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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Alec was running around, when he skidded to a stop in front of the McDonalds and looked in. Inside was Jason, chatting and eating quite calmly, which would soon be interrupted as Alec when skidding last them, not seeing the wet floor sign, and shouting, "JASON, MA-" before slipping on the wet floor and faceplanting on the floor. He remained there for a few seconds, then was up in the next second, arms flailing, and trying to speak between his heavy breathing,"MAX *huff* kidnapping *huff* B**** in a pink parka *pfff* limousine driving off *gasp* Max trapped *GAAAAAAAAASP* WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" He ended the odd message with that, then leaned forward with his hands on his knees, breathing hard, then in the next few seconds, he yet again straightened up as if nothing happened and stuck his hand out to Fern and said cheerily, "HI! I'm Alec!"
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Ryan furrowed his brows and closed his eyes feeling a surge of pain go through his blind eyes, "Ah...". His right hand flew to his head grasping his right temple area. The teen clenched his teeth preventing him from making other noises. "Can we please-" Another pang of pain shot through Ryan's eyes causing him to leave a pause in the middle of his sentence. "..find Fern? I'm getting a bit tired. Sorry for my impatience" Ryan apologized. He was usually the patient one, but his pain was beginning to intensify. The demigod attempted to relax himself so that his facial features would not make the pain evident.
Pepper looked over slightly worried but nodded as she and Zach started walking with him towards where Zach said she would be, which was McDonalds. Zach noticed Fern who was with a young guy and a rather eccentric looking fellow. "Uh hey Fern? You uh not busy?" Fern glanced up and stood. "Not really... What's up?" She asked and glanced at Ryan. "Huh... So this is your old buddy in those photos." She said and nodded slightly. "I'm Fern." She said while looking at Ryan.
"I'm Ryan" Ryan smiled. Cupid walked toward the closest demigod group he could find, "Hey guys we leaving yet?" Ryan extended his hand to Cupid's shoulder, "Only if Fern agrees that we can leave now since we're staying at her place..oh and also when we find the others". Cupid leaned close to Ryan quietly reminding, "Isn't it that blind people can't easily navigate an acquaintance's shoulder". "Right my bad" Ryan took his hand off of Cupid's shoulder and put it into his pocket.
Fern raises a brow as she feeds a fry to her baby Venus Fly Trap. "Alright then... And yeah if you can tell me how many there are I'll call ahead to have them get the rooms ready... Also those burns can be healed... I believe I have a plant for that... But is need some... Special water from a special source." She said while glancing at Pepper and then Jason. Pepper blinked in surprise. "Really? Wow..." She said softly in surprise as Zach grinned. "Fern has all sorts of cool plants... Even bird eating ones!"
"BIRD EATING ONES?!" Cupid felt a few eyes look at him weirdly. "I mean...bird eating ones?" He repeated in a whisper. Ryan replied, "We have approximately __ people in the group. Also, that would be great if you could heal my eyes. I'm not sure if it would work though since my brother altered some inside stuff rather than just burned my eye area".
Fern looks at him. "I think it will. My plants are quite special... They like to get rid of any chemical substance and then dispose of it by spitting acid at people I don't like... So I think I should be able to fix your eyesight." She said while clasping her hands out in front of her.
Vanessa looked up from her food. "Woah! Ryan's blind?! Why wasn't I told?" She took a deep, drawn out breath. "You don't need help, do you? I could...I don't know. I could help you by giving your eyesight back." She stumbled toward him. "Damn these legs!" She hated being what she was. "Sorry. Can't do anything with them. Anyway, just by looking at your eyes, Ry, you look fine. Hopefully you'll be able to see soon, but I'm not the best doctor, so, that's up to you."

Max felt something cold run across his face. He began to regain consciousness as whoever or whatever was touching him disappeared. Max opened his eyes and went to sit up, finding that he couldn't. He looked around, he was strapped to an operating table of some sort and Sam stood next to him and she was smiling as she sorted her various assortment of medical tools. "Where am I?" Max asked as his mind began to register where he was. "Deja Vu." Sam said as she walked over and brushed Max's hair away from his eyes. "You said the same thing last time I had you strapped onto a table." That's when Max realized what was about to happen. He started struggling and Sam smiled as she pulled out a syringe and jabbed the needle into Max's neck. Max's body stopped responding to his thoughts and he looked over at Sam. "This will be fun." She said gleefully "It will only take a minute,then we'll put you with all the other scum we have here." Sam put a clamp on Max's head keeping his head straight, then moved a device on the clamp, it stopped over Max's left eye. "The damage will be permanent, but I'm pretty sure a son of "the great god Zeus" will make do with what he has." She positioned the device on Max's eye and turned a switch which forced his eyelid open. She injected another shot into Max's neck and Max felt himself drifting away. "Don't worry sweetie, your contribution to us will be well received" and with that Max lost consciousness again.


