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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"I'll admit. That's pretty cool." Courtney felt that she was also flirting now, even though her nails dug into the chair so hard that her knuckles whitened even more. "I can't wait to see it. That's for sure." She attempted to block out a headache, not bothering to hide her blush anymore. I blame Aphrodite. Courtney laughed out loud.

Vanessa crossed her legs over. "Maybe I'll show you my true form when we land, or when we reach maximum altitude and are free to move around. We'd have to go way in the back though."
Pepper bit her lip slightly. "I-It's just a theory... It doesn't mean it's true, So don't take me seriously." she said softly while putting her hands up slightly as if to try and calm the girl down slightly.
"Yes! To Greenland! Finally!" Ryan stretched his arm over some seats and leaned back smiling. "You are such a kid Ryan..." Cupid commented under his breath so that only Ace who was sitting next to him could hear it. "I heard that..James" Ryan replied smiling a little. Cupid quickly looked at Ryan then diverted his attention to the window. No, the demigod wasn't offended by the sudden mention of his middle name. The name James was a name he was not proud of. It did not seem to go with the rest of his character. The demigod held his breath. It was okay, but he just felt that James would be made fun of. Others probably saw Cupid to be a person with high self-esteem. The truth was that Cupid began to feel insecure about himself as people persisted to make fun of him in different ways. "JAMES?! Who the heck is James?" Ace asked looking around at the new people in the plane. "Hey Ryan! Cupid ain't no James! He looks like uh-....uh..... uuuhhhh..uh Alex!" The brute said not knowing that Cupid's middle name was James. Ryan laughed a little deciding not to expose Cupid's middle name. He knew that Cupid had something against it, but didn't exactly know why he felt so ashamed of revealing it. "Or an Austin?" Ryan suggested going along with Ace's little game since he had nothing better to do at the moment. "I don't see it man! You, you look like a Cassandra!" Ace said pointing to Pepper. "Max looks like a Gerald. Jason looks like a Jamal. Ryan, you look like a Paul" He added onto his list. "Paul? Nah..you look like an Emmett" Ryan said hearing Cupid's regular breathing pattern return. Ryan wasn't the type of guy to pick on people. He just wanted Cupid to stay quiet for a while by taking his mind off of the frequent bird images that he randomly kept perceiving during the plane ride by attempting to redirect his thoughts to another topic.
Ever nodded attempting a smile. "Sorry, I'm just a little stressed and mentally worn out. My mind still hasn't gotten over all the things it saw." She replied softly looking uncomfortably at the floor. "I- I'm probably making you uncomfortable, so I'm just gonna find Kayden and Lucas." She murmured standing up from the seat.
After the call ended Anthony looked at his hand then used it to open the plane's throttle. "Well that was a little better than expected." Anthony slowly turned towards the airport and gave a slight laugh as he began to accelerate then climb. He started thumbing through the radio frequencies on the plane calling out to max. "Demigod sky bus this is...." Anthony looked at the side of the plane before he closed the cockpit and shut off the mist. "This is monster mower on your tail for a full escort with six bronze shooting machine guns of fury." Anthony pulled the plane up so it was by the window Pepper was at which was a coincidence this time.

Damian looked over and gave a confused sound before the potion took affect just not as intended. "KAAAAAAAA!" Damian screeched turning into a bald eagle and if a animal ever gave a devious grin it was this one. Damian flew into Cupid's seat and screeched again before starting to smack him in the back of the head yelling. "KAAAAAAA!" Then he flew off making as close to a laughing sound as he could before landing next to Helena and started grooming himself.
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Karryn expected the potion to knock Damien out. But it instead turned him into an eagle. She adjusted her goggles and smirked beneath her mask, "Well... This is an uncalculated turn of events..." She then took a mental note, 'start labeling your powders and solutions'. Nodding as if to save that mental note, she shoved the handkerchief in her coat pocket. Unintentional or not, this was probably the best prank she pulled off since turning the harpies into chickens
Jason was glad Pepper was okay and after watching the general madness he had come to expect from the group and taking off, he gave her a reassuring pat on the head. He stood up and found himself a new spot next to Helena who had a newly made bald eagle on the back of the seat next to her. He sat and looked at the bird. "Peck me and I kill you, s*** on me and Ikill you, annoy me at all and I kill you." He looked at Helena, " Sorry but I'm not a huge fan of birds, clearly not afraid of them unlike our unlucky son of the love goddess over there. But I still don't like em."

