Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

Jacob weaved through everyone, trying to find a place to settle down. He decided against using his blinding speed, as that would bring unwanted attention to him. He noticed Vincent dart his way through the crowd, and followed him. Vincent may have blended in well to other people, but, like his father Hermes, Jacob was a master of transitions and movement. It was easy to spot Vincent. The tattoos caught anyone's eyes as well. When Jacob finally reached Vincent, Mr. Masin's voice seemed to get louder as he talked. Everyone clapped in perfect sequence almost after every sentence the director said. Cheers and roaring erupted throughout the room. Jacob turned his attention back to Vincent.

"So Vincent. How have you been?" the son of Hermes asked. His shiny blue eyes glittered, reflecting his speed. "I must say, the way you weaved through the crowd was impressive, but I could have done it better." he joked.

"Of course, we have different powers, so obviously I'm going to be better at some things than you and vice versa."
Vincent heard Jacob's words in his war. He quickly turned his attention to the one speaking to him. He noticed it was jacob. "I figured you would catch me, Son of Hermes." He was kinda being sarcasting. He knew about the children of the gods and goddesses pretty well. He knew Jacob would always be faster than him. He sighed as he spoke."I've been good. How about you, Jacob?" He was surprised that he wasn't being shy this time before Mr. Masin's voice made him wince.

The shyness had caught up to him. He turned his attention back to Jacob."So are you planning on helping out?" He was curious what his friend would do. He used the term friend lightly, but he always was the kind one. His mind started plotting the surrounding in his mind. Would it be right for him to help, or should he stay out of it. He wasn't sure. He would await his comrade's answer before giving his own. It was just his way.
Serenity quietly watched as Victorique took the stage. The girl talked about the old camper, Chione. Serenity had heard of her before, she went missing years back. With nothing but a slip of paper. Serenity's expression was puzzled as she began to wonder how She had cracked the code. "Awesome." She mumbled, slightly. Serena felt a serge of joy, with a twang of nervousness as she announced a quest that needed volunteer's. She was so in for that. Serena smiled broadly.
Jacob studied Vincent. It seemed that the other boy would make his decision based on his Jacob's decision, something that Jacob despised. He thought that you should choose of your own free will, not somebody else's. Of course he would never point that out, Vincent was his friend after all.

"I'm going to help out most definitely. Of course, I'm not sure what use I'd be. All I can really do is pick locks with my mind, steal with great efficiency, run at twice the speed of sound, use some of the best acrobatics and free running on the planet, and finally squeeze into very tight spaces. Otherwise I'm pretty useless." Jacob explained. After saying that, he felt crestfallen and looked down.

"At least you have some useful powers. My nickname should be 'Errand Boy' from now on." he sighed.
As Venicia recovered from her memory, she shakily stood up, noticing that everyone had split up. Seeing this, she slowly slipped away to the woods, finally able to go and practice her skills.

She smiled slightly to herself as she walked towards the woods, knowing no one would interrupt her due to her fierce temper and tendencies to fight, but at the same time, she felt slightly sad, knowing that no one would want to at least try to befriend her.
Vincent felt bad for his friend as he could feel the sadness in is voice. "Don't say that. You are quick which could be used in advantage in a battle. If we need someone to get a rare artifact, you are the best at it." He was hoping his words would help his friend. He knew how it felt to be the outcast. He could relate being the son of Hades. A smile came across his face as he patted Jacob on his back.

His attention returned to Victorique's voice. He knew this was serious and his intellectual mind wouldn't let him pass on it. He was glad to know his friend would be attending this and he wanted to help out. Something bad was happening. His mind wouldn't let him think otherwise. He simply smiled hoping things would go great for the rest who would join. He was curious to see all that would be heading in the same direction he was.
Victorique sat down at one of the tables and glanced at Mr. Masin, awaiting for any campers to come up and request to join the search for Chione.

Mr. Masin watched all the campers and chuckled, "CAPTURE THE FLAG WILL TAKE PLACE SOON! WITHIN THE NEXT HOUR TO FEW HOURS!" he billowed and then trotted to Victorique, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You did well. I'm proud."

