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Realistic or Modern ❝ BURY A FRIEND. ❞ - [ chatter ]

i made two characters who are basically opposites,,, meaning if either gets picked i have to RP these fuckin maniacs
lmAAOO felt that I'm completely the opposite of my character so my bubbly ass is gonna have to play this cold ice queen who just wants to read her book if i get picked
oh lord, I basically took my sarcastic little shit self, filled her with even more ungodly amounts of angst, gave her 50 guns to use whenever she wants, and made sure she does a much better job of covering her anxiety about her current lifestyle with sarcastic wit, loud music and a passion for blowing up heads-
everyone is looking stunning and murdoc is just a DUMBASS idk how this group is gonna survive under his lead i-
gdflgkldkf murdoc's gonna be a great leader ok

if haneul ends up being intellect:

"logically speaking, we're as strong as our weakest link"

let me just say, if lita becomes shooter, she will absolutely make memes, print them out and stick them all over the school-

especially ones about how much she hates the headmaster.

i need to update my cs. she's gotta have a lot more scars just from pissing people off
let me just say, if lita becomes shooter, she will absolutely make memes, print them out and stick them all over the school-

especially ones about how much she hates the headmaster.

i need to update my cs. she's gotta have a lot more scars just from pissing people off
i'm just saying but daddy coldridge will be FUMING at all the memes being posted around the school lmaO
ah shit! im about to answer the "what would you change about yourself" question with "I WANT FOUR ARMS TO HOLD MORE GUNS" and then i read mina's cs...... im glad i did though- do you mind?? sophie. sophie.
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hahah great minds think alike,, yeah whatever you can still use it! it’s not an original idea or anything, plenty of people would have said that
ok but watch everyone stick memes everywhere and daddy coldridge™ gets angry at doccie for not having his team under control and takes out his frustration on him yeshellobye
oh my gosh how did i not realize this thread was here?? i have missed so, so much; you guys are gold, absolute gold.

p.s. character will be uuuup today, i swear! life has been kind of wild lately?? that's my excuse for not getting them up yet??
I've got such an urge to create a scientist character with actual pyromaniac tendencies and finding every excuse possible to try and involve fire in anything he does

"okay we need to take down xyz, let's put a bullet between his eyes"

"okay but hear me out-"


"I swear-"

"scientist, no."


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