Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

Arkantos bolted out of a tree and landed behind the the serpent and impaled his sword so hard into the creature's back that the serpent let out a high pitched scream before suddenly bursting into golden dust. He looked up at the others, brow raised.

"...'the hell did this come from?" he inquired, pointing at the golden ashes that compiled at his feet, head cocked in wonder.

Victorique paced back and forth, her sword's hilt gripped tightly in her right hand, sometimes swinging it and practicing jabs as she waited for people to sign up for the quest to find Chione.

Mr. Masin let out another yell when his character in Skyrim fell over a cliff and died instantly. He grumbled and set the controller down before walking to the kitchen and opening the large fridge. The Big House was very wide and big on the inside so that he could move around. He grabbed an apple and took a bite, looking out the window as a match of vollyball went on. Cabin Athena and Ares.
Jacob rushed over to Serenity. She looked horrible. As if she got his with a train that had malaria on the front. Then, the Serpent crumbled to ashes, and Jacob grabbed the Daughter of Poseidon. Moments earlier, Jacob had been in the infirmary. Now, it was Serenity, is crush. After setting her down in the bed, the Son of Hermes put a cold wash cloth on Serenity's forehead, and played with her hair. It was so beautiful.

"If only you had more energy. You could have killed the Leviathan, without letting Arkantos stealing the glory for himself. Oh well. You'll be alright." Jacob said sweetly. He continued stroking Serenity's hair.
Arknatos pulled his blade up and observed the slime dripping off. He scowled in disgust.

"Yum..." he murmured and pulled out a rag, carefully cleaning off the mess before glancing around, still wondering where the serpent came from.
All of a sudden the boy ran off from Sky, and she tried to look up to see where he went. "Guys... I'm dying over here..." She muttered with all the strength that she had. Then she felt someone rush past her and Sky rolled over from the wind. She was all alone in the forest, with no help. Her body was still sweating profusely and the water was yards away. It felt as if she was going to die. "Help me," She called softly, but she knew that no one would hear her.
Serenity's eye's fluttered, she tried to sit up, but faile to do so in the process. Her first thought was where she was. The Infurmery, She hadn't really been in her a lot. Other than scrapping her knee at Ten and Being in here with Jacob. It was really quiet, but she glanced over. Jacob was watching her, as she noted that the Child of the Revenge Godess had left. "W-Wht happened?" She managed to call out. "Where's The Serepnt, And tht Girl...." She replied, placing a hand on her temple.

Serenity's body ached, she did use to much power to fight. What about the Quest? She wondered, Will I Be able to try out for the position? This worried her, Serenity hadn't been brave enough to go on one of the past mission's, but today she really felt intwinded to the missio . Like she should be going on this mission, along with the other four who would accompy her.
"Ready to go see Victorique?" Rowen asked. Smiling excitedly she already had her bow over her shoulder. and her quiver on her back. "Augh I suppose so." Toby said rolling his eyes. He tapped his sword at his hip and his wrist attachments. He had made them in the forge a couple years ago. They shot small darts out of them usually they would be covered in poison but today since they were just training there was just small darts. "Good. Cause I was gunna drag you anyways" She said smiling and grabbing him by the wrist. They walked to the Archery Range and saw Victorique stabbing at a target. "Hello were here for the quest!" Rowen said smiling.
Victorique spun around on her heels, gazing at the two demigods with illuminating crimson eyes with intricate splinters of obsidian. Her face was devoid of emotion for a few sluggish seconds before she broke into a wide grin, "greetings, half-bloods. You are the first two to show up. I like that."

The redhead pulled her scarlet braid over her shoulder and glanced around, admiring all the slashed and hacked at dummies, rather satisfied. However, despite this; she would need to order more. She may or may not have ruined their whole stock while she was nervous and impatiently waiting for campers to show. "So I only need two or three more campers and we won't have to do any tests. Hopefully we don't, because I'm very tired..." she mused in a comical lull, her mood rather high today.

