Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

She snapped out of her thoughts quickly. "I-I'm Venicia." She stuttered. "It's nice to meet you." She said as she held out her hand. Maybe this year I'll end up making a friend or two... She thought as she kept her usual temper hidden.
Jacob didn't wait for a response from Serenity or Vincent and took off at his normal lightning pace. The blur of trees and fighting seemed like an illusion, he was going so fast. Eventually he ended up next to Victorique, noticing that she had downed a lot of opponents. Of course, she was the Daughter of the God of Victory, so this was a normal occurrence.

"Well you sure showed them. I wonder if-" Jacob started but was soon cut off by a 'KYAH!' as a four Red Team members charged at him from behind. He moved out of the way in an instant and they all tripped over rocks. The Son of Hermes laughed as the demigods that fell over were wondering what happened. Then they all got up and began to approach Victorique and Jacob.

"You can either help me, or just watch. Either way, you won't be able to keep up. I'll leave on for you." Jacob said, laughing. Then he thought to himself, It's time to fight. He jumped up, and delivered a lightning fast upwards kick that connected with a girl's windpipe, knocking her over. Jacob leaped towards the biggest of the bunch as if he was flying, and saw his fist smack the boy's face. Somehow the velocity of the punch had increased the force, and the boy was sent back a few feet, eventually falling over. Then, there were two more. Jacob attacked the girl that stood before him, and his elbow connected to her ribs. She fell over, leaving one more for Victorique.
Victorique watched Jacob, brow raised before she shook her head without a word. She unsheathed the sword she just recently put away and ran at full speed towards the female, cloths-lining her with an outstretched arm. Before the girl could fall, Victorique spun around and swiftly knocked her out with the hilt of her sword. She sighed softly and blew a red strand from her fiery eyes and looked towards Jacob, eyes narrowed.

"What are you sticking around here for? I can easily handle people by myself. Go aid Jade. She is by the lake," she waved her hand dismissively. She hadn't noticed the male creeping up behind her until he was inches away. With movements that were so fast they seemed inhuman, she spun and round-house kicked the son of Ares in the face, knocking him down the steep slope that another demigod had rolled down a while ago. She wondered what became of him.

"Victory is my name meaning and the sole purpose I am on this planet," she murmured softly to herself. Victorique really did mean 'victory'. She was born to be a victorious child. The redhead quickly undid her hair and then slyly redone it in a long fishtail that hung over her right shoulder. Her bangs fell idly over her right eye, giving her that venomously looming look.
Serenity spun quickly as the girl tried to tackle Jacob. In super speed, he side stepped the girl, as soon as he did. Ten more of the red team surronded them. "Oh Joy." Each of the guy's, even the one girl, looked as though they were on drug's. Not to mention the fact that they were huge! Ares kid's most likely. Some she recognized, other's she didn't. Serenity usially spent most of her time into the water. Serenity glanced over only to realize Jacob had dissapeared. She glanced over at Vincent. "Keep the Army up as long as you can, it's always good to have back up." She informed the kid, stepping out into the fight once more.

Serenity quickly spun her sword into her hand, noticing the COP, arranged in a Greek font. Which stood for, Child of Posideon. Serenity swung down at an Ares boy, which he fought back excellently. Dodging the next attack, he brought back, Serenity rolled to the side. As she held the Shield over her head, absorbing the force of each blow it held. Serenity's shoulder throbbed, blood slightly trickled from the side. Nothing a little water couldn't heal, she 
considered the idea, then sliced at another opponent. Serenity smiled, as she dodged anouther, this time she took off to her side. Shout's led behind her, as she sprinted, bobbing and weaving between the tree's until she stopped onto the river's edge. Sereniy smiled, as she stared down at it. She wuickly stepped into the frail river, as a relaxing senstation lifted through her. Serenity glanced down at her shoulder, the cut had cleaned and sealed itself. She really did want to use more of her power's, but that would make her tired. Even more than usial. She knew she needed to save her energy physically.
Ambre walked quietly through the forest, staying out of sight, hidden in the foliage of the plants around her. Once again, she hadn't been picked for a team, along with the daughter of Zeus. What was that girl's name anyways... She thought. She had seemed familiar when I had saw her earlier today at the gathering in the amphitheatre... She shrugged the thought off and continued through the forest.
"Nice speed, but I'll always be faster then you. Always." Jacob smiled at Victorique. "But I'll go ahead and help Jade. Why your at it, Ms. Victory, get the flag for us before Blue Team gets ours, and it looks like they are dangerously close to doing that." then he took of at his usual blinding speed. A few moments later, he had arrived at the crystal clear lake. Jade had successfully taken down many of the Red Team. What did she need help for. It appeared that Jade didn't notice the four Red Team members hiding in the trees, and Jacob took action.