Venicia turned back, hearing of Capture the Flag. She groaned, knowing now she wouldn't be able to fight the monsters in the woods. She then sighed, knowing if she did at least try to participate, she wouldn't be wanted on either team, because her temper would probably snap as usual.
"Well, Vincent, thanks for the reassuring words. I'm going to go sign up. You can come with me, if you are going to help that is. I'm excited for capture the flag, it will be nice to see everyone miss their attacks aimed at me." Jacob laughed and then went down to the table, not waiting for Vincent to reply. The son of Hermes was there in an instant, this time not disrupting the area around him. When Jacob saw Victorique, he decided to not recreate what happened in the cabin so he stood up feeling confident.

"Victorique, I would like to join the search. This is my first quest, so I am very eager." he said without a trace of nervousness in his tone. Other campers stood in the line behind him, excited for the quest and capture the flag.

I wonder how this will play out. Everything seems too easy. Perhaps that will change, he thought.
Serenity groaned as they announced about the capture the flag game. But, of course the more Dynamic cabins, like Ares, enjoyed the idea of beating smaller kid's to nothing. Serena stood, better now than never to sign up. She walked up to the booth where Mr. Masin and Victorique were. She smiled at them both, as she slowly rubbed the side of her arm's. "I would like to join you on the quest." She said, sweetly glancing up at them. Serena thought it wasn'tsuch a bad idea to sign up for one
Vincent knew he would love to join. He heard capture the flag and kinda sighed. He didn't like the game. He moved through the crowd and followed suite after his friend. "Victorique, I want to join the search as well." He said kinda timidly. Other people made him nervous. He wondered about joining capture the flag, but he didn't know yet. He let out another sigh before turning his attention back to Victorique. He was curious about her response. He was always curious to expand his knowledge and this would. He simply kept a timid smile as he still continued to show signs of his shy demeanor.
Celia would admit, but Victorique's announcement had caught her attention. She'd heard much about the lost Daughter of Ares and had always been curious. For her to have disappeared and left a note that took years to decipher only to still be hidden in the camp. There was great magic at work. Magic she could use to her advantage.

Of course, if this quest would get her out of Capture the Flag, she was all for it. As a one person Cabin - and one with few physical abilities - no one wanted her on his team. She made her way over to Victorique, who was already surrounded by several other eager demigods. "I would like to join," she said in a clear calm voice. "I believe I could prove most useful."
"You all want to join. You will be loyal? Can you all accept me as the leader of this quest?" she inquired, her stunningly illuminating red eyes flickering from one place to the next, her muscles stiff.
"Of course you can be the leader. I wouldn't undermine anybody even if I wanted to. The authority stays with you, Victorique." Jacob said, smiling. He turned to Vincent.

"Do you want to be on my Capture the Flag team. We can stick together, you know. Just try and keep up." he said. The last sentence was a joke but the rest of it was a real request.
The Child of Posideon smiled broadly, "Well..." She mumbled, "I agree!" She yipped, glancing up at Mr. Masin. Serenity pulled her hair to the side of her head, it was still damp, but was becoming it's natural dry self. Serenity was alway'sready for action, but right nowall she could think of, was being accepted to her first quest. In all her year's she hadn't been brave enough to go on one, but now. She was sure she was ready.

Serenity placed her hand's into her dampened pockets. Glancing down she pulled out a small iece of paper. Somehow it managed not to get ruined, she quickly shoved it down. Hiden from their eye's. It was something personal that she couldn't, nor wouldn't share just yet. Her eye's glowed. "Am I in?"
Vincent didn't like capture the flag, but he wouldn't deny a request by a friend. He sighed as he knew he would have to play. "Yes I will be on you're team." He said with a forced smile. He was already dreading this game, but maybe he could find some interest in it. He simply moved the hair out of his eyes by moving his head. This could be fun, It could be. He kept lieing to himself to make things better. I can do this. Yes i can do this! The words made perfect sense to him, but his shy nature continued to hunt him by dropping his morale once more.
Celia settled her pale eyes on their new leader. "My loyalty cannot be questioned, as long as you prove a capable leader." She looked around at the others. So far, a Son of Hades, Daughter of Poseidon, Son of Hermes, and Daughter of Nike. Oh, and herself, a Daughter of Hecate. They would definitely make an interesting rescue team for the Daughter of Ares.
Jacob smiled at Vincent and the other people he'd be working with. Five demigods with completely different personalities would be going on a quest to find the lost Daughter of Ares. He hoped that each of their skills would be tested so everyone could help each other get through with their powers. Jacob suspected that the two most powerful demigods here were Vincent and Serenity, as they were children of the big three. Though it largely based on skill too, not just inherited immortal powers.

