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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Chad overheard Anthony and Pepper's conversation. He wondered what she meant by scientist. "Hey what do you mean scientist? What's going on? I can smell the anxiety and fear in this plane." He sniffed the air and made a stink face. "Like literally."
Ryan continued to blindly stare at the ceiling, "So, is everyone inside or are we still waiting for more people?" He raised his eyebrow as he heard Anthony and Pepper's conversation since it seemed to be one of the few conversations that did not involve the potential of having a negative outcome. Cupid looked out the window lightly humming to himself then pausing to give his input, "Not sure Ryan..I think we're waiting for more people though".
"Don't worry those scientists are gonna get what's coming to them." Anthony said running a few fingers over a scar on the back of his neck. He remembered feeling like a animal as he dug the chip they placed in his neck. "Trust me they won't get you. I can't lose one of my only friends now can I?"
Pepper blinked and looked up when she noticed that others were listening to their conversation. "Oh.. You've never ran into them then have you... Creepy white coats, high tech equipment, electric sticks... Big confusing base... Torture chambers... C-Chains and burning sticks..." she said before whimpering slightly and curling up tighter into her seat, shaking slightly and starting to hyperventilate.
Chad could feel that Pepper didnt want to talk about it. "Sorry. Ill just stop talking to you now." He walked over to Ryan and sat down next to him. He whispered, "So these scientists are evil? What did they do to her?" He really wanted to know so he could kill these guys. He didnt want anyone hurting anyone.
Serafina was done frolicking around with her powers and decided it was to return to the plane and maybe get some sleep or just talk to people then sleep or not do anything. When she entered the plane every could feel a cool breeze as if they stood in front of a AC "hey guys did i miss anything?"
Ryan could hear Pepper hyperventilating with the use of his enhanced hearing, "Ey relax Pepsi". He stood up and made his way to the mini fridge. Ryan took out a small bottled water, "Here". The demigod placed the bottle of water on the table next to Pepsi then returning to his seat to answer Chad's question, "Experiment...torture".
Chad's bright red eyes lit up. He couldn't believe it. "Wait so they tortured her and experimented on her? Holy f*ck. where are they? I'm going to kill every last one of them!" His anger started to rise but he managed to calm himself down. He felt a very cold breeze right web someone came in. "Who turned up the AC?" He asked everyone.
Pepper quickly grabbed the bottle of water with shaking hands and undid the cap as she trembled and shook in her seat, she hated talking about what happened but sometimes old memories would float through her mind and remind her that she wasn't strong enough to fight them and how she had cowardly hid and let her friends die and get captured.
Courtney glared at Max. He was making her situation worse by grabbing her when she still had the scars. "I'm Courtney, Erebus' daughter and, as far as I know, only living child." She sighed for a moment. "I have no choice but to come with you." She didn't want to be there.
Anthony ran over using his magic to make a paper bag and sat by her holding it out to her. "Oh trust me i've met them a few times and they worry that I have a bottomless bag of tricks. I broke out three times and they hate it." Anthony said before using one hand to put the bag to her mouth while the other was holding her shoulder. " Plus when I say they won't get you I mean it. I can make barriers that make terminus jealous and he's the Roman god of boundaries. And if they do get you just know it won't be for long because i'll be right there to break bones and anything else they throw in my way." Anthony said the last part in a whisper as his face turned red since he had only said anything like that one other time. "Besides as I said I can't lose one of my only friends. They're so rare. I couldn't possibly lose the nice, kind, good looking one. Now that would be a tragedy I could sure from."

Anthony was whispering to the point that it was like trying to hear a soft speaking mouse. Anthony had moved closer as he whispered though to try and comfort her without causing any drama but his tongue betrayed him. As usual.
Chad laughe lightly. "I'm a werewolf... I don't need help from a magician." He said cracking a joke. He shaped his hand into a pistol and 'shot' it at Anthony. He laughed and saw a girl. A beautiful girl. His jaw dropped when he saw her. She was just so, perfect. He walked over to her and said, "Hey. I'm Chad. Son of Lupa, nice to meet you." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled trying to be cute.

