C.C. - Out of Character Chat

@CkSmalling, oh yeah. You can visit Excidium. He'll still be in the Barrigith Mountains on your current timeline. Just edit your post and I'll reply tomorrow. The Barrigith would be occupied by Crimson Canines soldiers. Excidium's presence is still a secret, although rumors have been spreading that some secret weapon was being constructed in the Barrigith.
I posted last after we got the two scientists. So i am waiting for your post. You better not kill Assassin. I will catch a plane and punch you in the face.

And Major Connor McKinley has been updated.

Robo-bits is good, You get x3 grenades for the grenade launcher too. You don't want to add two more properties to it yet?

x12 for the thermo knuckles, or are they missiles and not melee weapons? If missiles, then yeah, x5.
Just melee. And I was thinking that the grenades would just carry over to the grenade launcher. And i didn't know I could add two properties to it.
Just melee. And I was thinking that the grenades would just carry over to the grenade launcher. And i didn't know I could add two properties to it.

Yeah, your other grenades carry over the grenade launcher too, you just have x3 default grenades just as Assassin Marmot has x3 mortars to her mortar launcher. You picked the +1 chimaera property, right? So all your chimaeras have 3 properties now.
@Beowulf, @CkSmalling, @Orpheus, here is the Kaiju CS. And Ima' check Connor tomorrow.


*Four words only or less. During missions, pick either your mech or your Kaiju to bring together with your character. In some missions that I GM, I will not be allowing Kaijus if they're going to ruin the plot.

Species (optional):
*Four words only or less. For combat gameplay, the Kaiju will be similar to a tank. A tough, powerful siege weapon that can easily be swarmed by the speedier and agile mechs. A kaiju would require a mech company guard so that it wouldn't be neutralized quickly just as Godzilla was put to sleep after a single Zzz bomb from Artemis' Dynasty Scarab.

Size category:
*Either huge, gargantuan or colossal. The smaller the kaiju, the weaker but faster it is. The bigger, the tougher and stronger. If you like, you can have your Kaiju still in the growing stage, so it can be just huge for now. A huge Kaiju is like a mech that cannot fly. Gagantuan and colossal kaijus instantly kill humans not in mechs.

Special Attributes:
*Four words or less. These are body parts or the physiological composition of a kaiju that give it a unique edge. All start with four for now.

[SIZE= 18px]A[/SIZE]ll Kaijus can see in the dark, and can stay underwater for as long as three hours at a time before swimming up to breathe. A full grown colossal Kaiju has the default toughness and strength of the monsters you see in the media, they can push down skyscrapers as easily as a man pushing down a standing boulder. Against a titan, four Kaijus have a chance against it. It will be like four lions against a mammoth. Not accepting flying, gliding, nor floating Kaijus.


1. Knife Head - a piercing charge from this Kaiju can impale a target.

2. Tough hide - tougher defense. Just like mechs, the defense can stack if you add another defense property.

3. Acid spit - melts metal. Only mechs with three chassis armor upgrades, or two acid resistance, or a shield with consumable charges, can last long against this.

4. Breath of Fire - not as effective as acid, but more destructive to infantry. Can still instantly incinerate mechs with no defensive property. This is liquid fire that sticks and burns.

5. Strength - stronger than usual. Like that gorilla kaiju in Pacific Rim.

6. EMP Shockwave - watch out for friendly fire. Can shut down friendly mechs and a city, requiring at least an hour for both to re-boot and become functional again. Doesn't work if a mech is resistant to electrical attacks.

7. Poison Resistance

8. Sleep Resistance

9. Shock Resistance - your kaiju can only have one type of resistance at a time. This doesn't make them immune, it just means that, let's say for Shock Resistance, electrical attacks aren't effective. But if six mechs decide to instantaneously fire six shocking mech bombs at once, the Kaiju will get shocked. The resistance stacks too, just like the defense.

10. Doesn't eat much - your Kaiju will not take a heavy toll on the Crimson Canines resources.

*Not allowing magic-like abilities. I suggest checking out "Pacific Rim" and Godzilla.





Kaiju Description:

*How it fights in battle and any other tidbit you'd like to add. Your Kaijus are still babies for now, but after the time skip, they'll be like adolescents. This doesn't affect the size category you choose for them, but the maximum size of a Kaiju will always be "Colossal size".

*By default, you and your Kaiju will be given paired neural implants that will give you an empathic link with your Kaiju within ten miles. With this, you can call your Kaiju to you and know how it's feeling --- not thinking --- like it's hungry, scared, or bored. But you will not know what it's scared of. NO mind reading nor sharing of senses. The Kaiju will know what you're feeling too and can hear your physical voice like when using comms. This is an electrical link, and any EMP or signal jamming device will cut the connection and you will lose control of your Kaiju. Control will be taken over by the GM. The Kaiju will continue doing its last given command until it is through, or is too hurt, hungry, or exhausted to continue.

A kaiju when idle will automatically return to motherbase or the last location where it saw its keeper through the quickest path. When it comes to intelligence, they are as intelligent as babies and dogs, which isn't much, so they must be commanded. For now, not allowing a higher tier of intelligence. A kill switch is also placed inside them that will allow higher ranking officers to kill the kaiju in case it goes rogue. The general attitude of the public towards them will be that of fear and worry, and those who control them will be seen as men beyond men for being able to command such ginormous mighty beasts.

You will also have a place six miles outside of the Crimson Canines motherbase where your Kaiju sleeps.
I waaaaasplanning something in TRK but so far there's been inactivity. I might migrate the plot here. Truth be told I found it hard being on 2 rps and juggling life. So yes all good
Let me focus on my cs.I just realized that my character has no face(how dare they do that). I will post once i am through with it.

Hahahahaha no fucking kidding. @Zer0

I'm gonna god mod you guys just a teeny tiny bit also just so we are all sitting now shina has to open up to 2 fucking asshole

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