Brightwood Characters

Sorry people, I'm having issues with posting. Sage, I tried to post them....and it wouldn't let me, then I lost it all. I'm remaking it now.

Can I just claim jobs of librarian, assistant librarian, bard/singer and blacksmith before they get kidnapped?
yea ri (im just gunna call you that on here) ill make sure no one takes the spots. and yes centy the gangs all here now and online. :)
Full Name: Amariana Christine Ackley

Nicknames: Aria by friends, but the twins call her Ama

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: lamia

Job: bard/singer/musician whatever you call it :)

Apperance: View attachment 1484 you can't tell by the picture, but she has a blue snake tail instead of legs

Personality: soft-spoken, but not shy, kind, calm

Family: nobody, but she takes care of the twins Wisteria and Aika

Crush/Spouse: Nobody ^_~

History: Amariana learned everything from her mom, and never knew her father. She left home at seventeen, traveling to share her music with the people of the world. In one town, she came upon a burning house, where she found the twins outside. She now has settled here, mostly for the sake of the twins.

Other: She can weave magic into her singing and playing (she plays a golden harp and a silver flute) to enchant people. (I'll ask your permission, and it is ok to say no. I'm not one for god-modding) She is adept at making poison and fighting with knives or daggers. She's teaching the girls to sing and play instruments, and is also teaching Wisteria how to fight.

Full Name: Aika Melody Alair

Nicknames: Melody

Age: 5

Gender: female

Species: half elf

Job: librarian's assistant

Apperance: View attachment 1485

Personality: shy, easily scared, doesn't make friends easily

Family: Wisteria

Crush/Spouse: nobody

History: When their house burned down and killed their parents, the twins were taken in by Amariana. Aika was really upset, and was never the same afterwards.

Other: She has an intense fear of fire, and an inner talent for singing

Full Name: Wisteria Lydia Alair

Nicknames: Wisty

Age: 5

Gender: female

Species: half elf

Job: Librarian

Apperance: View attachment 1486

Personality: friendly, cheerful, protective of her older sister

Family: Aika

Crush/Spouse: nobody

History: When their house burned down and killed their parents, the twins were taken in by Amariana. It was Wisteria's idea to take over the abandoned library where the three now reside.

Other: She's learning fighting techniques from Amariana.

Full Name: Vincent Alphonse Rivers

Nicknames: definitely NOT Vinny

Age: 20

Gender: male

Species: human

Job: blacksmith

Apperance: View attachment 1487

Personality: not openly friendly, gentlemanly (but not creepily so, if you know what I mean), strict with those he believes needs it.

Family: NPCs (unless you ask me if you can be related to him) that he writes to every so often

Crush/Spouse: Nobody ^_~

History: He grew up in a normal household. He was an apprentice to his mother, a master blacksmith. Just before he left to open his own smithy, his father died of an illness. He can be harsh sometimes, but he really doesn't mean any harm.

Other: He can fight pretty well with any weapon he picks up, but he prefers a scythe or a two-handed sword.
Yeah, old times.

Don't worry about it. I'm having super dyslexia from not typing much, or perhaps just not caring.
Full Name: Relen Arcel Demus

Nicknames: Arcel by those that know him well

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Job: Bar Owner

Appearance: How he looks

Personality: Relen is aloof, but a caring and laid-back person. He tends to daze off, and often apologizes for doing so. He cares for others, and does things to cheer people up when they are down (like occasionally giving drinks on the house). He is also very insightful, often knowing what others are thinking when he cares to.

Family: none

Crush/Spouse: He has a crush on Amariana, though he would never admit it.

History: Relen's whole family was murdered when he was young. Having no relatives, he began to live of the goodwill of others. He lived in his parent's house, and often would play in the family bar. During the great earthquake, his families' house was destroyed. He moved into the bar, and began to clean it up. He opened it up for people to enjoy, as after the quake he couldn't stand to continue to live off of other people, who were in such hardship. He refuses to let his burden show to others.

Other: The bar he runs is for all ages, keeping both alcohol and regular beverages.

Full Name: Gailen Artold

Nicknames: Gailen

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Elf

Job: Bartender

Appearance: His appearance

Personality: Gailen is generally cold, to everyone but his sister. He appears to be stand-offish, and generally talks as if he just doesn't care. He is quick to take offense, and doesn't back down.

