Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

(It is the morning right?)

Toby woke up suddenly. He had fallen asleep on the makeshift couch after he brought Rowen back. Rowen was up and already dressed she was trowing her bright red hair into a side braid. and she wore a orange bag shirt with two pockets on the top and a loose collar. She also wore a pair of tight skinny jeans and some brown strappy sandals. "Morning!" Rowen said happily I didn't want to wake you up. What happened last night who won? "I think the blue team won. But after you fell out of the tree and passed out i took you to mr.mason and he fixed you up a bit and i brought you back here. I must have passed out." He said scratching his head and looking around. "How do you feel?" He said smiling. "A little sore and bruised but over all pretty good. Thanks for taking care of me" She said smiling. "No problem!" Toby said happily "Wanna stop by my cabin so I can change and then head to breakfast?" He asked. Rowen nodded and they walked together to cabin nine and toby disappeared inside for a bit got dressed in a grey shirt, jeans, and some black vans and they walked to breakfast together.
Serenity brushed her hair from her face, she smiled as they walked. The silence voide illuminated between the two. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, but as soon as she thought of this Jacob replied almost instantly. "He was a good warrior, and it truly was a good fight. But, I was extremely unsure about who was going to win. It seemed like more of a draw to me, that it, until Aetos collapsed. By then the awnser was pretty clear." Serenity proclaimed, expressing her opinion. "Victorique is truly victorius." She mumbled, her green eye's twinkled as they drawn closer to the water.

Serenity stared off as he began asking her about her parentage. "Daughter of the Sea." She mumbled, before realizing he had asked her something. "Oh, umm. Sorry. It's unusial quite honestly. At first it was awesome, but now it just like.... Well, You know." She replied, forcing a smile. "Although I Can't do the first two. Creating waves is dangerous in the mortal world. It's safer here, but I guess it's extrodinary." Serenity thought for a moment. "It's really controlled into my emotions, If I'm angery and act reckless I could cause a Tsunami. Nobody wants that," She proclaimed, cracking a smile. "Thats why I always tend to be relaxed."

Serenity looked over at the twinkling water, "What about you? Runnint at Incrediable speed's is impossible, yet possible for you. How does that feel?" She asked curiously. Serenity glanced down at the ground, before up at the sky. Both of the two weren't her territiory. Serenity sighed quietly, "I'm excited about the quest. After all the year's of the suspence I'm dying to know what happened to the Ares Kid. Dissapearing into thin air isn't normal, even for us." She announced, shoving her hands into her denim pockets.
Jacob smiled as Serenity explained about her opinion of the battle and what it was like to be the Daughter of Poseidon. When she said that she was dying to know about the Ares kid, Jacob could instantly relate. However she asked him what is was like being the Son of Hermes, and Jacob was ready for the question. Most people usually asked this question. "Well, the part of being faster then anyone or any LIVING thing on the planet and being able to move more fluidly then any other being on Earth besides a God is good, but the downsides outweigh the risks I'm afraid. Having the knowledge that I will die in a day if I don't move my body is unnerving. And when it comes to being patient, I have a hard time doing that." Jacob explained.

When the got to the lake, he immediately took his shirt off and jumped onto the water, but ran at his usual lightning pace to keep from sinking. Jacob knew that, unlike him, Serenity could walk on water without running at 3x the speed of sound. When Jacob came to an abrupt stop, he sunk in the water, but was near shore. He motioned for Serenity to jump in.
Serenity nodded her head as she listened, "Risk. Too many for the good to be, well. Good." She mumbled, Watching him as he talked. She undertood fully, risk are hazerdous in their world. But at the moment, what task didn't have Risk. The More the risk, the better the outcome, her mother always said. This current memory made hr smile fade for seconds, but as soon as they reached the lake she brightened up.

