C.C. - Out of Character Chat


Can I bring both my mech and Minos to this fight?

And @everybody, who wants to help me fight off three Kaiju and defend the Dragon Turtle? At least one of them, I'm pretty sure to though, Connor and Minos have met in the past.

Can I bring both my mech and Minos to this fight?

And @everybody, who wants to help me fight off three Kaiju and defend the Dragon Turtle? At least one of them, I'm pretty sure to though, Connor and Minos have met in the past.

You still need backup in defending the Dragon Turtle?
And i was ready to send backup. Guess i will deploy my people elsewhere.

no what i meant was i will destroy the battleship but not quite yet. I want to pace the battle fairly cuz this final mission has alooooot going on but my next post will probably be like.....2000 words or so ill be able to get alot done in that time 

no what i meant was i will destroy the battleship but not quite yet. I want to pace the battle fairly cuz this final mission has alooooot going on but my next post will probably be like.....2000 words or so ill be able to get alot done in that time 


2000 words? Should i grab a bag of popcorn every time you post?
@CkSmalling hell ya thank you I try to continuously fuck shit up for all the players while making their escapes and battles almost end in fatal decisions. Thus the destruction plot of galantis. My goal is to make it end badly but not to bad as we still have 3 other ships to destroy
I havw noticed that about your writing. Leaving us in a suspense as we read. Did they survive? What happened? I can never match your writing skills thats for sure @tammynorthland

@Zer0 where are the mission rewards at? I want to update my cs once my afternoon cat is done. 

Yea generally that's my goal. I just don't like leaving characters in the dark but I want suspense it is an rp about war and death and fighting so why make every fight even matched ya know? It makes it more fun when the players don't know what's gonna happen right away.

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