@Melody Frazier
Ryan shivered feeling Serafina's presence. Oh great, time to make the grand impression of getting cold easily because of his enhanced senses. He clenched his teeth, "No one did..it's just Serafina's cold power thing. Chad, the scientists are capturing groups of demigods to take away their powers and create super soldiers". Ryan thought of Jethro, "Not all of them though will just imprison demigods. There is a group of scientists within the same program who kill demigods for the soul purpose of eliminating every one of us from the face of the earth". "Since you're new to this I might as well tell you what's going on..we're going to Greenland to take down a scientist HQ there. Let me warn you, that some scientists have powers from demigods while others have this teleporting machine thing. We just came from Brazil and defeated an HQ there" Ryan added.
Chad, having a hard time doing it, took his eyes away from Courtney, not Vanessa, Courtney. He looked at Ryan, "Lemme kill them all and I'll be good. I can't be hurt by anything!" He said cockily. He smiled at Courtney again. "I'll protect all of you if I have to."
Holo said:
Anthony ran over using his magic to make a paper bag and sat by her holding it out to her. "Oh trust me i've met them a few times and they worry that I have a bottomless bag of tricks. I broke out three times and they hate it." Anthony said before using one hand to put the bag to her mouth while the other was holding her shoulder. " Plus when I say they won't get you I mean it. I can make barriers that make terminus jealous and he's the Roman god of boundaries. And if they do get you just know it won't be for long because i'll be right there to break bones and anything else they throw in my way." Anthony said the last part in a whisper as his face turned red since he had only said anything like that one other time. "Besides as I said I can't lose one of my only friends. They're so rare. I couldn't possibly lose the nice, kind, good looking one. Now that would be a tragedy I could sure from."
Anthony was whispering to the point that it was like trying to hear a soft speaking mouse. Anthony had moved closer as he whispered though to try and comfort her without causing any drama but his tongue betrayed him. As usual.
Pepper held the bottle of water tightly as she shut her eyes tight, breathing in hard and fast as she let Anthony help her slightly with the paper bag, but it didn't help that much because the memories and the pain came back at full force making her spill the water from the bottle as images of her dead friends appeared and looked at her telling her 'You did this.' She held back a chocked gasp as she quickly moved over Anthony and into the bathroom, emptying her stomach continents as all she could see were their mutilated bodies from the wounds the scientists inflected on them.
Courtney shrugged. "Like I said, my father is Erebus." She hated that. She'd much rather have a father that gave a damn, but she was stuck with one of the worst. "Down, boy." She told him as soon as she picked up on the fact that he was hitting on her. "I just got here two hours ago."

