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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild

SHIRO looked to the young armored girl and rose a brow as she made her introduction. He turned towards her and spoke. " Nice to meet you Lady sunshine." There was a hint of teasing to his voice however it was pretty clear he wasn't going to call her much else at this point. Once the Mage spoke up and got offended Shiro actually chuckled a little. "Don't let a young knight ruffle your feathers old timer." He said despite the fact the Mage didn't look very old at all

He figured fighting against each other was probably not the best course of action considering the situation. He had broken his quiet demeanor to keep the peace. Or at the very least to try anyway.


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Kiervan raised an eyebrow at Blues actions. "Your being cheerful?" He said in a slightly confused tone. "But he's my half dragon friend. Don't let her get to you. Most of seem to be a bit on edge here." He commented trying to help in cooling what could possibly be a rough situation. The archer took out an arrow and started twirling it, giving him something to do to pass the time.

Solana Carstaires

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"If it were flawless it wouldn't have failed so dramatically as to bring you somewhere you didn't want to go" she smiled calmly. "And I don't consider you my elder, your attitude indicates you have the mentality of a moody teenager" she laughed with a large smile. "Say what you will, but my family's honour wouldn't be as easy to taint by being rude to a fool that claims to be better than an archmage yet can't teleport wherever he wants". "Lady sunshine? I like it" she smiled at the one named Shiro, not that it could be seen through her helmet

"I'm not better than an archmage, nor do I think so. And the spell brought me to where I was supposed to be, just near the wrong person." The mage replied in his habitual nonchalant tone, the indifference to the girl tentatively insulting clearly demonstrated.

"Anyway, It's useless to discuss this with someone who has no arcane knowledge, I don't have the time to give pearls to the pigs." He finished with a shrug, returning his gaze to the fairy, apparently recognizing her as the one who's leading, before starting to talk again. "So, Lady Cyan Moonwing, what brings all of us here? What exactly we should do to "help the nature"..? "

Solana Carstaires

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"I know enough of the arcane arts to use magic" she giggled "and if you don't have time to boast why would you randomly teleport here? I dare say you don't even know where "here" is, or our current objective. You haven't been here long enough wizard." Solana sighed. "I apologise, I've been a little angry after the whole "vine" thing, sorry" she said aloud, addressing everyone

"Indeed, I didn't even know that Streolund turned into Kotrolund till a few days ago, has some problem with it?" The mage said in an indifferent tone, his hand gesturing at the girl as if dismissing a servant, without even looking to her while waiting for the fairy to answer his question.
"Precautionary measures ma'lady. I didn't know how well I could trust a person who came her to kill a dragon." Kierva said, putting his hands up in defense. "Never again I promise." He said, making an "X" formation across his chest. "Now, where first? I would like for a decent change of scenery." He said putting the arrow away.

Solana Carstaires

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"I was joking when I said that you know" she giggled, flopping onto her back and resting her aroured arms under her head as she stared above the bright green canopy, the sun's radiance shining down through all the leaves and branches and leaving a small ray of sunlight resting on the image of a sun on her chest. "I am prepared to leave wherever"

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"Right, so we're heading to the mountains first. We're looking for a beast named Shen-Long, who runs the mountains," Lady Cyan explained

"Sounds good. We need to get moving asap."

Lady Cyan floated up to Tefora. "I can't go with you, so I'll keep in touch a different way. Here Tefora." Lady Cyan glowed white and a small orb appeared and when it got to Tefora, she glowed white too and the white orb was absorbed by Tefora.

Tefora turned a front-flip and shifted form to become Lady Cyan. "Thank you, milady," Tefora said, looking exactly like Lady Cyan and brimming with her same magic. "I'll use your abilities well and if you need to use my shell, you're free to at any time." Lady Cyan gave Tefora a piece of her soul so she can shift into Lady Cyan.

Rey's sword glowed white also, then the magic burst, leaving the sword glowing for a moment. "You have our oath. Use our power well." Lady Cyan Disappeared

Rey stepped forward. "Let's get moving. We'll stop at a few cities to get some supplies before going up to the mountains."


@Abdel featherfall



@Zy That Guy
Kiervan got up and cracked his back, then his neck. "Ah, much better. Now then. It has been a while since I have gone on an adventure. As a matter of fact, this one might just be the biggest yet." He started to twist let and right. "The mountains you say. Hmm. Haven't been there in years. Wander how much has changed since then." He looked over the canopy of trees at the mountains in the far off distance. The ridges looking similar to waves on the ocean. "It will be fun to see what's there." 'Maybe.'
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"A city? I don't enter a city since at least 20 years ago..." the mage muttered while following the fairy, clearly talking to himself, his green eyes blazing with a newfound interest in the journey, the clear desire of exploring this world once again burning into his heart.