Serenity smiled, even giggled as Jacob ran across the water, "Impressive." She called to him. Serenity stepped forward, the water held sturdy under her. Serenity walked over it, focusing hard until she stood infront of him. Slowly and cautiously she sat, crossing her legs. The water lapped underneath her as she sat, but she remained dry. "Sometimes... This is.... Hard." She muttered, focusing. But eventually she gave up and quickly sunk into the water. Serenity didn't really need to paddle to stay afloat, she could just do it some how. Serenity turned her attention to Jacob. "So...." She said, "What do you think Victorique had set up for our trainig. You know to be accepted into the Quest." She asked.
Jacob treaded water easily, as he was very athletic. The water was cool, and refreshing to his sweaty body. It was as if this was the pool of life. Maybe it was. He turned his attention to Serenity, who was sitting on the water but eventually fell in next to him. She was so beautiful in the water, and everywhere. His face flushed red.

"Maybe a test of all of our skills. I hope that it is like that. Maybe some investigation practice. She'll probably push us to our limits with out powers, so make sure not to pass out." Jacob said. He stared into Serenity's eyes. They were just as beautiful as her, and Jacob blushed even more so then before. Jacob looked away after it happened.

((Do you.. uh.. want to do a romance thing with Jacob and Serenity, in the water?))
Nium woke up the next day after the capture the flag. The Blue Team had won and he was on the side of the losing team. It didn't bother him all that much. He had wandered away from the red flag after getting bored and looking for a fight, it wasn't like he was assigned to look after it after all, and found that the blue team acquired it after he had left. Well maybe if he had stayed the red team might of won, or maybe he would have got his butt kicked and the flag taken. Either way he had fun and didn't mind the outcome. But he was kinda tired even after twelve hours of sleep and wanted to relax in his favorite spot to be in the mornings, or anytime for that matter.He headed for the lake, he didn't really know why he liked it so much. Some people made jokes that he might as well be Serenity's brother as much as he is out there on the water. But honestly he just enjoyed the tranquility. Was that so wrong for a son of Hypnos?

As he untied the boat from the dock he ate some of the breakfast he had grabbed on the way by. He ate the toast rather slowly but in large bites that would put most athletes to shame. He hopped in and found no problem with the rocking of the boat, he quickly sat and began paddling out. That is until he suddenly found himself almost running into Jacob and Serenity. How the heck didn't he see them earlier? Oh well, it looked like they were having a private moment. Maybe he should just leave them alone, but just to be polite he would say good morning before moving along. "Hi Serenity and Jacob, good morning to you both. Enjoying the water?"
Toby picked up his breakfast. "Wanna eat near the lake in the grass?" He asked. "Ummm. Sure." Rowen said smiling uneasily. She was really afraid of the water. but as long as she wasn't in the water she should be ok. Toby smiled as Rowen picked up her food. They went and found a nice spot in the grass pretty close to the beach enough to see to people swimming that Rowen though were named Jacob and Serenity and one talking to them whom she had never met before. "Oh I forgot juice." Toby exclaimed. "I'll run and grab you some to." Toby said smiling and with that he ran off to the dining area leaving Rowen alone looking out on the water examining the people talking.
Serenity smiled as Jacob talked, "Pass out? I'll try not to, because everybody know's I pass out alot." She said jokingly. Serenity pulled the water from her feet down, creating a downward draft. Two fish were nosing around them, swimming slowly. Their eye's were open and fril, but eventually swam off. For some reason, they looked panicked but hadn't said a word to her. How odd, she thought, watching the two trail away. Serenity brushed her damp hair out of her face as it fell into place once again.

Serenitys attention caught as a boat pulled close. She glanced up at Nium. "Hi!" She said aloud, forcing the water to hold her upright. Serenity turned to face underwater, before glancing back up. She tried her best to avoid a smirk as he talked. "Enjoying the Water? I always do!" She said Sweetly. Serenity, looked at the two, "You Guy's want a shell?" She asked, kindly. Awaiting for their Reply, She noticed Rowen sitting on the shore, Toby had appeared to have ran off. She waved slightly at Rowen, before turing her focus back at them.
((I take that as a yes?))