Max awoke with a start and sat up and put his head in his hands. His head hurt like crazy and the left side of his face felt nub. He pulled his hands away from his face and stared at them... Well one of them. He put his left hand to his face and panic began to set in. Max could feel his left hand, but he couldn't see it, he was blind in his left eye. "You're welcome" a female voice said from Max's blind side. He turned and saw Sam standing on the other side of the cage bars... Cage Bars?! Max looked around frantically noticing that he was in a cell, he turned his attention back to Sam. "What did you do too me?!" He asked "I simply removed the gift I gave you... The ability to enhance your powers." Max stared at her confused. "Those eyes allowed you to be able to greatly enhance your godly powers beyond what you are able to." She smiled at him. "Enjoy your stay." And with that Sam walked away, leaving Max alone to think about what she had told him.
Damian looked around the mcdonalds and spotted Jason. "Sup sea food?" He said with a grin as his teeth started chattering and his face was red from how cold it had been outside. "I hate cold weather." He said looking outside as snow started coming down gently and began collecting on the ground. "Looks like we got in just in time."
explosiveKitten said:
"W-w-what w-w-w-was I th-thinking?" Helena asked herself as she trudged through knee deep snow, her arms tucked into her shirt with her hands in her armpits. She had her leather jacket, but that do much against cold... "Ahhhhhh why didn't I a-at least t-t-try to find a c-coat? I'm such a d-du-dumbass...s-sometimes..." She muttered, scooting along through the snow, her teeth chattering, "W-well, at l-least it's not s-s-snowing-" and that moment, fluffy snowflakes began to fall from the sky, settling on her black hair like stars in a night sky. "... D-d-da-DAMNIT BOREAS!" She shouted up at the sky, then continued to shuffle along. When she finally came across a hole in the ice, she looked into it, and saw a limp figure laying on some rocks... "M-M-M-Mason? Is that you? ... I brought waffles!" She shouted down the hope, then shadow traveled down, and walking over to this figure... It WAS Mason! A half naked, unconscious Mason, but it was still clearly Mason! Then another thought crossed her mind-"Wait- sh*t! Is he dead?! Oh god, no!" before rushing to him, and shaking him fiercely, shouting his name, and then she realized how warm it was in this hole. "Probably... Probably Mason's fire user powers or something... He's warm at least... That's a good sign that he's alive... Don't worry, Mason. I'll get you to a nice bed, and some clothes, and I'll make you a biiiig plate of waffles, and everything will be okay!" She said, smiling so big her face practically split in two. Then after wiping a few stray tears from her cheek, she stood and tried to haul him up onto her shoulder like she'd done a long time ago.

Location: Opened Pocket By The Sea

Companion: Mason (Unconscious)

Condition: Currently guarding Mason against unknown assailant.

Ignis had spent the time looking for a way to get Mason help, but she never left Mason's side. So, she went into his crystal and hoped he would gain consciousness before taking drastic measures. Ignis had been thinking of how to get him out of the hole when she heard a faint shout coming from the hole. Ignis peered from her crystal home and saw a depressing figure pop into existence from the shadows in front of where Mason laid. She came forward and Ignis felt threatened by her coming closer to Mason. Thats when the girl grabbed Mason after spewing nonsense and began to lift him up. Ignis was not going to lose Mason after he brought her to life. The crystal burned up and stream of fire flowed out of it towards the floor as Mason was lifted up. Ignis' tiger formed and she roared out and her voice crackled and hissed like the rolling fire she was made of, "Take your venomous claws off his body, demon. He's my charge and I won't let you take him."
Ryan put his arms out toward Vanessa when he saw her figure stumble. He nodded at Vanessa, "..thanks". Cupid danced to the song playing within the airport, "Hey this is catchy! What do you think Ace?" No response to his question came out of Ace's mouth. Actually, it was an indirect answer. Ace was rapping with the song.
Helena looked up, having Mason draped over her shoulders, barely, and saw a big, firey, kind of intimidating giant fire tiger. "... Demon? Your charge? ... The f*** are you? .... Actually, nevermind. Bye." And with that, she was off, jumping into the nearest shadow and coming out at the top of the hole, and wading through the knee-deep snow as fast as she could. It was snowing harder now, and yet Mason was still warm. "How in the f*** are you still warm? ... Crazy fire boy." She muttered, before stumbling and falling face first into the fluffy white snow, Mason landing on top of her, and her arms flailed, before she managed to push her head up, coughing and spitting out the cold snow. "GAAAAAAH I HATE THE ARCTIC!" She shouted, then began to dig her way out from under Mason's unconscious body, grumbling about how boys are heavier when they're unconscious.
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Location: Several kilometers away from nearest town, Nuuk

Companion: Mason(unconscious; being snatched by a demon child)

Condition: Currently chasing demon child.

