Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]

Lightning looked up at the oracle. "Prophecy... Umm, oh by the way the name is Lightning, and yes I'm the daughter of Zeus. I don't really know what's going on here..." She turned her head to Mr. D and Chiron "But shouldn't we get this meeting or what ever it is started" She said. She then shot a looked over to Ashton who seemed kind of annoyed by the whole thin and he had a really contrary aura surrounding him. She then turned her head back to Avery again. "What's his problem" She asked quietly hoping not to strike a nerve in him. She took one more look at him. Why does he remind me of... That God... She thought to herself.

Avery raised an eyebrow and followed her stare before whispering, making sure to not stare any longer then necessary, "He's son of Ares and a bully. Avoid him as often as possible because him and Blake, son of Hades, are complete bullies. We do know that he had a sh*t life before the camp and once during capture the flag, we fought and after going at it for several minutes, I slashed at his back and he has so many scars on his back. I think he either was beaten or he fought a lot but just don't get on his nerves." She explained as she said this Ashton's fist clenched but he didn't seem to have heard the two.
Lightning looked at Avery ready to listen to what she had to say, but as soon as she said 'son of Ares' everything went blank in lightnings mind. Ares, the God of War. I couldn't save her.... He killed her...That God... The God of War... Ares... he told me to remember his name... while I held her in my arms... As she breathed her last breath... Lightning's thoughts just kept on flowing and getting even more intense. It was obvious that people started to see anger building up in her eye's. Then she snapped. She drew her sword and aimed for Ashton's throat. "You Murderer, Ares!" She shouted.
Ashton leaped backwards, out of instincts and growled, "What the f*ck you crazy b*tch!" He whisked his belt off, which turned into a sword, with a skull handle. "I didn't kill anyone" He snapped as he said this, he raised his sword for a fight while Avery jumped up. "Lightning! What are you doing?" She said, in an alarmed tone.

(@PaintTheWind This isn't towards you :D This is towards kirito1337. I'm not posting Nichole anymore so the other person can post :D So sorry. You should delete your last post though)
Kelvin stopped he noticed Nicole was thinking. He relaxed and rethink his strategy. "She's better then I thought." He thought of the perfect plan. He just needs her to attack first.
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( xD Wait Ashton and Lightning are in the great hall with the other cabin leaders)
Ash though she heard something but shook it off. "You gonna fight me or what?" she said to the kid, picking up a sword, since she couldn't use her bow.
Lightning looked over to Avery. "Oh, sorry. I don't think I made it clear that I'm going to beheaded the dammed son of Ares and see how much Ares likes it when one of his family members are murdered, Yet again he won't care much because he's as cold hearted as they come" she said in frustration. She then took her sword and stabbed it into the table sitting back down and crossing her arms over, diverting her eye's from the child of Ares. God dammit, god dammit, god dammit, god dammit... were the only words lightning could think about at the time.
Ashton snarled at her, "Does it make up for it if I hate him to?" He snapped, his upper lip pulled back into a snarl, much like a dog, as he stood frozen in a fighting position before growling at her, "If you ever, I mean ever try to kill me again. I will cut your damn head off, I don't care if your the big god's daughter. You b*tch" He hissed, "I wouldn't even spit in your direction" The boy ended before sitting back in his chair, kicking it out for himself while Avery studied Lightning over. 'Curious' she thought, 'very curious', "Who did Ares' kill that was important?" She asked, deducing that Lightning lost someone.
"Its none of your business, so don't ask" Lightning said replying to Avery then glaring over to Ashton. "No, for what he has done nothing will ever make up, and I suggest you stay away from me, because I'm Ten times more deadly that you think, and believe me it wouldn't be my head that's rolling across the floor" She said looking at Ashton in disgust. She then stayed quiet looking down at her locket.
Gade stepped in the Big House. "Sorry guys, I was looking for some cookies, I love the stuff." He sat down on a chair. "Hermes Cabin Leader, Gade Avorent, present and accounted for." He leaned back and put his legs on the table.
Anastasia stepped out of her cabin, wearing a different headscarf and glasses then before. Fewer people were about the camp then usual which made her wonder if she missed something. She walked around abit, finally finding her way to the training area we she finally found people she recognised.

"Howzit? Who is winning?"She asked to Ash.

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"Sure. Why not, i am game at humiliating myself?"She said stepping in to the ring while taking off her medallion which gradually turned to her spear. She flourished her spear with a spin before holding her spear diagonally on her side with its tip facing down and with sidestep stance."You know were everybody is?"
"They are…actually…I don't know." she said. She borrowed a sword and drew it and pointed it at the tip of her sword to keep it in check. "I'm much better with a bow then a sword."
"Huh, have a feeling we are missing something big...It is not one of our birthday soon?"She said jokingly, starting the fight with a couple of jab at Ash with out much force into them. "No worries, i am more of a academic hero myself being Athena an all, i doubt you will have a problem."
"Not me, but swords just aren't my thing." she said and then added "And if we are I'm sure it isn't that important." She blocked her jabs and then did a few of her own, having a smaller weapon,
She kept back and held the spear as far down the staff as possible to take advantage of the reach she had. She parried aside the strike before making turn bringing her spear low for a tripping blow.

"An archer i get it. A good skill to have though some consider it a cowardly weapon."She said goading Ash the once nice and kind smile turning gradually to a more dark grin."You know remaining a safe distance from your opponent and taking pot shots at him or her."
"Here we go...."She said before narrowly avoiding Ash attack but she was on the back foot moving back to maintain her reach and deflect the attack . She released an angry hiss before trying to regain the initiative with a few swings."Though you where just a pretty face like the aphrodite divas."
This got her angry and said "Funny, I though you were one." She worked a bit harder and kept slashing, harder. She kept jabbing and blocked her advances, pressing forward.
Ani kept back unable to find a way through the attack. This resulted to an attack going through striking her arm, the made her winch in pain making her growled a sound more animal then human. She held her arm with other hand feeling the blood flow. This changed her mood swinging from aggressive to more soft and confused.

"Ok...i am beaten this round..Just...Just give me a minute."She said out of breath indicating her forfeit by dropping her spear."That... Was intense."

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"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." she said, dropping her sword. She had bandages always with her. She wrapped some around her arm. "I didn't mean to do that!"
Gade got bored and stopped flicking. "Call me if anything interesting happens." And with that he walked out the doot. He wandered around and saw a girl bandaging someone. "Need any help?"

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