Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

Vincent watched the bickering between the two. He had grown quite tired of it, but still kept his attention on it. He could feel such a small animosity betweent the two. He simply reverted back into the shadows with his brown eyes being his most notable feature. His thoughts continue to wander. Did he need his flail? He forgot for a second but simply smiled. He remembered he could call his flail to him. He just continued to watch the two. No need for him to interrupt a battle of wits. He thought it was kinda cute between the two, but he would keep his thoughts to himself for now.
Jade, being The Girl With the Warrior Heart, as her predecessors called her, sometimes, was outside, slashing the toughest and chunkiest wooden dummy they had, slashing it with Athena, her lovely sword.

"Phew...dumb glutton..." She said, beginning to break a sweat after 200 slashes.

Her icy blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight, projecting the nature around her as a beautiful landscape of flowers and dewed grass; lovely grass.

With a sigh, Jade finished her 230 slashes, but happened to see two people quarrel over something.

"Well...Might as well see what's happening..." Jade said, beginning to walk over to the opaque bickerers.
Jacob looked at Jade, the daughter of Athena. He smiled at the sight of her, not that he had a crush. Just seeing pretty teens made him happy.

"Have you been chopping at that wooden dummy of yours for the entire morning? It is 12:00 and you wake up and 5:00 everyday." Jason said,

((Not in that way, I promise you.))
Nium sat in a boat on the edge of the lake, enjoying the sun that seeped through the treetops just above his head. Their tapered leaves blowing slightly in the zephyrs winds of the spring time skies. He simply stared at the endless beauty of the forever reaching sky and wondered what the freedom of a falcon would feel like. To soar at speeds unimaginable to most every living creature on the planet, spiraling down towards it's prey with the wild abandon of a charging elephant and pure precision of a sniper all at once. The sight that reaches through the sky with the ease that man reads a book, picking out the minutest details in a way no man could imagine. This would be a dream of pure lax freedom.

Nium sat up and looked into the forest to find one of the cute tree nymphs looking at him between a couple of trees. She thought she was well camouflaged but this was not true. He could see her clear as day even with his crippled left eye through his glasses. A tree leaf fell towards him from a single sakura tree planted near him. As it fell he reached it and it fell into his sphere of minor inanimate time influence. It slowed in it's decent, floating above his palm he blew the flowery pink leaf to the nymph and when it landed on her nose and he winked at her she blushed and ran back into the forest. It was then that Nium heard the commotion ashore and decided maybe he had relaxed long enough and should go see what was going on. Maybe things would get interesting and he would have something fun to do, and if not he could just come back out here and relax. As he often did out of the loneliness of an empty cabin and the call of natures beauty.
Jason spotted Nium get out of his boat and walk up to them. The son of Hermes went to meet Nium, and was in front of him in an instant. It was odd seeing Nium's snow white hair once more, as it seemed Nium was nonexistent most of the time. Jason saw a gaze of relaxation amongst ancient eyes on Nium's face. Not many campers were as relaxed as him. Maybe it was because Hypnos was his father? Jason decided to save that for later and looked at Nium. They were polar opposites of personality it seemed.

"Hello Nium. You look relaxed and ancient as usual. I assume you were on the lake again, looking at birds? I tried that, and it made me fall asleep. I don't know how you do it. Amazing." Jason smiled. The nymphs were giggling even more and Jason waved at them.

"Well, there is a quest to find the missing Daughter of Ares. And capture the flag is in a few hours, so I guess you could do that."
Walking out of her cabin, the bag of supplies slung around her shoulder, Celia went in search of somewhere quiet to concentrate until the others were ready to leave. She found a nice, shady cyprus tree to relax under. Fitting, she thought to herself. She knew the nymph of the tree and knew she didn't mind others using her to rest underneath. Slipping the bag over her head, she set it on the ground and sat next to it. She pulled out two books, one her spell book and the other her Book of Shadows. Her fingers traced over the intricate, swirling patterns on the cover and the magic lock, fashioned to open only at her touch. It had been her parents's last gift to her.

