C.C. - Out of Character Chat

@Picklesoldier, I think the place where you can come in is with the U.S. army and a part of the Crimson Canines about to engage the Russian and Brittania fleets in space. Our mothership, the U.S. Imperial has been sabotaged and there have already been mass casualty incidents in many cities inside. She's travelling slowly, heading towards earth for an emergency landing. She's like more than a thousand miles away, so this space battle will last for like probably three hours in RP time.

This is the beginning of war already. Russia and Brittania have allied together and their aim is to destroy the U.S. Imperial. I'm waiting for @tammynorthland, he's going to post a little mission during the fighting . @Abdel featherfall

 @tammynorthland, you want to be the game master for your mission?
Okay so who won the race? The dice roll was too ambiguous to know.

@Zer0  and i wil stop the pm's from now on. 

The dice result was 8. If you want you can just roll an online dice and see if you got higher than me. I used a ten-sided dice. Otherwise we can jut say it's a tie or something.
I'm not gonna be posting for the next two days because I'm not gonna have Wi-Fi. Just giving you a heads-up.

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Ok @Zer0wants me to lead the spacefronto battle in terms of gming. He will be guiding me on some aspects. But I just wanted to let everyone know I'll be posting a massive post tonight. Take your time reading. Mostly action hahahaha
x10 for the shotgun plus ordinary ammo. For the stick, is it like a bomb? If yes x8. If as strong as an RPG x3, if like a rifle x15.


Also, you get to have up to five passive features since that's how many you had before right? Or is your CS not updated? I feel like it's supposed to have six instead of five.
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@Zer0 It was only five. BUt Id rather start like how I did with Jace. Also the stick is basically a home made frag grenade.

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