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Business Of It's Own

Nick had been driving for at least a day and half by now. He had to drive straight through as the matter he was investigating was an urgent one. He was tired from staring at the pavement of the road all night. As he tried to perk himself up, he glanced at the file that was laying on the passenger side of his car. The file, labeled Classified, was the matter he was investigating. Papers in the file were targeted suspects of the kidnapping that had happened four days ago. The college prodigy, who's name was Jesse Everns, was last seen around 3:54 Pm last week Thursday at the campus. Other then that, her whereabouts were unknown. Nicholas looked up at the road again, realizing that his eyes had been off the road to long.

Passing a sign that said 'Havenport Next Exit' he sighed happily upon finally reaching his destination. Taking the exit he found himself in yet another unfamiliar place. He had no idea where the police station was, let alone what roads to take. He needed to get the police departments ok to search the town. Not that he didn't have that authority already, but he always got the police deparment's approval before he went investigating into what ever the FBIS had him probing into. He was polite that way, plus he had no idea where things were in town, so he needed a guide to help him around.

Deciding to wander the town rather then ask directions to the police station, he started taking turn after turn, aimlessly wandering around in his red pick-up truck. As he was about to give up his search and just ask directions, when he stumbled upon the brick building with the sign Havenport Police Department. Pulling over to the side of the road that had parking spaces, Nick turned the ignition key in the off position and sat in the car for a moment. He gathered his thoughts and grabbed his file, opening his door to his car he stepped out. Closing the door and looking both ways before crossing the street, he waited for a moment as his glasses tinted to help shade his eyes from the sun. Nicholas walked across the road and up to the steps of police station.
“Damn, Harper! What the hell is in those things?” Captain Marshal spit out in disgust, as Kira Harper gathered up her supplies. She’d just finished a protective barrier spell for the station’s entrances/exits. It was a monthly recurrence in Havenport, these days. Not only had the crime ratio gone up, but supernatural populations were on the rise. Most of the police task-force were human, though. They had a special unit devoted to training supernaturals to help fight off the bad guys. “Sorry, Cap!” Kira said, whimsically, as she grabbed a pen from the Captain’s desk. “You see, that’s not my fault. None of the ingredients I used for my spell would have that smell, but this..” She bent down, and with the pen she plopped a small pixie out of a hiding area. It was dead. “This little twat was stuck in the piping of the door. Not a bad hiding spot, honestly. Probably a fly on the wall , if you get my drift.” She smirked, pleased with her finding.

Captain Marshal looked like he’d seen a ghost. At fifty-five years of age, Captain Charles Marshal was about due for retirement. He was part of the 25% of the population of Havenport, that wasn’t of supernatural descent. He was a true-to-form blue collared police officer, though. Kira admired that. “It’s alright, Cap. They’ve a short life expectancy anyways.” She said, as she flicked the dead pixie off the end of her pen. She heard him grunt. “Whatever, Harper. Just get your ass back in here. We’ve got files to sort.”

Kira had been on the task force since she was eighteen. Havenport was her home, and she loved the atmosphere and general populace. She was a witch, who could sometimes talk to the dead. It wasn’t easy living her life, but she made the best of it. Often people thought she was a wee-bit crazy, and in fact--she was. It wasn’t easy to talk to dead people, and not be a little loose in the head.

She’d helped the police department when she was sixteen, though. That was how she figured out she wanted to be an officer when she graduated high school. One of her relatives had been murdered, and had shown her things that...couldn’t be found through normal means. When Captain had got his hands on her, he knew he had a lucky charm.

Havenport is a town that used to considered a safe-haven for supernatural beings, a lot of them blended in easily. You had your night-owls, mostly vampires and some semi-behaved ghouls. You have your day-shift workers, your warlocks and witches, fae, and the occasional grouch of a werewolf. You even had your weird ones, the harpies, sirens, trolls, etc. There was a pleasant mix of about everything here, and because it was important to “blend in”, most of the 25% of normal civilized humans, had no idea they were outnumbered. Nowadays, the humans are starting to question things--especially with the kidnappings and murders happening. . .

