Brightwood Characters


Elder Member
Post your characters here for me to accept them! Once accepted please start posting in the rp!
-Full Name: Valerie Ann Hill -Nickname: Valerie -Age: 19 -Gender: Female -Species: Witch -Job: Bathhouse Helper -Apperance:
-Personality: a dreamer, odd, mysterious, friendly -Family: none -Crush: none -History: she moved away from home to travel and see the world. -Other: she is gifted with magic, her element is air---------------------------------Full Name: Lily Marie Green -Nickname: Lily -Age: 17 -Gender: Female -Species: Elf -Job: Pottery Maker -Apperance:
-Personality: sweet, caring, soft spoken, shy, helpful -Family: none -Crush: none -History: she has loved making things out of clay since she was young. she is cerently traveling the world looking for new styles of pottery. -Other: none------------------------------------Full Name: Aiden Andrew Jefferson -Nickname: Aiden -Age: 17 -Gender: male -Species: human -Job: supermarket clerk -Apperance:
-Personality: outgoing, good sense of humor -Family: none -Crush: none -History: he was born and raised in Brightwood. his parents owned the supermarket. his parents died in the earthquake and he took over the store. -Other: none-----------------------------------Full Name: Sebastian James Adams -Nickname: James -Age: 23 -Gender: Male -Species: half elf -Job: blacksmith apprentice -Apperance:
-Personality: sarcastic, can be cold -Family: none -Crush: none -History: his mother was an elf and his father was a human. his father (who he was named after) left his mother shorty after he was born. -Other: he hates humans, he hates being called by his first name
accepted then heartsteal (although i messaged you that) feel free to post whenever)
Full Name: Reisuke Houjou

Nickname: Rei

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Job: Animal Breeder

Personality: Seemingly harmless four year old, however, he is quite intelligent, and usually gets what he wants through expert planning; he's a brilliant strategist. Prankster, and doesn't care for adults.

Family: Nobody

Crush: Nobody... at the moment... probably never will... at least, not in this RP, anyway.

History: He has lived here since he was born, but after that, his parents abandoned him. He was left in a farmhouse, but luckily for him, he was intelligent, and knows how to cook scrambled eggs.

Other: Quite creepy, and he knows how to make poison from egg yolk. Pfft, lol. Why would he need it is the question...

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never saw someone chose their main character as a 4 year old but he is so adorable. cant wait to see what he will do! accepted!
Full name: Lucia Bethany Woods

Nicknames: Lucy, Lucia

Age: 15 1/2

Gender: Female.

Species: Shapeshifter; into a fox.

Job: Park ranger part time.


Personality: Cares alot (ALOT) about other animals, friendly, slight temper.

Family: Has an older brother who aids her during work.

Crush/Spouse: Nope. None. Nada.

History: Lucia's parents died while she was very young, leaving her completely in her older brother's care. Luckily, she was quiet independent and learned to share the chores with her brother. She explores alot, being one to enjoy new things and species.

Other: She likes cheese cake. (lol.)
could you perhapes make lucy's brother since you mention she has his help? You are accepted then. post whenever.
oh yeah, sure.

Full name: Tyler Woods

Nicknames: Ty

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human. Very strong, however.

Job: Park ranger.


Personality: Likes animals. Calm, cool, and friendly. Dislikes annoying people, though.

Family: Little sister, Lucia.

Crush/Spouse: Not yet.

History: Tyler's parents died when he was young, leaving him to, of course, take care of his younger sister. He also had to take on many responsibilities, acting on as a guardian, but nevertheless is a good person.

Other: Allergic to cheese. (ironic, right?)
why, thank ya. xD

lol but Valeria is freaking HOT! (and this is coming from a girl.) lol
haha yep. well im going to edit the first post on the forum (i have two friends who will be joining soon i hope) so feel free to post when you want.
Character Skeleton:Full Name: Zane Memoria nightfall

Nicknames: Zane

Age: 76

Gender: male

Species: Neko

Job: Theif


Personality: distant

Family: no one currently in the village

Crush/Spouse: no one yet

History: Zane was born in a land far away and was taught to steal and not be seen,beyond that and the fact that he has controll over slight magic his history before this town is a secret. Zane came to this town out of need, he was homeless like always but he was running low on money, and this town was the next town before the big city. he felt something call him to this town before the big city.

Other: Zane fights with knives and illusions also can use darkness to hide himself-----------
thats fine. are you free right now? i could bring a character outside or you could take zane somewhere.
Full Name: Honovi Camus

Nicknames: Honovi

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Selkie

Job: Fisherman


Personality: A bit paranoid, but always polite. Protective of his sister aorund males.