Shūhei was prepared for the long flight and was glad he had some time to meet some of the other demigods, he hoped he wouldn't be a bother or make enemies too quickly. He looked around and noticed a girl wearing a lab coat goggles and a mask he cocked his head to the side more than curious, then figured she may be someone worth getting to know. He picked himself up out of his seat and walked towards the girl (Karryn) taking a moment to scan the people he passed. His diamonds floating along behind him as he moved. He stopped next to her and extended a hand with a smile on his face, "My name is Shūhei, I'm a son of Hephaestus."
Karryn was still enjoying the effects of her mistake when someone came up behind her in introduced themselves. Turning and glad she still had her mask on, she looked at Shūhei and then his hand, then adjusted her goggles. "Karryn," she firmly gripped his hand and waved at him with her free one, "Karryn, daughter of Dionysus." She leaned over a bit to observe his floating diamonds, "That's a pretty neat contraption you've got there" she spoke with pure intrigue.
Helena looked at Jason matter of factly and said," Oh please Jason. I'm going to kill it first." With that, she grabbed the large bird by the neck and squeezing, cutting off air circulation, snapping it's beak shut and holding it there. "Hey pass me the duct tape from my bag, would you?" She said, pointing at the black duffel on the floor by her feet.
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Shūhei was glad to see he was right, so far at least, she seemed friendly and quite inquisitive. Shūhei glanced over his shoulder at the diamonds, "Oh those are nano bots, I can use them to make constructs, and such,they are quite useful in many situations. It's honestly a lot of fun to have them but there's a lot of work needed to maintain them. "

Jason looked stunned but then shrugged it off reaching into her bag and pulling out what he thought was tape but upon looking blushed and shoved his hand back in the bag and this time grabbing actual tape and handing it to her. "Uh.....sorry about that didn't know you liked pink, let's get back to taping up the turkey."
"What, you find my Disney princesses panties?" She said plainly, taping the bird's beak shut, then proceeded to taped it's sharp talons so that they couldn't scratch anyone, "I don't really wear those anymore... You didn't touch em, did you?"with that, she proceeded to wrap the bird in colorful duct tape until it was unable to fly- only hobble around the plane. Then she set it down and let Damian wander around.
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savagePEST said:
Max announced that they were to start flying and Adri panicked, quickly finding a seat; the seat so happened to beside Serafina (@RevolverOshawott ). A chill passed over her, causing Adri to shiver. "Damn, it's cold,"she said, trying to keep from excessively shivering. She looked over at the blonde beside her, noting the frost on the window. "Is that you?"she questioned.
Serafina looked at a Adri with a slightly confused expression "um what do you mean by 'is that you' exactly?, but anyways my name's Serafina "
Karryn reached out for one as Shūhei spoke, "It would be a surprise if they were easy to maintain," she didn't want to be invasive, but she just couldn't help herself, "By Hera, this is spectacular" she lifted the goggles from her eyes to get a clearer view, "How'd you even come up with such an innovative design? Well I mean... Other than being a child of Hephaestus. That's an eagle by the way, the bald kind. Not a turkey" she directed that last factual statement at Jason
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Anthony was keeping a watchful eye out for anything strange and sure enough Hecate started using magic to give him radio interference. Anthony was getting annoyed by the mixture of music and radio static so he have the radio a good wallop. The static vanished as Hecate took full control of the radio and it started blaring black sheep by metric. He stared ay the radio as it repeated the first chorus which was the only real reason that song was selected. "Black Sheep.... Come home..... Black Sheep.... Come home..." The song was pausing but then started over and began playing normally when Anthony started to ignore it.

Damian in no sense of panic let Helena have her fun with the tape. He gave a muffled screech as she set him down and he went to work tearing the tape off. His curse of achilles kept him from losing feathers but it still hurt. He used his beak's sharp tip to free a talon which made the rest really easy.