"I suppose we should play Capture the Flag to get us warmed up and ready for what the quest may through at us, but it is just an idea." Jacob suggested as he winked at Vincent.
Vincent finally fought his fears. "Lets do it." He finally let out a real smile. He wasn't gonna be shy. He needed to prove the fact that he could hold his own. He wanted to prove his worth. His father's name wasn't just enough. He needed to show his skills. His mind starting roaming into battle techniques as he decided this would be interesting. Could this be what he needed or Did he really want this? He did. He let out a small sigh before waiting patiently for the game to start.
Serenity let out a heavy breath, kind of like a sigh. "Capture the flag? Let's do it!" She announced, ethusiantly. Even if she was letting onto a fake smile, she had confidence, whether she won or lost in the game. That she would be important in this Quest. To find the lost Ares child was something she didn't really want to do, but the curiousity was killing her. Curiousity killed the Cat, Her mother had always said. Serena frowned slightly, unknowingly.

She glanced down at her pocket before glancing at everybody. She needed to go back to her single cabin and grab her sword. This should be a blast, She thought, One against the whole camp? Bring it on! Even her own conscious was being sarcastic. She knew this was a bad sign of herself, but perked up.
Jacob must've read Serenity's mind. That was so weird. It just randomly happened at strange moments. He was ready to have some fun and fight people.

"Come on Serenity. You really think you can hold off the entire camp? Give me a brea- oh wait. Actually Percy Jackson held off a legion of souls in Alaska, BEYOND the Gods' reach. So you may have a chance, but we will see." Jacob joked.
Serenity shifted uncomfortably at the mention of her Step-Brother. He had done some incredible stuff, and what has she done? Nothing. She had to do a lot to catch up to his success. "Yeah I Know all about him." She mumbled, as she glanced at Jacob. Then the dawning fact just hit her, "Did you just read my mind..?" She asked, truly befumbled.

Serenity looked down quietly, "I need to get my sword, and Jacob I'll show you what I can do later." She gave him a daring look, along with a heavy smirk before turning her attention back to the other's. Serenity rested her hand's into her pocket. She held the secret there. She smiled gntly, watching everyone else.
Instead of playing the simple game, Celia returned to her cabin to check on some things. As the daughter of the goddess of witchcraft, she would be relied on for most of the magic involved on this quest. She wanted to be prepared. A satchel of cypress branches, moon wart, poppy seeds, and aloe leaves. A clear crystal for direction and a moonstone for Hecate's light. A potion of siren's tears and a vial of mint oil. Lastly, the spell book she'd been reading earlier. She knew not why, but she knew that she would come to need it. Of course, her mother's dagger was always strapped to her hip. Until the day her mother's prophecy came true - and probably past that day - the dagger would not leave her side.
"As a matter of fact, I didn't. So... your 'related' to Percy Jackson?" Jacob asked, quoting the related part of the sentence. That was pretty cool, actually. Though Jacob didn't think they were DIRECTLY related.

"Hell, at least you get some fame out of it. You wouldn't believe how much I was stayed away from, considering that Luke was my cousin. But he's dead, your brother stabbed him in the neck with water. Oh.. right. Sorry. Well let's hope the battle of the game goes over to the water, because then you'd just be amazing. I can imagine it, your just sitting in the water blasting waves at anyone who tried to get you. Brilliant." Jacob laughed.

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