Family: Adele

Crush/Spouse: TBA

History: He grew up in a very superstitious pod, so his experience with humans was very limited when he was younger. His curiousity, however, drove him to want to research humans, and requested that he be allowed to live on land to see if land-dwellers were as evil as he had always been told. It was approved, on the condition he check in At the beginning of ever Fall and Spring. Although he's adjusting well to life on land, a run-in with a few very touchy-feeling women in a city has left him terrified of being touched by anyone whom he doesn't know.

Soon after returning from his last visit to his pod, he discovered his younger sister washed up on the beach. He's letting her stay, but only if she learns the humans' language and etiquette, like he did when he was preparing to come to land, and that she returns to the pod, at least to visit, the next time he returns. For now, he translates for Adele when she tries to talk to other people.

Other: Spends a lot of time in the library when he's not fishing.

Full Name: Adele Camus

Nicknames: Adele, Adi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Selkie

Job: None yet


Personality: She seems childish and airheaded, because of her inexperience with land-dwellers, and is a bit naive at times. She can be bossy to her brother, though.

Family: Honovi

Crush/Spouse: TBA

History: She's always been jealous that her older brother got to travel and have adventures on land, while she was stuck with the pod. So, during his most recent visit, she decided to run away and follow him, since he couldn't just send her back. She kept up with him pretty well, but got stuck in a storm when they reached land, and ended up waching up on land unconsious. After the initial shock of finding her, and getting her some clothes, thay made an agreement that she could stay, as long as she tried ot learn the ways and returned during Honovi's next visit. She's begun to realize the mistake of coming on land unprepared, but she's having fun learning everything.

Other: So far, she can only say a few words, so she mostly just barks at people in seal-speak and yells 'fish'(her favorite word).

Full Name: Benjamin Janes

Nicknames: Ben

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Job: Mail work


Personality: Very kind and caring, basically like he's a father to eeryone he meets. Doesn't like asking for help, even when he needs it.

Family: Aleah, Ashton, Jonathan

Crush/Spouse: N/A

History: Before the earthquake, he worked in the mines. He was very proud of his family, and had a good relationship with his wife. Unfortunatly, his wife dies in the quake, and his legs were badly injured. Though he wanted to mourn his wife, he knew he needed to take care of his children, and also decided to take in a little boy who had been orphaned. He's slowly getting use to using a wheelchair, but he still has difficulties at time. Since he obviously couldn't continue his work, he decided to start a mail delivery service with his daughters, so that the townspeople could keep in touch with their relatives and friends who live or moved out of the village.



Full Name: Aleah Janes

Nicknames: Leah

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Job: Mail worker


Personality: Very kind, but a bit of a nit-picker. She's very motherly to the younger townpeople. She can have a bit of a temper when she's tired or stressed, though.

Family: Benjamin, Ashton, Jonathan

Crush/Spouse: TBA

History: Aleah was looking forward to getting married her whole life. After the earthquake, however, she put that dream on hold, so she could take care of her injured father and take over the position of woman-of-the-house. She does most of the odd jobs around the house, and does most of the carrying, while her father mostly just sorts into bags. Although she still wants to get married, she wound never admit it anymore, because she doesn't want to upset her father.

Other: When she has free time, she often walks aimlessly around town.


Full Name: Ashton Janes

Nicknames: Ash

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Job: Mail delivery


Personality: She can be very sarcastic and rude at times, but will settle down if you stand up to her.

Family: Benjamin, Aleah, Jonathan

Crush/Spouse: TBA

History: She was probably the hardest hit by the earthquake, since she didn't have a job that she immediatly fell into afterwards, since it made her feel useless. Her grief translated into attitude problems, while she's trying to figure out where she fits. She also hates that her father adopted Jon, since she feels he was only trying to fill the gap left by her mother's death. She's constantly fighting with and being mean to her new brother.

Other: She sometimes avoids work to cry. This is probably the best time to talk to her, since she's not as up-tight and angry.


Full Name: Jonathan Rothart-Janes

Nicknames: Jon

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Species: Half-elf

Job: Mail delivery


Personality: Usually nice, but can be a bit of a know-it -all.

Family: Benjamin, Aleah, Ashton

Crush/Spouse: N/A

History: His parents were killed in the earthquake, and he just wandered around town, stealing from empty houses for a while. Then Aleah found him when she was out for a walk, and offered to give him some food. Mr. Janes then offered took him in, and told him he could help deliver mail, when they got the delivery service officially started up. Though he likes his new family overall, he still wants to keeo his old surname as well, ans doesn't really get along with Ashton. She has no real problem with her, other than the fact she's really rude to him, but he's also not willing to be the first to try to end the fight, since she's the one who started it.

Other: He loves to read, so he knows a lot, but still overestimates how much.

(By the way, what's the minimum marriage age?

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