Brightwood Characters

heh yea. i know. well um just so everyone knows as soon as i am done working on homework i forgot about im heading to bed.
[MENTION=1652]Moonstone[/MENTION]: Yeah i do like DN Angel, DN Angel is part of my inspiration to most things
hey guys (home sick so thats why i am on now) if you ever want to make a new character just post them in a new post on here. just so i can see it and add them to the first page
Ne, don't worry about it. It's something from, like, our first RP together. It's absolutly nothing of importance. I'm just wierd about my characters. ^^;

@Blackwind: Cool. I'm not done with it yet, but I really like DN Angel so far. :)
Let's balance gender a little more, mm?

Full Name: Brendan Finnian Callahan

Nicknames: Finn, Bren

Age: 21

Gender: male

Species: elf

Job: waiter at the inn


View attachment 1520

Personality: friendly, clumsy except when in the kitchen or the inn, easily amused, quick to cheer others

Family: -

Crush/Spouse: Nobody ^_~

History: Brendan moved to the island with his sister about a year before the earthquake happened. After the earthquake, his sister disappeared. He's waiting for her to come back, and he knows that there is no sense searching for her if she doesn't want to be found. That is, unless she's dead, in which case, Brendan would rather not have to deal with all of the depression that comes with the loss of a loved one.

Other: He can cook pretty well.
its ok. we can pretend. accepted. im on if you wanna talk to one of my characters then :)
Whee! I will, no worries. Poor little Brendan is gunna need something to do.

I'm just waiting for the person that started the love (technically crush) triangle to get on, so I can have a little fun with the plot ^_~

Notice the fun we can have with the plot I left in Brendan's history thingy.
yeah. im bored though so i have no idea what to do. ill prob just post to myself. lol
I'm posting to myself for the girls, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna post to myself for Amariana and Vincent or not
Full Name: Cecilia May Willow -Nickname: Cecilia, Lia -Age: Appears 17 but is over 100 years -Gender: Female -Species: Vampire & Witch -Job: Hunter -Appearence:
-Family: None -Crush/Spouse: Has lingering feelings for the vampire boy but is trying to move on. -History: She was born into a rich family and attended a private academy for witches to learn how to use their magic. She meet a vampire boy while in school and feel for him. He ended up losing control and biting her. Thinking he killed her, he fled. She did not die, but instead turned into a vampire herself. After being turned she searched for many years to find the boy but never did. -Other: Survives off the blood of animals she kills. Likes to be outside in the day but stays in the shade or uses an umbrella. ---------------------------------------- (If someone wants to play the vampire boy you may, I don't mind.)
Although I don't want you to kill Zane, I do want to see Raiden again(surprisingly). I feel wierd being the only one using old characters. ^^;
hmm then back to my old ways of brothers hating eachother

--- Merged Double Post ---

Character Skeleton:Full Name: Nicholas Faith Nightngale Nicknames: Mashik Age: 24 Gender:Male Species: Vampire (turned) Job: Jester Apperance:

Personality:Kind serious when needed to be Family: Ian Keos Nightngale Crush/Spouse: None yet History: Nicholas moved here after a particularly bad run in with his brother back in Mossvile, leaving in the middle of the night to come here to this little town to try and start over, again. Other: He uses a scythe as his weapon as well as skilled in many other tricks that he will reveal in time
((i believe that was his picture >.<'))

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Character Skeleton:Full Name: Ian Keos Nightngale Nicknames: Raiden Age: 29 Gender: Male Species: Possesed human Job: Killing or capturing his brother Apperance:
Personality: Cold hard impervious to most emotions Family: Nicholas Faith Nightngale Crush/Spouse:no one anymore History: This story of hunting has happened before and he is doing it again even though last time we saw these two they were happy and in love women things went wrong fast and now Ian is after his brother again Other: fights with a crystaline sword that can cut just about anything but it's opposite which Nicholas has

(i know this is the right picture
:D ))

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of course she would have went to bed >.>
You know, I leave a roleplay for two hours, come back after going to bed....and the roleplays have gone forward three pages....

This is what happens Tuesday nights, I guess.

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