"Hello Nium. Nice to see you. Did you get any action during Capture the Flag? I hope you did, it was a fun game. I'm enjoying the water, but I have to use effort to stay afloat, unless I run at my lightning speed to stay on top of it." Jacob said. He looked back into Serenity's eyes and smiled. The fish had swam away so quickly.

"So Serenity, tell me about your early lif-" he started, but before he could finish he felt a searing pain in his left leg and then was pulled underwater. Jacob saw that it wasn't a shark, but a Leviathan! The Son of Hermes screamed at Serenity underwater for help.
Nium nodded, "Sure Serenity, I'd love a shell.", he turned to Jacob, "yeah i took out thirteen other campers i think by the end of the game. Although i think my leaving the red flag unguarded in order to look for something to keep me entertained is probably the reason we lost. But oh well, it was fun anyways." Nium smiled and then was about to go on ahead to leave these two alone when suddenly Jacob was pulled underwater. Nium suddenly grabbed his sword and unsheathed it, he dived in after Jacob to help him. But when he got under the water he was sure glad to have the daughter of Poseidon on his side. Because he was not so sure how fighting leviathans normally went for the demigod. He was used to time being slowed down around him but in this part of the water it seemed ridiculously more so. He saw Jacob and where he was being held and tried hacking between him and the leviathan. He hoped Serenity would react quickly though, just in case.
Serenity watched as the fish swam away. Was there something worng? She wondered, as she pondered the thought. Serenity knew that they would usially tell her if something was up, but this time. The just looked at her as if she was an enemy, which deeply concerned Serenity. Although incased into her thought's, she pushed them away and forced herself to focus on the two as they spoke. She listened as Nium proclaimed what he had done during capture the flag. Being on the Red team and all.

Serenity turned to Jacob as he began to ask her a question, before being cut off and dragged underwater. Her first thought, what would have attacked him? Being the Sea's Duaghter, no fish would have harmed her, nor her friends. But before her eye's a Leviathans had appeared. How did I not sense that, she wondered, before scolding herself. Before Serenity could submerge under, Nium dove in with his blade. "Nium! Jacob! No!" She yelled, pulling herself under. She knew if they weren't careful they could easily drown.

Serenity swam deeper to where it held Jacob, as Nium effortlessly tried to free him. She pushed back the thought's of what could have happened if the thing had dragged him further down. Many don't know how dangerous the sea is, without the creatures. Serenity glanced down at the reef's, fish cowered away. Their thought's rang throughout her mind. "Monster! Creature! Sea God Child Helps!" Some thought, while other's were thinking some worst thoughts that she didn't want to share.

Serenity held her hand out, as a breeze of water pulled a chunk of red Coral off the reef. She knew this Type of Coral can injure somebody, or a thing, sincerely. Serenity forced it to be thrown at great speed's into the Serpent's gill's. It was a frail chance for it to turn against her, and quite possibly allow her friends to escape. Serenity noticed a shark tooth, it was lying at the floor. She shot herself through the water until she had it at grasp. Serenity quickly brought the weapon bak up to the monster and plunged the tooth into it's back.
Jacob's lungs screamed for air. Luckily, Serenity had come for the rescue and so had Nium, except of course Jacob was happier to see the Daughter of Poseidon. She had stabbed the Leviathan in the back with a large shark tooth and the Son of Hermes felt free again. He swam to the top as fast as possible and then gulped in as much air as possible. Jacob swam to the shore and sat down. His heavy breathing was very uncontrolled. Sand rubbed up against his back and then he shrieked. There must have been a cut where the sand could get in.