"Watch out!" Jacob said as he jumped through the air, catching a spear that was aimed precisely at Jade's leg. Obviously this attack was to immobilize her. "Next time be more careful." the Reds jumped out of the trees and began to approach the Son of Hermes and Daughter of Athena.
Around her, the area grew quiet, which sent her to be nervous. The ADHD kicked into her system, standing still for too long bugged her. She swept her eye's across the area. She knew the lake was another way to reach the her team's flag. Serenity held her shield infront of her body, her sword held gently in her hands as she turned slowly. Behind her a twig snapped, Serenity spun and raised a brow. Hiding wasn't even worth thier time, she already knew they were there. But suddenly, Serenity was knocked off her feet, her sword spewed from her hands. It skidded several feet away.

Serenity pulled herself up and glanced around, she had nothing but her breast plate left. She noticed what happened. Some group had distracted her one way and struck her from behind. Not very a nobal Attack, but thing's weren't always about nobility, were they? Serenity stood in the water, her ankle's submerged, other than that she was dry. A Few shadow's jumped from tree to tree. Serenity ran at her sword, and pulled back just in time to see an arrow strick down infront of her. "Crap..." She mumbled, stepping backwards.

Serenity had to work with what she had. Serenity kneeled to the water bed, as she placed her hand's under the surface. Smiling as a javalin was thrown directly at her stomach. Serenity pulled up quickly, bringing a wall of water along with her. The javalin stopped midair, halfway jammed between the water wall. She let he waer drop, it had burned her energy slightly. She had already felt weaker.
Vincent sighed as his powers continued to stay active. He knew that he was helping but he was only support. Not this time, He thought. He exerted more power creating a clone out of one of the soldiers to look like him so that the skeletons would stay raised. He headed off in a different direction using the shadows to hide his presence. He didn't want to get caught. He needed to stay ahead of the game.

He came across two more red team members and easily dispatched them with his flail. He had to keep the power of it concealed. It would drain too much out of him and he didn't have time to waste his energy. He kept moving within the shadows. He came to where Jacob and Jade was, but remained in the shadows. They seemed to have things under control. He would rest for the moment being. He needed to regain some of his strength and that would be exactly what he would do.
"Hi Venicia!" Rowen said smiling. "Sorry we crashed your hiding spot... we were planning on hiding to. I try not to get my self to worked up" Rowen said scratching the back of her head."What team are you?" Toby said skeptically. Looking for a patch of blue or red on her.
"Its alright." Venicia said as she cracked a slight smile. "And... I'm not on a team..." She said, sadness tinging her voice. "Cause... It seems I'm not easy to be around because of my tempermental tendencies...."

Ambre looked up as she heard voice from above in the trees. Who the heck is hanging in the trees instead of playing Capture the Flag? She thought as she scanned the foliage of the trees for any colors to locate the source of the voices.
Toby heard someone stop moving below them and covered Rowens mouth. Gesturing for Venicia to be quite and pointing down at the ground. he slowly looked down and he could see someones feet through the leaves. Rowen took tobys hand off of her mouth slowly and laughed a little bit before loosing her balance and falling out of the tree. Toby saw her starting to fall and tried to grab for her but missed he immediately jumped down onto the branch below and jumped down to the ground by Rowen totally dismissing the girl standing under the tree."Are you ok?!" Toby said frantically helping her sit up. "Ow..." Rowen said rubbing her head gingerly. " Any bones broken? Do you have a concusion?! What if you have internal bleeding! Lets go see Mr.Mason!" Toby said frantically trying to figure out what to do. Char had crawled down off of Toby's shoulder and nuzzled into Rowens neck trying to comfort her. "Calm down Toby. I'm ok" Rowen said still rubbing her head.
Arkantos ran through the woods, soundless on his feet. The boy held a devilish smile plastered to his lips. He paused only for a few sluggish moments, glancing around the vicinity for any sign of people. He heared the scream of Victorique at a fellow member of her team. He grinned wide and shot an arrow at her, allowing it to whizz past her head and embed the tip into a tree.