From her spot under the tree, Celia could hear the others nearby. Looking up from the books, she saw the over exuberant Son of Hermes talking to...what was his name? Nium, Son of Hypnos. Like her, he had a cabin to himself and often kept to himself. They'd even been here the exact same number of years. Jade and Serenity were nearby as well, and she thought she might have heard the Son of Hades's voice, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Turning back to her books, Celia found the section of the spell book that she had been reading earlier. "Potentiis luna... da mihi lumen tuum..." She repeated the lines over and over, trying to commit them to memory. Flipping to a specific page in her Book of Shadows, she wrote the lines down in a neat, flowing script. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back against the tree, and continued repeating the lines.
Nium looked quizzical and confused as usual when Jason calls him ancient looking. "Yeah i was looking at the birds and enjoying nature. It's pretty easy for me but as a son of Hermes i guess it just wouldn't be natural to sit still like that, huh?" Nium pushed his glasses up his nose as per his usual tick. He didn't have any need to do this as he had a small chain keeping his glasses to his head to prevent himself from having them fall off and cripple him even more. He put his hand slowly through his snowy white hair and looked back to find the same nymph from earlier with a friend this time, following him as usual. He didn't understand why they liked him so much. The demigod girls didn't seem very interested in him, so why the nymphs? 'Eh whatever.', he thought. He turned back to Jason and looked at him with his one deep, piercing blue eye like that of a husky, and the other with the scar through it burning it's usual crimson red with a tiny speckle of yellow in it as if it was bloody lightning. "Well yes, I guess that does sound like an interesting time. Hopefully it doesn't get too boring or too much work though." He smiled slightly and laughed a little.
(Wow you guys got really far! sorry for not posting sooner busy day!)

Rowen heard Victorique talk about the quest and was in. She had researched this mystery herself quite a bit and had always wanted to solve it. "You want to join dont you." Toby said a bit sadly. He hated to see Rowen put herself in any danger. But it was the life of a Demigod. "Yes! You know how interested I've always been in Chione's disappearance!" She said excitedly. "Well If your in I'm in." He said smiling. "Lets go theres already a bunch of people" Rowen said grabbing Toby's arm and pulling him to the table where Victorique sat. "Hi I'm Rowen daughter of Hestia. and this is Toby son of Hephaestus and his rat Char. and we would like to join your quest!" She said smiling at Victorique even if her returning gaze was so cold.
Serenity winced, "Yeah I guess it's kind of cool..." She mumbled, shifting her positions. She was used to this reaction, people had alway's thought that it would be awesome to have hi as an older brother. Step and what not. Serenity peered down for half a second, when she glanced up, she realized Jacob had walked off. "See ya later." She mumbled quietly. Serenity brought her attention to Mr. Masin. She smiled warmly, "I'mma go and get ready." Serenity announced, and o that key she stepped outside.

Serenity stroaked her jean's, they were slightly damp. The same for her shirt and her hair. As she walked her path was abruptly stopped by a hrse, pure white as it was Rider. He nayed in anouncement. "Hey Rider, Cabin Three?" She asked, sweetly as she climbed onto his back. Rider nodded, before zipping off. He slowed only when they approached her cabin. In her way there, she had knocked over one of the Daughter of Aphrodites. Woops, she thought.

As Rider stopped, Serenity walked into her cabin, glancing back at him. "Stay Rider." She proclaimed. Serenity smiled at the fraigrence of the salty sea as she entered her bunk. So relaxing. But, she was really here for her blade. Serenity approached her bed, and slowly gazed around, to be sure nobody was near. Serenity leaned down and retrieved her sword from under her bed. Placing it down of the blanket, she changed into something more suitable. Some battle armor and a pair of darker jeans. She slowly fingered her necklace. The bead's on there had symbolized a lot, but still meant nothing. She needed to complete this quest, or she knew she'd stay in his shadow forever.

Serenity grabbed her blade and clipped it to her belt, she smiled as she closed the door. A little disapointed that she had to leave the cabin. Being alone, Serenity gripped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a paper. She slowly unfolded it and smiled. "For you." She mumbled, placing her paper back into her front pocket before heading to the lake side, she needed a canteen of water for emergencys.
Jacob looked at Nium. His glasses seemed to be the thing that was keeping him alive, as if all life force was drained into those prescription lenses. Well maybe not. At least the had another one coming on the quest. This would be very interesting. And the funny thing was, everyone had different personalities that suited their powers and fathers/mothers perfectly.

