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Fantasy Burning Skies


Dusty Wanderer
This is just a guideline...




(Human or Thrall)


[PICTURE and/or description]



Eye colour:

Hair colour:





Skills and abilities:


Approved Characters:

Orphaned Characters:

(Name: Race - Affiliation - Occupation)

The Fallen:
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Name: Ains Reed

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Height: 6'2''


Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Blonde

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Archer

Personality: Quiet, anti-social, almost more animal than man in nature and very slow to trust, but what he lacks in social graces, he more than makes up for in consideration. He'll play the grouch and almost never smiles, but he won't mind the odd joke and doesn't make judgments of other people. When he's not shying away from strangers, he's reading the mood and figuring out whatever someone needs. His actions speaking louder than his words, he'll often assist others unannounced then slink away just as suddenly.

However, when he's on the hunt for a dragon, his personality takes a drastic change. He becomes more assertive, more harsh and he won't allow anyone but himself to lead a hunt. In this state, he'll have things done his way and he'll brook no arguments. He's seen plenty of people die in his time and he's had enough. Doesn't matter who you are, you'll follow his lead if you want to live or you can go right back to where you came from.

History: As the first born son of a knight, Ains was a squire at the time the dragons appeared. He was present during the very first battle against them and killed his first dragon with a ballista as the situation quickly deteriorated. The last one to retreat to the stone jail cells, Ains waited until the dragons had gone away and by the time it was all over, he and a handful of others were the only survivors left in their entire kingdom. He never saw his father after the battle.

It has been two decades since then and he has lived as a dragon slayer the entire time, wandering from settlement to settlement, forming and leading hunting parties. Many people under his charge have died over the years and many still resent his presence when he arrives, coming to collect more sons and daughters for his foolhardy mission, but there are always enough brave souls willing to join him. Those skilled or fortunate enough to survive usually end up leading hunts of their own.

Skills and abilities:
(In order of proficiency)

  • Archery
  • Fletching
  • Fieldcraft
  • Stealth
  • Swordsmanship
  • Horse riding

Extra: Wields a longbow and shortsword, often seen wearing a brown hooded cloak.
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Vera Rahgot








Dragon Slayer


5’ 9”


130 lbs

General Appearance

Vera has a thin yet muscular build, angular features, hair hued a dark ebony, soft blue eyes, and a pale complexion.

Weapon of Choice



Vera’ personality is a bit muddled. More often than not, she’s exceedingly intellectual. Having knowledge on subjects she can’t remember learning about yet wouldn’t think twice about correcting you. Not so much for the learning opportunity, yet for the pure humor of comical reactions. Vera is also quite serious, yet that doesn’t mean she hates sarcasm. Trust me, it’s used often.

Then we have a bit of a difference. Vera can be immature, having to making that joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, as mentioned above. Not often, but when needed she won’t hold back a retort in this manner. A tad antisocial. Not wanting to get involved with unnecessary social interactions. But, once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. This make Vera a bit harder to “get used to” than others. Learning how to deal with Vera is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.


Nothing that important to note until the dragon's came. Then Vera did what all humans trying to save their humanity did, hid underground. It was this way for many years, teaching herself on using a sword efficiently then using that skill to go hunt down those overgrown lizards. And after getting quite a few kills under her belt, karma finally caught up with her. As she climbed onto of a slumbering dragon’s head and stabbed her blade into it neck, she barely missed the nerve she needed to sever. Jumping off and making her way out of the cave, the dragon awoke. Vera was able to escape but not without a 1st degree burn on her back.

It's now three days after the attack, and things are beginning to become a bit more visible.​
Name: Gareth Bryne

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Human



Height: 5'11"

Weight: 197lb

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Light brown.

Affiliation: Dragon Slayer

Occupation: Pole arms expert.

Personality: Always one for gambling, when they aren't on a hunt you can usually find him with the rest of the band laughing at others misfortune and tearing his hair out at his own. With an attitude that changes like the wind, and a constant need to move in some way, some call him twitchy, bi-polar, and those that really don't like him call him crazy. He likes to view it as living life to the fullest.

History: Simple really, he was sick of that cave and everyone in it. When the Slayers came around, like they do every so often, he jumped at the chance to join them. He hadn't seen a dragon first hand until his first hunt, the survivors of the first few battles telling them to find shelter underground. But the sight that met him nearly caused him to drop his naginata, a family heirloom, in fear. The beast was massive and colored a solid bronze color, and there it lay sound asleep. Every noise he thought would wake it, but it continued to slumber right up until he stabbed it's heart with his spear. The rest of the band also stabbed the dragon, though in major muscle groups to prevent it from moving to much and possibly collapsing the cave in it's death throws. He has killed many dragons since then, almost all in different ways and using different tactics.