Family: Kayla Artold

Crush/Spouse: none, though some suspect he may be a siscon

History: Gailen used to be a cool, fun loving guy, but he tended to ignore his younger sister. During the earthquake, however, everyone in his family died except him and his sister. All his friends died as well. After this, he became distant for a while, but then he realized he needed to get a job. He started to work for Relen, and began to appreciate his sister, the only person he had left. Although he hates Relen, he holds a bit of admiration for the man. Or, at least he did, until he found out his sister had a crush on Relen.

Other: Don't say anything bad about his sister. Just, don't.

Full Name: Kayla Artold

Nicknames: Kay

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Job: none

Appearance: Anime/7c94817121f3f1d5138517454d9925f03774cd5f.jpg

Personality: Kayla is fun loving, and enjoys being around her older brother. She is somewhat oblivious, and a bit of a clutz.

Family: Gailen Artold

Crush/Spouse: She has a crush on Relen. It drives her brother crazy

History: Kayla didn't have many friends before the earthquake, and her brother seemed even further away. She did all she could to comfort him, bringing him back from dispair. She wants to help her brother by getting a job, though he won't let her. She often spends her days at her brother's work, where she developed a crush on Relen.

Other: She likes to sing.
This is gunna be fun :D Love triangles are always fun! (I quite prefer quadrangles or pentangles, myself...)
oh yes love triangles are fun haha. never went beyond a triangle though (i was in one once, not as fun in real life)
I've never really seen anything beyond a quadrangle. It's too bad, really, but I feel like that would be way too much. I can't say I'm jealous that you were in one, though...that's gotta be hard.

I gotta go. Gotta take a shower, etc, and maybe clean my room up a little more. Probably just gunna take the shower, and come back on here for a couple minutes before my mother sends me to bed.
alrightly. well i will be getting off for a few then to shower but i will keep checking til i pass out
sounds interesting so i'll join (or at least try to)

Full Name: Niwa Gem Satari

Nicknames: Kaze

Age: 200 in Elf terms, 20 in human terms

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Elf

Job: Father/Head War-Priest


Personality: {found in History}

Family: Dai

Crush/Spouse: N/A

History: Niwa was the first-born of him and his brother. Niwa is noble and first in line of the last two to his elven kin the Askards to have the throne. He is loyal to his brother and the town. He is honest and thoughtful to everyone and everything. His mother died giving birth to his brother and his father died during the earthquake. Niwa decided to take the righteous path and serve the Elven god Kord, the god of peace and war.

Other: Wields a Broadsword and wears the armor in the pic. The armor he wears even while preaching as a symbol and devotion to the god Kord

Full Name: Dai Jade Satari

Nicknames: Soul

Age: 190 in Elf terms, 19 in human terms

Gender: Male

Species: Half-Elf

Job: Hunter


Personality: {found in history}

Family: Niwa

Crush/Spouse: N/A

History: Dai was the second-born and the last to be born of him and his brother. his mother died giving birth to him and his father died 5/50 years later from the earthquake. Niwa saved Dai by hiding them both underneath the families hardwood and stone table which held even while being pummeled with rocks and stone. Dai worships Kord and is fully loyal to only his brother. Even though Dai took a different path instead of following his brother, he chose a path that fit him well. He hunts for anything and anyone as his job.

Other: Wears the armor in picture. He also wields the staff, each end is tipped with a blade.
A couple late-replies, since I forgot that here was some ooc chatting going on, but...:

Yay for the old gang being back together! ~dances~ But...the love-triangle discussion depresses me... ~sigh~ (Unfortunatly, I'm still sad about *that*. Even though I didn't even remember it until the discussion arose. ^^; )

Also, [MENTION=1144]blackwind1kaze[/MENTION]: You don't happen to like DN Angel, do you? 'Cause your characters' names remind me of the one main character's name (Daisuke Niwa).
Just out of curiousity, do you remember what *that* is? I think Sage knows, since it comes up in convo whenever we talk RP's at her house, but it's been awhile for you and Centy.

(By the way, a not to Centy and Sage: Ya'll don't have to worry about it. It's not your fault I have an unhealthy attachment to anything I've given a name to...)

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