"Well, I thought Camp Half-Blood was safe. What is a Leviathan doing here? It is a lake, not a sea!" Jacob said to himself.
Rowen say Serenity wave and her and she waved back. Suddenly see saw Jacob get pulled under the water. Serenity and Nium started attacking something. Rowen jumped to her feet and ran to the lake. by that time Jacob was above water again trying to catch his breath and the creature had gone "What the hell just happened?" Rowen asked surprised. She saw all the cuts on Jacob. "You should get out of the water. It will make you bleed more. and you seem to be bleeding quite a bit. We should get you to Mr.Mason. He can patch you up!" Rowen said rather frantically She just saw someone almost die and she was right next to water so she was a bit on edge. She could feel an Anxiety Attack rising up. Tears starting to fill her eyes. She looked from side to side and behind her shoulder. Her breath getting more ragged.She searched for Toby but he was still at the Dining Pavilion.

Toby arrived at the Dining Pavilion and got two glasses of orange juice. He saw Victorique sitting at a table not far from him eating italian food. He decided to try and make some new friends. "Italian for breakfast?" He asked giving her his crooked smile. "Having a good morning? I heard you had a pretty epic battle last night!" Toby said smiling. Unaware that the person he cared about most was going to have a meltdown in a few seconds.
Victorique slowly turned her head to look up at Toby, a noodle dangling from her mouth, her eyes wide. He had caught her in a weak moment. She was a sucker for a good noodle dish. She almost felt herself blush and quickly sucked up the noodle, chewed twice and swallowed. Her dishes were now completely empty. The redhead bashfully stood and looked at him, her expression emotionless now. "I love Italian food. I am enjoying the day, yes... I'm sore from the battle last night, however."

It was true. Her walk was hindered by aching muscles. The female ran a hand through her long scarlet hair, red eyes downcast.

Arkantos made his way out of the forest with Victorique's throwing knives. The son of Nemesis set them down beside his friend and lumbered off to his cabin, slamming the door. He had stayed up all night trying to get the knives unpinned from his clothing. Everyone had forgot about him. He had to kiss a nymph to even get her to help him. He grumbled and climbed into bed, dirty clothing and all and instantly passed out.

Victorique offered a dangerously amused smirk, watching as Arkantos stalked off to his cabin to sulk. He oddly smelled of dirt and had leaves in his hair as well as a kiss outlined with red lipstick. She tried to stifle a laugh and quickly looked up at the sky, lip twitching with the effort to not smile.
Joss slowly woke up,sitting up and looking around.He rubbed his head and yawned then hopped off his bunk."Hmm.....Justice get up come 0n."He said,directing it at his younger brother who didn't budge at all."Do we always have to go through this!!"Joss yelled and walked to the edge of his brothers bunk and picked up his brothers gun."You touch im gonna kill you."Justice said,his voice muffled by the pillows."Then come on and get up im hungry."Joss stated and dragged him to the floor.

Both boys looked around as they walked out the cabin and stared upward at the sun."Well,dad must be in a good mood."Justice stated,checking the strap on his sword.Joss didn't reply and when Justice looked around he was all alone."Well....guess i'll just go to the arena then..."He grumbled,turning and stalking off.

Joss walked and got a few bagels,but just before walking out he burned one for his dad."Hmm,I left Justice again,well so what he can look after himself."He turned and walked toward the archery range.
"Well you won! Must be worth it!" Toby said laughing. "Well I better head back" He said lifting up the two glasses of juice in his hands. He turned around and began walking back to the beach.
Serenity jad watched Jacob swim off. That after all was a good sign. But, she had to get Nium out of the water somehow. Serenity pushed away from the Serpent as it had turned to snap at her. The shark tooth was still lodged into it's back. The red coral had fallen, but she could tell it had upsetted the thing. The Creature swam through the water with ease. Serenity was still fasinated with the idea that the Thing had gotten to them under the radiar. She turned to Nium and did a quick action, of forcing the water to him. As she appeared at his side, she grabbed his arm.

Serenity forced the water to rocket them to the surface. She gasped in air as the water broke around them. "You Alright?" She said quickly, scoping the area. The thing had vanished, lerking below no doubt. Serenity pulled Nium to the shore, she stood as the water lapped at her heel's. Wincing as soon as she saw Jacob's wounds. Ouch, she thought kneeling at his side. "It got ya Good Jacob." She mumbled, turning to Rowen.

