C.C. - Out of Character Chat

We can work on that together for the main story part where I'm the GM. Just tell message me how long you'll be out beforehand so that I can work out the story in such a way that I can freeze your side for at most one or two days. It'll depend on the situation. Fight scenes and other scenes where something's rushed can be frozen for up to one entire day on your character's end, while if we're doing nothing and just having some character development, you can be absent for like two to three days.

what is the next mission going to be?
ok cool no worries i wanted to know because depending on the arc id be keeping up with 2 post in one rp which isnt to hard but i jsut dont wanna fall behind but if needed ill sacrifice post length for the sake of posting i just tend to like longer posts
ok cool no worries i wanted to know because depending on the arc id be keeping up with 2 post in one rp which isnt to hard but i jsut dont wanna fall behind but if needed ill sacrifice post length for the sake of posting i just tend to like longer posts

I like longer posts too.
@tammynorthland, Alerius wasn't on the hovertruck. He attacked the hovercar holding Mr. and Mrs. Romanov. The truck, the second hovercar, and the five remaining bikers went pass the crash and are now on the highway.

The convoy still has Mr. McKinley inside the truck's cargo hold, and Mrs. McKinley inside the last hovercar. They are getting away. Husky already arrived and cuffed the foe and are tending to the wounded. He was already talking about deploying both your mechs to catch up with them, though you can still catch up using the one hoverbike you have since the truck is kind of slower.

@Abdel featherfall

Husky and his boys finally caught up and immediately tended to the wounded and cuffed the conscious foe.

"The convoy's too far for us to catch up." said Husky. "We're deploying the mechs."
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ok i think i fixed everything i didnt know husky was already at the scene but i asked husky a question whenever you wanna reply hopefull soon ive been on all night and no action in any rp
@Abdel featherfall, by the way, all mechs can fly by default. Just not faster than jet-type military hovercrafts or military spaceships.

Oh! Ah well I'll just say he's not because he doesn't want to expose himself to arial attack more than he already is due to his light armoring. And or doesn't wanna limit his mobility  to defend against ground fire for a similar reason.
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you wanna reply in the main story arc or wait a bit longer?? @Zer0

I can reply on your character's end if you wish, but make a move on the enemies. For this boss battle with the mech, I'll be applying the combat rules where I control the enemy and decide whether your attacks hit or not based on your character's passive features, gear, mech armaments and chassis.
holy fuck so we have to fight that mech?? I can write and do a first strike post on it. basically you want all my strikes and shots to be written open ended to see whether or not they will make contact??

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holy fuck so we have to fight that mech?? I can write and do a first strike post on it. basically you want all my strikes and shots to be written open ended to see whether or not they will make contact??

Yeah, don't worry, it's how I've always run battles in this RP and I haven't had a complaint where my logic lost. As long as you fight smart with what you've got you'll be fine. The only times someone got incapacitated or mortally wounded was when they made bad decisions after being presented the situation. Like that one time I had this one player throw a grenade in a hallway surrounded by enemies. He got shot by more than fifteen SMGs, he would've automatically died, but he was a new player, so he just got incapacitated.

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