Camp Half-Blood [Inactive]

Kirito looked down at lizzy. "No, I don't want to talk about anything in particular, It would just be nice to have someone to talk to and walk with every once in a while, plus you look a little distressed, so shall we go?" He asked again as he made his way to the edge of the tent and turned around to wait for her. Where is Asuna? He thought once more.

Lightning looked up again and jumped to her feet. She grabbed her new blade and walked down through the woods. Then stopped for a brief moment to think about what Chiron had said to her. "Two beds huh..." she said to her self in a low voice as tears began to roll down her face. "GOD DAMMIT" She shouted, which could be heard all over camp, as she swung at a tree and cut clean through it. As the tree fell she wiped the tears from her face. "Mocking me you.... You idiot of a father... Why in the hell did you send me to this camp... Why now..." She said. She then shook her head and went down to camp I promised myself I wouldn't cry... Never to let anyone see that I'm weak... She thought to herself. She stopped at the end of the trail and looked down at her locket again. I'm going to kill him once I see him... I guess that's why father sent me her... So I could get my revenge... By killing a God She thought to herself. She then walked around camp heading down to the training grounds. She drew her sword and began to he a dummy. Maybe... Just maybe I'll have my revenge She thought to herself.
Noah simply smirked and rolled his eyes at the slowpoke comment he had received from Avery. Noah continued eating his plate and watched Ani walk away. He acted some what strange, and his "old wound" did seem suspicious too. Noah dismissed it as many people have different lives and secrets. Turning to Avery, Noah says "If you want to spar, I'm up for it. I know a bit of hand to hand combat. I've been reading up." Noah takes a drink of his juice. "I could you the practice."

She was about to smile and answer Kirito but, she felt herself being pushed back into her mind. Her eyes started to glow green and mist started to flow through her mouth. The Oracle had taken control. Lizzy's mouth started to move and form a prophecy.

"The moon will rise and the sun will then set

The goddess of the night shall rise to strike

Olympus will be shrouded in darkness

The gods will fall to her eternal night

The sun god will be contained down, down south

Seven demigods must go save the sun

So that he can bring light to us again

Before the winter solstice comes upon

The sun must be released from his dark bonds

The path ahead contains many dark threats

Monsters will not just be the only threat

The night collects it's followers as well

The seven will be tempted to join her

They must stop the night and bring back the light"

The smoke disappeared and Lizzy went back to normal. She gasped and and looked around. "What did I say?" she asked. Chiron stomped his hoof on the floor "ALL CABIN LEADERS TO THE BIG HOUSE AT ONCE!" he said with a worried look.

( @kirito1337

@Lovable Dark-side




Keep an eye out for clarifications concerning the new prophecy)
Avery grinned, "Thanks Noah, you are such a good brother" She nudged him with her shoulder before glancing up as Lizzy, the oracle, cracked something about a prophecy, she raised an eyebrow, watched and listened. (Omg, so sorry, writer's block!)
Georgy turned around as he was the green mist pooled out of Lizzy's mouth and she said the prophecy. His eyes widened and ran over to Lizzy. "Are you okay?" He asked and patted her back, helping her to the Big House. "Come on. Let's go to Chiron" Georgy wrapped his arm around her shoulder and helped her up the stairs of the Big House.
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Nico said:
Lian followed after Seth "I just like the winter clothes, you know that" he laughed knowing his fiance was just teasing him. He needed his coffee badly, or else he'd be as grumpy as a bear woken up from it's winter slumber. He almost ran into the back of Seth when they reached the dining pavilion. He stopped himself and looked at Charlie who had his tail wagging as he tried to sniff around for scraps. He laughed and picked the dog up "You eat so much you're gonna get chubby. Isn't that right Seth?" he said as the dog gave his face a few licks.


She looked up when she heard a person approach her. She pushed the pain down and smiled up at the camper "I normally stay in the big house or my painting cave." she said and brushed her dress down. "No need for the formalities, just call me Lizzy or Elizabeth." She shook her head "Sure I'll go on a walk with you, was there something you wanted to talk about?" she asked and looked up at Kirito with a studious look.