"No it would not be very natural. Some books say that our muscles would break down if we sat in one area for too long. Well, I hope you decide to come. You will be permitted to join the quest as long as you accept Victorique to be the leader of the quest. I'm going to get my weapon, and then play some Capture the Flag. We have to play that before we can go." Jacob told Nium. "We ALL have to play Capture the Flag." he raised his voice so that the others could hear him.

"Well until then, cheerio!" he said quickly. In a fraction of a second later, he took off to his Cabin and arrived there in about a nanosecond, as if he teleported. Jacob loved his immense speed. He entered the Cabin and realized again he was the only one there. Not that it bothered him, he needed space. His weapon lay on his bed, looking cold and ancient. But right now it also just looked like an iron handle. When Jacob activated it however, whips of speed energy would come out of each side. It fit Jacob, because his attacks were mostly based on acrobatics, speed, and spinning. The whip would follow his every movement.

Jacob looked exited is cabin and looked towards the lake. He saw Serenity gathering some water in the canteen. Every single inch of water on the camp was pure, even the lake. No parasites or bugs or diseases existed within Camp Half-Blood. And he noticed that the Daughter of Poseidon was bringing a rather large canteen. Of course, her father was the Sea God so that was hardly a surprise. Jacob took off and was there in an instant, standing beside Serenity.

"Hello again." he said. "Are you ready to kick some 'other team' ass?"
Victorique slowly stood, her red tresses catching in a glint of sun and making the effect that she was actually on fire. The female slowly lifted her hand, placing two fingers to her cheek as she leaned her head towards the lifted hand, observing the people in silence. Her other hand rested on the table, tapping a simple beat out of jitteriness. She frowned deeply and pulled out the tattered slip of ivory paper and unfolded it idly, her eyes fluttering from top to bottom, left to right as she quickly went over Chione's hurried script, brows furrowed. Many campers wanted to go on the quest but she could only take four, not including herself. Then the answer hit her and she abruptly stood, knocking over a goblet of dark liquid that resembled chocolate milk. "I shall test the lot of people who want to join the quest. I will then select four of you with Mr. M and then we shall train hard in every type of weaponry and test I can think of," a pause and then she spoke again.

"Gather here tomorrow night if you still want to do the quest," she murmured in a tone of liquid honey and then ambled into the shadows, clutching the paper in her right hand.

The daughter of Nike pushed through a dense thicket of brambles and stumbled into an open meadow that enclosed a small lake. She sighed softly and leaned against the trunk but not before ruthlessly stuffing paper into a small pocket in her armour. The sun was still high up in the sky and she could feel the dark sky pulling a silken blanket of ebony across the length of the sky. She crossed one ankle over the other, running her tongue slowly along her bottom lip as she brushed her fingers behind her back against the tree trunk that was gnarled with age. The sound of creeking trees was the only thing she could hear and the idle rustle of wind licking at the dried leaves strewn across the earth. The smells of spring filled her nose and clouded her thoughts as she leaned motionless against the tree. It was clear that Capture the Flag would happen early in the morning.
Vincent readied his flail as the onyx bones glistened on it. This weapon was given to him by his father. He simply strapped it to his back for the moment being. He didn't like to stay in one place for long. He sighed once more as he left the shadows. He gazed over towards Hades cabin and realized he was alone, but hadn't he always been alone. He simply smiled realizing the truth at hand. He decided it was time to leave where he stood. He decided to wander through the trees. It was always relaxing and usually nobody would bother him there.

Vincent made his way to the trees. He kept to the shadows to stay away from the other students. This was relevant to his shyness. Contact was not his best friend, nor did he ever think it would be. He let his mind wander while he continued to enjoy the silence and kept walking. This was his peaceful moment. He took in the sights with his brown eyes. He had quite the admiration for life. He loved the colors and smell of the scenery. He took a deep breath before picking a small clearing to relax in. He took a leaning stance against an oak before letting out a sigh.