The demon child was confused, but Ignis wasn't. Mason was hers, and the demon child was to be stopped. Ignis was going to say something before she was caught off guard by the demon child's farewell into the shadows. Ignis hissed out of frustration and sensed for Mason's heat signature. She felt him moving above with another. 'That girl... will pay...' Ignis leapt up onto the rocks and out of the hole onto the snow. The hiss of steam being created when Ignis' form came in contact with the snow. Leaving large holes around her as she bounded for the demon child stealing Mason away. Ignis was catching up to Mason's heat signature with her agile form and the snow melting away in her path. She saw the demon child laying in the snow and didn't give her a second thought before snatching Mason up by his shorts with her teeth.

Ignis forgot that Mason's clothing wasn't fireproof, so when she grabbed a hold of Mason's shorts, her solidified magma teeth burned holes onto his shorts and caught flame to the fabric. She had only gone a few paces away before losing Mason's shorts and Mason fell into the knee-deep snow. His body melting the snow around him slower than Ignis' body. Ignis cursed inwardly and turned around to shield Mason from the demon child. "You stay back before I harm you, demon child. Go back to your shadows." Ignis' voice popping at the high syllables like the crackling of a wood fire. Ignis' stance was ready to pounce on the girl.
Vanessa smiled at Zeus's son. "Thanks. I appreciate it." She straightened herself up, thankful that Ryan was there and didn't have some vendetta with her. She looked into his eyes. "Alright, I'm going to put my hands over your eyes. Don't freak out. Keep them open and I'll probably be able to give your sight back. If not, you're gonna have to wait for a doctor that knows more about this." She brought her hands to her friend's eyes and started chanting something in ancient Greek, surprised, because she had never spoken any other language other than English before.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Did no one read that I said Fern could fix his eyes with the help from Jason and Pepper? No? Fantastic...)

(shhhh cry in the OoC plz)
"Hey! Leave my friend alone!" Helena shouted, reaching for her bracelet, but suddenly realized that metal against a fire beast or whatever was probably a bad idea. Hmmm... This was troubling, and suddenly he was naked, which made her face light up bright red- not that she hadn't seen a naked man before, but STILL. Naked Mason. She shook her head and rushed at the firey beast, then dodged around it and snatched up Mason, trying to not look... There. "I don't care WHO you work for, I won't let you run off with him! He needs proper care, and a warm place to sleep, and... AND CLOTHES!"
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Location: Several kilometers away from nearest town, Nuuk


Condition: Currently engaging demon child.

Ignis scoffed at her lies, "Friend?! You are just a demon child that lives in the shadows." Ignis said as the girl rushed forward. "BACK! I warned you..." Ignis snarled with a swipe of her paw that had missed the girl but the fire trailing behind her swipe caught a portion of her coat on fire. Ignis looked back to see her handling Mason and spewing her lies of what he needed. Ignis positioned herself to dart forward at her. "I'll tell you one last time... Release my master or you die..." Ignis growled and realized she had just considered Mason her master. Her jaws clentched, 'I'm glad he was... unconscious for that' she thought to herself, keeping her eyes on the child.
"Master? Your connected to Mason somehow?" Helena asked, then her eyes widened, "No, you don't understand, I'm- AHHHHH FIRE!" she shouted, whipping the her jacket off and beating it into the snow, the cold, wet snow putting the flames out. Once she had inspected the leather, she sighed, putting Mason down again, gently, then covered up his lower half with her jacket, before looking back at Ignis, "My name is Helena, daughter of Hades. I'm a part of the group of demigods that Mason is traveling with, I know where they are! But if he stays out here in the freezing cold, he will die! And I'm more then happy to help him, if you would stop trying to melt my face off!"
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Location: Several kilometers away from nearest town, Nuuk


Condition: Currently at a stand-off with Helena

With her snarls, Ignis kept a short distance away from this girl, this Helena, who wanted to help Mason. She slowly circled them and the snow had melted away from her path, leaving a large circle around Helena and Mason. Ignis spoke as she paced, "So.... child of Hades. You are a demon child. And you say you are helping Mason. Prove it. I am connected to him. I will tell if you mean him harm. If you do... I'll hunt you down to the deepest depths of Tartarus." Ignis snarled as she came closer to Mason's body. She made sure not to point out the crystal in Mason's bracer, in case Helena wasn't trying to help Mason. Ignis' form morphed into the child-like form with a wispy like ends of flame in place of her legs. She hovered beside Helena and the snow pelting them didn't affect Ignis. The small sizzles were however getting a tiny bit annoying. Ignis pointed at Mason, "Let us go meet this group of yours. Show me that I shouldn't melt that pretty face away."
"What pretty face? I don't understand understand the pretty face comments..." She muttered, then sighed and moved to Mason, wrapping the jacket around his waist so he would be properly covered up at least. "Whatever, but helping him is exactly what I'm going to do." She hissed, holding him on her shoulders and trudging off, "well shit. Now I have to go and buy him clothes. I barely have any cash..." With that, she hopped into nearest pool of shadow...