“That kids gonna bring the FBI in our doorway, you know that, don’t you?” Kira flopped down at her desk, whereas Captain stood and cracked his back once or twice. “Yeah, well--it’s best we get together what we got on the kid’s missing, before they even show up. At least show them we’re competent in our work.” Kira went to say something sassy in reply, but stopped as the sage from the doorway became overwhelming in smell. “We have a visitor..” She said, curiously. “Not dangerous, though. Wouldn’t be able to get in if it had ill-intentions…”

As the man entered the station, Kira sized him up with scrutiny. “Looks like we’re a bunch of incompetent bastards anyways, Cap. That lad right there has to be with the Feds.” Captain Marshal cursed at Kira, making her snicker in mischief. “Well, come on in lad. How can we help yah?”
Nick walked through the door to find himself in what seemed like an awkward conversation between a women and her boss. As the warlock crossed through the frame of the door, he could smell an odor. It wasn't an unpleasant odor, but it wasn't the most good smelling either. A spell perhaps? To keep evil spirits out? Or evil beings? Either way, it was a useful trick. Nick himself hadn't learned anything of the like, in his time. Maybe when he retired, if he retired. He was already twice as old as most humans. Being a warlock gained him such an evil lifespan. He hated it, but he had come to learn to accept it as well. The smell of sage turned his attention back to the two humans in the room. Sage, ah yes, that was the word. Someone had used sage. And from the smell of it, it was quite a recent use too. One of them had to be witch. There were only two people in the police building, at least that Nick could see.

He looked to the older man. Nick closed his eyes and instantly noticed both auras of the people near him. The women was harder to read. Maybe she was the witch? Nick always had a hard time reading the aura's of witches. But he wasn't about to place that on the women, nor bring it up to her in case she wasn't. But the older man, he could read. And read easily. He was definitely human. Humans were easy for Nick to read. It only took a fraction of 30 seconds to read the man. Nick may have looked silly with his eyes closed, but he would just pass it off with his glasses, which hadn't even tinted back to their normal, clear self. The older man, who Nick assumed to be the Chief of place, was at current, annoyed. Nick also hinted a bit of fear emanating from the man. He opened his eyes, his glasses had adjusted themselves and so the federal agent pushed aside the feelings that the warlock had read and proceed with the task that the government had given him.

"Nicholas Reeds. FBIS. I'm here on the case of Jesse Everns. Have any files or people who last saw her that I could talk too?" He asked more bluntly then usual. He raised the file that said classified on it, and set it down on the table in from of the women. He had a habit of going all business when the situation was up for it. But currently, he just wanted to get in and get out. He was hungry and very tired. He wanted to get food, find a hotel, and take a nap. But, as always, business came first. Of course, he didn't need the files that he was asking for, he had them in his hand. But any extra information that they might provide would be helpful. He could also probably ask for if one of them could be his guide for a while. He didn't the place and it took him nearly 20 minutes of aimless wandering to find the police station. He wasn't about to do the same thing looking for a hotel and food.
Kira lounged back in her office chair, and clicked her tongue a few times. She narrowed her eyes at the newcomer with a non-so-subtle look of scrutiny. “You’re not exactly what I was expecting, but welcome to Havenport.” Captain Marshal growled at Kira’s inability to keep her mouth shut, and rounded the desk to shake the hand of the federal agent. “I’m the Captain ‘round here. If you need anything just let me know.” He said, stiffly, as he motioned to his own desk and then to Kira’s. “You’re welcome to anything we got, but it’s not much..” He rubbed his growling stomach, and gave Kira a look. “Officer Harper can help yah out till I get some food in me. Nelly’s been on my ass about losing some pounds, but a guys gotta eat.” He chuckled, before walking out the side door to the mess room.

On the desks were multiple files labeled “J. Everns”. Kira watched Nicholas as he held the confidential file. “I’m Kira. You go by Reed? Nick? Nicky?” She asked, before bouncing up from her lounge and pushing all the files she had towards him. “We’ve got a few onlookers, but honestly--we’re dealing with dealers and cracks.” Kira piped, with a snort. “Honestly, it’s like the gal vanished outta nowhere--but that’s really not an uncommon thing right now. We’ve been dealing with a few vanishing folks lately, but because the Everns are a notable name ‘round these parts--we got publicity on it.”

She tucked a stray piece of of her black hair, sighing in great desperation. “You’re welcome to interview them all on your own, if you want.” She stood and grabbed the files from Cap’s desk, and handed them to Nicholas, as well. “All I can say, is that she is alive.” Kira knew this sounded a bit odd, but she knew it was true. Jessie hadn’t visited her yet, and normally all the dead in the area did. Kira had a feeling she was still there, somewhere, and close. “Don’t ask me how. I’m just good at knowing things like that.” She winked at him, and then sat her hands on her hips. “You just let me know how I can help you, and we’ll be good to go.”
Nick tipped his head sideways a little bit, curious as to what the young woman meant. Maybe he'd ask later what she meant. He turned his attention to the Captain and shook his hand. He nodded his head, drawing a small smile to his lips in the process. He thanked the Captain for what they had on Jesse Everns. As the man walked away, Nick turned his attention to the women. Kira, was her name.