His strategic mind was being calm for once as he seemed sad. The enjoyment of simple things reminded him of his mother. She had always watched over him and took him to the park. She kept a close eye on him, but also gave him a little freedom. He let a smile express on his face in case any of the others were near him, but on the inside he was still grieving from the loss. He wouldn't let it destroy him, but he also couldn't forget what helped make him. He looked up and just sighed once more. He knew capture the flag would happen soon.
Nium watched as Jason ran off at his usual lightning pace. "Muscles deteriorate huh? I don't think that would be too surprising. But yes I believe I will go and join the Capture the Flag game, sounds like a good way to cure my boredom.", Nium said to himself. 'But before that maybe the Wall might be a good wake up from my nap.' He strolled off to the climbing wall for some fun. He looked up it's reputable heights and found the lava and rocks falling off of it to look inviting. And to think other campers so often assumed he didn't like to be challenged simply because he didn't enjoy pointlessly overexerting himself. Oh well, he was used to people not trying to get to know him. His over-lax demeanor often led to them ignoring or leaving him before talking at length.

He began to climb the wall with his sword strapped to his left side. It was curved quite impressively as was the way he liked it, with a single six faceted emerald embedded in the pommel and the handle made of a mix of titanium and oak. His hand at his side twitched ever so slightly in anticipation of needing to draw his blade. He was nearly halfway up before an actual obstacle impeded his advancement. Boulders of medium size, approximately four feet across began dropping towards him at an annoying rate. He braced himself and used his full strength to hold on with his left hand as he drew his blade with his right. As a boulder neared him it slowed down considerably and he sliced it clean in half with his sword, the two halves falling around him in a way most mortals would swear was straight out of a movie. He passed the boulder section a few sliced boulders later and found himself nearly three fourths of the way to the top.

He stopped with both hands on the rocks for a rest, his blade still in hand but turned down. This was fun, but probably something to do only every now and then when he needed a good wake up. He prepped to continue on only to have a surprise he wasn't paying enough attention to see. The lava had begun it's decent towards him in a five foot across wave of lava! How could he have been so careless? He began climbing up and to the side but found that he wouldn't have nearly enough time to get halfway across it. He did a bit of quick thinking that he had the time to do thanks to the lava entering the six inch mark and being slowed down around him. He made a plan and decided he would succeed or fall trying. He sheathed his sword and stood with both feet on a single, larger sized foothold and prepped himself. He tensed and then jumped as far as he could. As he did this he pulled his sword back out of his sheath in one quick movement and spun, stabbing his blade into the rock wall about seven inches to the left of the lava. Ha! He had succeeded in his plan and the rest of the ascent was rather easy. He sat at the top of the rock wall, rather pleased with himself, staring out at the beauty of the camp. Thank the gods he had his blade sharpened recently!
Andi and Leander had listened to the two speak. Andi, more cautious than most, looked at Leander, knowing he'd want to go. She could tell by the look in his eyes that she was right. She sighed and walked off with him to the strawberry fields. Andi was worried, to say the least. She pushed her hair from her face and stepped lightly through the rows, listening to nymphs giggle and chat. Once they were rather far from the other campers, Andi stopped, causing Leander to almost knock her over. He hadn't been paying much attention to where they were heading.

"Are you going then?" Andi demanded, concerned for her friend's safety. He always insisted on being a part of the more dangerous missions. Leander rolled his eyes.

"Andromeda, you're being silly," he snapped back, using her full name as he tended to do when he was about to chastise her. "We're demi-gods. There's a reason we came to this camp and it isn't to ignore the fact that we're gifted. Use your powers and do something productive rather than care for the plants around camp," he said quickly, a bite in his tone. Andi stepped back, eyes wide. He hadn't ever spoken to her like that before. They were friends and even though they didn't always get along, he was generally civil.

"Fine, go," Andi spat back as she marched by him, heading for her cabin. She heard Leander call after her, but she ignored him, marching through camp and slamming the door on her cabin closed. She couldn't believe that he had said that to her. She flopped on her bed and looked around at her cabin, beautifully decorated with all typed of flowers. Maybe he was right, though. Maybe she did need to get out and take on more missions. Andi was, after all, a demi-god. Shouldn't she put her powers to good use?