Seth chuckled at Lian's response to his statement as a smiled appeared on his face as well "Pft...or do I know that?"he asked sarcastically.Of course he was only kidding with his lover because he knows mostly everything about him and him the same.Sighing softly to himself,the three of them entered the dining hall.Seth had picked out his breakfast carefully before sitting down with his plate and a cup of coffee at a two person table near the window of the dining hall.He really didn't like to socialize with anyone else unless it was necessary so,sitting far by the window was a good thing if you didn't want to speak to everyone or have to listen to everyone speak at the exact same time.After a few minutes,Seth noticed one of the Oracle female's were talking about a prophecy and that they needed seven people to do so.Seth first,wondered how he heard it from all the way on the other side of the room but,then he started to wonder about what and how did it came to be in the first place "They're always doing something stupid to cause ruckus..."he said to himself.He heard Chiron's stomp and rolled his eyes,he really didn't feel like getting up and going over there.Instead,he decided to wait for Lian before he moved anywhere.
Noah smiled and rocked with Avery's nudge as he finished the last of his meal. He noticed Avery turn to look at something. Noah turned to see the Oracle just come out of a prophecy. Chiron soon boomed that all cabin leaders head to the Bug House ASAP. "Well.... This just got interesting. I guess you have to go." Noah says while wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Our training will have to wait."
Nico updated Camp Half-Blood with a new update entry:

Cabin Leaders ++ Prophecy Explanation


Zeus: Satomi - kirito1337

Aphrodite: Greogry - Pastaa

Erebos: Drew - TheRuleBook

Athena: Avery - AWarriorcat

Hades: Seth - ForgottenBlood

Ares: Ashton - AWarriorcat

Apollo: Preston - AWarriorcat

Posideon: Zax - AWarriorcat

Thanatos: Silicy - Lovable Dark-Side

Eros: Errien - Lovable Dark-Side

Persephone: Hollow - Lovable Dark-Side

Khione: Lian - Nico


Nyx is rising and Apollo has been captured. Seven demigods must travel south while the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Avery jumped up, running after Chrion, to the big house. She paused, hovering, wondering if she should help the oracle but decided she should just take a seat. She hopped to a seat and, sitting up very straight waited with a worried but excited expression.

Ashton, who had just been approuching the dining area, grimaced, he hadn't eaten. As he moved to the big house, he stole some tiny kid's plate and swallowed it as he walked up, dumping it off at the edge of a random table as he waved goodbye to Blake, who he would fill in what happened afterwards. He flopped up lazily, not even glancing at Lizzy, he flopped down in a table and put his elbow on the table; holding his head in his hand without much care.

Preston followed with huge eyes, he had listened closely and she had mentioned sun god, which was his father! He chewed his lip worridly and sat as far away from the Ares' cabin leader, Ashton, who sent him a horrifying sneer. Ashton and his friend always picked on the lone Apollo and he flinched, moving further away while staring at Chiron, worridly.

Zax watched, horrified before slowly standing up, "I'll fill you in" He muttered and Brandon huffed at the unfairness that they weren't allowed in together but nodded, "You better" He countered as Zax hurried up the steps, blue eyes wide, he sat down near the blonde cabin leader from Athena and silently hoped that Errien would sit near him, just being near the boy lit his heart racing. Afterall, that was his boyfriend, he would wave at the boy if he wasn't worried that he would seem to clingy.
Kirito watched as the oracle came out and made a prophecy. He then watched as she went towards the big house and Gregory helped her inside. Man I feel useless now He thought to himself. as he walked off away from the dining hall. (Writers Block :P )

Lightning passed by the dining hall as the incident with the oracle had happened. She then looked over at Chiron how signalled with a wave of his hand that she should come along as well. Being new she didn't really know much of what was going on nor did she know anyone in the camp so she just quietly entered the big house and took the seat across from Ashton. What's going on? Why did that girl start spouting nonsense? Is she the reason we are here? She thought to herself. Looking around the room she saw some seats still remained empty. She then turned her attention to Zax and Avery who were sat near by as well. "If you don't mind me asking what's going on?" she asked.