Victorique was utterly determined to find Chione, the daughter of Ares and bring her back safe. Most said that she was crazy for trying because it had been years since she was last seen. It was an impossible mission and none of them would come back alive is what they agreed. She refused to believe this, of course. She was the daughter of Victory. She would bring back Chione, dead or alive. Somehow, deep down in the coiling pit of her stomach that churned like a spiraling abyss, Victorique knew that Chione was still alive. She knew it.

Stretching her arms above her head, she looked back at Toby and Rowan, finally realizing she had zoned out for a long time.

"W-What?" she inquired, stammering slightly in embarrassment at the fact that she could have missed a lot of information they had stated. Her cheeks had a light dust of pink and her ears were burning. She glanced down at the floor, carefully scuffing her foot on the ground, waiting to hear what they had to say.
"Well awesome." Toby said smiling. "How are you today Victorique?" Toby was still determined to be friends withe everyone. "I'm gunna practice a bit." Rowen said smiling as she walked over to the least slashed up target and began practicing with her bow. getting close to if not a bullseye everytime.
Serenity tossed her leg's over the side of the bed, as she tossed herself to the floor. Seenity's leg's were shakily trembling. But she managed to hold uner her own wieght. She didn't see why she couldn't have gotten back up. Serenity picked up a glass full of a sweet necter and sipped some down. The God's Drink, she thought as the sweet taste of Mango's danced across her taste bugs. It was the Gingerly memory of her mother and Serenity harvesting their mango farm in Georgia at such a younge age. Serenity valued those memorys.

As the drink's warmness flooded through her body, she felt her energy highten slightly. The shaking had stopped and the pounding in her head had subsidded. Which was a pretty good sign. When Serenity would see him again, she would have to thank the kid for saving her life down by the lake. But Till then, Serenity stepped from the Nursery. Glancing down, she realized her blade had been clipped onto her pant's leg the whole time. Luckily it hadn't cut anyone. Serenity walked off towards The Archery Range.

As She approached, she Noticed Rowan andToby had already arrived. Many of the Manikin's were hacked to piece's by Victorique. Well, She thought, Mental Note. Never Fight with that Girl. This Though Brought a smile apon her face. That and the sight of Some of the Hermes kid's planning a prank on an Ares Girl. That wouldn't end well. "Um, Victorique? I'm Here to join your Quest." She announced, Steping Beside Toby and flashing him a quick smile. Before doing the Same to Rowen.
"I'm well..." she drew out slowly, flicking a piece of red hair out of her eye. The girl placed her sword against a wall and turned back to the campers, noticing that Serenity had joined them. That makes four, including her.

"Wonderful," she replied and stretched, waiting for more.

Callisto walked out of the forest, glancing around Camp Half-Blood with intense enthrall. She missed this place. It had been years since she had last been playing amongst the ranks. The female was adorned in a white chiton with delicate lace overlay. She wore her blonde hair down, despite the two braids pulled to the back of her head, merged together. She wore a circet with a shining blue gem that just dangled against her porcelain forehead.

The huntress held a bow in her right hand and a the quiver idly placed on her back, golden in the light. The glint was almost as atonishing as the band around her right upper arm. She stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the campers. Most paused what they were doing and turned to stare at the new arrival. She gazed down on them with bright blue optics, exhaling softly.

Mr. Masin trotted down from the Big House, calling Callisto's name from afar with a large grin. Her hunters were sticking to the tree line. There had to be about six, not including Callisto. He was so glad to see the huntresses of Artemis. He was forever in their debt for their patron had helped him attain this job.

"Callisto Athans! It has been forever, young one!" he laughed loudly and paused in front of the tall girl, bowing low.

The female offered a genuine smile, flashing her white teeth at the centaur. She was never fond of males, but Mr. Masin was an exception.

"Forever, indeed..." she murmured in a soft accent that rung heavy in the air, smooth as honey.