Leander watched his friend stalk off and he rolled his eyes before heading back to his own cabin. He collected his bow and walked to the archery range, firing arrow after arrow, always hitting his mark. It wasn't much of a challenge for him. Targets didn't make it interesting. It was now more of a way for him to clear his mind. The dull thud he heard told him that his arrow had found its target once more. Leander just wanted more excitement. He needed to go off and fight monsters and show he was capable. It didn't matter to him if Andi didn't understand that. She would be stuck here like she always was, waiting on him to return. Didn't she want more for herself? He angrily loosed another arrow before sinking to the ground and staring at the targets blankly.
Serenity did her best, to hold the canteen still as Jacob randomly appeared next to her. "Oh Gods!" She cried, jumping up in surprise. Serenity pulled her hand back as a good amount of water fell out of the pack. Quickly' she placed her hand under the water. Every single drop landed in her palm. "Nearly scared me to Death Jacob!" She complained, as she poured the pure water into the canteen. Serenity twisted the cap tightly, as she threw the canteen's strap over her shoulder.

Smiling widly she nodded, "Alway's ready." Serenity observed his armor, before glancing at her's. All she had really was a sword. Her breast plate and her shield were still in her cabin. "I've gotta collect more supplie, Wanna come?" She asked, in a friendly tone. Serenity motioned to her cabin, he probably hadn't been in there before. After all, Children of the big three don't just come popping up as much as Hermes children do.

Serenity kneeled next to the wave's as a small fish swam up. Bubble's arose from his white lip's as Serenity nodded, understandingly. "Later, Kay?" She replied. The fish shot more bubble's before turning and rushing off. "Bye Marvin." She mumbled, before turning back to Jacob. "I'm not Crazy." She said, sheepishly. If she had a "To Do, As a Crazy Person List" It would, most likely be arranged like this:

1. Being a Demigod [ √ ]

2. Talking to Fish [ √ ]

Any sane person would lock her up in a mental home, but here she was accepted.
((I'm guessing no one read my post...))

Jade jus shrugged "Oh Well" and began to walk to the nearby pond, tired of the ignorance. With a skip and a hop, she made it to the serene body of water that was clearer than she would have thought. She sighed and place her butt onto the dewed grass, her blue jean short-shorts becoming damp and her skin moistening. She put her toed limbs into the warm water, just for a break from the foolishness and arrogance for the time being.

"Lovely Bones, I see in the water, the water so lovely," She began to lightly sing poetic-like. "The Bubbles Rise, like a bird flies...effortless..."
(There was a response to your post.)

Celia chuckled to herself as she heard the Son of Hermes's comment indirectly directed towards her and turned the page in her book. He was fool if he thought that he could dictate to her how she was to live at camp. He'd been here two years, while she'd been a camper for eleven. This wasn't the first time she had skipped out on a game of Capture the Flag. Most campers treated it as optional nowadays anyway since many no longer enjoyed it. True, it was a good training exercise, but one can only do so much training.

Besides, her powers were not specifically related to combat. Yes, she knew how to use combat magic, very well, but her specialties lay with her spells, sense of direction, and knowledge and wisdom. That was why she had thought she would be an excellent candidate for this quest. They were searching for a girl who had been missing for years. If she were hidden in the camp, there was powerful magic involved, and her skill with crossroads and directions would be a near necessity. She just hoped the others would see that.
((I wasn't trying to imply that he was commanding your life. He was just joking))

"Sorry Serenity. I have to join the capture the flag game. It has already started!" Jacob said as he turned away from the Daughter of Poseidon. Then he sped off and arrived at the field a moment later, trying to find the flag. The trees ruffled as birds flew through it. Maybe one day Jacob would be able to fly. Then a loud horn blew and a voice draped over the camp, but it wasn't Mr. Masins.

"Hello campers! We are starting Capture the Flag. After this you may do what you please, but for now get ready to fight. Remember, all you have to do is take the other team's flag, and you win! Now, START!" the voice ended.

