Camp Half-Blood; A New Generation!

(Nothing much, Danichu. Capture the flag is over. Blue team won. Hunters of Artemis appeared. Quest is starting in the battle arena for anyone who wants to join.)
A grin spread over Alex's face at the chatter of the quest that was being started. Alex calmly pushed open the choppy looking red doors of the fifth cabin, giving her second brother, Zeke a glare and together they sprinted off towards the battle arena, while doing so they managed to shove each other into just about every object that they could see; trashcans, trees, cabins, benches, anything.
Lana walked to the battle arena from cabin three, she walked kinda worried, she didn't know why she was so worried though.
Joss and Justice sat in the archery range,Joss pigging out on a bundle of food on his lap while Justice shot A storm of bullets into the targets."So Joss...thing we should join that quest,I mean two children of Apollo would be helpful,maybe.."Justice said as he said down next to his brother and took a piece of candy from the bundle.Joss swallowed the food in his mouth and sighed,his thoughts running through and he shrugged."Sure,but I want that mute umm...whats his name....Blake?"He said and stood,turning and walked off toward the entrance to the camp with his brother in tow.
Lana stopped walking to the battle arena and walked to the lake instead, she had to get away she had to clear her mind, and the best way for her to do that was to be in the water, once she got to the lake she went underwater and just thought. 
Lana stopped walking to the battle arena and walked to the lake instead, she had to get away she had to clear her mind, and the best way for her to do that was to be in the water, once she got to the lake she went underwater and just thought.
Alex crashed into the battle arena with a "AHA!" She pointed to Zeke with a grin, punching him in the arm with a snort, She gazed at the Apollo brothers, before calling out "Hey! You two know anything about the quest that's goin' on?"
Lana came up out of the water, she look around and pulled her up into a ponytail, she stoop up and walked back to her cabin to change
Serenity smiled down at the kid, who was apparently mute. "Oh, You can't talk. That's alrihgt. Many people can't. " Serenity replied, she really didn't know how to deal with somebody like that, but she decided to ignore the fact. The kid already seemed cool. "So, using your hand's, what cabin do you live in. Or are you unclaimed?" She asked the boy, smiling at the group who had gathered around Victorique for the quest. One way or another, she had to get into the thing. "I'm in Cabin Three, by the way. Posideon."
Lana got to her cabin, she changed her clothes, she walks out of her cabin with a Greek ethology book and sat on the ground in front of her cabin, she started reading, she hummed as she was reading.
Joss and Justice stopped ass they heard someone call out to them and they looked back at Alex and shrugged."No not really but that's where we're going ya know."Justice replied and turned,walking close behind his brother as they kept walking.
Blake thought for a second and instead of showing her with his finger he stood and he breathed shallowly as the air around him sparkled and in the sky the thunder and lightning rumble and he called a lightning bolt to his hand and smiled at her."Cool im a child of Zeus."
Elysse shot up out of bed with a bang. She hit her head on the bed above her, scraped her hand on the poster board next to her, and stumbled into the dresser. What a way to wake up late.

Rubbing her eyes with her uninsured hand, she muttered a few choice curses, in English and Greek. She pulled off her top and replaced it with a white shirt and khakis. She threw her spiked cleats on her back and dropped some caldron spikes into her pockets and headed out of the cabin.

"Hello?" She called. 
Tanner woke up just at that moment. Not really woke up, actually, but shook himself from a daze. He must be more tired than he thought... He galloped back to his cabin, a small, fireproof metal shack where he kept some of his stuff. He turned on some folk rock, making sure to keep it low so as not to alert some of the really dangerous monsters in his area.

He took his bow and strung it, and slung his quiver onto his back.

He began running, shooting at various tree limbs until, finally, he ran out of arrows. Peering through the trees, he spotted Zeus's fist. He must have gone farther than he thought...
Sky saw that there were other people at the archery range and decided to go talk to them. She had nothing better to do after all. There were several people there, and none of them she knew. She skipped over to where they were sitting and saw that they were eating some food. "Hi!" Sky said as she stuck out her hand. "My name's Sky," She told them and sat down next to them. "I hope you don't mind me joining you."
Elysse jogged over to the archery range, hearing voices. As she passed by the Demeter cabin, she ignored the gossips of some of the dandelions that had yet to be weeded around the outside of the cabin. She snorted. They were whispering about how one of the Demeter kids was headed to the archery range. Flowers found amazement in the smallest things. She was surprised how much they actually knew.