After he had cut himself loose he flew and snatched Karryn's goggles with his talons and pulled them back before letting them snap back into place. He then went back and landed on Helena's lap pleased with his revenge and started getting ready for a nap.
Suddenly, out of nowhere did she feel something tugging on her goggles. Desperate to keep them on, Karryn tried to tug back only the have them snap back against her face. She stood there for a moment with her head tilted upwards and then slowly scrunched up her nose and held her face in her hands, "Tssssaaaaa that stings!" She said finally as she couldn't play it off as if it didn't. Once the stinging ebbed she rested a hand on Shūhei's shoulder, "Have you ever had roasted eagle before?" She asked him loud enough for Damien to hear
"Anthony?" Max asked as his radio started playing the child's voice. "Anthony you need to distance yourself from me! I can't turn in your direction! Hello!?" Static started coming from the radio and an annoying Kaw kept coming from the passenger section "dammit Anthony!" He said as he slammed the hand radio back into the holster on the dashboard. Max stood up and walked into the passenger section, he needed to go calm down. When he got into the passenger section he watched as an eagle flew over to Helena "you gotta be kidding me?!" He said as he walked over and grabbed the bird off Helena's lap. He opened a small door that Max occasionally used as a locker and tossed the bird inside. He locked the door and flicked open the vent at the top of the door so the thing could breath. "Much better" he said as he went into the back where his small workshop was. He walked in, closed the door, sat down, pulled the Rook off his necklace and went to work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Location: Several kilometers south of Summit Camp

With: Ice and Snow

Condition: Bleeding, Fatigued, and Hungry.

The ice was getting boring. The snow was being painfully dull. And that damned ache in his arm was being over dramatic. 'Oh help me. I'm bleeding! Nyah nyah nyah look at me! I'm a gunshot wound.' mocked Mason as he looked at his bloodied forearm. He tugged on the strap over his bracers to secure it over the wound. It hurt and it was sore and he was close to just chopping it off... with... with an ice knife. 'You can't make anything out of ice, idiot.' Mason's mind replied to his thoughts. 'OH YEAH! I'll SHOW YOU!' Mason screamed at his mind as his arms began glowing a dull red. He kept walking in the snowstorm and his legs were knee high in fresh snow. His arms grew vibrant into a hot red and flames came alive first from his fingertips flowing upward to his wrist. Continuing to lick outward and reaching his elbows with an eerie low howl that always accompanied his flames. The intensity changed as the red-orange flames transitioned into cerulean and lilac flames. The flames licked with more ferocity than the earlier stage. Mason nodded his head forward, bringing his prized welding goggles over his eyes and his ruffling his ultramarine hair. He placed his hands forward and chuckled, "I'll show you!" Mason unleashed his flames out and the plasma didn't have a chance to hit the ice before it began melting away. Mason was sinking fast, faster than he could keep his footing. He slipped and the ice under him melted with speed, leaving a hole about as wide as queen sized bed. 'GOD DAMN IT! YOU'RE GONNA GET ME KILLED!' Mason yelled in his mind. His mind replied, 'You are the idiot that thought fire was suitable out here... idiot'.

Mason's body torpedoed down the ice as he tried to snuff his flames, but in his state of anxiety and panic, his control wavered over it. The flames would stop for a second then come out with a vengeance. Leaving Mason powerless in the ice luge his flames were creating. The water boiled into steam and clouded his vision, so he couldn't tell if he was going to end up in an ocean or just fall into the center of the Earth. Mason's stomach roared, if it wasn't bad enough that he was scared, he was also hungry. Mason began to shout as his drop went from an angle to a vertical drop into a chasm. The expanse was so large and dark if Mason was in the center, he would be like a star from in the sky. Mason dropped with speed and all he could think was, 'I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Splat goes the Mason. Splat goes my attempts to live. Splat goe----


A crash of water enveloped a stunned Mason that landed face first. He was sinking and the water around him boiling and creating a bubbles and lighting the world around him. Mason stopped as he landed on something and it stirred him from his daze. Mason flailed around and couldn't breathe. He swam back to the surface as he could but there was no force to propel himself up as the water was being turned to steam around his arms. Mason struggled with trying to contain his flames so he could swim. Bubbles escaped his lips. His air supply was diminishing. Mason looked at his hand and closed his eyes trying to calm himself, the way Ryan taught him the first time he discovered his powers. He took a breath---- He choked on the water and his body convulsed. 'Idiot... idiot... idiot.... Why couldn't I be attached to someone else... idiot.' Mason's mind screamed at him. Mason couldn't breathe and the lights were fading. 'What a way to die.... drowning....... so...sorry...-----

