Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Oooh that sounds cool. It's like the old RP again! ^-^ *ships Karper* So he's talked to you since the 20th? Or did he leave everyone before then??

*pets Kitty gently* No Kitty don't get mad, it's okay. *strokes her fur* Yeah those characters had some .. interesting personalities.
He told me he was done, Julia . . . That he felt like he didn't fit here and he just chased people off. He was in my RP for a bit before it died and had signed up for a different RP that I'm in, but then posted he wouldn't be joining and then a few days later told me he was done, but would still talk to me. And on the 20th he said 'meh' and that was it.

*Pets Kitty* Shhhhh. It's all right.
he say something similar to me other then the joining another rp i was in since i'm in this one right now... so I have.. .somewhat of an idea for the new rp.. Khione, with the help of her brothers and the other minor gods who sided with Gaea, are planning o take over Olympus but freezing over the world over in snow and ice.

... I figured as much.
Ohh, I see.

Oh no D: But .. but there's still a chance he will come back. We both did, right? I mean, we all miss him so much! Of course he belongs here if he tries. It makes me feel so sad to hear that, though. :c *continues petting Kitty*

Actually Soul that would be really interesting!!! Like, really!! AND THAT WOULD GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO FIND NUGGET! LIKE, WITHOUT HAVING TO GO TO GREENLAND! Khione isn't a very powerful goddess, though, I mean compared to, like, Kronos and Gaea, so maybe it could be Boreas instead, since he can control wind too and stuff as well as ice and cold? Idk. Maybe I'm just saying this because Khione is one of my favorite antagonists and I don't want to have to fight her <3
Thanks and i like Boreas tho... he's chilled and Canadian. xD And That's why I said Khione, her brothers and other minor gods who sided with Gaea. If I could find a strong titan with a grudge against the gods then i would.
Yeah true, Boreas is also another favorite antagonist of mine.

The Khione idea is awesome although I'll probably end up joining her side anyway xD It will be sort of uncomfortable seeing her portrayed as the force behind the destruction of the entire world, though, just to me, since I like it :( I mean, she's the goddess of snow! And snow is the sweetest part of cold and winter, the one thing that makes it worth it.

But if we do decide to do the Khione idea, can I play her maybe please yes maybe :D ?!?!?!? Don't worry I'll make her evil xD

However if Boreas stays on the gods' side then he can easily defeat Khione, being her father and way more powerful than she is, and also a lot of the major gods too probably have a lot of leverage over her. She'll have to have some special spell or curse on her or something that makes her powerful enough to threaten the entire world. Something that makes her more powerful than she usually is, right? Because if not, then she could probably be easily defeated by the gods or even some of the demigods.

Hi, person @xoloveox !! Do I know you? I'm Julia and I like to shadily sell muffins and eat pie :)
Boreas is a chill guy, plus he probably doesn't even know that his daughter is planning this. And she hates demigods... wants to freeze them all, freeze the pretty ones to keep in her garden.. and she'll probably get some help from some titan or another.
I'm sure she doesn't hate ALL of them! :( She's just misunderstood!!! *hopelessly and unreasonably trying to defend a favorite villain*

Nevertheless, even with help from a few Titans and minor gods, she would still have to acquire a LOT of surplus power to be a threat to the Olympians, right? I'm sure we can think of a way for that to happen, though. ^-^
xD !

Where is everyone?!?! Last year people would post in the OOC nonstop. Like every few minutes. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO EVERYONE

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