Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]

"Not quite what i had in mind but should be good show."She said quite curious to see both in a 1 on 1 contest against their respective skills.
Blake watchrd with a raised eyebrow, he moved closer to have a better angle. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, he took his earbuds out and paused the song. He slipped his backpack off his shoulder, it turned into a pure black sword with white chinease writing near the handle. The boy approuched and raised a hand up for their attention, "May I join?" He asked softly.
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Blake bite his lip to hold back his smile, but he still needed Gade's permission, he glanced at Gade and his eyes flashed red as he felt his anger surge at the unfairness of his old Hermes' cabin friends... How they treated him after he was claimed by his father, how happy he had been, how afraid and hated they looked at him, how he was forced back to his only true friend, who was excited enough for all of Hermes' cabin combined, Ashton. It rang in his ears the words Ashton said when he explained what happened, Well, that just proves what I said back in first grade, we only have each other. His eyes grew brighterer until they became their brilliant bright red; pain pounded around his eyes as it always did when his eyes changed color. Blake shook his head, as if to rid the anger but it didn't help, he grinded his teeth, his entire inner battle and pain was lost on anyone else, they could only see his blank face, tight jaw muscles, teeth grinding and a frozen body. Finally, he shoved the anger away and his eyes became an intense red with blue outline.
Blake dodged the first card but sliced the second and third one in half, as he got closer to Gade, he started to block the cards rather then slash at them. As he got withen three feet of him, he brought his leg out and kicked the cards out of his hand and slashed at the majority of them, but only got a few cleanly cut. He bounced away from him with a small yawn, his eyes now the normal hazel and he shot a sneer at him. "What are you going to do now?" The boy asked as he brushed his hair out of his face. "Come on Gade" Blake said it in a taunting, harsh voice full of venom.
Blake was slightly startled when Ash swung at him but blocked and kicked her in the stomach, fairly hard. "Oh, sh*t, sorry" He said before moving away from her and keeping an eye on Gade as well. As he watched the two, he felt his skin crawl. He froze and listened, his heart jumped in excitement as he felt a soul leaving nearby the camp. He shivered violently and forced it out of his mind but it echoed in his mind, he felt his eyes flash pitch black and he saw everyone's life count before his eyes switched back to hazel. His arms suddenly weighed a million pounds as he felt his muscles scream for rest and he dropped his sword. It barely missed his foot but he didn't seem to notice, suddenly everything was dying, the bugs they were stepping on, spiders feeding, animals eating, everything was dying. Blake's teeth were clenched as he struggled to keep the death out of his ears, he covered his ears as tight as he could but death was still echoing inside his mind. His breath was caught in his throat and his heart was pounding so fast that he thought it might jump out of his chest. He could feel the heart beat of everyone around him and it was so loud, the death of bugs were all around him, a frog ate a fly and the screams grew louder. The boy couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, he couldn't hear anything but the screams. His vision was terrifying, it was black and white, all the creatures that were moving were transparent except for their heart, which was red, he could see it beating beneath their skinn and when they moved, a white trail of whisp. The boy tore his stare away to his hands, which were white with black veins pulsing beneath his skin. They turned red before his eyes and his hands were soaked in blood. He was back in his house, his father was laying limp in front of him, his heart was black and there was red sweeping from his chest. Blake's hands ran into his hair and he clenched it tight. It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault, he repeated but it started to feel like his fault more and more.

(For a bit of drama in this stalenesss ;) )
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Has fell back but saw him having issues. She put her hand on his shoulder after dropping her sword. "Are you alright?" She looked into his eyes gently and kindly.
Blake stood up, staggering slightly, his eyes lightening as he did, he groaned as a wave of nausia washed over him and he struggled to hold down the sick feeling. "I'm fine" He muttered, holding his head groggily. "Just reminded what it's like being the son of Hades" He muttered darkly before taking a heavy breath and glancing at Ash, "I think I should... Uh... Lay down or some sh*t" He muttered but didn't really move as he said that before staring at her face. "When you are near a cliff or around a cliff, do not push your luck. Someone will push you if you get too close to the edge" Blake said with a serious look and tone before blinking quickly. "Ah, feel much better actually. Shall we continue?"
Ash squeezed his shoulder gently and kneeled so she could see his face. "Are you really alright?" She felt he was lying to her and wanted to see if he was alright, and honest.
Blake bite back a smile, "I'm fine. I promise" He said with a tiny smile that played just barely on his lips."Just dandy" He assured before rubbing his eyes, they hurt a bit and were heavy but otherwise he felt fine. "Now, shall we continue?" He asked with a grin. (Writer's block)
She was still unsure but said "Very well. Every man for himself again!" She drew her bow and shot a few arrows at Blake. One stuck in a tree right above his head, so she tried again. And again. Her eyes became more and more focused on Blake and she forgot about her other opponent, Gade.
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