C.C. - Out of Character Chat

i havent dropped out just busy how should i add my chara into the nect mission or should i just wait until you finish?? @Zer0

Just come into Mecha Hangar 18 for the mission. Oh yeah, Harley, we're almost at the end of Crimson Canines. I think just this and one more mission left, though that might change depending on what the players do, so do all you wanna' do with Shina's character development.
@tammynorthland, but you guys can still go on. I won't close the RP, it's just the end of the campaign. The Crimson Canines world will always be open, I just won't GM anymore when the end is accomplished.
Do you mind if I ask why your taking such a long break? @Zer0

I don't mind. I want to be a player in someone else's campaign and be surprised and be able to compete. As a GM, I cannot be surprised since I know the end and I can't compete since I have the final word on everything. Being a GM is also a lot of work with all the thinking. I want the responsibility of a GM off my hands and relax for a bit before making another hosted project.

And for a long time I have always wanted to GM another campaign related to a zombie apocalypse, or werewolves/wolf pack + ragnarok, or a slice-of-life café/ Ghibli/ Harvest Moon RP, but I can't do that and also do well at Crimson Canines at the same time. I tried it, and it took too much of my time.

So, yeah, I'm taking a long break to relax. And I won't GM anymore after the epilogue of this campaign so that I can focus on a new hosted project after I've had my fill of being a player again.
Well for what it's worth we are looking for another great writer in our zombie rp I'm gming with 2 other gms. It honestly made the rp so much more smooth and efficient once I joined as gm. 

I understand where your coming from we take our rp a little slower but now that I joined it's been moving really fast.  We have about 5 arcs planned then after that who knows what might hapoen. It's easier said than done but we'd love to have you. Think about it lemme know pm me if you'd wish your always welcome to join then when your done kill your Chara in a unique brutal way. A lot of players have came and gone since the rp begun. None the less I agree where your coming from perhaps the rp will just adapt without your command and move in cool unique ways with everyone's ideas @Zer0
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Well for what it's worth we are looking for another great writer in our zombie rp I'm gming with 2 other gms. It honestly made the rp so much more smooth and efficient once I joined as gm. 

I understand where your coming from we take our rp a little slower but now that I joined it's been moving really fast.  We have about 5 arcs planned then after that who knows what might hapoen. It's easier said than done but we'd love to have you. Think about it lemme know pm me if you'd wish your always welcome to join then when your done kill your Chara in a unique brutal way. A lot of players have came and gone since the rp begun. None the less I agree where your coming from perhaps the rp will just adapt without your command and move in cool unique ways with everyone's ideas @Zer0

Yeah. And thanks for the invite, Tammy, ima' check it out after the end. Could you pm me the link?
I added a new character in my old character sheet. Wanted you to give it the okay first


For your new character she gets six passive features instead of just three. Her military rank can either be the same as your first character's or lower.

x8 bricks (nice name) I also assume this is remote detonated? If yes, please write it down; For the grenade launcher please specify the one type of default explosive it currently uses. It can fire all types of grenades, but I just need to know what type of grenade its got right now.

For NERD!, please pick one area of expertise. You want tactics? Something science related? Engineering? or something related to hacking?

For the mech:

x4 for Hornet's Nest if it's special property is a very wide area of attack as if it was a swarm of hornets. x6 if its just normal.

x6 bullets for the recoilless artillery rifle.

x3 flares.
Should be good now.


For Engineering in "NERD!", please make it specific. You mean mecha engineering?

Field mechanic is good, but you need an engineer's suit for complex repairs, or a repair kit in the MOLLE for minor repairs only.

For "Super Focused", does this mean increased accuracy? Or just, not losing concentration when under fire?

For "Light Footed" pick either speed or stealth.

Mech's all good.

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