ForgottenBlood said:

Seth chuckled at Lian's response to his statement as a smiled appeared on his face as well "Pft...or do I know that?"he asked sarcastically.Of course he was only kidding with his lover because he knows mostly everything about him and him the same.Sighing softly to himself,the three of them entered the dining hall.Seth had picked out his breakfast carefully before sitting down with his plate and a cup of coffee at a two person table near the window of the dining hall.He really didn't like to socialize with anyone else unless it was necessary so,sitting far by the window was a good thing if you didn't want to speak to everyone or have to listen to everyone speak at the exact same time.After a few minutes,Seth noticed one of the Oracle female's were talking about a prophecy and that they needed seven people to do so.Seth first,wondered how he heard it from all the way on the other side of the room but,then he started to wonder about what and how did it came to be in the first place "They're always doing something stupid to cause ruckus..."he said to himself.He heard Chiron's stomp and rolled his eyes,he really didn't feel like getting up and going over there.Instead,he decided to wait for Lian before he moved anywhere.


Lian followed after Seth, Charlie in his arms. He was thinking about how great his coffee was going to taste when he heard Chiron boom about the cabin leaders going to the big house. "Oh great Gods." he snapped and offered some food to his mother and quickly downed the rest. "I'm keeping my coffee." he snapped to himself and looked to Seth "Let's see what bullshit is going on now." he sighed and ran a hand through his snow white hair.


Lizzy smiled softly at the boy who helped her. Half way there she regained her strength and made her way up the stairs of the big house. She looked at the girl who had a confused and annoyed look on her face. "Daughter of Zeus I suppose." she said and stood in front of the table. "As you are new I will explain what just happened. A prophecy was made, dark times are ahead." she said in an ominous tone. "I'm Elizabeth, host of the Oracle of Delphi." she said.
Ashton shot the girl an annoyed look and shot his finger off before yawning uncaringly. Zax opened his mouth to speak but Avery cut him off, "Prophecy" She started before the oracle said something and she straightened and fell silent. Nodding her head slightly in respect at Elizabeth before the oracle started speaking. (Writer's block ;3; )
(Same here. Sort off)

Ani returned to the Athena cabin, with events occurring outside it was deserted. She hoped it was, and made sure by taking a quick look around.

"That was too close guys."She said after taking a deep breath. She opened the door to her locker revealing the mirror inside."You have to more patient. There not ready for this yet."

She found and chair and used it to seat down in front of the mirror. She began to remove her head scarf and glasses and put them within reach.

"Now...Enjoy it while you can it may be a while till i get the chance to do this again."

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Kelvin finally woke up. He looked around his empty cabin. He looked at the desk that had the clock. It spoke. "11:15 a.m." It said.Kelvin slowly got up from his bed. His head was pounding. "I need stop staying up so late." He said to himself. He walked towards the bathroom in his cabin to change. He also brushed his hair and teeth, took a quick shower and he was ready for the day. He walked out the cabin. He was hearing talk about a new prophecy. He thought to himself. "Interesting." He reached for his bastard swords and equip them on his back. He pulled his hand. "Show me the way to the hall." Then a spirit of a crow flew out of his hand flying towards the dining hall. He followed the crow.