Victorique's eyes flashed open wide and she glanced at the arrow, humming from the impact on the gnarled trunk. She then looked at Arkantos, picking him out like a sore thumb because of his white hair. She grinned, "Arkantos... you are finally back!"
Venicia climbed down after them, her sword clanking noisily against the bark of the tree. As she got closer to the ground, she jumped down, landing perfectly on her feet. As she noticed the other girl, the one who had been standing below as if having heard the three up in the tree, her eyes widened as a memory came back.


"Ambre, let's go! We can't do anything about your sister!" A younger Venicia yelled at a younger version of the girl who had found them in the tree. The girl, Ambre, looked back with tear filled eyes and shook her head. "No! I must avenge my sister!" Ambre yelled before running at the dragon-like creature, her sword raised high. Venicia made a quick dash and grabbed Ambre by the collar of her armor and quickly dragged her away just as the dragon-like creature's tail came down in the spot Ambre had been in only a second ago.


Ambre looked at the daughter of Zeus with wide open eyes. "I know you." She said in slight disbelief, concerning the memory she just remembered. I had a sister...? She thought as she looked upon the girl, Venicia. "You were there.... The same time I lost my memories..."
"Ummm...what?" Toby said looking between the girl who had heard them in the tree and Venicia. "Maybe we should go to Mr.Mason..." Rowen said "My heads really starting to.." Rowen passed out falling back to the ground. "Ok I'm going to take her to Mr. Mason. Do you guys want to come." He said trying to keep it together as he picked up Rowen and Char scampered up his arm to his shoulder.

Nium sat a short distance from the flag of the Red Team. He had guarded it as well as he could given the fact that many other demigods powers and fighting capabilities were the better. But they all seemed to expect him to do little and that was there downfall. He sat on a stump no more then twenty feet from the flag surrounded by the bodies of eleven various demigods of whom he assumed were all pretty new or just didn't seem to show up around him often as he knew none of them by name. They each lay on the ground muttering in their own personal fantasies. It was Nium of course was the reason for this, having personally touched each demigod on the temple. This had caused each of them to fall into an unconscious state of dreaming. He had nothing against any of them so each of them was living in their veritable fantasies instead of writhing in their worst nightmares. He wondered why it seemed none of the older demigods, or the ones that Nium knew for that matter, had reached the flags hiding place yet. Nium was getting bored waiting. He sat alone yet not, juggling the six arrows that he had snatched from the air as they entered his airspace when one of the demigods shot at him. He would wait and, hopefully, would soon be entertained by a challenge. Defeat mattered not so long as he wasn't bored.
Victorique seemed to hiss a soft warning at her friend, taking out some throwing knives. Each delicately crafted blade sat between her fingers, posed for the perfect shot. She hefted her hand back and then flung her wrist, allowing her fingers to let go. All four blades caught into the fabric of Arkantos' shirt, trapping him against a tree. She walked over and knocked the hilt of her last throwing knife against his head.

"You know I always win, right?" she hummed softly and then dug all the daggers tighter into the tree so he couldn't move or escape. "See yah, red," she called him by the pet name she gave him and then darted off into the forest.

The redhead emerged from the dense greenery, her fiery eyes locked upon Nium, who was currently guarding the red flag. Her long braid hung lifelessly over her right shoulder, tickling just down to her stomach. Her haughty features seemed to child into a look of extraordinary nonchalant visage, emphasising her darkly glinting eyes to a certain extend of eeriness. Her adversary seemed tired; bored even. She delinquently smiled, flashing her white teeth in an impassive manner, her fingers slowly sliding to the hilt of her sword, her armor glittering brightly in the sun.

