay. That's cute. Who's your godly parent?-" He caught himself before saying something really mean. He looked over to a sleep girl. "Hi there. I'm Chad. Not a stalker, I'm actually part wolf. So yes I am a son of a wolf. And I'm fricken proud of it." He gave the stink eye to Viola. "So what are all of you doing flying in an unmarked plane? And who's flying this thing?" He said to no one in particular.
"Your negativity isn't welcome here fear monger child of phobos. I'd suggest taking a nicer tone when talking to somebody ofsuch a high calling." Anthony said to viola as he shook Chad's hand. He only had one kind sorta fear which was spiders but his reaction to any spider even arachnae was yelling look a fiat then killing the distracted spider. She wouldn't dare use what really terrified him which was losing pepper who was the only one besides the new kid who was nice to him.

"So how's my foster mother Lupa these days. Still threatening to kill weak demigods and thereby forcing them to toughen up?" Anthony asked as he looked at the new kid unconsciously ruining his side which had been hurt and scarred during reasoning with Lupa. He then looked at the sound of Pepper's voice and gave her a smile before looking back at the plate of food next to her. "You've gotta be hungry anf it's already got perfectly good mac and some banana bread. I'll get you some silverware." Anthony said snapping his fingers which caused some silverware to appear next to the plate. He then turned to Chad and gave a sigh before looking at his arm which was fixed but still ached like hell.
Chad smiled at Anthony. "Ha! I've met her only once and she was awesome. I guess in lucky because im a tough kid. She never took me in. She said I was good for now. So. Ya." He looked at the young one. "Child of fear itself. Hmm. You won't like me will you." Chad had no fears. He was ready for everything. He stared at her right in the eyes. His eyes were on glowing red.
"I'm child of Phobos. So, shut up!" Viola said, "Or my dad will come and mess you up!" He probably wouldn't. But he was way more likely to than everyone else's godly parents. Practically everyone else here had an important god as their parent, a god with a purpose. Phobos... Was a little irrelevant- not that he'd ever admit it, he had such an ego! He had quite a lot of spare time on his hands. She looked up into the new boy's eyes for a moment. They definitely weren't contact lenses. Hm.

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