When he got there people were still talking about a prophecy. He grabbed a plate and filled with some breakfast. Some toast, bacon, eggs, and a pancake. He walked towards the hearth and through his eggs and half of his pancake into the fire. He headed towards a table and ate his breakfast. He headed out and he summoned his crow again. "Training grounds please." Then he headed towards the training grounds. Once he got there he looking around the grounds seeing everyone around him. "So many different colors." He thought to himself. He spoke out to everyone at the grounds. "Does anyone want to face me?!"
Nichole approuched the training area, bouncy and happy, she didn't care to much about phrophecy's and would rather stay at the camp then go out into the harsh world. As she slipped her lipgloss container out, she heard someone say, 'Does anyone want to face me?', she glanced up and smiled before waving her hand, bouncing so he would see her. "I would!" She called as some of the new comers stared glossy eyed at her, her Aphrodite hormones effecting them badly as they tried to catch her eye but she ignored them, light blue eyes focused on Kelvin (@Robin man ). Nichole adjusted her hold on the lipgloss container and it transformed into a scythe before her eyes; she twirled it happily with a slightly smug look because she wanted a good fight, rather then some weak fight because people looked down on her. Well, she was tiny, blonde, girly girl who looked afriad to break a nail or smudge her lipgloss but as she pulled her wavy, blonde hair into a ponytail, her scythe leaning against her shoulder, she suddenly looked determined and slightly more warrior and less beauty queen.
Kelvin looked in the direction of the challenger. He pulled out his swords. "Nice to see someone does." He looked at her essence. "You sure? Daughter of Aphrodite." He started to crack his neck. "I mean I don't want to accidentally hurt that pretty face of yours." He was hoping she didn't take that as a insult.
Nichole grinned, "I am positive" Her grin faded at his comment, "Just know, I won't go easy on you, even if your blind" She shot back, her anger rising but she pushed it down, "Don't worry, if you 'accidentally' hurt my pretty little face" She said, mocking his words, "I'll 'accidentally' break your legs and stab you in your sleep" She hummed happily before shooing the malesa way from her, "Shoo, shoo. Give us space to fight" The girl said and the guys, trying to please her, scrambled away from her, stomping on each other. "Now stay away until the fight's over" She stated and they nodded, invisable tails wagging like mad that she asked them to do something. The blonde stretched her arms and legs quickly before cracking her back; "Alright ready, no holding back" She stated, readying her scythe. A plan forming in her head, he's tall and she's short, she can try avoiding his moves but it would be best to see him abilites before taking any chances, it would be best to keep her distance, afterall, she had a longer range weapon and he had close ranger; it would be best to use her shortness and lightweight to her advantage, she decided as the final touch.
"Alright then.I was expecting no less then our best." He started to think of a plan. He knows that she's way shorter then him. And that she has a scythe. Which has a better reach then his swords. He thought to himself. "Alright I just go in quick and hit fast. And I need to keep a watch on the scythe." He made his plan. He spoke up. "Ladies first."
Nichole raised an eyebrow and rolled her light blue eyes, she stuck her tongue out, knowing he couldn't see before, circling him slowly, keeping distance between them, she tried to keep her breathing quiet, obviously he had some way of seeing or maybe just some enhanced hearing so she kept her steps silent, waiting for him to strike first. "Come on big boy, let's see what you have" She taunted, keeping her steps light and coordinated.
Kelvin kept a close eye on her. Making she wouldn't the advantage. He figured she would try being sneaky. Which only show that she might be faster then he is. He heard her comment. He then grinned."Really now. Alright." He got into position. He waited for the perfect time. Five seconds later he lounged at her. Keeping one sword out for the scythe. The other for the attack.
Ashley has been awake for a while and was already in the stable, grooming her Pegasus. "Hey buddy, how are you? I am gonna ride you today, how does that sound?" She hugged his thick neck. The pegasus nickered and nuzzled her. She smiled and rubbed his nose.
Nichole jumped backwards, backing away from him while keeping in the same basic position, she used her scythe's handle as a sort of shield as she bounced, backwards, away from him. She slightly stumbled while backing up but she caught her footing quickly. ( :P Sorry for being sooooo short <3 I had major writer's block soooo </3 Sorry)
Ash heard the fighting and sighed "There is never a dull moment around here, eh boy?" She patted her horse, who she called Wendy, and left. She was ready to touch her necklace and make it become a bow any second. She already had her dagger in her hand. "What did you guys do now to bother each other?!" she shouted, exasperated. She was pink in the face and her brow was furrowed. She glared at them both and waited for and answer.
Nichole stopped, in midstep, keeping one eye on the boy all the while before snorting at Ash, "We are training, the world is a dark place" She reminded with a sarcastic tone before smiling nicely, "I was just being mean, nawh though, we are just training. If it's cool with this guy" She used those words because she didn't know his name, "You can join" She finished.
"If that is alright, then I will, if not I'll move on, though I'm not very good with a sword. I prefer bows, but I probably should train." She smiled at her though she was quite angry because it was just the way her personality was. She pulled her dagger back to her side and added "You looked like you were about to kill each other."

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