Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Yeah . . . I think you might need to now. Once or twice is fine, but I'm pretty sure you're bugging Soul, at which point it's time to cease and desist.
Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome you have no idea how much I missed you let's run away together and eat history teacher jelly *dances with Dusk*

KITTTTTT- AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *hugs and cuddles from tackled position* I missed you too Kitty <3

HI SOUL this looks like a cool RP!
Okay, guys! Post! Chop chop!

I'd love to join but I'll wait a bit to see how it turns out, since it seems you were thinking of starting a new RP or something :3
Yas! I've been saving some just for you. The best history teacher jelly there is. *Sweeps Julia off feet bridal style to go and eat jellies*
What? You want some jelly too, Soul? Okay. I'll share the jelly . . . I've got plenty since it just wasn't the same without Julia. *Snuggles Julia, Kitty and Soul*
Really?! The BEST history teacher jelly???? No way! *snuggles Dusk and Kitty and Soul at the same time while eating history teacher jelly* yay Soul is a soul again! Wait, how can souls turn to dust anyway?

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