• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ❝ BURY A FRIEND. ❞ - [ chatter ]

i- these are all such a call out i LOVE it

just letting everyone know i’m gonna be chilling at a friend’s place so i’ll be on and off tonight and tomorrow morning but if there’s anything i can help with please let me know !!!
daddy coldridge probably just couldn't figure out how to buy bitcoins to surf the dark web so he decided to snatch teens instead
The coldridge recruiting manual
1. Must have immense potential
2. Must also have parental issues/trauma
Finding theme songs are not easy but at least now I can finally say I am done w my scientist
i’m so close to making another character,,, i basically already have her bc she’s from an RP that never started,,,,,,,,

hmmm might do it
y'all i didn't even know this page existed and now after scrolling through all of the meme's i am shook these are AMAZIN 14/10
these memes ?? my crops are growing, my skin is cleared and we’re thriving ladies and gentlemen

just a reminder that you can apply for multiple roles but only one will be accepted !
Serena: my favorite genre is electroswing.

Serena: my theme song would be Back in Black by AC/DC


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