"I GOT HER!" a boy screamed and sprung out of the tree, somehow missing the lofty female. He stumbled a bit and she simply spun around, kicking the side of his head. The younger crumbled to the forest floor before she turned her head slowly to look at Nium. She slowly ran her tongue along her bottom lip to moisten the skin while she tapped her finger nails gently against her side, debating on what to do with him.
Serenity savored the remain of her energy by dashing off. She ran, leaving the small body of water behind her. She smiled as she pulled off to the side, Serenity laid low as she crouched behind a tree. She pushed the canteen into her hands and quickly pulled it open. Pouring some of th water in the palm of her hand, she floated it to her wound's, quickly healing them. This was a ood way for her to remain in this battle. Serenity turned, her blue cap fastened to her head. Then she saw it. The red flag just sitting there, and it looked as though all the guards were gone. All but one.

Serenity pushed her black hair behind her shoulder's, her smouthering green eye's illuminated as they shone brightly. Serenity reached down and unlatched her sword that she had recently picked up. She emerged from the tree's and gripped her sword the label read brightly. She stepped at the flag, stepping over the other camper's who almost seemed to be in a trance. This was, until she realized they were. Somebody was using their power. It looked like she needed to, as well. Serenity smiled and grabbed her canteen, glancing at the red guards ( Nium ) "The Flag is mine..." She mumbled, as she poured some of the water into her hands. This was going to get interesting.
Aetos opened his brown eyes and sighed as he looked at the ceiling above in the cabin of Ares. He knew this was the cabin of his father. He felt at home, but something was missing within him. He didn't know what it was or what it could be. He grunted as he rose out of bed. He slept in his boxers which wasn't unusual for him. He wander around for a few minutes letting his body get awake. He wondered what was going on. He was a heavy sleeper and hadn't heard anything at all. "Hmmm." He wondered if capture the flag had started or not. It was his favorite game being the son of the god of war and what not. A smile crept over his face as he walked towards his armor. He was finally ready to get this day started. He found a rag and some polish near his armor. He loved keeping his armor in perfect shape. He was proud of how shiny he could make it and usually love to keep the shine when he was in a fight. He knew now was the time to get ready.

Finally, Aetos was getting ready. He put his cuirass on his chest first with ease. Next, he attached greaves to his legs and arms to protect them. He strapped his Dragon mace to his back which he kept bare. None usually reached his back in battle and he didn't believe in being petty when it comes to a mere injury. He smirked as he found a red piece of cloth and tied it around his arm. He always represented the red team. He loved the color red. After getting everything ready, He decided it was time to head for the door. He slowly opened the door and closed it behind him. He listened around for a brief second when he heard the other combatants clash with each other. Capture the flag had already began and he was missing out. He almost frowned but the thought faded from his mind. Better late than never. Off to the forest he headed.

A few moments later, Aetos finally reached the forest. He walked past the arch of the trees at the opening with only a smile of glee showing on his face. He felt the presence of battle. This was his game. His pride. He continued to walk further heading towards the Red team's flag. He would help protect it because this was where most of the stronger members would attack. He was itching for such a fight and he wouldn't back down now. Anticipation circling his mind as he continued to journey towards the flag. He was craving battle already and he hadn't even been awake that long. The god of war's blood truly ran inside him. He would reach his destination soon. He felt kinda sorry for the opponents, but then again he didn't. This would be the best entertainment and training for him. A smile only crept on his face as he continued towards his goal.
As Serenity moved in to occupy Nium, the redhead darted around him and took the long way before she jumped forward and curled her fingers around the shaft of the flag. Victorique let out a yelp as a camper from the red team slammed into her.

She wriggled away from her and then curled her lip, lashing out with her leg. She quickly knocked the female over and slammed her heel down on her nose, blood spattering her foot. She winced and then quietly apologized before grabbing the red flag and lifting it. She slowly stepped back, waiting for anyone to challenge her or to surge forward.