"Never. Call me Nicky." He stated with a hint of annoyance, "Nick will do just fine." He politely took the files from Kira's hands and shuffled through them quickly, judging which ones might be of most importance, and which ones he could ignore. He had tuned out the women's voice as he looked through the files but at Kira's mention that "She just knew Jesse was alive" he perked up and looked at her.

"You are a witch, aren't you?" He said. "I've only met a few, but they all say similar things. It's there way of 'staying normal.' " He gave a small smile at the thought that the person he would be working with, held a common theme in the respect that they were both supernaturals. But the mood soon shifted as Nick realized how hungry he was.

"Know any good places to eat? I could really use some food. I'm starving." He said as he tucked the files under his arm and pulled out his flip phone. He didn't care much for the fancy technology that had nearly thrown itself onto humanity. Or rather Humanity onto technology. Nick didn't need a smart phone. Nick preferred simplicity over the latest fashion phone. He began to text his boss a short message that read: FBIS Agent Reeds - HP Dest. Reached. His boss liked to know when his agents arrived at their destinations. He liked to keep track of them that way. He shoved the crimson red phone back in his pocket, hoping that the phone would stay quiet like it had the drive down. Pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose, he flashed his green eyes to the officer and began to wonder what she knew about the town here. If she knew the people, where they lived and such. It would be helpful, not necessary, but very helpful. And Nick didn't need any more attention then he was already getting. His long dirty-blonde hair, black beard, and green eyes already got him stares. That plus he was an outsider, he was new to the town. And with a town this small, he was sure that word got around rather quickly.
Kira didn’t bat a lash, as Nick caught on to her wording. “Yeah. I am.” She smiled, bobbed her head. “It’s not easy trying to find a normality in seeing and talking to the dead.” She shook her brunette locks out of the ponytail she’d had it in, before combing her fingers through it and putting it back up into a tighter hold. “There is a small coven here in town, but honestly--they take up most of the retirement home. A lot of the younger ones left when they became of age. There isn’t really much for witches here, except trouble.” Kira frowned. It was the truth, too. There was infinite opportunities for witches and warlocks outside of this small haven, so most ventured off quickly. Kira, however, always felt loyalty here--and not to mention, her ghosts never let her stray very far here. She couldn’t imagine the overwhelming headaches of living in a large city, with a gift like her own. It would be debilitating.

“Food? Heck yeah!” She exclaimed, on a much happier note, “There is a little diner just around the corner. It’s Miss Betty’s place.’” She quickly looked towards the mess room, and shook her head while she thumbed that way. “Chief’s a great guy, but the only thing the guy can make that’s any decent is a grilled cheese.” Jumping up from her seat, she moved towards the mess room and shouted in: “Chief, I’m taking the Fed to Betty’s! We should be back, soon.” All she heard in reply was a grunt and a cough, which she racked up to him swallowing too much at a time.

“This way.” She said, as she grabbed her personal phone off of her desk and walked out of the front of the office, and into the street. Kira whistled on their way to Betty’s, which was literally just right around the corner, as she had stated. It was an old-fashioned tattered hole-in-the-wall diner, that looked like it had been there for ages. There was a crooked welcome sign, that glowed in neon red. Inside, there looked to be about a dozen patrons--all of various supernatural origin. “Here we are.” She motioned ahead, as they made their way across the street.

“Now, Betty is about the nicest person in this town--even though she’s a troll. I’m not sure if you have the Sight or not, but if you do--don’t stare. She takes it personally. It’s not easy being 253 years old, and having a few crows feet, you know?” Kira winked, as she opened the door to the diner, and was greeted with the overwhelming smell of bacon. “Aaah. It’s Tuesday, isn’t it? BLT’s and cheddar potato soup, special.”

“Hey Betty!” Kira exclaimed, as she took a seat up beside the counter and winked. Betty, for those who didn’t have the Sight, looked like an average middle-aged woman with brown curls and dark hazel eyes. For those who did have the Sight, though, she looked mostly like a normal human being, aside from her skin being more wrinkled and her features a lot more plump and disfigured. It wasn’t normal for trolls to wear clothes either, but Betty did so out of common courtesy. She was, after all, running a diner. “Hey dear. I’ll get the special ready for yah.” Betty replied, with a warm smile. “What can I get yah friend there?” Kira looked at Nick, with a tilt of her head. “Best not make Miss Betty wait…” She winked at Nick, waiting on his response.

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