And coming out nowhere near the airport. Instead she ended up in Nuuk. When she came out of the dark, she was shivering. Blood was trickling from her nose, and she could barely keep Mason on her shoulders. "God... I can't... I can't go the entire way... It's too much all in one day..."

Location: Nuuk


Condition: Hidden in her crystal

Ignis decided to watch Helena from the confines of her crystal. She didn't trust Helena but at least that meant Mason could be sent somewhere to gain consciousness and he can let Ignis melt her face. Ignis took the opportunity when Helena wasn't looking and went inside the crystal. That was when things got dark and they emerged in a town. Helena's face was a mess. Ignis wanted to kill her for endangering Mason under that state. Ignis burned inside her crystal home and thought of things to do to Helena when Mason woke up. "Child, you better not die before you get Mason to safety." Ignis hissed to Helena, audible for being close to Mason's bracers where he kept the crystal. Ignis was more concerned with Mason than this demon child. And it fit accordingly, being the daughter of Hades. She looked just like vile heathen of darkness. Ignis really wanted to melt her face off...
"Where'd Helena go? Matter of fact where's max? Do you people always have to lose everybody?" Damian said as he stood up and started walking out. "I'm going to go look." Damian said before pushing the door open and walking out but Anthony intercepted him. "Dude you need a jacket." Anthony said but Damian put up his hand and started walking with Anthony following.

They stole a parked car from outside with Anthony doing the wiring part. They started driving slowly as Anthony played with the radio. "Ooh tales of brave ulysses by cream nice song. Oh shit the lights." Anthony said as they searched the town listening to classic music. Anthony was getting tired but Damian wouldn't let him go to a hotel.
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"F***.... OFF... Go back to melting the polar ice caps..." She hissed, wiping her nose off and stumbling off down the street, her vision getting more blurry with each step, and slowly she stumbled through the town, carrying a barely decent teenage boy on her shoulders, earning her a few concerned stares and mothers covering their childrens' eyes. "Mommy, that man isn't wearing any clothes" NO SH*T SHERLOCK. She thought angrily, growling at the stares, and continuing on her mission.

Just before she was about to collapse from cold and fatigue, she looked up at a sign and barely made out the words "Hans Egede"- a hotel. A HOTEL. She suddenly got so excited she nearly dropped Mason, but barely caught herself and him, and when she looked around, she decided she couldn't take Mason inside the way he was, so instead she stashed him in the nearest bush, feeling horrible about it, then muttered, "Ey, whatever your name is, fire beast thing, watch him and make sure nobody tries to steal him... Sorry about leaving you in the dirt Mason..." she said to the unconscious boy, then limped into the building.

There weren't really any people around the lobby, except the kid at the counter. He looked like he would rather have been anywhere but behind that desk. He was dressed in a bright orange t-shirt, a white ski cap and baggy jeans, he was tall and lanky, which seemed odd when she looked at him. He was way too young... Also that goatee was a little out of place... When she approached the counter, he said in a monotone voice, "Hello, welcome to the Hans Egede, do you-" when he finally looked up from his iPod, he stared at her face, then said rather rudely, "Uh, miss? You got something on your face." It was then that she realized her nose was bleeding, and groaned, wiping it off, only for her nose to start bleeding more. The boy stared, but didn't say any more. "I need... a room." She said, breathing hard. "Uhhh... do you have a reservation?" he asked, looking confused.


"If you don't have a reservation, then you'll have to-"
it was then that Helena leaned close to his face, staring with meticulous eyes, then pulled her coin pouch full of drachmas and dropped it on the counter with a heavy thud. "Now can I have a room? I only need it for the night..." She said grimly, and the boy began to say, "Um... I can't accept thi-" and it was that moment when she snapped. Reaching forward, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him forward so they were face to face, and hissed, "Listen, you can-munching goat, I know what you are, you know what THOSE are," she growled, gesturing at the drachmas, "and I know you can take them. So you are damn well going to give me a f***ing room, or I swear on the River Styx I will rip those horns from your head," she ripped the ski cap off his head, revealing the pointy goat horns of a satyr, "And firmly re-position them IN YOUR EYE SOCKETS. SO GET. ME. A ROOM."

The satyr stared into her bright blue, angry eyes, terror gleaming in his own, and all that came from his mouth was a nervous bleat.

Within the next few minutes, Helena was carrying Mason into a luxury suite, complete with a gorgeous view of the tundra...
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