C.C. - Out of Character Chat

@Abdel featherfall@tammynorthland @LordPicklesworth, for your end of the story I'm going to wait until tomorrow (about 20 hours) until all clarifications are settled before replying.

I need to know which soldier Shina shot and if LordPicklesworth will edit his post. Otherwise I will take the post as it is and roll a dice to see if it was the soldier with Alerius or the soldier that saw Vicktor choke the guy that got killed by Shina.
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I am ginger to let you decide which enemy I shot @Zer0 that way you can manage the fluidity of the battle. I don't wanna kill a different guy and your like oh change kills lol 
Question before I post. How tall is the building we are on?

I ask because Alerius has those serious impact dampeners on his exo suit.

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@tammynorthland, oh and by the way if you just drop the sniper rifle, like hide it somewhere (it's not going to fit in your MOLLE), and take one of the chimaeras of the bodies that got taken down during the ambush attack, you can blend in since you have a flesh mask and are wearing a Brittannia suit. The only way you'll get caught is if someone finds out you weren't assigned to a specific security detail like Alerius.
I have a question for you guys, shall the fight in Thanatos lair be our final battle that decides the fate of humankind and after that is the epilogue or the finish line to the main campaign? Or do you guys want a battle involving armies to decide it instead? If you choose the army option, do you guys want to have a session (will span about 2 to 3 months in RP time, probably just one to two weeks in real time) where you guys can free roam and accomplish whatever personal goal your character wants to accomplish?

@tammynorthland, @CkSmalling@Abdel featherfall, @Beowulf, @LordPicklesworth
hmmmmmmmm @Zer0 pros ad cons? Shina is only SMG armed right now

If the lair shall be the final battle, the cons are: there won't be an army fight, but just us in mechs (I'll find a way to get us into mechs later), and when it's done, it's the epilogue and the end of the main Crimson Canines campaign. For pros, we have finished the campaign?

If you guys choose army, the cons are: well, I'm gonna' make the story in such a way that we're going to have to have an army fight. The pros, army battle is cool and epic?
I should post before you move this along and I miss my chance for Connor to be a secret agent man. Well, up until the point he starts shooting people, then it'll be less of a secret agent man and more along the lines of just an agent man.

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