It was as if Red Team planned their attack perfectly. Many members jumped from the tress and started attacking the startled blue team members, including Jacob. However no sword, foot, fist, or shield hit him once. Jacob moved through the blur of blades fluidly and quickly. That was until he turned around caught an incoming shield- with his face. It made him feel weird, and collapsed. However consciousness stayed with him, contrary to the rest of what the Red Team knew.
Vincent heard the horn and he knew it was time for the games to begin. He was late. He rushed into the middle of the skirmish after seeing his friend Jacob being smashed with the shield. He didn't like to see a friend of his hurt. His demeanor changed quickly. He was no longer shy. His hair blown out of his face by his movements. He reached up for his flail as he started to to mumble a few words. He reached the flail and as his footing now stood firm. He seemed different especially his personality. No smile or emotion could be found on his face. His eyes darkened in color and his lips moved once more.

"Shatter Onyx." This was the words that escaped his mouth as the flail began spinning around as he kept his grasp on it firm. This would keep the red team members away for now. He looked at Jacob."You can't always rush into battle my friend." His voice was calm and collective. He would love to see the action unfold. The strategic side of him had emerged and suppressed everything else. It would only be a matter of seconds now. He muttered once more.

"Raise." Skeleton soldiers began to surround blue team as a protective barrier. He knew using his abilities would earn him a spot in the quest. He was going to show why he was the son of Hades. He wanted to make his father proud. He would make his father proud. He wondered how anyone could possibly breach this barrier, but he knew it was possible. They was only skeletons at most. Bone could be crushed in mere minutes, but atleast it bought them time. Time was a necessary point to this game.
She watched as Jacob sped away, she shrugged. Serenity hurried, as she rushed into her cabin. The Familiar fragrence swept over her, as she placed on her Breastplate and grabbed her sword. The game had began and she was already late. Again! She thought drastically. Serenity placed her blue head gear on and rushed to where the battle was commencing. She arried just in time, to throw her shield up from an attacker. The red team looked as though they had jumped from the tree's.

So not cool, she thought, as she slashed her sword down into one of the Ares kid's shields. Serenity bypassed the girl, as she rushed forward. Maintaining the perfect view on everybody, she made her way through the forest. Serenity would have laughed as Jacob was smashed in the face, if she wasn't on his team. But, therefore, she was Serenity threw her sword as the kid who had attacked Jacob. "You know, the object of the game is to get the flag, not bashed in the face." She sarcastically announced, her voice directed at Jacob.

Serenity charged and pulled up her shield as the kid brought the blade down on her shoulder. She bit down on her lip, avoiding the urge to yell. Serenity stumbled backwards, but caught herself.Her orange camp shirt had a slit where the blade had connected into her skin. She winced, before glancing at her gash. Which was slightly bleeding. Serenity threw her shield out infront of her, as she generally backed away. Each throw her threw made her shoulder throbb. Serenity was kind of happy that she hadn't been near the flag, she remembered how Percy and Thalia had fought over the game that they lost. She was glad she wasn't in there shoe's as the moment. 
Serenity turned towards Vincent as he began to use his abilities, rising an army of the dead. That was a stupid stunt, but also smart on his behalf. Serenity stepped backwards as the skeleton's began to protect them. By the look's of things, Mr. Masin probably wouldn't be happy. Serenity didn't like the skeleton's look, they creeped her out. And this was coming from the girl who could swim with Great White Sharks. There had to be a sign there.
Jacob looked up a few moments later and launched himself into the air, landing next to Serenity and Vincent. The iron handle that was in Jacob's was now pulsing out whips of orange-yellowish energy. He twirled it around, ready for anything.

"Point taken from both of you. Well I suppose we should try and get the fla- AGH!" Jacob screamed as he saw the skeletons. Never in his life had he saw Vincent use his powers, and that was strange. All of sudden, a girl jumped out of the tree and stabbed down at Jacob. He moved out of the way at three times the speed of sound, and was away from the girl in an instant. The girl was in the air for five seconds later and then she crashed onto the ground.