The huntress turned slowly towards the tree line and spoke soft words in Greek to her companions, willing them to come forward. Many hesitated but a girl with chocolately brown skin moved down the hill and stood behind Callisto and before long, they all gathered in a interesting stance. Females of all shapes colors and patterns. Red hair, black hair, blonde hair. Blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes. Tall and small. Skinny and slightly plump. They all stood before the campers who seemed to gather to witness them.

Victorique froze and lifted a hand to silence everyone and waited a few silent seconds. She broke into a quick smile.

"The huntresses of Artemis have arrived."

Sky energy was slowly rising, but not fast enough. Slowly, she pushed her body up with some energy she had left. Looking around, she tried to spot herbs that she knew would help her grow some strength. There has to be something.... she thought to herself. She did a three sixty and gasped when she saw wolfsbane behind her, only a few yards away. I got this, she told herself. Sky dragged herself over to the flower and plucked it out of the ground. She made it into a fine powder and looked over to the lake, where the lake was, maybe twenty feet away.

Sky stood up and gasped as her feet almost collapsed beneath her own feet. But she continued to walk with the powder in her cupped hands. She would fall, but got back up when she got some more energy back, until she reached the lakes side. Her hands were shaking as she placed her hands into the water, letting it absorb with the wolfsbane dust. Sky chugged the water and felt some of her strength restore. Again, she stood up and began to walk to the edge of the forest, touching tree trunks as she went to try and collect some power. They're testing for the quests today... Sky thought. She continued to walk until the Camp came into view and she reached the Archery Range.

"Thanks for helping me," She grumbled sarcastically when she saw the girl who she had just been fighting the giant Serpent with.
Blonde hair could be seen in the distance as he was maybe four to six hundred feet away. A sweat came across his brow as he sighed out of remorse for the action that was about to be taken. His breathing slowed for just an instance. A slight pluck of a string could be heard through out the air for those with the hearing capability. A small smile came across his face as something shot from the distance. An object had been fired with great velocity and accuracy because the shot was fired from an archer of skill. Not a feeble child who had been given a toy, but a master with his tool of creation that would give birth to a beginning at hand. A flawless piece of art within the making.

The object came into sight before it impacted with the target that was six hundred feet away. It was an arrow and the velocity it had traveled at was almost blinding that the arrow couldn't be seen except just before the impact. Could such a shot be made? Of course. The arrow struck the bulls-eye spot of the target without making a sound. The only sound that could be heard was when it passed by giving off a slight whistle sound as it traveled through the air. This was truly a maginficent shot at hand. Who had such a skill been portrayed by? Answers would truly reveal themselves in just a few moments.

A few moments later, The archer's figure came into sight. It was a young man who held the presence of a teenager. His body was youthful and should be at the age of 17. He wore a suit of leather armor with a hood that came over his head which contained golden blonde hair almost if blessed by the sun. His grey eyes reflected kindness like his soul and his body build was muscular for his age. He looked as if he was out of a book. He had fired the object from his bow typhoon and struck his target with accuracy without breaking concentration. Only a single drop of sweat had touched his brow. A small whistle came out from behind his lips. A merry tune. His name was Leigham Aer and he was the son of Apollo.
Serenity smiled as she glanced around at the group, Toby, Rowan, and Victorique made Four. As Victoriqu spoke, Sereniy couldn't help but smile. Her head still hurt slightly, but just barely. As Serenity began to speak, She raised a hand, that muted her instantly. "The Hunter's of Artemis have arrived." Vicyorique spoke aloud. Her first thought's were Uh Oh. But She didn't really understand why. She knew Percy had, had some trouble with them. But, they wouldn't have a grudge against her right?

Serenity shook the thought away as she glanced around. At the clearing near the wood's she could make out a few figure's. All Female except one. Mr. Masin. Serenity's attention soon caught to Sky, who had remarked an bitter mark towards her. In Which, she didn't quite like. "I Didn't have much of a choice." She mumbled, shifting uncomfortably in her place. "I'm Sorry." She announced, giving her a sorrowful look.
Callisto slowly shut her eyes, lips parted ever so slightly as if she were about to mutter William Shakespeare's sonnet. Her acute ears picked up the whistle of an arrow and the path it made. Perfection. Everything about it. She didn't have to see the archer, nor the shot, nor the target to instantly know this person, this camper was very skilled in the art of archery.