Vanessa hurried forward, no longer half horse. She had two legs once again. She was also limping, but a little limping was normal for her. Vanessa was different. She wasn't bound to a wheelchair like her 'father', Chiron. (She hated him.) She was able to walk, but with the difficulties of a normal newborn horse foal. "I'll join in the protection party. I want to do it."
Chad looked at Courtney and cocked his head to the right. "Down? Boy? I'm not a dog! I'm a wolf. And I'm not trying to hit on you." He could smell her emotions. Along with that perfume. He fell even more deeply in love with her. He said, "Just trying to meet new people." He smiled again.
Courtney laughed at him. "Oh, I know exactly what you are." She walked past him. "I'm certain that you are only trying to make friends. If that's the case, why haven't you said hi to Vanessa, then?" She was fully aware of what Chad wanted to do. "Don't eat me for picking on you." Courtney rushed over to her protector, helping her onto the plane. "I'm glad you're okay, Vannie." Courtney smiled at the other. Vanessa rolled her eyes. "I wish I never told you my nickname from my uncle. You'll torture me with it." When this was said, Courtney laughed. "Don't worry. I already had a satyr put our things in the back." She wanted to take her mind off of the werewolf. He was going to ruin her 'leave me alone' attitude.
Chad honestly didnt notice Vanessa. "Oh. Hi. I'm sorry! I didn't notice you there! Nice to meet you! I'm Chad." He held out his hand to shake Vanessa's hand. He smiled t Vanessa too. He was trying very hard to make it seem like he wasn't hitting on Courtney. His eyes started to glow an even brighter red than his usual eyes from the pressure he was under.
Anthony sighed and slapped his palm into his forehead. He walked up front and knocked on the door to the cockpit. "I've got relatives two miles from here with a small two seater plane I'm gonna grab since I can't stand just sitting for so long in here." Anthony said turning back to where Pepper was and winced as he heard her back there. He pointed at the seat she had been in and left a small slip of paper that held magic ink so only the intended reader saw the message.
Sorry for bugging you it's probably annoying having me sitting around trying to be overly friendly.
He then walked out of the plane and started West where two miles later he would find a old WWII p-51 mustang with two full external tanks.
Ryan walked toward the cockpit and knocked on the door, "Max, I have a quick question...". The demigod shivered again from the cold he felt. "So I've noticed a violent side comes out of me once I see birds you know what I mean?" Cupid was explaining to Ace. "Hm. Interesting. I like your violent dream Romeo. It was very entertaining. Maybe it could mean that you are getting over your fear?" Ace suggested. Cupid replied, "I believe that the fact that I fear birds is what empowers me to turn so violent toward them". Ace nodded listening to Cupid's opinion.
The first time Knocking sounded through the cockpit Max screwed up his Iris chant. He was getting ready to redo his calm when more knocking at the door caused him to stand us and walk over to the door. Max opened the door rubbing his eyes. He couldn't remember exactly how he'd gotten into the cockpit, but the thought only brought headaches. "What is it- oh Ryan. What do you need?"

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"I hate to sound impatient, but is everyone on already? You know, including all the new people? I can't really tell.." Ryan said. "Oh and by the way, Anthony knocked earlier saying that he was going to go to his relatives' small two-seater plane" He added. Cupid looked around himself, "Viola did you meet any interesting people in the airport? Or, are none of them as weird as the people in this plane?" Ace diverted his attention to a couple of guards talking to one another quite a distance away from the plane the group was in.
Shūhei simply walked into the little plane, after watching multiple other presumed demigods go in a few passing him on his way he was surprised no one had come out to confront him. He stepped in through the door and stood there his gaze passing over each of them, he looked them all over again before speaking. "My name is Shūhei Fujikawa, son of Hephaestus. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He stayed where he was wanting to see who would approach him first and how, if they showed any sign of hostility he would put them down immediately, he didn't know them and had hardly known of their camp until recently. Judging by the information he received and compiled from his nano-cameras they were very argumentative to the point where not one was aware of his approach and that was a problem.

Jason watched the others have their pissing matches and held himself together only remembering the consequences of his last involvement in an altercation. He sat and watched pained by Pepper's sadness as she became more and more drawn into herself before becoming the second or third person to empty their bowels in the toilet today. He contemplated going to her now but seeing as she was currently indisposed he figured it would be better to wait until she reemerged. Meanwhile he waited only reacting when some random man stepped into the plane introducing himself as Shūhei Fujikawa, apparently the son of Hephaestus. He eyed the man but decided to let someone else handle it, he had a big-little sister to take care of. Of course if it came to a fight he'd immediately jump in that's sorta his thing.
Pepper eventually ran out of things in her stomach to throw up so she finally came out of the back after washing her mouth and face slightly. She ran a hand through her hair, her face looking slightly pale as she noticed the newcomer and gave a slight wave. "Hello, Also don't mind the others... It's just I guess hard when your stuck on a plane for a few hours with the same people... And not everyone gets along since some gets traits from their parents that make them dislike others..." she said softly while blowing at her bangs and going back to her seat which was right by her.

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