"Well. Maybe they shoudl be more careful next time." Jacob said, with a hint of joke in his voice. He spun his energy whip, ready.
Venicia watched from high up in a large pine tree, watching the other campers play Capture the Flag. She snorted and crossed her arms and watched forlornly, knowing that she'd probably never be asked to one of the teams, especially in this game since it had already started.

She sighed and looked up at the sky through the thick foliage of the pine, her blue-grey eyes shimmering with sadness, as she thought of the the memory she had recalled earlier. Who was that girl... Ambera... She thought. The name only sounds slightly familiar but I can't seem to remember why...
"Augh" Rowen sighed as Capture the flag game began. "Come on it'll be fun!!" Toby yelled grabbing her arm and dragging her to the forest. "But Running....I want to read!" She yelled as they arrived. The forest was alive with action. "Lets be red team!" Toby smiling he picked up to arm bands from the ground and gave one to rowen. "Im just gunna hind you know that right..." Rowen said rolling her eyes. "Then we'll both hide!" Toby said laughing. Rowen smiled and started climbing the nearest tree. Toby followed after her laughing. They got to the top and saw a blonde girl sitting in the tree already..."Ummm Hi!" Rowen said smiling. "Whats your name? I'm Rowen and this is Toby" She said sitting on a nearby branch.
Jade waited at the pond for the idiotic Red Team to try to overpower her...try...

Jade giggled to herself, Athena at her side, with a kick of her foot she stood at the presence of the Red Team.

"Resistance is futile." She said, at the exact same time one of the Red Team did.

"I know all of your "Statements"..." She said, and giggled, then she backflipped towards them and did a split. Within a few seconds, she spun, sweeping them off of their feet with her legs, and then, she stood, effortlessly.

"Idiots..." She said, sheathing Athena as the three members stood again, one of them had broken ankle.

"Now, if you don't mind." Jade said, grabbing one of their swords and slashing at the one on the opposite side. She then kicked backwards and kicked one member in the chest, before slashing the other two in their chests.

This time, they lied on the ground, their limbs sprawled, and grabbing their chest.

"Don't even stand again...if you wish to keep your life..." Her voice had the sound of Athena's. "What...?" She said, wondering why her tone changed mid-sentence.
Victorique haphazardly strolled out of the woodland with a large smirk, seemingly calm and not surging into battle. She then sprung up into a tree with the agile graces of a feline before slyly springing from branch to branch, watching as Jade fended off some of the Red Team. She glanced down at the blue ribbon strapped around her upper arm, proving to everyone which side she was one.

"Let the games begin!" she giggled in an atwittered manner, her eyes sparkling with the lust for battle.

The lofty female dropped from the branch and landed on the ground in a low crouch, her right leg stretched out to the side in a type of battle stance, her sword still shealthed. Her red eyes flickered to a tree just off to the left of her as a member of the red team sprung out with about six others followers. A son of Ares, daughter of Athena, son of Aphrodite, Daughter of Apollo and some others that were new campers. She suppressed a smirk and quickly spun her stretched leg out, building up speed as she spun completely in a circle, her heel connecting hard with someone's nose before she sprung up and knocked the sword from the boy as he stumbled back, blood pouring down his face.

"Oops," she said, bemused and then knocked him out with the hilt of her sword. She quickly ran forward, swinging the butt of her blade into another's knee, not turning to watch as the female fell and didn't get back up. She quickly zipped around the other, spinning at the last second to kick the male in the back, watching out of the corner of her eye as he rolled down a steep bank, making dried leaves fly.

"ARGH!" she faintly heard a female roar behind her, a sharp pain splintering through her shoulder blade. She almost animalistically growled in anger, turning to punch the girl's jaw, causing her to stumble. The other female was so... bulky.

Victorique took a deep breath and then darted to a tree, the other female hot on her heels. It was only seconds between the time she sprinted towards a tree trunk and sprung off it to the time she came in contact with the bulky she-beast, her hilt slamming into the side of the girl's head. She collapsed to the ground with a soft moan and the redhead landed safely behind her, her back turned. She glanced behind her, strands of her scarlet hair becoming loose in the once tight fishtail braid. The last of the little team that ambushed her had fled into the trees and in another direction.

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