"Mr. Masin, could you show my hunters to their cabin? I must go glance around," she breathed and walked away without awaiting a reply.

The female moved elegently through camp, her chiton ruffling gently in the wind. All campers seemed to stop what they were doing and stare at her. She felt rather uncomfortable and nerved but her composure on the outside was marvellously barren. Callisto walked right by Leigham Are but halted just a few feet away, her spine stiffening. She carefully turned on her heels, gazing at the bow gripped in his hand. This had to be the archer. She observed him, her blonde hair billowing beside her in the wind, lips once again parted in astonishment. He was male. Well, of course he was male. The opposite gender nerved her. She went to speak, her lips closing and then opening. She then glanced at the ground, eyes narrowed. She would allow him to move along without noticing she stopped and turned towards him; watching his every movement. Her fingers tightened around her bow, brows creased together. She lightly bit her lip.

Mr. Masin watched Callisto make her depature, slightly enthralled on where the huntress could be going off to. She clearly sought something or someone. He rolled his shoulders and turned back to the other archers that belonged to Artemis and bite into an apple that seemed to come out of no where.

"Follow me, ladies!" he chirped before taking another bite of his apple, turning around with a thud of his hooves. The centaur then lead them to Cabin Artemis, which seemed vacant and lonely.

"Make yourselves at home," he grinned and then walked off, allowing the archers to move inside.

"I'm just going to wait a few more minutes to see if any more campers show to do the quest. Bare with me..." murmured Victorique, her eyes flickering towards the campers that gathered around her and then at the door. She followed this pattern for two minutes before leaning back against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other.

Sky tried to keep her hazel eyes cold as stone and her face hard, but she remembered that she probably passed out as well. She blinked a few times and opened her mouth. "Sorry... I didn't mean..." She paused for a second. "I thought I was going to die alone without no one knowing," She muttered to herself. Sky didn't like to be alone, it was hard for her to be accepted, even for a demigod. She cleared her throat and quickly looked up at the sky to distract her.

"Anyways, are the Hunters stopping over here?" She asked. Sky had never met any of the Hunters, as she had joined the Camp just a few months before. In fact, the Leviathan was one of her first real experiences of fighting monsters. "I don't know much about them," She muttered. Her normally loud and outgoing spirit was quiet today, as her energy was drained. "But, uh, I've heard the stories, of course," She said, rubbing the back of her neck. Why did she feel so awkward around everyone?
Leigham could feel someone watching him. He continued to whistle a merry tune from his childhood. The melody was quite a soothing one that his mother had played for him when he was just an infant. He looked to see if his arrow had hit its mark. Of course it had. He was an archer and archers never missed their mark if they actually cared for such an art. He took a step forward towards the target. He simply smiled knowing he had caught the attention of someone, but just continued to whistle as he made his way to retrieve his arrow from the mark. In a mere instant, he was halfway down the field. His movements swift and his footsteps soft as if a ghost was traveling across the plains. The soothing whistle was about the only thing that could be heard from this unique individual.

Finally after a few moments, Leigham reached the target at hand. He pulled his arrow out of the target with ease and put his bow on his back and the arrow back in its quiver. He simply laughed for a moment looking around. "This is quite the place." He already caught the attention of others and he love the fact that new people would continue to notice him. He stood at the target for a few more moments, but decided to walk away before he got shot. That would be quite the coincidence he thought. He wandered around the area he had been in. He knew someone was keeping an eye on him and he was biding his time until she approached. The true wits of a marksmen being displayed. Wait on the target to approach then strike. He simply whistled once more adding a few words. His voice calm but melodic and serene like ripples within a pond. "We dance for the fire within, we earn the title given. This is for the ones who help us get here and the ones who made us. This is our beginning." The words trailed off as the melody only continued.
Nathaniel sat at a table in Cabin 6, working on some weapon plans he'd been working on. He wanted to get them done so that the camp could start making them to use for everyone. He'd go show Mr.Masin later!.
"Indeed it is," she finally spoke to the boy, slowly turning on her heels so that her back faced him. Her bright optics narrowed acutely and peered down towards the lake. Her tone was as soft as honey and fleece. She had a soft hint of lemons and the blue gem that hung from her circlet tinkled softly in the silence that followed her quick response.