She spotted the girl as soon as she walked in.

She strode over, bored. "Mind if I join, too?" her voice was sweet, and she tried to suppress the charmspeak that naturally flowed out.
Sky shrugged her shoulders and patter the ground next to her. "Why not?" She asked as she formed a vine in between her fingers and began to play with it, twisting it and letting it grow around her hand. "My name is Sky," She told her and reached out her hand that didn't have vines around it. "Daughter of Demeter. What about you? Or have you not been claimed yet?" She asked.
"Claimed." came Elysse's response. "And I know you. The dandelions love you." She offered a hand. "Elysse. Daughter of... unfortunately, Aphrodite. Any skill with the bow?"

She motioned to the archery range, ignoring the hum of the roses outside the range.
"Sadly, I hear them gossiping about me all the time," Sky smirked and shook Elysse's hand. "Daughter of Aphrodite, you seem nice for being a daughter of Aphrodite," She paused for a moment. "No offense, they just seem... arrogant sometimes." Her freckled cheeks blushed. "Sorry," She said and scratched the back of her head. She then replied to Elysse's other question, "I'm not sure. I tend to stick with plants and my dagger rather than bows and arrows. I'm just here for the quest," She laughed. "Are you any good at it?" She asked.
Elysse laughed. "Of course! And no offense taken.mmy siblings are jerks, mostly. And a bow an arrow?" Elysse took some caltrops out of her pocket and showed them to Sky. "As if! I throw these, maybe plant them to be stepped on. That are poisonous. I can't even handle a sword, let alone a bow and arrow."

Elysse pulled her hair back with a cord quickly. "And quest? I have never been on a quest..." She motioned to the other campers. "Is that what you think they're here for?"
Joss and Justice continued walking till they reached the entrance to the camp and spotted the one named Drake,talking with a camper they had seen many times."Yo Drake can we talk to you?!"Joss called to him and both boys jogged over."Hey Drake we we're wondering if you were gonna go on the quest,because we were and thought you going too would be awesome."Justice asked,his eyes wondering to the thunderbolt that he held and whistled."Woah...a child of Zeus...thats even cooler!!"Joss said and his brother nodded his agreement.
"That's really nifty. I don't think I've ever seen someone use them like that. It's a brilliant idea," Sky commented. She swished her red hair over to one shoulder and began to braid it, occasionally plucking a flower from the ground to put in her hair. "I've never been on a quest either. I would like to try, though." She looked around at the other campers. "Yeah, I think that's why they are here. We are just waiting for someone to start choosing people," Sky said.
Elysse shrugged. "Just what I learned..." she said, smiling, tucking the spikes into her pocket. "Do you think you'll get chosen?" she asked politely. But she was distracted by a pale, blond head that flashed through the trees. Then it was followed by s shout, high-pitched, and some galloping. "Quick! Someone's in trouble!" she gasped, then raced towards the woods, throwing her cleats on her shoes as she ran. She ignored the giggles of some wild roses, mean thorny things that hung out in the edge of the forest.

Tanner didn't mean to startle the kid. He looked like some Iris kid, fairly young. He was patrolling the woods, just seeing what was new, when some kid dropped out of... somewhere. He was pale and disheveled. Or... was he pale?

As he reared, the kid's hair seemed to glow red for a moment, and the skin became darker as if... But no. The kid screamed as he dropped down. "Cool it. I'm not here to hurt you." He offered a hand, forgetting the arrow he held there. There was bright flash, full of colors, and suddenly the arrow was some sort of... crature. Imbued with colors and squirming about with paws. The kid dropped, now officially pale, and he seemed wiped of all color. Even his orange shirt seemed dimmer. Tanner swore, and swung the kid onto his back. He was going to need some medical attention.
"I'm not sure..." Then drifted off as she heard the screams coming from the woods. Sky stood up and ran towards Elysse, wondering what it could be. It was bad enough a Leviathan had attacked her today. No one else should get hurt today. She followed her and looked around, holding out her palms for protection.

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