Skills and abilities:
((In order of proficiency because that's a good idea to do.))

  • Pole arm combat
  • Knife combat for when things get to close
  • Horse riding
  • Foraging

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Daniel reaving] [B]Name: isabella lavenza[/B] [B]Age: 8[/B] [B]Gender: female[/B] [B] Race: human[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] [B] [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/image-jpg.150171/ said:

Height: 4"3

Weight: 61 pounds

Eye colour: orange

Hair colour: black

Affiliation: theif

Occupation: theif

Personality: isabella is a quiet and shy little girl with a massive tendance to avoid people and stay quiet

History: isabella was abandoned on the streets when she was 4 and left rot but she learned how to keep herself alive in the city by stealing.

Skills and abilities: quiet. Sneaky. Swift hands.


Um...you most likely would've died at that age during an DRAGON APOCALYPSE. In my option, this was a poor character choice for such a setting.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Theres always a way to survive

Left on the streets at 4 in a medieval era...no one would've cared and she would've died from diseases, the cold, hunger, the list go's on....

In short, you wouldn't be mentally developed enough to survive on your own at 4.
I don't have a say on characters. But I suggest expanding her personality and backgroud, which I'm sure you are already doing. I also don't like the shy and avoids people personality, really limits what you can do in an rp, and anti-social people are boring, no matter what animes, cartoons, and shows in general have to say.
Beowulf said:
I don't have a say on characters. But I suggest expanding her personality and backgroud, which I'm sure you are already doing. I also don't like the shy and avoids people personality, really limits what you can do in an rp, and anti-social people are boring, no matter what animes, cartoons, and shows in general have to say.
And that is what im doing i just dont have tine to go into the detail i want to. Shes just a base for the moment and i an making her better when i can
Aw, do give him a chance guys. I'll be the one deciding whether to approve his character or not anyway. That said though, I definitely won't be approving Isabella as she is now and I know you're working on that, @Daniel reaving, but 4 IS a bit too young to have a functional charry in this rp. Try maybe 12 or 14, somewhere thereabouts.

Also, the dragons showed up and wrecked face 20 years before the current time of the rp, so anyone born afterwards would not have been born in a city, those belong to the dragons now. Try maybe an underground tunnel system, or a cave in some mountain, or maybe the sewer underneath a large city, but definitely not in the streets.

All the information you'd need should've been available in the overview, but I still haven't finished setting it up yet, so that's my fault. Do have a poke around the ooc thread though, I think I cleared up a few things there. If that doesn't help, then please ask questions, I'll help in any way I can.

Also, if everyone doesn't mind, please keep discussions to the ooc thread, it's getting a bit cluttered in the sign-up aisle, er, I mean section.
A bit bare bones, but I guess I can approve. Would it be safe to assume that he's part of Ains's group or is he solo, he ridin' solo, he ridin' solo, he ridin' solo, solo?
Enkerzed said:
A bit bare bones, but I guess I can approve. Would it be safe to assume that he's part of Ains's group or is he solo, he ridin' solo, he ridin' solo, he ridin' solo, solo?
Yeah Libel would be apart of Ains' group if that's alright with you. I can add on a bit more to his history if you want, what is it that's a bit barebones? I'll fix it.
Eh, don't worry about it. You can flesh him out more as we rp. Anyways, yeah, s'alright if he's part of group. I guess Gareth can finally have someone to talk to.
Enkerzed said:
Eh, don't worry about it. You can flesh him out more as we rp. Anyways, yeah, s'alright if he's part of group. I guess Gareth can finally have someone to talk to.
Haha cool beans, this is my first RP though on this forum (thought I should let you know), how do I jump right into the RP?
You... write a post? I guess lol. Just consider what's going on right now. The leader of the group's gone to scout ahead, everyone else is just chilling in the forest then boom, dragon flies overhead. How does one react to this?
Enkerzed said:
You... write a post? I guess lol. Just consider what's going on right now. The leader of the group's gone to scout ahead, everyone else is just chilling in the forest then boom, dragon flies overhead. How does one react to this?
Haha, sorry for the noob-ish question, I'm just a bit nervous of joining a large forum and messing up haha. Thanks for the info. I'll get started, I'm looking forward to RPing with you all.
Enkerzed said:
You... write a post? I guess lol. Just consider what's going on right now. The leader of the group's gone to scout ahead, everyone else is just chilling in the forest then boom, dragon flies overhead. How does one react to this?
Hey i finaly edited my char xD is she better now?

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