A giant hand had plunged into the water and lifted the boy out of the water. Boy was unconsious, so the hand dropped him on the boat and grabbed an oar along with the other giant hand. They rowed for a while avoiding large marble columns and obsidian stalactites that dropped from the ceiling to the lake with the aid of a large lantern at the head of the large rowing boat. A grunt came out of the monstrous thing that saved Mason from the lake. "Ol' Mantle rows around and finds a small person in his path. Ol' Mantle rows and wonders whats hes to do with small person. Small person makes fire. Ol' Mantle knows why. But Ol' Mantle hates the Gods. And Ol' Mantle hates the Gods little gods. So, Ol' Mantle rows and thinks of what small person little god wants in Ol' Mantle's life of exile." The Cyclops said as he rowed towards the large structures under the Ice Sheet that carried magma towards the currently active volcanos under Iceland. Mantle rowed for a short time before making it to the dock he built ages ago with marble and the earths stone. Mantle dropped the oars inside the boat and lifted Mason by his leg and walked onto the dock and towards his home. Mantle's home consisted of a rocking chair, a pit in the center for food, a rack full of fishing gear, and a large ironworks. the walls were in ruin as was the rest of the tunnels that supplied the magma carriers from the fissure in the cracks of the world underneath Greenland.

Mantle dropped the boy on the ground and began to poke his squishy body. "Times to wake up. Ol' Mantle needs to speaks with you little god. Ol' Mantle pokes you to find out if he should kill you." Mason begins to splurt out the water still trapped in his lungs that didn't fully escape when the cyclops dropped him in the boat. Mason gasped for air and looked around groggly and say a cyclops with a bandana and a few fishbones hanging from his neck. An armband around his right arm and he kept poking Mason. "Alright! I'm up, Righty. I'm up. Leave me alone now. Quit it." Mason said. Mantle looked at the little god. He sniffed him and sneered. "Ol' Mantle wants to know how you know Righty?". Mason looked at where he was and felt lost. He stared up at the cyclops that had called himself Ol' Mantle and looked puzzled. "You're not Righty? He helped me in Florida at Wakulla. I thought you were him." Mason said pointing at the armband. Mantle laughed and poked Mason. "Ol' Mantle older than Righty and Lefty. Ol' Mantle was forgotten here in this ruin. Ol' Mantle thinks little god here to kill him. Like his father killed Ol' Mantle's dreams to leave. Ol' Mantle pokes little god hard until little god is smashed." He said jabbing a finger into Mason. Mason thought to himself, 'He's gonna kill me? I thought all cyclops liked... ohhhh....' Mason squirmed on his back and tried to sit up and raised his hands. "Ok. Ok. Stop. I'm not here to kill you... uh... Mantle. I actually found this accidentally. You see.... " Mason explained his situation. The events in Wakulla, the events at the mansion leading to his capture and the death of his friend, his escape from Summit Camp and his descent into Mantle's ruins. The cyclops sat in his rocking chair and listened to Mason. Mantle looked at Mason with a concerned look, "Ol' Mantle thinks about little gods could have been helped by the Gods. Ol' Mantle thinks they abandoned you, little god." Mason nodded in agreement. Mason was thinking of all the things that could have happened that would've changed things.

Mason shook his head, "Things would have been different, Mantle. I didn't have much faith in the Gods. I'm sure after all this, my faith is no longer there. They turned their backs on you and forgot you. It's harsh. They didn't help their children as they fought for their lives. Some captured, others killed.... I just don't know if I can trust their words anymore." Mason looked down and sighed. Mantle leaned forward and poked Mason. "Ol' Mantle never had friends. Ol' Mantle thinks your friends are all you have without the Gods. Ol' Mantle will help little god Mason get to his friends. After little god Mason follows Ol' Mantle for help with fire." Mason looked at him as Mantle got up and grabbed some fishing gear off the rack and a piece of coal from the ironworks. He led him out to the row boat and grabbed the oars and began to row away back in the direction where Mantle found Mason. It was quiet for a long time. Mason was in thought and Mantle was just used to being alone.

