C.C. - Out of Character Chat

@Zer0 i just dont want overpowered charas wrecking through missions and having to get creative as to why our 600 troops couldnt come and help us if we commanded so many you know?
@Zer0 i just dont want overpowered charas wrecking through missions and having to get creative as to why our 600 troops couldnt come and help us if we commanded so many you know?

Same here. That's why I control success and enemies. All that creativity, teamwork and challenge is more entertaining.
i also personally enjoy the dice throwing to make chance a little more noticable so one chara doesnt feel oerpowered. In the zombie rp i manage most the characters can control enemies within reason and within control however there are aspects i control overall in the rp like timelines and enemy attacks but once they attack i trust the rpers to act fairly but i will be stealing the die idea to make shit more fair. Then on top of that there are 2 other gms. But right now im the only gm since one went through a tough breakup and cant handle life right now and the other is on vacation @Zer0
@tammynorthland (nods) I also like the dice rolling. Gives me a thrill. I rolled the dice to see which NPC's survived the Thanatos Emergence and (sigh) the results hurt, but it's okay. It's part of character development and the whole campaign. I mean, if that happened in real life you can't control which of your friends die or survive. The results makes the whole situation with Thanatos more real.

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