Solana Carstaires

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"This won't do my reputatiom any good..." Solana groaned. "Me fellow knights already belittle me enough as it is! Being seen with some forest creatures will make me a laughing stick... Besides, it's incredibly dangerous for you all. After all, you are all sought after for monetary value" she mumbled, shuffling up from her spot in the sun and joining the rest

"Ma'lady I do hope you realize that you will have a completely different reputation to uphold by coming with us?" Kiervan stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "You be considered above those knights when all of this is over." Stopping in his tracks so he could wait to walk beside her. "But do they truly belittle royalty?"

Solana Carstaires

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"Royalty? Ha! I'm not even close to royalty! I'm just a noble, like every other knight in the realm" she laughed. "Me... A royal... I gotta admit, maybe a dress would be nice.. A man to whisk me off my feet and tak care of me for the rest of my days, countless servants working for me... boy, that would be great..." She mumbled getting a little lost in thought and not thinking about what she was saying

"You don't necessarily have to be royalty to have all of this, you know..?" Sigmund muttered, clearly interested in the conversation.

"Even a High Noble or a Court Magician would easily have this kind of life, maybe even a little more." Sigmund said after a little time thinking, clearly trying to remember something, his pale green eyes suddenly losing focus.
They made their way out of the forest, Tefora following close behind Rey. "Ok, so it's quite the trip to the mountains, but the bigger challenge is hiking those mountains." Shen-Long was in those mountains and they had to find him no matter what.

"Does anyone have any reason to go to their residence? Weapons? Rations? Recruits?"
Blue shook his head after having stood quietly listening for the majority of the conversation. His hood and mask were pulled up and he looked ready to go. " I don't have any residences but I have a safe house in the mountains we can stop at." He said simply before crossing his arms looking between everybody.

His bright blue eyes scanning everyone for a reaction as he waited for a decision to be made to go now or in a little while. He was clearly ready to get going.
"I don't need anything that Isn't already with me" the mage said with a shrug, his green eyes gazing at the fairy while imersed into his own toughts, clearly not paying full attention to her words.
"Well, if we have reason to need to camp for the night I would say using a safe house would be a smarter idea then camping out in the wide open. With a one entrance area, it is quite safer than being outside where we could get ambushed at any given moment." Kiervan said trying to sound smarter than he looked. he liked to think he was rather intelligent, though most didn't give him the credit for it.

Solana Carstaires

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"I'll be grand" she smiled while pulling her helmet off her head once more. "I've never been hiking before, but it must be good because it gets me closer to the sun!" She laughed, motivated for the trial ahead. Her yellow hair bobbing as she walked, each step resulting in the chinking of her armour

"Seems legit," Rey said. They'd take on a hotel for the night and proceed in the morning. The only goal was to get to the city closest to the mountains in question.

"We're looking at quite a trip."

Tefora shifted into Lady Cyan and took on her voice. "Now listen up. We need to keep our profile low, so no talking about the trip in question. If people find out we're looking for Shen-Long, we'll have the Ravens on our tails. Those mountains are no joke. Harsh weather nearly all the time. If you're not equipped with fire magic or really thick attire, you will freeze to death before making it anywhere near the top. On top of that, there are animals residing in those mountains you don't want to be fighting."




@Abdel featherfall


Meanwhile, back in the Harwood Citadel (the Red Queen's Castle) a group of men suddenly appeared dressed in the Crest of the Red Ravens. These were the same men that attacked the group in the forest. The group that fell victim to the infamous Fairy Ring Spell. Something was off about these men. They were confused, about their attire, about the others around them, about where they were.

One of the higher-ups approached the leader. "Oi! Did you complete the mission?"

The men started chattering, confused. The leader of the men, who didn't know he was the leader, was incredibly confused. "What mission? Who are you and where am I? Who are these men?"

It threw the higher-up off. "The hell do you mean? What's the matter with you?" He drew his sword. "Stop yanking my chain! I don't have time for these games!!"

The man put his hands up. "I swear I have no idea what the hell you're talking about." The men in his group were equally confused and some were scared


"It seems those little butterflies pulled a fast one on these idiots." A woman walked into the room, dressed in elegant red robes. The man who confronted the leader bowed, while the rest stayed put, looking confused. The woman's mere presence put fear into the men standing before her. Some bowed and some were too confused on what to do.

"What do you mean, my Queen?"

"For an adviser, you're painfully ignorant......Fairy Ring," she said. "They sent them to another place and wiped their memories before returning them."

"We have to get those memories back then!"

"Hush, Ronan, and do your research," she chastised him, to where he shrunk back. "Their memories aren't sealed. They're wiped. Completely. They're not getting them back. How they managed to trap 30 men is beyond me, but send someone to the scene to find out."

Ronan nodded and stood up. "Yes, my liege," he said before taking his leave.

"The rest of you get out of my sight," she said. The confused men all scrambled to leave the room. The Queen sighed. She was surrounded by idiots
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