"Rowen Imma need your help to stop the bleeding." She proclaimed, motioning her to kneel. "Jacob I promise.... This will hurt, A lot." She replied, giving hi a friendly smile. "Rowan keep him conscious as long as you can, I'm going to get help." She proclaimed, standing quickly and dashing off. Serenity glanced back as she ran and hadn't even noticed Toby in her path. She slammed into his side, sprawling to the ground. In a blink of an eye, she was up. Her focused turned to him, "Hurry!" She hissed, " They need your help by the water. Jacobs not in good condition." And on the last note she had sprinted away.

Serenity lapped to the Big house, as she pulled the door open. Ignoring the fact that she was not only dripping, but shivering as well. "Mr. Masin?" She called out to him. "We new

ed your help," Serenity awnsered, grabbing her side fpr air. "We've been attack, On of the Camper's, Jacob, has been injured. We need your assistance right away!" She announced. Serenity placed her dampened hair to sit on her shoulder's gently.
Mr. Masin trotted out of the Big House and down towards the Dining Pavilion. He held up the horn and sounded it, allowing the ear-splitting "honnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn" to resonate all over camp, notifying campers that it was time to sup.
Justice sat in the arena,slicing the wooden figure left and right.He froze as he heard yelling and sheathed his sword and took off running toward the archery range.

Joss loosed an arrow at the target,hitting it dead center and smirked."Joss bro something's wrong."He heard and turned to see his brother sprinting toward him."What is it?"He asked but hardly finished before getting yanked towoward the big house.

Both boys stopped near by and ran up noticing a girl yelling for Mr.Masin."Hey what happened?"Justice asked and ran over.
Rowen walked over and kneeled next to Jacob. She ripped the bottom of the shirt she was wearing and started ripping into smaller pieces so that she could wrap them around his wounds and push on them a little bit. "It'll be alright k?" Rowen said tears beginning to fill her eyes as she started to shake. She looked at his injuries and she realized there was nothing else she could do. "It'll be ok alright." Rowen said softly. putting her hand on his shoulder to push on one of his wounds slightly to help stop the bleeding. her hands were shaking so that didnt really help. But she was trying to keep conversation going so he would stay conscious. "Are you ok?" She asked the white haired boy quietly.
"It's fine for supper," he mused and picked up a goblet and took a twig before picking an apple off his platter. The centaur took a large bite, chewed twice and then swallowed.

(Sorry for the crappy post. I'm on my phone.)
(Jacob has brown hair xD )

Jacob felt so much pain as the sand and water seeped into his wounds. It was like getting run over by a freight train with spikes on the bottom. He felt life start to drain away from him. He needed to move. Trying to get up, the pain only increased. There, again, he fell in the sand once more. How did a Leviathan get here? They only live in the ocean. That isn't possible for it to survive in fresh water.

"No, I'm not okay. If you don't heal me soon, along with circumstance that as a Son of Hermes if I don't move my body will deteriorate, I'll die soon.
((I was talkin about Nium lol. Wasnt he there to?))

"Well umm... I could help you walk." She said already knowing that wasnt going to work He was probably much to weak from the blood loss. and in reality she wasnt very strong.

Toby walked up to the spot him and Rowen had been eating at and saw she wasnt there he scanned the area and saw her over by the lake kneeling next to someone. He ran up to her and saw that it was Jacob a kid they both new from seeing him around camp for years. "oh my gods" Toby said his eyes wide looking at all of jacobs injuries. Rowen turned around tears still in her eyes. "Help me please! I dont know what to do. He said if he dosent move soon his body will deteriorate!" She said obviously panicing. "Well we'll walk him to the big house." He said walking to the other side of Jacob. Toby was much stronger that rowen and with her help on teh other side of Jacob he would be fine. "This is gunna hurt alot. But at least you wont die right?" Toby said smiling and he helped Jacob Sit up.

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