They passed the large cavern where Mason dropped into. Mason saw that he was lucky considering he could have fallen onto a spike of death or a large stone pillar in the water. He went back and thought of what he and Mantle had discussed. Mason was really going to turn away from the Gods. He had lost his faith in them. He would believe in others like him and hope they wouldn't let him down like the Gods did. Because if that happened, Mason wouldn't know what to have faith in anymore. Lost in his thoughts, Mason didn't see the large crevice that fell into the Earth. Mantle latched the boat against a large column still standing, supporting one of the extractors of magma that fed the volcanoes of Iceland. The pool of magma coming from the crevice was like a waterfall of red and black. Mason was in awe of how it flowed upward instead of down like the water did as it poured into the fissure. "Ol' Mantle enjoys fishing in these parts. Ol' Mantle fishes and catches big good fishes. Ol' Mantle didn't bring little god Mason for fishes. Ol' Mantle bring little god Mason to get help with fire. Ol' Mantle helps by giving little god Mason a piece of coal from Ol' Mantle's forge and sticking it in fire wall." Mantle instructed as he pointed at the wall of magma. Mason grabbed a hold of the large piece of coal in both his hands. It was the size of a medium sized rock and weighed close to 40lbs. Mason struggled with it since his bracers couldn't help lift it over the expanse because it wasn't metal. Mason grunted and lifted the coal to his chest. "Mind if I use your hand for a moment?" Mason asked. Mantle upturned his palm and Mason climbed on, trying to steady himself. Mason didn't like heights, especially if it was over a very very deep chasm that could kill him. Mason tried not to squirm as he extended his arms out to the wall of magma. The wave seemed to be attracted to Mason and it flowed over to him slowly. It looked like it was curving towards him and it covered the coal and his hands with it. He pulled the coal away from the wall of magma but as they separated the coal was covered in magma. Mantle blew on the magma and it had hardened over the piece in Mason's hand. Mantle grabbed the hardened piece of magma and smacked it against the cavern wall, cracking the crust that layered over the coal. Mantle handed it over to Mason, "Ol' Mantle can't open it for for little god Mason. Ol' Mantle gives gift for little god Mason." Mantle said.

Mason began peeling off the layers off the coal. But as he peeled he found that there was no longer coal under the layers but a crystal with something red inside. Mason hurriedly removed the layer of hardened magma and uncovered the entire crystal with what looked like lava inside the crystal, swirling around with life. Mason looked at it and then looked at Mantle, "Uh... what now?" Mason asked. As he did, the crystal cracked and pieces fell onto the boat. The lava inside whirled to life and a short figure stood in the air in front of Mason. It took many forms as he looked at it, a bird then a tiger then a monkey until it stopped as a little girl... made of fire, of course. Mason looked at it very strangely, "Uh.... hi.... what... um are you?" The form smiled and spoke with what sounded high pitched and fast, "I am a fire elemental, child. You just gave me life in this realm and know nothing of me? Well, I will have to teach you. My name is Ignis. I have no form nor gender nor do I have the patience to tell you why. I enjoy taking the form of what I feel best describes me at that time, though I will go back to this form, of a small female human-like child. Anger me and I'll make your life miserable." Mason looked bewildered. "Also, when I don't want to be around. I'll just go into my home." She, considering it wanted to be a small girl, pointed at a crystal shard in Mason's hand. She continued, "Don't lose that. Or I will make you come down here and make me a new one, understood?" Mason sighed, "Yes, mom." Ignis' form scowled at him as she floated above the boat. She raised her hand and was going to touch the boat, before Mantle put his hand in the way. "Ol' Mantle still needs to fish. Ol' Mantle makes you go away before little god Mason and friend burn boat. Ol' Mantle knows the way. Ol' Mantle wants you to go back to where little god Mason fell and there is a hole that goes to ocean. Ol' Mantle too big for hole. Ol' Mantle stay here and fish. Ol' Mantle remember little god Mason and he remember Ol' Mantle gift." With that Mantle turned to grab his fishing gear and set a line out into the chasm for his monstrous fish. Leaving Mason and Ignis to glower at each other as Mason climbed out the boat onto the rocky sides and complained and groaned about not having shoes for the rocks. Ignis floated above the water beside him and laughed at him.
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Location: Max's plane

With: Serafina

(Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Max, Jason, Damian, Vanessa, Courtney, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Harry, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko, Viola)

"The frost,"Adriana elaborated, pointing at the frozen water particles on the window. She then waved her hand around them,"The coldness, really? I got chilly once I sat down here - no offence." She added the apology just in case she somehow offended the teen. But, Gods, she really wished for a blanket.

She was about to introduce herself before a bird's cawing reached her ears. She looked back at the window but saw nothing. A small gust of wind hit her face and she turned towards the aisle, only to see an eagle flying by.

"Anyway...",she began, confused,"I'm Adriana." She held the top of either side of the chip bag, pulling it until it opened. She put her hand in, pinching an unbroken piece between her thumb and forefinger. Eating it, a chill - this one not from the cold - went up her spine, and she closed her eyes in pleasure. She never knew she loved Doritos so much, but she supposed that when you're really hungry anything is super tasty. She was about to dig in with a new fervor, but glanced at the person beside her, Serafina (@RevolverOshawott ). "Want some?"she asked politely.
Damian started making a great deal of noise as Max grabbed him and tossed into a locker. "REEEEEEEEE!" Damian was literally screeching at ear drum piercing levels and banging against the locker door repeatedly. Damian could hear a voice in his head yelling. "KILL THE GREACI!"