"Is any of the red team willing to duel me, here and now? If so, let them be heard," she spoke in a comical lull, her eyes half closed as if out of contempt. She was relishing in her small victory of taking the flag.
Aetos heard the cry of a challenge. His motive changed. He rushed forward towards where the flag was. He grabbed his position on a tree and flung himself up on it so he could look down. He heard the cry come from a woman. He was amused that such a woman could dispatch most of the red member team. He took a long run before leaping down and crashing down infront of Victorique. His face was delightfully coveted with a grin. "You issue a challenge and a challenge is here." His voice booming but calm at the same time. He simply unhatched his dragon mace as the ground had shifted from his impact and he smiled at her."Are you ready?" He gave her fair warning before he would strike. He wanted a fair battle, but a good one. He was delighted to know this would not disappoint him since he was not happy about being late to show up. Good thing he was able to get here quick enough. He would keep her quite entertained until Nium was ready to finish with his opponent. "Lets begin." He awaited her move.
As soon as he landed in front of her, Victorique had already known he was near. She calculated his every single, yet simple movements, her red eyes flickering up to meet his. She only allowed a few seconds for him to speak despite knowing what he wanted to say. She slammed the shaft of the flag into the dirt and withdrew her sword from its sheath and quickly slammed the hilt into his shoulder before dancing quickly to the side with a soft laugh. She slipped behind him slyly and moved to brush up against his back, her lips fluttering gently against his earlobe, whispering a soft insult on his lack of speed.

She used her powers to invoke twinges of unsettling fear into the son of Ares. She always knew how to deal with these kinds of demigods. She basically became a sister of Chione who was long since missing; the child of war no where to be found.

"I can sense that you are a good fighter. You enthrall me..." she spoke softly into his other ear, the tip of her sword digging idly into his back, creating the smallest of puncture wounds, daring him to move. She observed him as if he were a test subject; someone she wanted to use a sharp knife to open him up and find out what made him work and how his body regulated.
Aetos hated to be toyed with, but he enjoyed the confidence of this lady. He noticed how she would tease him. He caught her words as he felt the small sting from his shoulder and the point of the sword in his back. He simply laughed as he heard those words. He slammed his mace into the ground as flames erupted from it, pushing her away from him."I do love a good fight." He created another crater from the might of pressure he put on the mace to impact the ground. He swirled around in an instance so he could face her. He would not hold back his speed on such an opponent, especially one who interested him. He wouldn't waste no more time with petty words as he move towards her. He knew she would be on guard at this point. He swung the mace down with one hand knowing she would either block or try to move. He thrusted an uppercut towards her midsection with the other giving her time to react to his movements. He wouldn't fight such a lady unfairly. He wanted this to last. He wanted a great battle. He was hungry for war. His blood pumping and his adrenaline rushing. "Come now. Don't hold back girl." He was hoping to strike something inside her. He was gonna enjoy every moment of this.
"Hold back?" a mock-laugh erupted from her slender frame, almost shaking her body. She suddenly stopped and her face grew forlorn. She simply grabbed onto his shoulders and flung her body upward, doing a handstand on his shoulders, lifting up one hand, she stayed perfectly balanced. She slammed the hilt of her sword down on the exposed shoulder before slipping off. Her movements were very quick and very inhuman. She lashed out and slammed her heel into the back of his leg before slipping back, her feet firmly planted in the ground.

"If these were a true battle, I'd rip your limbs off and make sure they were strewn across this dead woodland. Spattering the brown grass with crimson, allowing only a few small spikes of new greenery to peek through the mass of guts," she spoke with a tone of liquid honey being poured over a blindingly sharp blade. She only seemed amused by everything and waited for his next attack.
Jacob took off and ran for Red Team's flag. His racing around at speeds inhumanly possible had stirred up some confusion and anger. He saw three Red Team members patrolling around the forest, about 300 hundred meters away from Red Team's flag. The Son of Hermes jumped towards them and struck down at the tall one, which fell over instantly. However Jacob wasn't that lucky this time, and they all simultaneously attacked instead of being amazed. Though he was still to fast. Finally Jacob decided to use his energy whip, and twirled it around, smacking the remaining Red Team members with speed energy. They tripped over a rock and fell unconscious.

"Idiots." Jacob laughed as he raced off towards Victorique. He noticed Aetos was fighting with her, and seemed to be putting up a good one. Maybe Victorique would lose for once. Then he saw her do a vicious attack to Aetos's shoulder and that made Jacob think otherwise. She moved fast, but again Jacob could move so much faster.
Serenity held onto her sword firmly, noticing A Son of Ares fighting against Victorique. Personally, she didn't know whether or not Victorique would win. But she dd know this would be a good fight. Serenity turned slowly, to realize Jacob had sped to their location. She stepped forward again trying to get a better view of the battle but keeping Nium in her sight's in case he decided to strick down on her.

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