Alkatine slowly allowed her head to surface the water, webbed ears perked towards the forest as she listened to many campers quarrel. She cocked her head and placed her feet against the ocean floor, digging her blue toe-nailed toes in the sand. Tiny fish nibbled at her legs and feet but she simply ignored until one bit harder than the rest.

"Shoo!" she grumbled and swished her hands through the clear water, making the fish scatter before she directed her eyes towards the distance, down in the bustle of camp. It appeared the hunters were arriving. She smiled softly because she always adored how they dressed. Just like the ancients.
Serenity stood quietly peering ahead, Didn't Something Bad Alway's Happened when They Arrived ? Why Are They Here? These two question's stuck out in her head as she stood there, shifting her wieght onto her two feet. Serenity could smell the sea behind her, which caused her to tense. She would rather be swimming than to meet a few Hunter's.. Serenity pulled her dark hair to the side of her head, it had returned to it's nappy self now that it had dried more. Serenity's Brilliant Green eye's Illuminated her faces Feature's. Hopefully, The Artemis Hunter's Weren't here for trouble.


Cece Paced in the big house, before folowing Mr. Masin out to Greet The Hunter's. She smiled lightly as they each walked away. But They were nothing to worry about. Usially when a group of Demigod's go onto a Quest the Orcale Spit's up some type of prediction for the future, but she hadn't done that. Not in a while. Cece walked back inside, sitting down onto the couch. She relaxed, sittin backwards and glancing around the neatly decorated room.
((I'm sorry that I havent been posting. I'm having a lot of drama at home. I will be back when i move and all of this has subsided. Sorry if i held anyone up.))
Blake grumbled lightly as he heard the commotion outside and even he could guess the hunters were arriving."I don't even like the hunter's...they're so wierd to me.."He thought to himself as he got up and looking up at his father chuckled."Old man you are a showoff..."He imitated what was a laugh and reaching under his bed grabbed his spear.He stuffed the golden weapon into his pocket while it was in the shape of a sword hilt.He walked out of Cabin 1 and looked around then turned and headed for the entry way to the camp as to wait for the hunter's.He passed the group of four and letting his gaze shift from one to the next of them he walked slowly over to a tree and sat,taking out his spear and making sure it was sharp,just in case.
Serenity smiled at group, "I'm Going to Take a walk, I Can't stand Being still for too Long." She chimmed, pushing the hair from her face. Serenity stepped backward's, she walked off. Her sword clipped to her belt, as she paced toward's the entrance. She glanced at the hunter's as they passed by, each dressed uniquly. Serentiy managed a smile, but she still felt uneasy about them being at camp. Maybe they were just passing through, or maybe something else was going on. Either way, She didn't want to get on any of their bad side's, that wouldn't be wise.

Serenity quickly edged away from the girl's as she noticed a kid sitting under a tree. He held a spear and randomly glanced around. Serenity jogged into the forest area and snuck up behind the boy. She smiled lightl as she leaned up against the tree. Thinking of nothing better to say, she gently announced "Sup."
Blake had heard someone approach him and when he heard the gentle 'sup' he turned and stared at her.He stood up,his golden eyes shimmering and he looked over at the hunter's who had just passed and he frowned.He looked back at the girl and using his hands he gestured first to himself,then shook his head,then motioned talking.Over the years he had completely mastered the art of hand signals but just incase he closed his eyes and talked in her mind,"Sorry but I don't talk..yeah kind of a mute soo....yeah."He said and opened his eyes again.
(Shoot, I didn't realize that the actual roleplay had started. Ohwell, my character will randomly poof in. xD )

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