Anthony gave a nod as he heard the radio crackle back to the original station. "Roger that you're coming in five by five." Anthony said turning to put some space between him and the plane. Anthony then dropped back to be at escort range.
Helena raised a hand to hit the eagle, when Max grabbed him instead and shoved him in a locker, in which she still shouted angrily, "I dont care if you ARE a bald eagle! I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" She growled, then slumped down again and nodded a silent thanks to Max and curling up in a ball, tired still and trying to calm down.
By the gods! There was too much noise and way too many people! And nothing to do! If Viola had something to do, like a... A... Puzzle to put together or a book to read or a movie to watch, she wouldn't hate being here as much, (she'd still hate being here, though.) Viola stared out of the window, drumming on the glass with her fingertips. Gods... She hated these people. She hated them, she hated them, she HATED them!

"I swear to the gods, I'm gonna find a new group." Viola mumbled to herself, "Some nice, sane, normal people... I mean, demigods. Is there such thing as a sane demigod...?" She glanced around the plane; her eyes taking in the chaos that surrounded her. A girl had started yelling something about eagles.... Okay... Viola edged closer to the window, as if that additional inch of distance between her and the others would somehow make a difference. She'd met some pretty crazy people in her time- actually, "met" might not be the correct term, seeing as she didn't interact with crazy people. She'd seen some pretty crazy people in the short fourteen years she'd spent on this planet. But the demigods... Took the prize. They were completely nuts- and not in a good way, Viola might add! The temperature was dropping too and Viola slid down in her seat, glaring at the back of Serafina's head. Stupid, emotional ice princess! That girl had no self control! None!

"Freaking Serafina..." Viola muttered, darkly, "Get a grip on yourself, for the gods sake...." She scowled.
Chad smiled at Courtney's reaction. He said to her, "I could show you whenever you want! I just grow and turn into a wolf thingy. I don't go on like a craze. I have full control." Chad said that with a little bit of cockiness in it because he was very proud of it. He turned to Vanessa and said, "I would love to see your centaur legs! I bet they look cool! What color are they? Brown? White? Black? Spotted?" He started to get a little bit excited. Chad, being super observant, noticed that Courtney was digging her nails into the seat. "You cool, Court? Do you not like flying?" He asked her. He noticed all of the screaming and swearing and decided to not get involved because he didn't want to seem like that kind of person.
Vanessa laughed at the questions and his own evaluation of himself. "That's good. I'd hate to cap an arrow with wolfsbane (don't know how to spell that) and shoot you with it just to keep the peace." She teased. "Anyway, my centaur legs are a reddish brown with a black tail. Nothing fancy." She'd die if she had a spotted lower half in full form. She too watched Courtney, who's lips quivered while she turned green. "I'm cool." She managed to choke out. "I am not a huge fan of flight. I normally open portals and, on only one occasion, I attempted shadow travel. Let's just say that I wasn't completely there for two days after that, but it's better than flying by a long shot." She really liked how kind and sweet Chad was being. This was all new to her. Maybe, just maybe, she should try opening up more.
Chad laughed a little bit at Vanessa's comment. Then looked at her with his fierce eyes and said, "Wolfsbane doesn't affect the son of Lupa. But reddish brown, that's pretty cool. I am a gray werewolf and Ebony and Ivory are well, ebony and ivory colored." He looked at Courtney with soft eyes and said to her, "Well you obviously aren't cool. One thing that I've been trying to do is take pain away from other people. Maybe it would work for nausea. If you'd like we could try it. Whenever you feel nauseous, come over to me and I could try it out. Or you could just sit over here so you don't have to move back and forth." He didn't realize that that sounded like a flirtatious comment. He didn't mean for it to be but it came out that way. He smiled not knowing what to do.
Vanessa shrugged. "Still, I have to do something if you go off the deep end." The centaur was fully aware of Chad wanting to further his relationship with her rather green friend next to her. "Go on, Court. He likes you, a lot." She winked at Chad. "You two behave. I'm sure Lady Aphrodite will be pleased." Vanessa giggled. Courtney glared at her friend again. "Don't you dare." Courtney grumbled to the other female before she got out of her seat and took one next to Chad. "Go ahead and help me. Any more ambrosia and I'll overdose." Courtney smiled at the werewolf. "I would really appreciate any help I can get." Subconsciously, she moved her hand toward his and then quickly yanked it away upon contact.

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