Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]

Gade walked away. "I didn't have it..." As he got far enough he shouted. "I never said I didn't take it!" He said while waving her bow in the air.
"Oh...god."She said her hand over her face in exasperation Gade with bow to night her exasperation. Also, though she would not admit it to Ash, she was sort of impressed by Gades skill and steadfast denial. She lowered her hand over her mouth to hide a smile forming.

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"Holy Zues!"She said concerned rushing towards Ash. She nailed down next to her taking a spar bandage to wipe the blood."Brain still work, Ash?"

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"Well...i told you to leave it."She commented jokingly with no small relief."See what happens when you don't listen?"

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"You need the infirmary?"She asked."i don't want you out from something like this, i want a my rematch eventually."

(occ signing off)

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(Can my son of Hades join you guys @PaintTheWind @Mintsong @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ?) 
Blake grinded his teeth angerly as he stormed away from the Great Hall, it was so unfair that Ashton got to go in when Blake was more mature and a better leader then his best friend. He kicked a rock with a lot of venom in his actions and his feet stomped angerly. He pushed a small kid out of his way as he tried to say something to him, he turned around when the boy again tried to speak to him. His anger bubbling to the surface and he felt his eyes turn a blood red and the kid backed up with terrified look. Blake turned away, keeping his anger down, he fumbled around for his ipod, he switched on his favorite band, Hollywood Undead, and switched on a random song, Levitate, he put his earbuds in and turned the music up loud. As he moved around the camp, he happened to notice something out of the corner of his eye and he turned to see the Cabin Leader of Hermes, Gade. There was a stab of pain in his heart, he was great friends with everyone in the Hermes' cabin, even with Ashton being a bully but when he was claimed by his father... Everyone was terrified of him, they avoided him and didn't speak to him and it broke his heart. His mouth was unconciously moving to the song, lipsinging the words, Wondering how to fix these damages all these god damn damages, cover myself with bandages from all these damn damages. He watched the scene with amusement, a girl tripped and hit her head, he snorted with laughter but not enough where they could hear it. Wondering how to fix these damages, all these god damn damages, cover myself in bandages from all these god damn damages. His mouth moved to the beat, he raised an eyebrow as the Cabin Leader, Gade, came up behind her and gave her bow back, after she attempted to run after her. You know I can take you straight to heaven if you let me, you know I could make your body levitate if you let me. He couldn't hold back his insane giggle as Gade took a punch to the stomach. His eyes were going back to their normal hazel as he watched.
"You have a strange definition of fun. There are easier and healthier ways to get a girls attention. Talk to her like adult probably being a best of them"She said jokingly to gabe before turning to Ash."Do you get a lot of these suitors?"
"All right, all right."She said calmly but firmly stepping in between the two and taking hold of Ash's arm "Once is justified, twice is for a laugh but three or more getting a bit much now for a prank. You can cool of on training dummies...i mean the types with straw. "

She turned to where gade was being punched and saw nothing there.

"Well...Why am i suprised?"

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